-Hoops are spawned in P_SpawnHoop
-Item patterns are spawned in P_SpawnItemPattern
-Ring-like items are spawned normally via P_SpawnMapThing
-Bonus time items are spawned via P_SpawnBonusTimeItem, which is a wrapper for P_SpawnMapThing
* When activated, stops the timer in SP/MP.
* Applies to the mapheader countdowntimer as well.
* If you're playing Record Attack, also exits the level immediately.
* It has no special modes, no linedef flags, no parameters, nothing.
* Only not an innate property of A_BossDeath because people may want it to NOT happen sometimes, or make it happen with non-boss events too.
Also, skip over calling P_DoPlayerExit if the player isn't in game.
- Frontside x offset = boss ID (determined via parameter for all bosses)
- Noclimb flag = disable mode
- Bosses don't do a fuckin' THING - no state updates, no player searches, no sounds, no lua, no nothin' - and it's all totally netsynced.
- The only thing they WILL do is flash infinitely if you hurt them, but this is designed for stuff where you're not meant to be in the same room as the boss til it's activated.
- All bosses of all IDs are automatically enabled on mapload, then if an enable mode version of this linedef is present in the map for a specific boss id, that boss id is automatically disabled.
* Add multi-boss support via parameter for:
- All bosses' MT_BOSSFLYPOINT search
- Boss 5's waypoint search
- Oldbrak's waypoint search (this one's for you, jood)
* Port across the additional colour translation maps, including mobj-level support for "colorized" objects.
* Make Fangboss and both Metal Sonic objects greyscale if, on spawn, there is a player in the game who is not a spectator whose skin is that character.
* Allow bosses with MF_GRENADEBOUNCE to opt out of the MF2_FRET colour-flashing tomfoolery, and give this flag to Fang.
* Track player's old floorz by mo->floor_sectornum and floor_ffloornum
* Track tmfloorz by tmfloorrover, tmfloor_sectornum, tmfloor_rovernum
* Ceiling variants of the above
* Spheres in old special stages instead of rings!
* Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one!
* Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now!
* Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres!
* All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore.
* Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds!
* Consistency with...
* Spheres now flash in bonus time. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/452590553100713984/srb20032.gif
* Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.)
* useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS.
* CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/452844894113759233/srb20036.gif
* SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/452623869497573386/srb20034.gif
* Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages.
* Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time.
* Ideya!
* Its own "drowning" music!
* All of the object types for Dream Hill.
* GIF: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/452844894113759233/srb20036.gif
* Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button!
* Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment.
* Emerald hunt uses new sprites!
* Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
* Made Facestabbers take two hits and have associated pain/death animations. No other changes, just wanted to make sure THIS was done.
* Move Bubblebuzz-related stuff to go alongside the secret badniks and etc.
* MF2_INVERTAIMABLE. Inverts whether P_LookForEnemies can get at; replaces a hardcoded thingy.
* Handle all chain objects as a hnext/hprev chain.
* When removing mobjs with hnext/hprev, "repair the chain" (make the h links meet).
* Fix hidden slings, which I accidentially broke when I revamped maces the first time.
* Kill MF2_MACEROTATE. Not needed for anything anymore.
* P_MaceRotate now available to Lua to make up for it.
* Related: Made modifying hnext/hprev using Lua safer, so it keeps the reference counts in play.
* MF2_MACEROTATE. Apply to any object. Replaces the indiscriminate spamming of A_MaceRotate each tic.
* Mace point mapthings have been slightly modified.
- MTF_AMBUSH: bigger luke theory (has no effect on custom mace, different effect on spring mace)
- MTF_OBJECTFLIP: flips the objects, but nothing else - just so it doesn't look out of place in gravflip sections
- MTF_OBJECTSPECIAL: keeps it from attempting to play swinging sounds
- angle: tag of controlling linedef
- parameter: number of "spokes" minus one - for example, a parameter of 2 results in 3 equidistant maces rotating around the same point.
* Mace linedefs have been significantly revamped.
- line dx: number of chain links
- line dy: speed (in FU)
- frontside floor height: Pitch (in degrees; how much it "tilts" over - Yaw influences the axis it's tilting on)
- frontside ceiling height: Yaw (in degrees; rotation of entire thing on xy plane)
- frontside x offset: Phase (in degrees; how far it is through the rotation cycle)
- frontside y offset: Max speed (in FU; if less than speed, set to speed*2)
- backside floor height: Pinch (in degrees; 0 if no backside; essentially makes rotation conical instead of wheel-like)
- backside ceiling height: Roll (in degrees; 0 if no backside; rotates on the axis of the spinning - identical to Phase for spinning maces, but useful for rotating swinging maces as opposed to just offsetting them)
- backside x offset: Number of "antispokes" (0 if no backside; makes that many spokes not exist so you can put another mace/chain type in there instead; for combo mace/chain instead turns them into chains directly)
- backside y offset: Width (in number of extra chains per side; 0 if no backside; creates a "skiprope" arrangement)
- ML_NOCLIMB: for chains and chain-mace combos, allow for player control of yaw through strafe keys
- ML_EFFECT1: replacing the seperate mapthings, this makes a mace type swing instead of spin.
- ML_EFFECT2: for all spokes of the mace wheel ending in maces, make the chains out of the mace type (inverted for firebars)
- ML_EFFECT3: spawn a bonus mace type at the center(s) of rotation
- ML_EFFECT4: don't clip inside ground
* Mapthing 1104 represents both spinning and swinging maces from prior versions of SRB2.
* Mapthing 1105 has gone from being a swinging mace variant to a combination of chains and maces in a single unit, provided the number of "spokes" is greater than one.
* Mapthing 1105 has gone from being a swinging chain variant to a vertical spring-on-a-ball-on-a-chain. Yellow by default, apply MTF_AMBUSH to turn into a red spring.
* Mapthing 1107 represents both spinning and swinging chains from prior versions of SRB2.
* Mapthing 1108 is completely untouched except to port over 2.1's functionality to the new backend.
* Mapthing 1109 is a Mario castle-level style firebar. This inverts the functionality of ML_EFFECT2 on the tagged linedef.
* Mapthing 1110 is a free slot should we want to implement another type of base-game mace.
* Mapthing 1111 is a custom mace. Use the linedef's frontside texture slots to identify a macetype mobjtype, then use the backside texture slots to identify a linktype mobjtype (defaults to MT_NULL if no backside).
Whooh. Requires new patch.dta for sprites.
* Sets the sortscale of the mobj to that of its tracer.
* Basically, Smiles' tails won't clip through shields thanks to this.
* http://gfycat.com/GraveGlassEwe
* Also has support for chains of MF2_LINKDRAW!