Draw Textures and Flats that have holes in them like a solid polygon so they use the depth buffer and don't need to be sorted
Disable all linear filtering on textures and flats that have holes in them, the linear filtering introduces translucency into the textures where the edges are. Leaving them with either a black border, or causing pixels behind the slightly translucent areas to not be drawn. Doesn't apply to sprites and the HUD as they are always already sorted properly.
Make the Alpha Testing more strict on non-translucent blend modes. This makes it so any transparency below 0.5 is discarded instead. Would make anything that is blended and has holes in it look slightly better, only the HUD and MD2s where the texture has holes are effected currently.
Set TF_TRANSPARENT on flat texture flags when there are holes in the texture.
Minor fix to make sure MD2s always set the right blend mode
Pwease no kicky
Don't kick Tails! Also, a movement for the WRITESINT8 to prevent modification to buf if the function bails early.
This can go into Master, right? It only matters for the host, and it's explicitly only having a major effect outside of netgames.
See merge request !201
*Add CONS_Printf messages for !netgame checks
*Arg count is checked first regardless of netgame status for both kick and ban, < 2 is checked instead of == 1 just in case these weren't called from console for some stupid reason?
*Moved Command_Kick's buffer vars to within the code that actually does kicking stuff
Lua archive value fix
This fixes some potential problems with archiving mobjinfo_t/state_t data via Lua in netgames (whether as custom mobj/player vars or by NetVars hook). Thanks to LJSonic for pointing this out to me.
See merge request !200
Apart from the fact that UnArchiveValue reads UINT16 for both anyway (which alone causes problems), but UINT8 isn't even enough to store the higher end of the object types list and definitely most of the states welp
The issue was that because both them and the player had MF_SOLID, the tmfloorz of the spring was getting set to above the player (or vicea versa with tmceilingz), forcing it upwards with them under certain circumstances.
Now, springs only acknowledge the solidity (for purpose of tmfloorz/tmceilingz) of objects they CAN'T launch.
OpenGL slope FOF lighting fix
This fixes some issues with sloped FOFs that affect lighting in OpenGL (as in, those that cast a shadow or have a colormap). Particularly, they can do strange things to any wall textures adjacent to them, as we've noticed ourselves in levels for 2.2. =P
See merge request !194
Fixes with respect to sector special touching and slopes
Some important stuff.
* SF_TRIGGERSPECIAL_TOUCH now actually works. Previously, it abandoned the loop early if ANY bounding sector didn't have that sector flag, which it likely didn't - only checking one extra sector's worth of FOFs. Also, the teleport handling there is more robust, and actually bails out if you teleport, instead of just awkwardly continuing through the loop.
* SF_TRIGGERSPECIAL_TOUCH now works for each time thinkers, too.
* Fixed a bug with being able to go under lava because P_CheckSolidLava doesn't take slopes into account.
* Also, P_CanRunOnWater supports slopes now too.
* Quicksand supports slopes and reverse gravity now.
* Space Countdown supports slopes now.
Also, an experiment behind a #define which currently isn't turned on:
* UNDER A #define, "SECTORSPECIALSAFTERTHINK", WHICH IS CURRENTLY TURNED OFF, BUT I WILL WANT TO TURN ON IN INTERNAL: Moved sector touch handling to P_PlayerAfterThinker (from P_PlayerThinker before movement). Allows for being able to trigger moving slope sectors that are going down, most specifically lava (didn't matter in RVZS in 2.1 because you could clip through the sides and go underneath the lava, causing damage - a sloped testwad version of that prevented going underneath.) Also fixes one-frame standing on deathpits before you die. Basically means sector triggers effectively happen one tic earlier, since it's after movement.
See merge request !131
Polyobject seg render fix
This fixes both Software and OpenGL renderers so that polyobject segs aren't drawn if the game is drawing the actual subsectors they're from (outside the main level, where the polyobject walls were pre-spawn). They should only appear as part of the polyobject itself in-level.
This means a few glitches with polyobjects are probably fixed: for instance in Software mode, polyobject walls sometimes appear through level boundaries (and make everything above/below vanish, turning into HOM or skybox), if the BSP rendering code happens to find one of the subsectors said segs came from outside the level. I don't think anything similar happens in OpenGL, though I'm sure some unwanted typecasting is happening as a result of attempting to draw the segs. (And it fixes a crash in 2.2 anyway.)
See merge request !195
Ping-related code fix
Somehow, the part of the netcode for calculating the players' pings in a netgame frequently gets the concepts of nodes and players mixed up, which is probably not a good thing. This branch of course fixes those slipups.
I originally based this branch on master to be merged to it (since it only fixed issues on the host's side), but after finding another issue with clients receiving PT_PING from the server, I decided to make this a merge to next instead.
See merge request !193
Ld414 invalid sound fix
This fixes Linedef type 414 crashing the game if an invalid sound number was supplied to it (this can happen if you, say, scrambled THZ2's textures *cough*), whether or not the "Repeat Midtexture" flag is checked.
See merge request !196
Polyobject segs should ONLY be drawn if the polyobject itself is in the polylist of a subsector being rendered. That way you won't sometimes see polyobject walls through level boundaries, if you happen to be close enough to their pre-spawn locations outside the level (or in them, if you decided to go on a noclip journey).
Ignore askinfoviams
Turns out PT_ASKINFOVIAMS is an obsolete packet type anyway, the MS doesn't send it at all. So let's just ignore it in the netcode then. (the online page just acts like a client and sends PT_ASKINFO, and is not part of the MS itself)
See merge request !191
Netcode hotfix
Various netcode fixes are included in this branch. Most important of all of course is a fix for the Net_CloseConnection invalid node -32769 detected message thing, or rather what actually caused that to occur.
It's a merge to master since everything here should be compatible with 2.1.18: the only main changes are related to recieving packets (whether you're the host of a netgame or a client), which AFAIK shouldn't cause desyncs if you played with these fixes on a 2.1.18-hosted netgame (or hosted a netgame with the fixes and 2.1.18-using players join you).
See merge request !185
A bunch of bugfixes about too many wads in netgames
* Having bunch of music WADs added and then breaching the file limit(s) through joining a server with important files added. http://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?t=42662
* Having a bunch of music WADs added, joining a server, and then breaching the file limit(s) when the server adds a file. https://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?t=34664
* Informing the adminplayer whenever they try to send a request addfile net command but the file limit(s) are reached.
Done into next because I might as well be 100% safe, even though this could probably work on master as well.
See merge request !187
Missiles 'n slopes
Fixed that thing where missiles like sliding up slopes for some reason.
This isn't a 1:1 fix compared to non-slopes - missiles still like stepping up over the borders of sloped sectors and will continue going as long as they never touch that ground again, whereas they can never step up on flat ones - but this fixes the most egregrious issue.
See merge request !181
* if you sent it to a client rather than the server, game over, your connection is closed
* if files that don't exist or are too large are requested are listed, game over, your connection is closed (they should have been checked on YOUR side beforehand, silly)
* if the server has downloading disabled anyway, ...yeah, you get the idea
Don't worry, I made sure Got_RequestFilePak cleaned up the full file request list for the node in case of failure
This is just in case someone actually tries to dump in C_START/C_END and "add" colormaps using them, not that they would ever be used currently anyway.
Admin ban fix
Okay, THIS time admin bans should work properly. Turns out the relevant code for banning did not properly consider the case of admins doing the banning, at least until now.
Unlike my last attempt at fixing admin bans (!165), this one would require both host and admin to have the fix exe assuming everyone else would be using 2.1.17, so I'm merging to next instead of master.
See merge request !167
Allowteamchange fix
Fixes "allowteamchange no" to actually work properly and NOT desync you from the game in most cases. You can now switch TO spectator freely (as intended it turns out), and switching FROM spectator is prohibited. The "Enter Game" menu option in Match/Tag now displays one of those blue window notices just like with "Change Teams" in CTF/Team Match if you cannot change teams right now. Everything else works as you'd expect.
The de-sync issue was originally reported here https://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?p=789965#85
See merge request !168
Falling rocks fix
This fixes the rock spawners' rocks not being removed if they rolled down to the ground from a slope rather than bouncing (see https://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?t=41963)
See merge request !162
doesn't draw off of the sides, and doesn't ignore snapping or widths for reasons that don't make sense
(for instance: the green bar in MI's test script showed *above* the blue one in non-green resolutions in 2.1.17)
Command-line skin selecting fix
Fixed http://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?t=42312.
Also, fixed being able to change your skin colour during credits/cutscenes in singleplayer.
See merge request !158
(various large invisible blocks used in the level cause rain to make splashes high above the main level, high enough to make ghostly rain splash sprite artifacts appear sometimes in nearby areas)
This is used by Command_Addfile in the MD5 calculation code, so that it can search subfolders properly and allow addfile in netgames to treat them the same way as in SP
This fixes the grid floors in TD's Lava Mountain freezing the game if they go off the bottom of the screen far enough (they have ACWRFL1A as the wall texture, which is a single patch texture with holes)
* Fixing an inconsistency with being able to change skin colours when you shouldn't be able to, much like the previous skin change issue that was fixed.
-If the server tries to kick a joiner who is downloading the game state, they will get a timeout instead, because a regular kick would only happen once the game state has been downloaded
-Added a timeout for player ticcmd packets, again to prevent freezes to happen in some cases
-File/game state downloading is now faster, the speed is controlled by the "downloadspeed" cvar, in packets per tic
-The reason is now properly shown when the server refuses connection
-Changed the default values of "nettimeout" to 10 seconds (previously 15) and "maxsend" to 4 MB (previously 1)
-Added a "noticedownload" cvar that displays a message in the server console when someone is downloading a file
CMake: Fix nasm Linux builds
When compiling under Linux with CMake and nasm/yasm enabled, the operation would fail during linking with undefined symbols related to the tmap files.
This commit adds support for passing flags to the assembler and passes ```-DLINUX``` in order to compile.
After this change, binaries are successfully compiled with either nasm or yasm on Linux systems.
Tested on Ubuntu.
See merge request !153
Savegame hotfixes
Yes, this another netgame related fix! Named this "savegame hotfixes" rather than "ERCZ hotfix" or the like in advance of the fact we probably need a general branch for other $$$.sav fixes?
Anyway, fixes included in by this branch:
* ERCZ's lava falls now act as expected rather than being stuck in place for the map's duration, fixing all other known desynchronisation issues known in the map for the time being (yay)
* Changing sector tags in a map no longer causes joiners to netgames to have their SRB2 application stop responding etc
* Player names should no longer turn red in the console in gametypes outside of CTF/Team Match if a resynch occurs (not $$$.sav related, but it's related to netplay so I lumped it in anyway)
See merge request !150
One Eggscalibur fix
Use mobj->watertop instead of mobj->spawnpoint->z. CEZ3 is far from fixed in multiplayer, but this is still one less thing to worry about.
See merge request !148
Software plane rendering fixes/cleanup
This is mostly cleanup, with the exception that polyobject planes should now behave somewhat better than they do in 2.1 currently (translucent polyobj planes should now always be actually translucent regardless of where you view them from, for instance). I can't claim I've fixed their rendering once and for all though, there may still be bugs for all I know...
See merge request !136
Some texture-related fixes
Bugs fixed in this branch:
* upper/lower/middle textures with non-existent texture ids being capable of crashing the game. For instance, RVZ1 has colormap codes on non-colormap linedefs, which causes them to wind up with invalid texture ids because of how the game tries to interpret lower/upper textures with "#" followed by characters on normal linedefs. Fortunately these "textures" are normally not visible anyway (since they're all in control sectors) unless they are swapped with in-level textures by some crazy Lua script of some sort...
* animated single-patch textures with holes displaying garbage on first viewing (see this thread: https://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?t=42195)
* the heights of the lighting (shadows or colormapping) from water/translucent/shadowcasting/etc FOFs become messed up when displayed on repeated midtextures.
See merge request !144
Flat changing hotfix
This should fix how Lua scripts that change flats in levels, particularly to flats that don't already exist in the level, cause SRB2 to crash for anyone who joins a netgame afterwards. (I'm not sure if it's a consistent thing or not though)
Probably needs a good test to verify the issue is completely fixed before being merged in. Maybe there are other minor things I didn't account for in this fix? I don't know!
See merge request !141
Dunno who thought it was a good idea to lump tag, nexttag and firsttag together in $$$.sav, but that meant changing sector tags caused SRB2 to stop responding since it lead to the tag lists being broken
This fixes ERCZ's lava falls not moving after joining a netgame at that stage. Possibly explains other various floor/ceiling related netgame quirks that haven't been noticed until now, maybe even in multiplayer levels.
Remove secplanes
This is just removing SSNTails's old port of ZDoom's secplane code and math, from back when he attempted slopes himself. The slopes we've had since 2.1.15 however do not need these, so we can pretty much toss the code for them out now (nothing uses them anyway).
See merge request !149
-Updated packet name list so the debug file no longer shows garbage packet names
-Replaced byte values with actual net command names in the debug file. Only the first net command in a packet will be shown though
-Added a MOBJCONSISTANCY define that makes the game takes all revelant mobjs to be counted in the synch seed
-Added a PACKETDROP define that adds two console commands "drop" and "droprate" to simulate bad internet by dropping packets
-Added/changed comments here in there in the netcode
-Fixed a minor error that would ignore one of the urgent ack slots
-Added a space between the map name and "zone" for the messages shown in a joiner's console
This fixes Brak's electric barrier disappearing for joiners to ERZC. There seems to be some issues with the lava falls there too I've found, but the electric barrier actually stays around now at least
Smoother ropes and zoom tubes
Makes rope hangs and zoom tubes suck less. Specifically, they handle corners (and vertical height changes, ala sloped rope hangs) a LOT nicer. Ported from internal.
See merge request !139
As LJSonic has pointed out, there's no need for a for loop in either case; just use sector->floorpic/ceilingpic as a levelflats index directly
(Besides, if that was to stop any out-of-bounds indexes being used, that's hardly the way to do it anyway)
Turns out sdl12's version of this function only did stuff for DC/GP2X ports; support for them have been cut out for SDL2, so for now let's just not use the function at all
I'm convinced there's going to be some stupid side effects from doing this, but it's the quickest way I can fix the polyobj planes not all appearing anyway
Console improvements
* Unused console backgrounds no longer take up memory
* Input cursor can now move left and right
* Support for selections (Shift-arrow keys, CTRL-A, etc)
* Clipboard support (CTRL-C to copy, CTRL-V to paste, CTRL-X to cut)
* Fixed handling of simultaneous modifier key presses
None of this affects chat yet, that's not part of the console. I'll look at it later.
See merge request !133
I added similar checks for the other num* but it seems some MD2s break the other limits without knowing anyway ...so I've commented these checks out for now, unless we have further discussion regarding them later on
* Space sector support complete, bounds of drowning now altered slightly.
* Knuckles climb now has symmetrical slope support for both normal and reverse gravity.
* All slope-determining topheight and bottomheight code is now identical in form.
* Camera postimages now support slopes properly.
Moved the handling of P_PlayerInSpecialSector to P_PlayerAfterThink from P_PlayerThink.
* This allows the player to get hurt on sloped lava surfaces that are moving downwards.
* Also prevents the player from standing on death pits for 1 tic.
* Prevents the player moving 1 extra tic's worth of movement of pain when hit by sector.
* Thankfully, no consequences re conveyors.
* Like, the only consequences I've found have been positive. However, this DOES need to be thoroughly investigated before it can be allowed anywhere near Next itself.
(neither does P_CanRunOnWater, but I don't think it's necessary to make that check more complicated as you probably shouldn't be able to waterrun up steep surfaces anyways)
Also, the "teleport" devmode command can now gracefully handle coordinates specified outside maps with no/few thok barriers, which previously prevented teleport via the thok barrier bleed's sector floor and ceiling being equal.
Fixing various problems with MF_SOLID collision
(I, toast, wrote the original merge request, but Alam made this merge request because I made a mistake. Twice. In a row.)
* Solid objects are now no longer intangible when your z is less than the other object's.
* I originally thought the bug was limited to just solid objects on slopes (hence the branch name), and was wondering about undesired side effects - but looking at this gfy, this was a major bug that slopes made easier to expose.
* Unfixed = http://gfycat.com/BareLimitedCavy
* Fixed = http://gfycat.com/JubilantOffensiveGar
* You now properly lose your momentum when jumping at a solid object.
* The way I fixed this was a hack, but it was originally a much worse hack which resulted in very bizzare physics issues, so...
* Unfixed = http://gfycat.com/ShockingAbsoluteArthropods (also demonstrates the first bug)
* Fixed = http://gfycat.com/EmbellishedCourageousGordonsetter
See merge request !119
Fixed players disappearing when spindashing whilst wearing multi-layer shields
* Before: http://i.imgur.com/gxUFElo.png
* After: http://i.imgur.com/NxsOg94.png
The problem was that MT_OVERLAY's default radius and height were never getting changed from 1*FRACUNIT, and that meant that when you spindashed, the game considered it completely below the surface of the flat you were standing on. Since you're not usually clipped on flats that don't belong to FOFs, we didn't notice this aspect of the issue sooner.
See merge request !124
v.drawScaled negative scales fix
Lua now errors if you try to use negative scales with v.drawScaled, rather than crashing as it does in 2.1.16 currently. Not much else to say here.
See merge request !126
Fixing FF_REVERSEPLATFORM clipping fixes
Forgot the case where == 0.
Tested by @wolfy852 in Top Down, where the bugs this caused were first discovered.
See merge request !121
Even more slope-related fixes
What it says on the tin pretty much:
Currently included fixes:
* Pusher specials applied to FOFs did not properly account for slopes applied to the bottom plane; this probably was just a minor slipup that appeared on adding the support in the first place, I take it? (some waterfall in the last section of SUGOI's Fudge Canyon is the only place I can think of offhand where this bug is noticable)
See merge request !114
Treating " as whitespace in TEXTURES (and animdefs too i guess)
SLADE adds this character in its TEXTURES editor and makes SRB2 cry unless the lump is manually edited; this just treats it as whitespace so we don't have to think too hard about it.
Also, two I_Errors now refer to the correct lump name.
See merge request !122
(the problem was that MT_OVERLAY's default radius and height were never getting changed from 1*FRACUNIT, and that meant that when you spindashed, the game considered it completely below the surface of the flat you were standing on. Since you're not usually clipped on flats that don't belong to FOFs, we didn't notice this issue sooner.)
HOWEVER, since these changes to PIT_CheckThing do raise questions about whether there may be unintended side effects here. As a result, I may remake this for internal only if necessary.
More slope fixes (aka sorry guys I made another quick SUGOI fix)
Another slopes fix branch!
This branch currently includes a fix for:
* Knuckles gliding into a slope while in 2D mode causes him to try to "climb" on air above them, if the original non-sloped height is higher. Unfortunately he still tries to grab onto places that he can't really climb on, but at least now it's on the slope itself and not in mid-air lol. This issue is encountered in SUGOI's Retro Hill Zone, if you want to check for yourselves.
* Bustable FOF-busting code for both players AND pushables not accounting for slopes
* (Unrelated to slopes): Fix FF_SHATTERBOTTOM FOFs acting like THZ goop when stood on; I added this fix as a bonus because I encountered it in a test map of mine for the bustables fix
(Other fixes may or may not appear here in the near future, I haven't decided yet. Don't wait on me to get in any further fixes before merging, that said)
See merge request !110
Last-minute NiGHTS exiting bugfix
One single-line fix concerning the end of NiGHTS maps. Extremely small, literally zero side effects here, the only reason I'm not committing directly to master (aside from ettiquette) is that I don't have the ability to do so.
* The NiGHTS drone had a single tic of visibility when you hit the goal, which is evident stepping frame by frame through http://gfycat.com/ComplicatedComposedAoudad (the contents of which may or may not make it into 2.2). This is no longer the case.
See merge request !100
Cutscene switch fix
Yet another fix for SUGOI, lol: apparently going from a final level's post-cutscene straight to a custom credits cutscene gets the latter stuck forever in the first scene (because the game accidentally stops the cutscene responder from realising the custom credits cutscene is running). This branch of course makes a fix for that.
See merge request !108
Wall collision fixes
Fixes included in this branch:
* A fix for a specific crash encountered in a SUGOI map (sound familiar?) caused by bouncing off a wall adjacent to a slope
* A fix for solid midtextures not accounting for Effect 3/Peg Midtexture properly (https://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?t=41462)
* A fix for solid midtextures not accounting for texture y offsets properly for non-Lower Unpegged/Peg Midtextured midtextures
* A fix for solid midtextures not accounting for "infinite" repeats (Repeat Midtexture + no repeat count set)
* ~~A fix for Effect 4 on Polyobject First Line making that particular linedef's midtexture solid in addition to making planes visible - this is not wanted if you want a polyobject with both visible planes and full intangibility.~~ Apparently they never did this anyway, don't mind me \o/
See merge request !104
Fix non-player objects having busted step-up/down on slopes
Why the fuck did I make this a player conditional in the first place holy shit
See merge request !103
RA menu can be opened if the game is modified, but Start can't be selected. (Obvious reason: so scripts to display info can be used easier)
Fixed the stupid background for messages in the Record Attack menu, it was bugging me
* Effect 3 (Peg Midtexture) is now accounted for properly, flipping the collision box position to match the actual rendered position of the midtexture
* Fixed incorrect application of y-offsets for non-lower unpegged midtextures collision boxes; +ve always goes up, -ve always goes down!
* Effect 4 now doesn't make midtextures solid for polyobjects at all - this "conflicted" with First Line having both Effect 4 (visible planes) and Effect 3 (intangible) simultaneously, where we kind of expect the first line's wall to not be made solid. This may be less of a problem in future SRB2 versions, but for now solid midtextures for polyobjects are disabled.
. tmthing can be NULL if called from PTR_SlideTraverse, so we should use slidemo instead
This fixes a crash that occurs in yet ANOTHER SUGOI map, involving bouncy walls next to sloped floors/ceilings