* Update the function signature of P_MixUp to accomodate both it and drawangle instead of doing it outside of the function.
* If the player is spawning from the start of the stage and it's from the ceiling, be in fall frames as requested (resolves#191).
Someone thought it was a good fucking idea to make logins NetXCmds. NetXCmds
are sent to everyone however. Thankfully logins are two passes. And the second
pass uses a salt based on the playernum. Therefore, in order to actually make
use of the final hash, you'd have to be the same playernum as who originally
sent it. Still a stupid exploit.
P.S. The netcode is LOL XD by VincyTM -Telos
* Spheres in old special stages instead of rings!
* Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one!
* Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now!
* Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres!
* All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore.
* Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds!
* Consistency with...
* Spheres now flash in bonus time. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/452590553100713984/srb20032.gif
* Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.)
* useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS.
* CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/452844894113759233/srb20036.gif
* SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/452623869497573386/srb20034.gif
* Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages.
* Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time.
* Ideya!
* Its own "drowning" music!
* All of the object types for Dream Hill.
* GIF: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/452844894113759233/srb20036.gif
* Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button!
* Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment.
* Emerald hunt uses new sprites!
* Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
* M_StartMessages when file loading goes wrong! (Determined by CONS_Alerts of warning level CONS_WARNING and CONS_ERROR happening after W_LoadWadFile has been called.)
* Now actively tries to keep your place on the menu if files are deleted between calls to preparefilemenu().
* More enums! DIR_ (for if you want to try embed more metadata in the dirmenu strings) and REFRESHDIR_ (for refreshing the menu and handling warnings).
* Handle changing size menu between calls to opendir() better.
* Don't crash on draw/enter attempt if one of the dirmenu's is null.
* Moved the addons menu to OP_MainMenu instead of MainMenu for now so it can be tested in MP without needing to mess with several menus.
* Display the amount of space used for serverinfo_pak's fileneeded on the addons menu, both visually and with a percentage.
*P_LookForEnemies is now side-effect-less and only provides a pointer to the found mobj
*player-jumping is dead, long live PF_STARTJUMP
*per Mystic's request, CA2_GUNSLINGER has a targeting icon. It also has a more restricted vertical aiming range.
*mobj for this is in the game as requested
*fast teetering animation flag
*general code cleanup
There's an outstanding issue - you can set forceskin to whatever you want to as the host. This needs to be fixed, but I'm commiting my successes first.
-If the server tries to kick a joiner who is downloading the game state, they will get a timeout instead, because a regular kick would only happen once the game state has been downloaded
-Added a timeout for player ticcmd packets, again to prevent freezes to happen in some cases
-File/game state downloading is now faster, the speed is controlled by the "downloadspeed" cvar, in packets per tic
-The reason is now properly shown when the server refuses connection
-Changed the default values of "nettimeout" to 10 seconds (previously 15) and "maxsend" to 4 MB (previously 1)
-Added a "noticedownload" cvar that displays a message in the server console when someone is downloading a file
-Updated packet name list so the debug file no longer shows garbage packet names
-Replaced byte values with actual net command names in the debug file. Only the first net command in a packet will be shown though
-Added a MOBJCONSISTANCY define that makes the game takes all revelant mobjs to be counted in the synch seed
-Added a PACKETDROP define that adds two console commands "drop" and "droprate" to simulate bad internet by dropping packets
-Added/changed comments here in there in the netcode
-Fixed a minor error that would ignore one of the urgent ack slots
-Added a space between the map name and "zone" for the messages shown in a joiner's console
* Camerascale, shieldscale, height and spinheight are now player attributes which are set to the skin attribute on skin change, not read directly from the skin.
* P_GetPlayerHeight and P_GetPlayerSpinHeight are now macros instead of functions.
* Extra protection against switching to a locked skin.