* Update all the other V_DrawCroppedPatch calls to match the new behaviour.
* Fix the OGL version of V_DrawCroppedPatch to match the new behaviour.
(To justify my changes: It's not exposed to Lua, and the function signature was a mess. This way it's easier to mentally map how it would work.)
* cv_useranalog is now hidden from the menu.
* Directionchar now attempts to face the camera direction when you're standing still, and handles a few other states with more decorum.
* Tailsbot is now slightly more capable of keeping up with Sonic.
* pflags rearranged/adjusted, combining a few non-simulstaneous ones and turning PF_NIGHTSFALL into CR_NIGHTSFALL.
* [unrelated to branch] all ground-impact based abilities now happen more consistently with quicksand.
Revamped Level Select (platter view)
Seriously revamped every level select instance in the game to use a more attractive and easier to navigate platter view, including:
* Game CLEAR! save (Title/Pause menus)
* Secrets Menu (including custom ones)
* Record Attack/NiGHTS Mode
* Server creation (Online/2P)
* MP Pause level select (Online/2P)
As a result, the layout of the last three above menus has been changed to varying degrees of difference.
Also, bonus feature: using level select (or MAP MAPxx without -force) in Co-op multiplayer won't reset your score, will keep any lives you have above the startinglives variable, and will not take away all your emeralds. The -force thing prevents both warping directly to special stages to rack up the emeralds AND ensures there IS a way to start a new game.
Check out <root>/!LatestSRB2Files/srb2win_branch_levelselect.exe with the latest patch.dta to see more.
Also, LF2_WIDEICON lets you do this. https://gfycat.com/MenacingClearAngora
See merge request !68
Simple port of something I made for a 2.1 exe mod that Mystic mentioned
needed doing on the 2.2 Priorities topic
(http://mb.srb2.org/showpost.php?p=790613&postcount=4). Adds emblem type
"map", which gives you an emblem upon beating the map it's for. Var sets
more specific conditions; 1 for all emeralds completion, 2 for Ultimate
mode completion, 3 for Perfect Bonus completion. (These can be easily
removed if requested; these were added simply because it was easy to
implement for modders.)
Criticism on the way it's coded and/or how it is implemented is highly
encouraged. Test wad is <root>/TehRealSalt/levelemblems.wad,
pre-compiled exe is <root>/TehRealSalt/levelemblems.exe.
Hardcoded music name switches
Like I said earlier, it's better if all the hardcoded music switches in 2.2 start with an underscore so that it's harder to accidentally overwrite them.
Should be accepted when music.dta is updated.
See merge request !17
Use whatever names you want for your music. So long as you prefix the lumps with O_ or D_, it doesn't matter anymore.
DISCLAIMER: Linedef type 413 (change music) and Lua scripting is not tested.
(cherry picked from commit 025ca413a2)
# Conflicts:
# src/p_user.c
Use whatever names you want for your music. So long as you prefix the lumps with O_ or D_, it doesn't matter anymore.
DISCLAIMER: Linedef type 413 (change music) and Lua scripting is not tested.
*player->health (formerly the "HUD" health) is now to be known as player->rings, and now acts as the player's actual ring count
*player->mo->health (formerly rings + 1) is now always 1 when alive, regardless of ring count; if player with rings is damaged, this is untouched
Damage in normal SP/Coop gameplay has been tested and still works fine; still a lot of mess to clear up though
Tag damaging probably is broken now, I'll fix this later