Music pausing is now optional.
Sounds may be paused--on by default.
The game itself being paused in off-line mode is now optional.
(showfocuslost now loads from config.)
* `SPR2_NTAG` last vestiges removal.
* Removed need for `getskinfromdescription()` by calculating it once, at Menu load, and storing in `description_t`.
* Fixed nametag colour issues.
* Support widescreen with nametags.
* Fix a metric SHITTON of compiler errors.
* Redefining `x` and `y` within scope of previous `x` and `y` (`M_DrawSetupChoosePlayerMenu`)
* GCC straight up will not let you cast a `const char*` to a `char` (`V_DrawNameTag`)
* Redefining `lines` within the scope of the global.
* Redefining `string` within the function-specific `string`.
* It would be recommended for y'alls to turn ERRORMODE on!
* SPR2_XTRA - instead of defining lumpnames in S_SKIN, those kinds of assets can just be bundled into the spriteset. Required for ending cutscene stuff, I guess, but also done for HUD life icon and character select image (aside from Sonic&Tails, still SOC'd in).
* Minor oversights in SPR2 support corrected.
* Better evaluation, featuring ending assets.
* Intro has warping-in blackrock, reusing ending assets.
* Cutscene text now supports lowercase (intro and custom).
* Disable the asset-fucking "gamma correction" I put in over two years ago when implementing colour cube. (This is the only thing I could move into another branch if you MUST, but it's basically invisble in the diff so w/e.)
* Don't blank the screen if the top left pixel of a screen-covering patch is transparent. (Checked via nonzero topdelta for first column)
* OPENGL ONLY: The first ~20 frames of both endings are fucked. A little help here? Might be HWR_DrawFadeFill's fault, which I just created. OR it could be in f_finale, but I doubt it, since it doesn't appear in Software.
I really hate that PlayerMenu status hack, but that's really the only
way I could think off to show the entires for Tails, Knuckles and the
Sonic&Tails pair.
* Don't loop every frame for menu drawing parameters
* Fixed in-game escape menu not dimming correctly
* Fixed glitches on default title screen parameters
* Draw background over titlemap
* HIDEBACKGROUND to show titlemap
* Specify NOMUSIC or IGNOREMUSIC (to not change music)
* Linedef execs implemented for tree hierarchy, including bubbling (NOENTERBUBBLE/NOEXITBUBBLE)
* Menuid hierarchy fixes (Control mapping, joystick setup)
* Time attack handling fixes
* Specify custom wipes on runtime for D_Display and P_SetupLevel (for titlemap)
* Allow for forcing and skipping a wipe
* Wipe utility functions F_GetWipeLength and F_WipeExists
* M_SkyScroll optimization with still speeds; refactor background drawing
* Music (in time attack screens so far)
* FadeStrength
* HideTitlePics
* Scrolling backgrounds in Time Attack (moved F_SkyScroll to m_menu)
* Add a default behaviour to followmobj (just basic A_CapeChase).
* Allow for modifying which character starting a new SP game should start you on, relative to the first valid character. (SOC's "startchar" variable)
* Make MF2_SHADOW transferrable via linkdraw.
* Modify P_GetSkinSprite2's recursion limiter to have zero chance of ever infinitely looping.