Two interesting points of note:
* The touchspecial sector flag seems to actually do its job now.
* Detection of sectors with polyobjects in seems to have done this incorrectly, but this doesn't mess with anything about touching the polies themselves so it seems to really only handle edge cases where the polyobject was too close to the border of another sector (which would've likely made rendering glitches anyways).
* There was a whole swathe of teetering code that was basically never run properly because of this mistake. I did a simple fix at first, but you started teetering whenever you were slightly less than your radius away from a sector's edge, which was completely different and undesirable behaviour. Instead, I cut out the code that was never running, and just left the hacky method in instead since it was more accurate to what we want in general.
Issue was caused by attempting to traverse the sector's thing-touching-list across all the things in the sector (which would inevitably have the same sector as the first node in mobj->touching_sectorlist) instead of traversing the thing's sector-touching-list (which has the same thing but different sector references).
I wonder how many times AJ copypasted this code with absolutely no idea why it wasn't working properly. I'll figure that out tomorrow, maybe set up some compiler macros so this mistake is never made again. For now, I must sleeb.
Behaves ALMOST as you'd expect. It gets the z position of the slope at the player coordinates when it comes to the sectorlist check (which is first), though, so there's a few oddities that are amplified with steep slopes:
* If the slope's sloping away from you at a steep angle, you might not be able to step down onto it, but you won't teeter (because it's at a step-down-able height if it extended to directly beneath you)
* If the slope's sloping towards you at a steep angle, you might end up in teetering frames when you're able to step down onto it (because it's NOT at a step-down-able height if it extended to directly beneath you)
HOWEVER, it would be pretty obnoxious to hold back code which is functionally superior in every way otherwise, and it doesn't really seem like there's a good way to get that checked tbph
Also updated any relevant project files that I can think of to include the new files, as well as the makefile of course. Some of the other project files haven't been touched in years so I'll leave those alone ...unless someone objects
Basically this makes sure numwadfiles is updated before loading the SOC/Lua scripts, so if a Lua script calls COM_BufInsertText with the contents "addfile scr_mysticrealm.wad" it can't overwrite the last written wadfile slot! Not that COM_BufInsertText really should be used like that to begin with
*Didn't take into account object scale
*Doubled force when on the ground (ignore what the comment of the line I moved says, it was relevant for slopes...)
This also led to a mistake with slopes, where I was double-multiplying by the gravity constant to get half (because of a quirk of numbers...)
Also took the opportunity to nuke or otherwise neuter a bunch of Kalaron's bizzare ramblings (most are questions which have long-been answered by Red's efforts) at the same time.
*The No Physics flag now works (Red, you might want to doublecheck this to see whether I haven't missed any eosteric stuff out). Going downhill is a little bumpy, and I'm not sure whether that's good or not. Someone help me out here?
*The SRB2CB typeshims are now behind #ifdef ESLOPE_TYPESHIM instead of #if 1 for easier disabling.
*Slopes' downhill thrusts are now scaled with regards to object gravity. This is actually untested in gravities other than normal and reverse normal but it's one line which can be easily reverted in that circumstance. I also checked with MI to make sure this is how it's calculated elsewhere, so fingers crossed this doesn't cause any edge cases.
*As a consequence of the above point, there's now a function in p_mobj.c/h that returns an object's internal gravity - seperated out from the logic of P_CheckGravity, which really didn't need to be so monolithic. Multiply by global gravity to get the thrust. This should probably be available to Lua somehow, but I have absolutely no idea where to start with that. Wolfs, maybe?
Non-comprehensive test file available at /toaster/slptst3.wad on the ftp.
Do we really need to keep it around? If not, I say get rid of it. It seems like useless clutter that is just going to confuse people who are trying to understand the source code.
* -lSDL2_mixer is already added to SDL_LDFLAGS by default, unless NOMIXER=1 is set
* -DSDLMAIN should also be added to OPTS by default for MINGW=1 builds, unless NOSDLMAIN=1 is set
NiGHTS hotfix
Fixes the following issues relating to playing as NiGHTS Super Sonic that apparently popped up between 2.1.14 and next (mostly due to the changes to SRB2's trig stuff it seems):
* Super Sonic drifts to the side at some angles around an axis, and is unable to go directly upwards or downwards as a result
* Drilling to the side when on the ground causes the drill sound to constantly restart
* CEZS's start not actually being lined up properly with the first axis means the player is not able to go backwards along the track (because the player is not actually aligned with the track properly, preventing you from touching the attached line transfer)
* trying to hug some walls such as the tall wall before the library section of CEZS allows Super Sonic to go through them
These fixes needs proper testing before this branch can be merged in, in case they accidentally break other things as a result or something.
See merge request !71
Basically I kind of worked around any potential trig inaccuracies by not using the player position directly for setting momx/momy. This way, if player->angle_pos == player->old_angle_pos, momx/momy are zero
Demo replay fixes
Changes made/bugs fixed in this branch:
* Replay camera is now controllable when climbing (, and in waterslides
* localangle (read: the angle between you and the camera, I think) now doesn't change during demo replays in most situations, unless the player is in analog mode. Exceptions include zoomtubes and NiGHTS super
* Replay camera now doesn't act silly if the player is in analog mode (assuming you also recorded it in that mode to begin with, anyway)
See merge request !66
DO NOT MERGE THIS INTO THE INTERNAL REPO. This is a temporary 2.1.15 only fix. This commit allows an optional boolean for tan(), which when true will automatically shift angles by ANGLE_90.
the most common condition (correct drawing) shouldn't be last, however it can't be first without making the conditions longer anyway.
it's a nitpicky thing, but this is the renderer we're talking about here.
i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs i hate FOFs
Previous overflow fix resulted in extra tall FOFs disappearing up close (see: ERZ1's elevators at start)
This works "better" in that only some lighting bugs and really really finicky visual glitches show now. I give up trying to totally fix this stuff dfsdfgdgf
One more name in the credits
I probably messed up by making toast_credits based on master instead of next. If that's blocking, just delete this branch and I'll re-do it. It's a single line, though - shouldn't exactly matter so much.
Could probably stand to be merged into Internal as well, since I hadn't actually worked on any textures when we'd updated the credits there.
See merge request !69