Lua more stuff
More new Lua features and fixes:
* Most Lua functions that deal with stuff that exists only in levels now should spout Lua errors instead of crashing the game if you try to use them outside of levels. Likewise, accessing any of the tables that contain level-only stuff (players, sectors, lines, etc etc) spouts Lua errors too outside of levels.
* `userdataType(variable)` now exists: this function simply returns the type of the userdata variable given as a string (e.g. `userdataType(players[0])` returns "player_t", `userdataType(sectors[0])` returns "sector_t"). This also includes "minor" userdata types for array members of other userdata types, such as .powers of player_t variables or .lines of sector_t variables (which would give the strings "player_t.powers" and "sector_t.lines" respectively).
* The Lua hook "MobjMoveBlocked" now exists: functions for this hook are called whenever a mobj attempts to move horizontally but is blocked by a wall or solid mobj (or whatever else can cause P_TryMove to return false, assuming it doesn't remove the mobj). In theory this hook could be very useful for behaviour such as sliding or bouncing off walls without the need of flags like MF_SLIDEME or MF_BOUNCE etc. Format for use is just like most generic mobj hooks: `addHook("MobjMoveBlocked", functionname, MT_OBJECTTYPE)`, where `functionname` is a function that takes a single mobj_t argument.
See MonsterIestyn/lua-more-stuff on the FTP for a test exe (srb2win-lua-more-stuff.exe) and some test scripts for the above changes.
See merge request !67
* Super sprites are now deliniated via an additional S_SUPER lump between S_START and S_END. Above are normal sprites, below are super sprites. Handled internally via FF_SPR2SUPER.
* Sprite2 numbers are now appropriately limited for the data type that stores them.
* SPR2_SPIN is now SPR2_ROLL, SPR2_DASH is now SPR2_SPIN and SPR2_PEEL is now SPR2_DASH. Makes more sense, right?
Making Metal's pinch cues suck less
Does what it says on the tin. Give it a shot with <root>/toaster/metaltest.wad to skip the race and go directly to the boss to see what it does!
See merge request !70
Add a vertical flip variant for the translucent column drawer.
Translucency is now properly distributed: 0.00 leads to no render at all, 0.1 to TRANS10, ..., 0.9 to TRANS90, 1 to regular column drawer.
Precipitation sprite overflow fix
This fixes artifacts of rain/snow sprites appearing on-screen in levels that have rain/snow, if said sprites were high enough above the camera. This kind of thing was previously fixed for sprites of regular objects (and textures of FOFs?), but apparently the fix wasn't applied to sprites for precipitation as it turns out.
I found this most easily reproducable in SRB2TD's Stormy Streets level, because some of the invisible FOFs make raindrops continually splash right up at the sky ceiling itself. Position your camera underneath them right and ...voila, ghostly precip sprites apparently appearing. (You'll need to make a SOC to make the level playable in vanilla SRB2 mind)
See merge request !169
(various large invisible blocks used in the level cause rain to make splashes high above the main level, high enough to make ghostly rain splash sprite artifacts appear sometimes in nearby areas)
This is used by Command_Addfile in the MD5 calculation code, so that it can search subfolders properly and allow addfile in netgames to treat them the same way as in SP
* Changed the order of Record/Nights Attack and its level select menu option so that you go from the main menu to the map page to level select, rather than main menu to level select to map page.
* Cleaned up a lot of code.
Record attack custom exit fix
This fixes the bug reported here:
Record Attack now no longer allows the tally to be skipped, whether by custom exits or by Lua etc.
See merge request !164