Assume that every frame the player is on the ground, their pmomz will
be re-set properly if the floor is moving, therefore if the platform
STOPS, we need this to set it to 0.
Here's how it works: When a player walks off the
moving platform, it applies their pmomz once, and
then _keeps pmomz set_ so that the camera still
adds pmomz to its movements until they hit another
floor. This way, the camera doesn't jerk around.
Also gain velocity from walking off an "up" elevator normally?
This _looks_ incorrect because the camera stops matching
the platform movement the moment you step off, but I
assure you it is a correct and accurate movement.
(Try it with chasecam off.)
Now players will apply platform movement when jumping,
but only if the platform is moving the same direction
as their jump is, and all other objects will have an
appropriate pmomz in reverse gravity FOF situations.
Actual blockmap fix
MI's "fix" was a reversion of something that allowed 2.0 maps to use the entire blockmap. This MR reverts that fix and adds a proper fix to the issue of west/south edges of the blockmap not working as they should. Tested with a thokbarrier-less square map (all sides were solid) and with AGZ (objects are tangible all around the map, like they are in 2.1.14).
See merge request !10
Re-fix the server global variable in Lua
I screwed up the conditions on my first attempt to fix this, since I only tested one scenario. Tested this in SP, at the main menu, and both clientside and (dedicated)serverside in MP. Everything works as intended.
See merge request !9
Polyobject more fixes
Extra fixes related to polyobjects; actually properly putting their flats alongside them in the draw list, and making them able to use single-waypoint zoom tube sequences. Also threw in a smoothness fix for swinging chains while I was there.
See merge request !8
Polyobject scroll hotfix
Things fixed:
* Polyobjects should now carry the same thing types as conveyors (notable example; they'll now carry Crawlas when they wouldn't before)
* The drifting issue with players on spinning polyobjects should be fixed. (I swapped in the old bad hack for a new hack that should work like it's supposed to)
See merge request !6
(It's that infamous intangible West/South linedefs bug, which was really a blockmap-related bug all along. AND IT WAS SO SIMPLE TO FIX!)
git-svn-id: 6de4a73c-47e2-0310-b8c1-93d6ecd3f8cd
running is another story
Author: Ronald Kinard <>
Date: Wed Jan 28 02:09:03 2015 -0600
git-svn-id: 6de4a73c-47e2-0310-b8c1-93d6ecd3f8cd
Core code has too many #define dependencies on interface-specific
defines. This means that it's currently not possible to safely
separate the core and interface code into different contexts. The
core code should be refactored to accomadate for this because we
should not have any interface-specific code in core in the first
This reverts the static library SRB2Core from a7135094 and instead
adds the core sources to the SRB2SDL2 target directly.
So frustrating...