This fixes an issue where patches cease to be drawn due to Y_UnloadData, but
the screen is still overwritten, causing the next wipe to start from void.
Basically a dedicated Record Attack-like experience for speedrunning the game as a continuous chunk rather than ILs. Has several quality of life features.
Benefits include:
* An unambiguous real-time bar across the bottom of the screen, always displaying the current time, ticking up until you reach the ending.
* Disable the console (pausing is still allowed, but the timer will still increment).
* Automatically skip intermissions as if you're holding down the spin button.
* Show centiseconds on HUD automatically, like record attack.
* "Live Event Backups" - a category of run fit for major events like GDQ, where recovery from crashes or chokes makes for better entertainment. Essentially a modified SP savefile, down to using the same basic functions, but has its own filename and tweaked internal layout.
* "spmarathon_start" MainCfg block parameter and "marathonnext" mapheader parameter, allowing for a customised flow (makes this fit for purpose for an eventual SUGOI port).
* Disabling inter-level custom cutscenes by default with a menu option to toggle this (won't show up if the mod doesn't *have* any custom cutscenes), although either way ending cutscenes (vanilla or custom) remain intact since is time is called before them.
* Won't show up if you have a mod that consists of only one level (determined by spmarathon_start's nextlevel; this won't trip if you manually set its marathonnext).
* Unconditional gratitude on the evaluation screen, instead of a negging "Try again..." if you didn't get all the emeralds (which you may not have been aiming for).
* Gorgeous new menu (no new assets required, unless you wanna give it a header later).
Changes which were required for the above but affect other areas of the game include:
* "useBlackRock" MainCFG block parameter, which can be used to disable the presence of the Black Rock or Egg Rock in both the Evaluation screen and the Marathon Run menu (for total conversions with different stories).
* Disabling Continues in NiGHTS mode, to match the most common singleplayer experience post 2.2.4's release (is reverted if useContinues is set to true).
* Hiding the exitmove "powerup" outside of multiplayer. (Okay, this isn't really related, I just saw this bug in action a lot while doing test runs and got annoyed enough to fix it here.)
* The ability to use V_DrawPromptBack (in hardcode only at the moment, but) to draw in terms of pixels rather than rows of text, by providing negative instead of positive inputs).
* A refactoring of redundant game saves smattered across the ending, credits, and evaluation - in addition to saving the game slightly earlier.
* Minor m_menu.c touchups and refactorings here and there.
Built using feedback from the official server's #speedruns channel, among other places.
Please look at the merge request description for a full explanation, since I know the vanilla team has been hashing this out and I don't want to add fuel to the fire without at least presenting a solid case.
(oddly enough, this actually revealed some secret file dependencies previously included via r_things.h! I also needed to include d_player.h in r_skins.h itself it seems)
* Move the visitation flags, Record Attack/NiGHTS Attack data, and emblem checking to outside of Y_StartIntermission.
* Y_CleanupScreenBuffer never got called for maps which skip the intermission, leading to a small memory leak; this is now fixed by moving it to G_AfterIntermission.
* Y_FollowIntermission was just G_AfterIntermission with modeattacking specific behaviour, but this is desired for all places where G_AfterIntermission is called, so just merge this into G_AfterIntermission.
Notably, these changes are necessary because there are now three maps in the main SP campaign which do not end with traditional intermissions. As a result, this fixes an issue where Black Core's tracks are not available in the Sound Test (due to MV_BEATEN never being applied).
Also, since I was here: Remove "gotperfect" from recorddata_t. This is a duplicate of `mapvisited[gamemap-1] & MV_PERFECT` which uses more memory. I have kept the new spacing in the gamedata for compatibility with RC1 savedatas, but moved it across to the original method everywhere else.
* Show emblem requirement on record attack menu
* Use bigger emblems on the menu.
* Display your best number of collected rings in yellow if reached perfect bonus.
* Adjusted XTRA frames (again)
* Enable SECTORSPECIALAFTERTHINK since we probably really want to use that sloped lava wave in RVZ.
* Allow for infinite lives to be set via the setlives command/Pandora's Box.
* Refactor P_DoFiring(), with guidance from Sal.
* Correct the CRAWLA HONCHO\nCAN NOW BECOME\nSUPER CRAWLA HONCHO sliding movement in non-green resolutions.
* Bomb sphere! Paraloopable hazard. Replaces MT_SPECIALSPIKEBALL.
* Blueberry bushes, both normal and Xmas, from patch.dta.
* BSZ tulips, also from patch.dta!
* Frozen Hillside badniks - Penguinator and Pophat.
* Frozen Hillside ice decoration!
* Fixed some big bugs with the DSZ light beams.
* Made multi-mare special stages work, in a troll way - the Chaos Emerald disappears in a puff of smoke, and the Spinbobert laughter sound plays... >:3c
* Reverted the mobjtype number changes from the source SOC/Lua, which we can do later when doing a final pass of the levels.
* State optimisation.
* Serious cruft-removal of the NiGHTS drone thinker.
* Fix the issues where the player wouldn't curl into jump in waterslides or dropping off rope-hangs.
* Tweak NiGHTS player flashing.
* Add text colour support to the titlecard font.
* Use that to make the PRESS SPIN\nMID-JUMP thing when you get all Chaos Emeralds use the titlecard font for readability.
* Fix the GOT ALL EMERALDS page not lasting the correct, extended amount of time.
* Fix that thing where flying mid-spin didn't enact autobrake.
* Modify graymap a little on Sryder's suggestion.
* [COMPLETELY UNRELATED] fix that thing where the addons menu will fail on files/paths with spaces in [/COMPLETELY UNRELATED]
* Spheres in old special stages instead of rings!
* Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one!
* Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now!
* Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres!
* All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore.
* Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds!
* Consistency with...
* Spheres now flash in bonus time.
* Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.)
* useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS.
* CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super.
* Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages.
* Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time.
* Ideya!
* Its own "drowning" music!
* All of the object types for Dream Hill.
* GIF:
* Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button!
* Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment.
* Emerald hunt uses new sprites!
* Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
* Fix that one comment Digiku mentioned. ;P
* Make extra lives/100 ring rewards consistent between lives being relevant and lives being infinite/not present, which was a problem this branch made evident when Race ended up getting the infinite lives symbol!
* Completely redid how splitscreen works, with eventual support for quads. Squish per-player stuff automatically into the right places! Works in GL, associated flag kills V_SPLITSCREEN.
* Seriously update the lives-drawing function for all gametypes, with strings that replace the lives number whenever it's missing (deprecates SKINNAMEPADDING).
* Improved how the nosshack works, alongside many other refactorings.
* Change the horizontal spacing of the emeralds on the special stage tally screen.
* (unrelated) Fix a reference to srb2.srb instead of the now-correct srb2.pk3.