- Frontside x offset = boss ID (determined via parameter for all bosses)
- Noclimb flag = disable mode
- Bosses don't do a fuckin' THING - no state updates, no player searches, no sounds, no lua, no nothin' - and it's all totally netsynced.
- The only thing they WILL do is flash infinitely if you hurt them, but this is designed for stuff where you're not meant to be in the same room as the boss til it's activated.
- All bosses of all IDs are automatically enabled on mapload, then if an enable mode version of this linedef is present in the map for a specific boss id, that boss id is automatically disabled.
* Add multi-boss support via parameter for:
- All bosses' MT_BOSSFLYPOINT search
- Boss 5's waypoint search
- Oldbrak's waypoint search (this one's for you, jood)
* Fixed an unused variable warning in lua_skinlib.c.
- fixed post-level cutscenes playing when you get game over in MP (still kinda on-topic)
Also with apologies to MI:
- golden egg statue mode for tutorial, since the grey doesn't contrast enough with the blue and lime green
- fixed closed captions for replaced player sounds being incorrect
- fixed closed captions overlapping tutorial text
Sea Egg is majorly changed according to Mystic's ancient instructions (excepting the flying FOF rock, I cared not for fucking around with FOFs).
* Faster paced fight.
* Instantly travels horizontal distance.
* Fakes no longer hurt papa, and spin out like a deflating balloon when he dies.
* New attack: When surfacing, produces an electric shockwave. Replaces underwater shock. Designed for new, shallow arena.
* Support for multiple bosses in the same map distinguished by parameter.
Will upload map to fight the new battle in on the MR.
* Add more context clues to his fight, including an indicator for which laser attack is being used after chargeup.
* Make missiles able to vectorise him.
* Add another laser orb attack - vertical slice - and change the laser orb sequence to accurately reflect that horizontal is the hardest of the ones in 2.1.
* Optimise TC_BLINK, and fix an issue with TC_ALLWHITE that somehow avoided coming up in testing.
* Fix colorized bosses losing their colorization when flashing, by forcing TC_ALLWHITE.
* Remove PF_THOKKED every time a successful damage bounce occours.
* When this happens, spawn a number of particles based on thokitem at half scale! (Optimised, again, for MT_LHRT.)
* Also spawn these particles when a successful spring boost occours, as well as playing a twisted spring sound.
Also, some other related tweaks:
* Optimisations to A_VultureBlast, which was used as a base for the particle creation.
* Make the Metal Sonic boss use P_PlayerCanDamage instead of a custom, somewhat broken player damage detection mechanism.
* P_SpawnGhostMobj takes colorized into account.
* Fold Tails propeller damage into P_PlayerCanDamage.
* When performing an Attraction Blast, place the player in roll frames.
* Update all conditions preventing SH_PINK to incorporate thokitem and spinitem as well.
* Buff MT_LHRT travel distance at slow speeds.