Re-factoring AA tree code from m_misc.c/m_misc.h into its own files
What the title says. The AA tree-related code now lives in the files m_aatree.c and m_aatree.h. Part of why I did this was to solve this m_misc.h/w_wad.h cyclic dependency problem (involving MAX_WADPATH and AA trees themselves) mentioned in the now-removed comments, another reason was ...only OpenGL uses AA trees at all, why include the relevent structs/functions/otherwise anywhere except where is necessary (which is very few files as it turns out)?
Otherwise, it just looked better on its own rather than mixed with all the other stuff already in the m_misc files. Not really important or anything affecting gameplay at all I guess.
See merge request !82
- Now checks whether the player's top is below the bottom of the fan/gas jet, instead of its bottom. zdist calculation not affected.
- mo->standingslope is NULL'd so the player isn't launched off at a wacky angle. (I also did this for springs, since Prime mentioned it was a problem for them too.)
Some slope improvements/fixes (plus P_GetMobjGravity)
Dear Red, I did some things.
* Made the slope flag SL_NOPHYSICS actually have an effect like we wanted to, but didn't get around to implementing yet - activated by setting the slope's linedef flags to have ML_NOSONIC.
* Made downhill slope thrusts proportional to an object's gravity and friction.
* To make the above happen - seperated out the gravity value finding code in P_CheckGravity into a seperate function, P_GetMobjGravity. (p_mobj.c, p_local.h) I also made this function available to Lua.
* Turned those PANIC n console messages (which would inevitably be followed up with a crash, since we're accessing invalid memory immediately after) into a descriptive I_Error.
* Put the SRB2CB type-shimming behind an ESLOPE_TYPESHIM ifdef.
* Removed SPRINGCLEAN-ifdef'd code.
* Cleaned up some eosteric comments.
* NEW SINCE RED +1'd THIS: The teetering code now takes slopes into account pretty well. There are edge circumstances as outlined in commit 9d221f4f3f, but this is unilaterally better behaviour in every way and the teetering code was kind of a mess anyways.
* NEW SINCE RED AND ALAM +1'd THIS: P_ReverseQuantiseMomentumToSlope. Simple function that replaces the inverse angle stuff (which also wasn't using InvAngle, just ANGLE_MAX - angle - which is inaccurate!!)
Current testing files available at /toaster/slptst3.wad and /toaster/gravitytest.lua on the ftp.
I want to do more to the branch like implement SL_ANCHORVERTEX in the near future, but this is probably safe to merge in its current state.
See merge request !77
The whole thing needs a refactor in general, but it's almost 2am here, I need my sleeb, and this fix would probably break something with 2.1 climbing if I made it any more/less (depending on viewpoint) complicated.
Sectorlist traversal
There's a LOT of code in the source that ended up mixing m_snext (the node for the next thing in the sector's thinglist) and m_tnext (the node for the next sector in the thing's sectorlist), so I renamed the following:
* m_snext ==> m_thinglist_next
* m_sprev ==> m_thinglist_prev
* m_tnext ==> m_sectorlist_next
* m_tprev ==> m_sectorlist_prev
Then, I changed all the instances where the code was trying to go m_thinglist_next on a mobj's touching_sectorlist (which would've just gone to the node for the next thing in the same sector, instead of the node for the next sector for the same thing). Notable samples:
* FF_SHATTER blocks now disappear the moment you go into their sector. You still can't give FF_SOLID to them because in that case they will still stop you if you never enter their sector at all (ie - clip on corners), but having them nonsolid no longer allows you to phase through entirely without busting them (which was the whole downside of making them intangible in the first place).
* You can now bump into multiple Mario blocks at a time, even if you're not exclusively in their sector.
* No more getting randomly stopped on the edges of bouncy FOFs.
* Landing on polyobjects might behave a little more consistently at the edge of their host sector.
* Teetering did a SHITTON of code that basically never got executed, and then had directly-blockmap-accessing code as a backup. The code was activatable by replacing the m_thinglist_next with m_sectorlist_next, but it behaved SUPER differently from what we're used to with teetering (if the player mobj's edge was JUST off the edge of a platform, you ended up in teetering frames - even if it looked like you could stand) so I ended up removing that section entirely.
Any objections?
See merge request !85
Fixes and changes related to the act of setting up a level (in other words, setup fixes)
Changes made in this branch so far:
* a REJECT lump of zero length (NOT to be confused with a REJECT lump of non-zero length with all-zeros, just to clarify) should no longer cause problems with netgames and otherwise. The game now checks if the lump exists, has the right name, and length is not zero - if it fails any of these, the REJECT lump is not loaded and P_CheckSight won't be allowed to use it. This means ZDBSP (no reject) should be safe(r) to use now!
* there's now a simple devmode-only message (requires "Setup" mode) if a sector is found to have no lines at all during setup. It's a far cry from the plot to I_Error the game I once had for that unsusal scenario, but such a level still works anyway so whatever.
See merge request !87
Ran into an issue whilst testing out one last feature (there's always one more...) for flat_alignment_revamp. This is a backported fix.
The bug was such that if you're falling through a platform with FF_REVERSEPLATFORM and not FF_PLATFORM, you'll be pushed downwards such that your head is against the bottom of the FOF. This just checks momz is greater than zero if it has FF_REVERSEPLATFORM to make sure it's okay to set ceilingz. (OR the alternative in reverse gravity.)
No test map because this was originally done for internal. Instead, test it on the other branch's test map.
See merge request !83
Software crashes fix
This branch SHOULD fix the many crashes people have reported lately that all point to the software renderer. Simply put, the software renderer allowed stuff to be drawn out of the screen even though that wasn't safe, and even the existing checks to prevent that didn't work.
If you saw me worrying about the sky HOMs I discovered in AGZ earlier in the commits for this branch, don't worry - it turns out that issue already existed in 2.1.15's srb2win.exe (and probably srb2dd.exe too) anyway, the changes in this branch didn't cause them. Hopefully nothing else broke then.
See merge request !75
Also, the teetering angle on slopes is now FRACUNIT/2 because there's literally no way to stand still on a slope that steep unless it doesn't have physics.
This means the current skewing-by-default effect isn't changed, and OpenGL's equivalent code doesn't have to be touched since apparently it was already like that.
This should mean that maps built with ZBSDP (no reject) should have less or no problems in netgames compared to the standard ZenNode maps now, hopefully. =)
note: once this is merged into internal, you should probably remove me from "programming assistance" so i'm not duplicated for no clear reason. unless you want me to slowly take over every section in the credits >:3c
"frontsector" in this part of the code isn't actually the polyobject's sector for back-side polyobject segs, it's the in-level sector the polyobject as a whole is being rendered in it turns out.
Red apparently left in code for single-sided linedefs to NOT skew their midtextures ...but it doesn't work because it doesn't stop the skewing code from running instead, regardless of whether Effect 1 is on or not. If it's decided single-sided line midtextures shouldn't do this though, the non-skew code could just as well be thrown out lol (or something else I guess?)
When I first wrote this, I thought the .h file that contained a function declaration needed to have the same name as the .c file the function was in. Now I know that's not the case, off to p_local.h with you.
Two interesting points of note:
* The touchspecial sector flag seems to actually do its job now.
* Detection of sectors with polyobjects in seems to have done this incorrectly, but this doesn't mess with anything about touching the polies themselves so it seems to really only handle edge cases where the polyobject was too close to the border of another sector (which would've likely made rendering glitches anyways).
* There was a whole swathe of teetering code that was basically never run properly because of this mistake. I did a simple fix at first, but you started teetering whenever you were slightly less than your radius away from a sector's edge, which was completely different and undesirable behaviour. Instead, I cut out the code that was never running, and just left the hacky method in instead since it was more accurate to what we want in general.
Issue was caused by attempting to traverse the sector's thing-touching-list across all the things in the sector (which would inevitably have the same sector as the first node in mobj->touching_sectorlist) instead of traversing the thing's sector-touching-list (which has the same thing but different sector references).
I wonder how many times AJ copypasted this code with absolutely no idea why it wasn't working properly. I'll figure that out tomorrow, maybe set up some compiler macros so this mistake is never made again. For now, I must sleeb.
Behaves ALMOST as you'd expect. It gets the z position of the slope at the player coordinates when it comes to the sectorlist check (which is first), though, so there's a few oddities that are amplified with steep slopes:
* If the slope's sloping away from you at a steep angle, you might not be able to step down onto it, but you won't teeter (because it's at a step-down-able height if it extended to directly beneath you)
* If the slope's sloping towards you at a steep angle, you might end up in teetering frames when you're able to step down onto it (because it's NOT at a step-down-able height if it extended to directly beneath you)
HOWEVER, it would be pretty obnoxious to hold back code which is functionally superior in every way otherwise, and it doesn't really seem like there's a good way to get that checked tbph
Also updated any relevant project files that I can think of to include the new files, as well as the makefile of course. Some of the other project files haven't been touched in years so I'll leave those alone ...unless someone objects
Basically this makes sure numwadfiles is updated before loading the SOC/Lua scripts, so if a Lua script calls COM_BufInsertText with the contents "addfile scr_mysticrealm.wad" it can't overwrite the last written wadfile slot! Not that COM_BufInsertText really should be used like that to begin with
*Didn't take into account object scale
*Doubled force when on the ground (ignore what the comment of the line I moved says, it was relevant for slopes...)
This also led to a mistake with slopes, where I was double-multiplying by the gravity constant to get half (because of a quirk of numbers...)
Also took the opportunity to nuke or otherwise neuter a bunch of Kalaron's bizzare ramblings (most are questions which have long-been answered by Red's efforts) at the same time.