-Expanded folder recognition for PK3s. Some resources are still not loaded from them yet.
-Took a glimpse at how maps are loaded, since the flat recognition is rooted somewhere there; did nothing yet about it though.
-Working towards "generalizing" how new resources are handled. Some var and functionality redundancy is still present.
* Made it so (player->availabilities & 1 << skinnum) is only true if skins[skinnum] DOES have an availability method, and always false otherwise.
* This means that setting your availabilities to INT32_MAX is no longer the equivalent of having gotten all skins.
* This means we can detect and kick cheat engine script kiddies who try to fool the server that they can use everything.
* This means availabilities of 0x00 is now valid, so make it all F's for an invalid not-in-game.
There's an outstanding issue - you can set forceskin to whatever you want to as the host. This needs to be fixed, but I'm commiting my successes first.
* PF_NIGHTSMODE is now CR_NIGHTSMODE as part of player->powers[pw_carry]. This is because it's mutually exclusive to every other "carry" type.
* PF_SUPERREADY is dead because it literally just checked for all 7 emeralds and 50 rings. That's it. You couldn't even appreciably alter its presence with Lua. That logic has been placed back in P_SuperReady.
* Super sprites are now deliniated via an additional S_SUPER lump between S_START and S_END. Above are normal sprites, below are super sprites. Handled internally via FF_SPR2SUPER.
* Sprite2 numbers are now appropriately limited for the data type that stores them.
* SPR2_SPIN is now SPR2_ROLL, SPR2_DASH is now SPR2_SPIN and SPR2_PEEL is now SPR2_DASH. Makes more sense, right?
(various large invisible blocks used in the level cause rain to make splashes high above the main level, high enough to make ghostly rain splash sprite artifacts appear sometimes in nearby areas)
* Value was getting populated even when it was irrelevant. That's fine, just move it after the valueless parsemode switch.
* Oh, it's struppr'd, of course it's going to compare badly with a lowercase string.
* ...oh, strncmp returns zero when it's equal, not true. Right.
<root>/toaster/smilespatch.wad and !LSF test exe updated on the FTP, btw.
* Create a normal skin, but replace the S_SKIN lump with an almost empty one named P_SKIN.
* Provide "name = existing skin name as one of the first line (comments allowed)
* Reset individual spritenames back to zero sprite2s (or one for SPR2_STND to prevent complete removal) via "reset = SPR2_****" statements.
* No support for changing skin properties that are non-visual at the moment, but I don't really feel like it's wise to have those changable with patch alone. (Hello, tons of "modern Sonic" wadfiles which just change vanilla Sonic's ability to CA_HOMINGTHOK!)
* Sprites patch over.
To see an example in action, look at <root>/toaster/smilespatch.wad.
Spindash dust
Charging a spindash kicks up dust, we all know this feature was dying to get in at some point. Bubble and flame forms of spin dust are included from FSonic, for underwater and elemental respectively.
Oh, and as a bonus I reorganised the spindash/spinning/other ability2 stuff code to look a bit neater and more organised.
New resources:
* MT_SPINDUST - the object
* S_SPINDUST1 to 4 - the normal form's states
* S_SPINDUST_BUBBLE1 to 4 - the bubble form's states
* S_SPINDUST_FIRE1 to 4 - the bubble form's states
* SPR_DUST - the normal form's sprite set (uses frames A to D, just pinch FSonic's sprites really)
* SPR_FPRT - the flame form's sprite set (frame A only)
SF_NOSPINDASHDUST disables spindash dust for a character
See merge request !52
*Added FLIPX/FLIPY support for multi-patch textures and single-patch textures without holes
*Added FLIPY support for single-patch textures with holes; I'll sort FLIPX support out later
I'm convinced there's going to be some stupid side effects from doing this, but it's the quickest way I can fix the polyobj planes not all appearing anyway
* Camerascale, shieldscale, height and spinheight are now player attributes which are set to the skin attribute on skin change, not read directly from the skin.
* P_GetPlayerHeight and P_GetPlayerSpinHeight are now macros instead of functions.
* Extra protection against switching to a locked skin.
* flips the sprite ala MFE_VERTICALFLIP except you don't need to flip the direction of gravity for the object just to draw upside down
* stacks properly with reverse gravity
* Sets the sortscale of the mobj to that of its tracer.
* Basically, Smiles' tails won't clip through shields thanks to this.
* http://gfycat.com/GraveGlassEwe
* Also has support for chains of MF2_LINKDRAW!
Also, I added more sortscale handling in the places where I forgot it.
I probably need some help with the maths here to get this to work nicely. http://gfycat.com/LimpAgedDowitcher
http://i.imgur.com/UyOKX5u.png <-- this common glitch with crawlas given MF_PAPER (THEY'RE NOT GOOD AT TURNING NEAR EDGES) used to show the behind-crawlas in front of the front-crawlas.
Unfortunately, I've just discovered this issue (which happens with the old version of the sorting code too): http://i.imgur.com/QNjbATB.png but to be fair these crawlas have gotten stuck inside the edges of this platform, so I'm not sure I can do anything about this without cutting off Sonic's feet when he stands on the ground? shrug
* MF_AMBUSH is now MF2_AMBUSH, because it's something you turn on in a map editor, not with a SOC definition.
* Where MF_AMBUSH was is now MF_PAPER.
* MF_PAPER accesses all the stuff I did previously in this branch...
* ...as well as turn on paper-thin collision detection between mobjs, which I've gotten working but isn't perfect but it's still good enough for non-solid objects!!
* recognising that the offsets weren't going to be accurate if you just SWAPPED yscale and yscale2 over 180 degrees
* taking scale into account consistently
also, some optimisations
also, i've sussed out WHAT'S going wrong here - the topleft pixel of the sprite will always be rendered at the height on the screen it would be rendered otherwise, which is causing the waving. now to figure out what to change to get that to move appropriately...
some complicated mathemagic leads to something which... seems CLOSE, but not perfectly accurate, so i think i need to tweak it more
http://gfycat.com/JovialSpitefulAmericancrayfish for current behaviour
remove all the places where i've set vis->scalestep to anything other than 0 to see something that LOOKS okay, but doesn't fulfil exactly what i want (that being a sprite that looks exactly like a midtexture)
* if you can turn SF_SUPER, flash your skin's supercolor, otherwise be your normal color
* if your skin doesn't have a SPR2_NGT0 (horizontal fly), use Sonic's (this will hopefully be replaced by 2.2 with sprites of NiGHTS themselves)
* MT_NIGHTSCHAR made irrelevant, everything follows actor->target instead of actor->target->tracer now
* emerald is now player->mo->tracer instead of player->mo->tracer->target
* nightopian helpers flash for the 35 tics before they disappear
* nights capsule makes boss explosions/noises now (i can change it back i just like it better)
* drill off into the sky instead of fly up in floating pose (but no noise yet)
* default maxdash is now 70
* forgot to add supercolor to lua, it is there now
* SPR2_SMSL renamed to SPR2_SSTN (stun)
* any player with a skincolor that's in the super range is set to FF_FULLBRIGHT at state-set time, so no need to keep super players non-fullbright just because they use spin stuff
* Several new supercolours.
- SKINCOLOR_SUPERSILVER1-5 (for fun) - "Silver"
- SKINCOLOR_SUPERPERIDOT1-5 (nyeheheh) - "Peridot"
- SKINCOLOR_SUPERCYAN1-5 (for fun) - "Cyan"
- SKINCOLOR_SUPERPURPLE1-5 (for fun) - "Purple"
- SKINCOLOR_SUPERRUST1-5 (mecha/metal sonic) - "Rust"
- SKINCOLOR_SUPERTAN1-5 (shadow/silver the hedgehog) - "Tan"
* SKINCOLOR_SUPER1-5 renamed to SKINCOLOR_SUPERGOLD1-5, one index for darkest is changed - "Gold"
* SKINCOLOR_TSUPER1-5 renamed to SKINCOLOR_SUPERORANGE1-5, ported properly to the new palette - "Orange"
* SKINCOLOR_KSUPER1-5 renamed to SKINCOLOR_SUPERRED1-5, ported properly to the new palette - "Red"
* new S_SKIN attribute - supercolor - uses an entirely different function to get the names (R_GetSuperColorByName instead of R_GetColorByName)
* a fun little secret - typing "god on" in the console whilst super makes the player hyper (visual only, no sparkles - just rainbow flash) - can be removed if no fun is allowed
Fix R_AddSingleSpriteDef's I_Error messages
Whoops, seems I forgot about this little branch. Basically this fixes how for a character's sprites, a full sprite lump name is displayed instead of just its sprite prefix in the "R_AddSingleSpriteDef: No patches found for [sprite prefix] frame [frame character]" message (unlike when it occurs for non-character sprites), resulting in something like "R_AddSingleSpriteDef: No patches found for PLAYC2C8 frame \^" which does NOT help custom character authors at all as it just confuses them instead. (for the record, the problem would actually with the ^ frame and not the ones displayed after "PLAY")
Oh, and the same problem is also fixed for this similar message: "R_AddSingleSpriteDef: Sprite [sprite prefix] frame [frame character] is missing rotations"
See merge request !95
Spr2 freeslots
Needed for Miles, generally a good idea to have around anyway. Considering Miles uses it without problems, seems to work fine.
See merge request !24
* When moving slowly, P_InstaThrust at S_SKIN's maxdash forward, and set momz to S_SKIN's mindash upwards. Plays a tok noise (not thok). Hurts enemies/bosses, busts spikes/monitors/all types of bustable blocks.
* When moving quickly... doesn't do anything yet, but WILL do a slide.
Also, P_DoSpinDash is now renamed to P_DoSpinAbility, and CA_TWINSPIN users can bust all bustable blocks on collision too.
* S_SKIN needs an "availability" line. Set to 0 to have always available, otherwise is assumed to be UINT8 unlockable number. If it's a valid unlockable, its name will be copied over with the character's realname.
* Define an unlockable via SOC or hardcode. If you don't want it visible on the Secrets menu, just set its type to None. Everything else is as normal - you can set the conditionset to whatever, objective, height, nochecklist, nocecho...
* radius - sets the player's radius for that skin.
* height - sets the player's normal height for that skin.
* spinheight - sets the player's spinheight for that skin.
* shieldscale - see http://i.imgur.com/BQ5DhKC.png for justification
R_SkinUnlock defines the circumstances under which a skin is available. For simplicty's sake, I've currently bound it to an S_SKIN variable so I can toggle it easily, but it WILL be replaced with a hook into the savegame system at some point.
* Currently has three tiers of unlock - freebie (forceskin or modeattacking via a loaded replay), Ringslinger Only, and SP/Coop and Ringslinger.
* I don't know anything about netcode so I basically decided to make R_SkinUnlock relevant only under local circumstances, try as hard as possible to stop bad skin info from getting sent to the server, and then admit defeat once the server has the information. If this is a bad choice, please discipline me and show me how to fix it.
* Character Select now checks for whether the character is hidden or not on menu load and does/undoes it based on that info, but will never touch one disabled via SOC. I also used this opportunity to optimise, checking for/filling out charsel pictures instead of doing it later. (It now also includes special casing for a select screen with zero characters!)
* Mode Attack now hides hidden characters in its character select based on SP rules.
Things that still need to be done:
* ForceSkin_OnChange. Is there a graceful way to handle this?
* No obvious skin name conflicts. Add a salt to the names of hidden skins, and then remove it when they're unhidden?
* The gap between Knuckles' skin number and the first custom character anybody adds will be way too obvious. A seperate hidden skin numbering system? Start at 32 and count up from there? There's a few ways...
Note: polyobj_t's "translucency" is apparently a SIGNED integer, so in theory it's possible to get polyobj flats to use the "spanfunc = splatfunc" line using negative values. If this is not meant to happen, this should probably be fixed asap
more detailed description: vissprites now store dispoffset in a separate variable from (y)scale, and uses it to influence order between sprites without it affecting the actual drawing of the sprites themselves
Monster's miscellaneous meddling
A miscellaneous assortment of code-cleanup and other changes, plus fixing up SRB2's tangent array so it behaves more as expected (especially on the Lua side).
More specific details of the changes:
* `finetangent[]` has been entirely redone in the same manner as finesine/finecosine.
* Lua's tan() function shifts `finetangent[]` results by `ANGLE_90` to get what you EXPECT it to return (e.g. `tan(0)` actually returns 0 now). This means finetangent itself doesn't need to change its general arrangment, this only affects Lua specifically.
* Lua's tan() function now also doesn't go out of `finetangent[]`'s bounds at all. Before, `tan(ANGLE_180)` through `tan(ANGLE_MAX)` and such would just give you values unrelated to the array in question, which was clearly a bad thing.
* `finecosine`'s definition moved from r_main.c to tables.c.
* Created `P_CheckTimeLimit` for `cv_timelimit`, much like `cv_pointlimit` has `P_CheckPointLimit`. It cleans up `P_UpdateSpecials` a bit at least.
* Some code cleanup relating to translucency maps - these are kind of unimportant, I was about to stop `FF_TRANSMASK` being used everywhere, but this was apparently a bad idea so I backtracked a bit.
* Re-added `_MSC_VER` check around MSVC-specific code in doomtype.h, in case it wasn't defined (and `__OS2__` was). Also left a comment there regarding `__BYTEBOOL__`.
* Fixed an apparent copy+paste goofup in `joyaxis_cons_t[]` for the Wii-specific code.
See merge request !10
Reduced palette
You guys should know what this is by now. If you don't, you really need to catch up. =P
We should check with toaster and others involved to check this thing is actually ready to go though, the number of changes to the palette itself over the last year has been absurd.
See also http://git.magicalgirl.moe/STJr/SRB2Internal/issues/8
See merge request !13
Compiling errors fixed in this commit:
* Various cases of mixed declaration and statement code
* Implicit declaration of slope functions (read: you forgot to put "include "p_slopes.h" in MORE than a few places)
* an odd case of a bad fixed_t to float typecase, cause by using P_GetZAt directly inside FIXED_TO_FLOAT
* a few minor cases of bad unsigned-signed comparisons
* no prototypes for some of the new slope functions. For goodness sake Red, this is basic stuff!
more detailed description: vissprites now store dispoffset in a separate variable from (y)scale, and uses it to influence order between sprites without it affecting the actual drawing of the sprites themselves
Note: polyobj_t's "translucency" is apparently a SIGNED integer, so in theory it's possible to get polyobj flats to use the "spanfunc = splatfunc" line using negative values. If this is not meant to happen, this should probably be fixed asap
Compiling errors fixed in this commit:
* Various cases of mixed declaration and statement code
* Implicit declaration of slope functions (read: you forgot to put "include "p_slopes.h" in MORE than a few places)
* an odd case of a bad fixed_t to float typecase, cause by using P_GetZAt directly inside FIXED_TO_FLOAT
* a few minor cases of bad unsigned-signed comparisons
* no prototypes for some of the new slope functions. For goodness sake Red, this is basic stuff!
SPR_PLAY now calls up a secondary spritedef for all animations for all players. Old character wads (including player.dta) are no longer compatible.
git-svn-id: https://code.orospakr.ca/svn/srb2/trunk@8993 6de4a73c-47e2-0310-b8c1-93d6ecd3f8cd