-Removed a redundant boolean related to texture loading in P_AddWadFile.
-Started working on handling PK3s differently, except that I'm not sure about what I'm doing.
I don't know what to do from now on for today, so I'll leave it here for now.
-PK3 files are now properly loaded as files.
-PK3 lumps are still being treated the same way as WAD files. It means they're dependant on markers, if that makes any sense in the context of a ZIP file (it doesn't). I haven't worked out this part yet but I obviously intend to do so.
-I don't know if the lumps' position address is correct, we'll figure out when I fix the thing from above.
-Tweaked compression conditional to a switch-case format, looking towards adding several comrpession algorithms; haven't removed the previous "compressed" boolean yet.
-Added dynamically allocated name strings for lumps; haven't removed the previous name field.
-Added rudimentary PK3 central directory recognition; nothing is actually loaded in the end.
This is used by Command_Addfile in the MD5 calculation code, so that it can search subfolders properly and allow addfile in netgames to treat them the same way as in SP
* Create a normal skin, but replace the S_SKIN lump with an almost empty one named P_SKIN.
* Provide "name = existing skin name as one of the first line (comments allowed)
* Reset individual spritenames back to zero sprite2s (or one for SPR2_STND to prevent complete removal) via "reset = SPR2_****" statements.
* No support for changing skin properties that are non-visual at the moment, but I don't really feel like it's wise to have those changable with patch alone. (Hello, tons of "modern Sonic" wadfiles which just change vanilla Sonic's ability to CA_HOMINGTHOK!)
* Sprites patch over.
To see an example in action, look at <root>/toaster/smilespatch.wad.
Basically this makes sure numwadfiles is updated before loading the SOC/Lua scripts, so if a Lua script calls COM_BufInsertText with the contents "addfile scr_mysticrealm.wad" it can't overwrite the last written wadfile slot! Not that COM_BufInsertText really should be used like that to begin with