* Prevent an infinite quantity of Emeralds being spawned when P_GiveEmerald is called while a MP Special Stage is in session (resolves#347).
* Fix FuriousFox's ridiculous timer on special stage spawn (mentioned in the comments of the previous issue) by correctly marking spectator players in special stages as finished, and preventing the underflow.
It turns out that in Sonic 3 & Knuckles, the threshold for crossing into the super animation is increased compared to normal gameplay. This makes a lot of sense - however, both Sonic Mania and the Taxman/Stealth mobile remakes missed this. I quickly tested and confirmed that SRB2 had the same issue, so here's the fix.
* Expose this via additional upper-16-bits flags of A_FlickySpawn.
* Use this to make Snailers not spawn their flicky inside the wall they're attached to.
* Make the behaviour of Egg Capsules more consistent mechanically regarding the flicky spawning, using the above as one relevant element.
Make the wall transfer while spinning PF_SPINNING|PF_THOKKED. This:
* Prevents PF_MULTIABILITY players from using their ability after a wall transfer.
* Has a more specialised case which allows players to roll after having wall-transferred while spinning.
* (side effect) allows modders to apply PF_THOKKED any time for more controllable spinning.
* When activated, stops the timer in SP/MP.
* Applies to the mapheader countdowntimer as well.
* If you're playing Record Attack, also exits the level immediately.
* It has no special modes, no linedef flags, no parameters, nothing.
* Only not an innate property of A_BossDeath because people may want it to NOT happen sometimes, or make it happen with non-boss events too.
Also, skip over calling P_DoPlayerExit if the player isn't in game.
* Disable lives when Metal recording (and have a big flashing REC instead, because I'm a riot).
* Correct some minor directionchar issues (some introduced in this branch, some not).
* Add height changes to demos and Metal playback (to properly place thok aura relative to object).
* Fix followmobj recordings in reverse gravity (done via more strenuous flag setting + info height serialisation).
* Make RA ghosts fade in from start tic, and go colorized on their final one.
* Fix thok auras potentially doing bad things if they're set to MT_NULL.
* Add sprite change support to Metal playback.
* Re-enable some stuff I previously disabled for Metal recording/playback.
* Make ALL objects spawned with skins properly acknowledge that their spawnstate's frame is a sprite2, rather than just specific objects.
* Fix placement of Metal Sonic fume in reverse gravity.
* Since not backwards compatible with the previous test build, increment DEMOVERSION again. (Don't worry, we've got like 65524 more versions allowed before we run out of possible DEMOVERSIONs...)
* Make the skin to record with Metal rather than Flesh Sonic. (Allowed even if not unlocked!)
* Make the object that plays back the recording actually use the Metal skin, rather than just a seperate spriteset. (The boss will still need the spriteset, though.)
* Actively record the player's sprite2, frame, and followmobj, just like regular ghosts do.
* Disable dashmode while recording, for a fairer race.
* Fix a probably long-standing bug where, while recording, being "hurt" would get Metal stuck in pain frames until they physically left the area of hurt.
* Always start Metal recording in wait frames for bonus taunting.
Other relevant changes:
* Increment DEMOVERSION *again*.
* Improve the Record Attack ghost followmobj recording to accomodate Metal's jet.
* Increase the datatype width of spritenum_t read/write for Record Attack ghosts because SUGOI 4: Back With A Revengance will probably also use more than 255 sprites alone.
* Return to standing frames (or prolong them if you're in them, rather than going to wait frames) if the player rotates on the spot with enough force.
* This was specifically done *for* Metal recording, but I decided it looked good enough to enable all the time.
* Fix music stack corruption in multiplayer where a super player dies and it's not you.
* Fix players in minecarts having their state eternally set to S_PLAY_STND (bug discovered/evident while super, so goes in this branch).
Music pausing is now optional.
Sounds may be paused--on by default.
The game itself being paused in off-line mode is now optional.
(showfocuslost now loads from config.)
* Red and yellow Boost panels!
* Added because SUBARASHII and KIMOKAWAIII had several levels using them, and I wanted to make them look better.
* https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/359091121789468672/634486669202161674/srb20015.gif
* Uses the mapthingnums of Glaber's SOC resource boosters, but absolutely nothing else - not even the magnitudes.
* Apply MF_AMBUSH to force the player into a spin - even if they don't have a spin ability!
* Banpyura!
* A Crushstacean with a spring instead of a crushclaw.
* https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/428262628893261828/634432099306176512/srb20019.gif
* Wanted this for a while, finally added it.
* Improved springs.
* Add pw_noautobrake to disable autobrake for half a second when touching yellow horizontal springs, and a second when touching red ones, even on the ground.
* Add pw_justsprung to disable directionchar for a few tics while touching any springs with a horizontal component to their velocity.
* Add the diagonal spring flag options Red and Yellow Diagonal Springs have to the Blue Diagonal Spring as well.
* Started but decided against a tip of the hat to the CD spring spin, hidden behind #define SPRINGSPIN.
* Make directionchar "lag behind" a little bit in waterslides.
* Improved flame jets.
* They now use new sprites for having their flames move upwards and sideways, instead of having them always face downwards like in 2.1!
* Fixed a mixed declaration and code error in A_RolloutRock. (Sorry Lach!)
* Make the Amy Cameo only spawn in SP, Record Attack, or Co-op unless it's the Clone Mode.
* Improved ZB config.
* Add above new types.
* Add Blue Diagonal Spring, which existed in the source but not the config.
* Re-order enemies in ZB config by zone (but keep them in the Enemies section only).
* If using twinspin and have melee ability too, go into melee landing when hitting the ground.
* Only have melee go directly forward if standing/idle, otherwise use drawangle.
Glide speed now starts at whatever speed you were traveling at prior.
If glide speed is below actionspd, the glide accelerates towards it.
When landing from a glide, player now enters a landing animation (SPR2_LAND); they cannot move in this state, but they can jump or start a spindash.
Ground-sliding after a glide can now be cancelled into the landing animation by releasing jump, where the same rules apply.
Climb speed increased x1.33.
* Prevent being able to damage enemies from below while swimming.
* Make the swim-specific bubbles happen at the hands instead of where the propeller would be.
* Improve placement/angle of swimming tails overlay.
* Immediately set flight time to 0 if a player is being carried underwater.
* Fix S_PLAY_FLY_TIRED animation being fast.
* Add moving tails to S_PLAY_SWIM animation!
* Fix autobrake happening when your controls are locked by pw_nocontrol/PF_STASIS. (Resolves#219, hopefully..?)
* Put everything in P_DoJumpStuff, instead of half in that function and half spread across the player thinker.
* Have a proper if else cascade that first tries shield abilities, then super transformation, then random abilities like CA_TELEKINESIS.
* Use this new arrangement to allow CA_TWINSPIN users to use their ability on spin if their secondary ability is CA2_MELEE (resolves#195).
* Random bugfixing. Didn't keep track of what I'd caused while working on this and what was already there, but there was a lot of it.
The only two abilities which have spin-button properties outside of the else block is CA_AIRDRILL and CA_FLY/CA_SWIM (which now also prevents you from swimming down in goowater).
* Don't allow the stage to be reloaded in G_DoReborn.
* If you do ANY spawn after the very beginning moment, you're forced to be a spectator.
* Have the "%d player%s remaining" Co-op exiting count visible at the same time as spectator controls.
* Genesis-style love and attention to the death event.
* Only visibly decrement lives/rings when you're respawning (or game over, see below).
* Faster no-button-press respawn.
* Game Over specific love.
* Animation of Level Title font coming in from the sides.
* https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/428262628893261828/617692325438554132/srb20067.gif
* Change gameovertics to 10 seconds instead of 15.
* Make the minimum time before you can force going to the Continue screen longer.
* Accomodate death in MP special stages as a form of exit.
* Don't have your rings or spheres reset when you die in a special stage, so that the stage isn't softlocked with the new harder limits.
* Fix a bug with CoopLives_OnChange where changing to infinite lives didn't force a game-overed player to respawn.
Also, two not-quite death things which nonetheless were relevant to change:
* Fix quitting a special stage having some of the shared spheres/rings disappear into the aether.
* Fix a warning during compilation for the Ring Penalty print.
* Make it actually look like a brake, so people can tell it's on instead of just having high friction.
* Fix it fucking with spring chains (caused by being unwittingly active for the first tic of spring collision).
* Player state upon collision with ground after rolling now sets state properly.
* Fix the thing where Knuckles can glide up a slope like it's nothing WHILE keeping things working for bouncers.
Sea Egg is majorly changed according to Mystic's ancient instructions (excepting the flying FOF rock, I cared not for fucking around with FOFs).
* Faster paced fight.
* Instantly travels horizontal distance.
* Fakes no longer hurt papa, and spin out like a deflating balloon when he dies.
* New attack: When surfacing, produces an electric shockwave. Replaces underwater shock. Designed for new, shallow arena.
* Support for multiple bosses in the same map distinguished by parameter.
Will upload map to fight the new battle in on the MR.
* Add more context clues to his fight, including an indicator for which laser attack is being used after chargeup.
* Make missiles able to vectorise him.
* Add another laser orb attack - vertical slice - and change the laser orb sequence to accurately reflect that horizontal is the hardest of the ones in 2.1.
* Optimise TC_BLINK, and fix an issue with TC_ALLWHITE that somehow avoided coming up in testing.
* Fix colorized bosses losing their colorization when flashing, by forcing TC_ALLWHITE.
* Remove PF_THOKKED every time a successful damage bounce occours.
* When this happens, spawn a number of particles based on thokitem at half scale! (Optimised, again, for MT_LHRT.)
* Also spawn these particles when a successful spring boost occours, as well as playing a twisted spring sound.
Also, some other related tweaks:
* Optimisations to A_VultureBlast, which was used as a base for the particle creation.
* Make the Metal Sonic boss use P_PlayerCanDamage instead of a custom, somewhat broken player damage detection mechanism.
* P_SpawnGhostMobj takes colorized into account.
* Fold Tails propeller damage into P_PlayerCanDamage.
* When performing an Attraction Blast, place the player in roll frames.
* Update all conditions preventing SH_PINK to incorporate thokitem and spinitem as well.
* Buff MT_LHRT travel distance at slow speeds.
* Smoothen Pity Shield animation to go with sphere's updates to Nev3r's sprites.
* Added LHRT object, designed to be summoned with CA2_MELEE.
* Gives a pink Pity Shield (SH_PINK) on same-team player contact.
* Deals damage to non-player enemies.
* Harmlessly fades into nothing when touching an enemy player, players with SH_PINK already, and players capable of applying SH_PINK to others (through non-Lua methods).
* Basically, you-know-who is the Healer of the party whenever they're around. Fun consequences for the Co-op and CTF metas.
Also, the start of my improvements to CA2_MELEE. Users of that abiliy can only damage enemies/monitors if they touch the front of the player object, but to make up for it, the player is no longer forced away from the direction of the screen at bigger movement speeds.
* Takes function(player, mo) input.
* Return TRUE for stating that yes, the player is in a state that can cause contact damage, do with that what you will.
* Return FALSE for stating that no, the player is weak and vulnerable and cannot cause contact damage, do with that what you will.
* Return NIL for allowing the function to continue regular operation.
Fills a different ideological niche than ShouldDamage - that's for determining whether damage dished between two objects should happen, this is for determining which way around damage should be dished when considering a player-object interaction.
Or, in other words, think of it as "ShouldDamage is whether damage that has been requested should be granted, for object-object interaction, while PlayerCanDamage is for whether global player properties should cause damage to enemies and monitors in the first place, like spinning, hammering or stomping."
Mobjs got their own thinker list after all, and disappearing thinkers are automatically purged from their lists and sent to the limbo list.
So it's safe to assume all thinkers inside the mobj list must be mobjs.
Signed-off-by: Nev3r <apophycens@gmail.com>
Set up a main thinker list and a polyobject mover list to test things up. Works so far, networking as well.
Signed-off-by: Nev3r <apophycens@gmail.com>
- Very slightly less claustrophobic camera defaults
- Changed camera settings are saved
- Camera distance increases relatively with splitscreen & analog mode.
These changes are kind of debatable because them not saving was an intentional decision initially, and the camera being farther out could potentially clip more geometry where it previously didn't... still, thought I'd open this for consideration
* Would be nice to have more sophisticated behavior, e.g., resume the old timing; or drop out the capsule entirely. But how often is this case really going to happen?
* Default hitbox height is 80
* Drone Thing parameter sets height to multiples of 32
* Player aligns by default to bottom+24 of hitbox (offsetted)
* `MTF_OBJECTSPECIAL` aligns player to hitbox top
* `MTF_EXTRA` aligns to hitbox center
* `MTF_OBJECTSPECIAL|MTF_EXTRA` aligns to real bottom of hitbox
* Goalpost and sparkle Z alignment is changed to reflect configurableness
There may not be a point to this, other than to be consistent with how spheres are tracked. If non-special stage NiGHTS should tally a ring bonus, this may be useful.
player->rings appears to be used for ring/star pickups. Player never loses stars, so it seems player->rings should not be deducted in-level.
Therefore, just deduct player->spheres.
* Old attraction is still used for non-NiGHTS players due to a momentum bug. The old way is good enough to sidestep the bug.
* Thanks Inuyasha (KS) for original code 🐶
* https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/456833651645349888/srb20051.gif
* Fix some wipe bugs.
* Solved that thing where there was no fade between two back-to-back cutscenes.
* Fixed there being no effective wipe between the end of the vanilla intro cutscene and the title screen.
* Smoothed out the behaviour of titlemap fades to prevent conflicts.
* [COMPLETELY UNRELATED] Kill the pause graphic and replace with a blue box with text in it, like what happens when the window loses focus. Much harder to miss.
* Actual indication of modified game status on the addons menu.
* Yes, I know this has nothing to do with the branch, I'm just doing little things I found useful.
* Enable SECTORSPECIALAFTERTHINK since we probably really want to use that sloped lava wave in RVZ.
* Allow for infinite lives to be set via the setlives command/Pandora's Box.
* Refactor P_DoFiring(), with guidance from Sal.
* Correct the CRAWLA HONCHO\nCAN NOW BECOME\nSUPER CRAWLA HONCHO sliding movement in non-green resolutions.
* Bomb sphere! Paraloopable hazard. Replaces MT_SPECIALSPIKEBALL.
* Blueberry bushes, both normal and Xmas, from patch.dta.
* BSZ tulips, also from patch.dta!
* Frozen Hillside badniks - Penguinator and Pophat.
* Frozen Hillside ice decoration!
* Fixed some big bugs with the DSZ light beams.
* Made multi-mare special stages work, in a troll way - the Chaos Emerald disappears in a puff of smoke, and the Spinbobert laughter sound plays... >:3c
* Reverted the mobjtype number changes from the source SOC/Lua, which we can do later when doing a final pass of the levels.
* State optimisation.
* Serious cruft-removal of the NiGHTS drone thinker.
* Fix the issues where the player wouldn't curl into jump in waterslides or dropping off rope-hangs.
* Tweak NiGHTS player flashing.
* Add text colour support to the titlecard font.
* Use that to make the PRESS SPIN\nMID-JUMP thing when you get all Chaos Emeralds use the titlecard font for readability.
* Fix the GOT ALL EMERALDS page not lasting the correct, extended amount of time.
* Fix that thing where flying mid-spin didn't enact autobrake.
* Modify graymap a little on Sryder's suggestion.
* [COMPLETELY UNRELATED] fix that thing where the addons menu will fail on files/paths with spaces in [/COMPLETELY UNRELATED]
* Spheres in old special stages instead of rings!
* Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one!
* Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now!
* Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres!
* All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore.
* Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds!
* Consistency with...
* Spheres now flash in bonus time. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/452590553100713984/srb20032.gif
* Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.)
* useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS.
* CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/452844894113759233/srb20036.gif
* SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/452623869497573386/srb20034.gif
* Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages.
* Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time.
* Ideya!
* Its own "drowning" music!
* All of the object types for Dream Hill.
* GIF: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/452844894113759233/srb20036.gif
* Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button!
* Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment.
* Emerald hunt uses new sprites!
* Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
* Blue diagonal springs, because that gap is very, very odd.
* Improved A_SpawnFreshCopy.
* Tweaked P_LookForEnemies for consistency's sake. (Previously, it was impossible to make a spring that could neither be homing-attacked or attraction-shotted.)
Also move the Bouncy FOF sector special check above the FOF heights checking in P_CheckBouncySectors, because it means not having to waste time calculating FOF heights only for it not to be bouncy anyway :P
* Made Facestabbers take two hits and have associated pain/death animations. No other changes, just wanted to make sure THIS was done.
* Move Bubblebuzz-related stuff to go alongside the secret badniks and etc.
* MF2_INVERTAIMABLE. Inverts whether P_LookForEnemies can get at; replaces a hardcoded thingy.
* MF_PAIN and MF_MISSILE now support setting damagetype via their Mass parameter. The two existing conflicts - the fuse setting for the grenade weapon ring and the Cybrakdemon napalm bomb - had these moved to other free parameters.
* A_ConnectToGround is EXTREMELY useful for palmtrees and stuff.
* Some other, relatively hacky A_ functions.
* (Unrelated) Remove the need for a "Mario block mode" for the token by making it natively compatible.
* Spikes and their time-offsetting via that Lua script sphere made. Also allow for wallspikes to do it via their angle/360.
* Fix that one comment Digiku mentioned. ;P
* Make extra lives/100 ring rewards consistent between lives being relevant and lives being infinite/not present, which was a problem this branch made evident when Race ended up getting the infinite lives symbol!
* Fix ability to turn chains (still disabled by default, just at least want the option...)
* Replace max speed setting with a "minimum chainlink distance" setting - if greater than zero, that many chains will not be spawned from the center outwards. Doesn't affect the head of the chain at all, since otherwise what's the point? :V
* Prevent ANY input when blindfolded.
* Make CECHOs always perplayer'd. (A little hacky; quads will need work here.)
* Make NiGHTS link timer bounces not a mess, and only when the colour changes.
* cv_powerupdisplay. Never, First-person only (default), Always.
* New monitor stuff.
* Fixed hitmessages.
* Some CTF stuff.
* Aaaaugh it's a lot I hate myself I need to work on my coursework.
* I'll figure out what I did here in the merge request when that's done.
* Make TIME part of HUD count down in a bunch of circumstances where it was otherwise some other seperate thing.
* Make race countdown happen in a bunch of appropriate circumstances.
* Refactor race countdown.
* Remove a lot of useless stuff from H&S/Tag UI.
* Make co-op/competition/race end-of-act countdown use the race countdown and bigger HUD font.
* Remove useless PLAYING/SPECTATE text from lives element.
* Merge lap counter into lives element.
* Move some other text around.
* Make the NiGHTS link text pulse, like in the original game!
* Fix going from NiGHTS special stage as Smiles to a normal level losing your followitem.
"movebob" lets you determine the strength of movement bobbing (does not
affect landing delta, that's technically not movement bobbing :p),
values range from 0.0 to 4.0. viewheight is now relative to
* Rename GZT_SPRITE to GZT_FRAME, since otherwise it's easy to confuse with EZT_SPRITE (which does something completely different).
* Fix issue where ghosts were facing wrong direction on spawn.
* Other minor refactorings.
* ...also, made smiles' tails pop up instead of down when skidding
* Fix replays for the current state of internal, irrespective of that previous thing.
* Fix replay ghosts for everything.
* Known issues; NiGHTS still prints an error message about desyncing on map start, but plays back fine. Curious.
* Add a default behaviour to followmobj (just basic A_CapeChase).
* Allow for modifying which character starting a new SP game should start you on, relative to the first valid character. (SOC's "startchar" variable)
* Make MF2_SHADOW transferrable via linkdraw.
* Modify P_GetSkinSprite2's recursion limiter to have zero chance of ever infinitely looping.