* V_DrawFixedPatch and ilk:
* Change the offset of V_FLIP so it's not one screen-pixel off where its non-flipped sprite would have started being drawn from.
* Write to x and y as well as desttop so that anti-screen-overflow checks later in the function behave properly with non-green resolutions.
* V_DrawFill:
* Reduce number of operations performed upon `c`.
* V_DrawString and ilk:
* Offset the left and right boundary checks in non-green resolutions such that you can actually draw stuff to the left of basevid screen x coordinate 0.
* Bomb sphere! Paraloopable hazard. Replaces MT_SPECIALSPIKEBALL.
* Blueberry bushes, both normal and Xmas, from patch.dta.
* BSZ tulips, also from patch.dta!
* Frozen Hillside badniks - Penguinator and Pophat.
* Frozen Hillside ice decoration!
* Fixed some big bugs with the DSZ light beams.
* Made multi-mare special stages work, in a troll way - the Chaos Emerald disappears in a puff of smoke, and the Spinbobert laughter sound plays... >:3c
* Reverted the mobjtype number changes from the source SOC/Lua, which we can do later when doing a final pass of the levels.
* State optimisation.
* Serious cruft-removal of the NiGHTS drone thinker.
* Fix the issues where the player wouldn't curl into jump in waterslides or dropping off rope-hangs.
* Tweak NiGHTS player flashing.
* Add text colour support to the titlecard font.
* Use that to make the PRESS SPIN\nMID-JUMP thing when you get all Chaos Emeralds use the titlecard font for readability.
* Fix the GOT ALL EMERALDS page not lasting the correct, extended amount of time.
* Fix that thing where flying mid-spin didn't enact autobrake.
* Modify graymap a little on Sryder's suggestion.
* [COMPLETELY UNRELATED] fix that thing where the addons menu will fail on files/paths with spaces in [/COMPLETELY UNRELATED]
* Fix that one comment Digiku mentioned. ;P
* Make extra lives/100 ring rewards consistent between lives being relevant and lives being infinite/not present, which was a problem this branch made evident when Race ended up getting the infinite lives symbol!
- controllable strengths between 0-31 for COLORMAP lump like before
- arbitrary colour indices in the palette via TRANSMAP lumps, with strengths 0-9
- exposed to Lua as v.fadeScreen(color, strength)!
* Remove last vestiges of V_STATICPATCH.
* Completely redid how splitscreen works, with eventual support for quads. Squish per-player stuff automatically into the right places! Works in GL, associated flag kills V_SPLITSCREEN.
* Seriously update the lives-drawing function for all gametypes, with strings that replace the lives number whenever it's missing (deprecates SKINNAMEPADDING).
* Improved how the nosshack works, alongside many other refactorings.
* Optimisations in a bunch of places, including to static
* Fix some visual errors with text and patches near the edges of the screen in non-standard resolutions.
* Changed the save format a little more, since I had free reign over it.
* Modified the string drawing functions to not awkwardly clip at the very edges of the screen, considering the relevant patch drawing functions avoid out-of-range memory writes.
Used instead of pLocalPalette when attempting to determine objective truths, such as "the colours of this gif without color profile modification" and "what indicies should this colormap remap to".
Also, made f_wipe.c's paldiv only get calculated once.
Basically in preperation of supporting colourblindness modes I implemented the following link when loading palettes.
This basically means I can do whatever the hell I want to the colour profile of incoming paletties, and nobody can stop me. Muahahahaha etc.
Also, I added a saturation feature to show off its full potential, converted gamma from a table to a factor of the calculation, tweaked some menus and made the default value of cvars show up on sliders. Because that's how I roll.
* Provides a helpful description for the hearing impaired, whether permanent, temporary or situational.
* Consvar "closedcaptioning", with on/off values available.
* Only works if sounds are on. This is frustrating. I will see what I can do to allow it to work with sounds off in future, but for now it's dependent in order to properly accept or decline sounds.
* Thanks to MI for making that wiki page a lot more comprehensive a few days ago.
* Weapon ring is now a seperate sfx_wepfir instead of doubling up on sfx_thok.
* Also, made V_StringWidth work with V_NOSCALESTART.