A less memetic message: On permission of Mystic, rejiggered a few things such that Race uses cv_competitionboxes, allowing the menu to be nicer.
* disabled the doomednum for ? boxes
* made A_MixUp play sfx_lose if you're in a gametype that can't use it
* Removed the all-teleporters option from cv_competitionboxes. It could just be done by tweaking the random monitor toggles, anyways.
Polyobject checksight fix
This branch fixes how polyobject lines apparently stop objects from "seeing" other objects behind them; the relevant code now checks the polyobject's top and bottom too! This is relevant for enemies trying to get you, Homing attack, Fang's gun, etc etc.
Can't say if it's perfect or not, but it's a definitely an improvement over what happened before, anyhow.
See merge request !86
No doubling texture heights plz
If you didn't know, apparently SRB2 was hardcoded to double the height of 64x64 textures created using TX_START/TX_END. This has frustrated some a lot. This branch removes this hack at last (there doesn't appear to be any visual issues resulting from removing it, anyway).
srb2win-nodoubletexheight.exe can be found in my FTP folder.
See merge request !85
First person HUD drown numbers fix
This branch fixes the following issues with the first person HUD when drowning:
* "0" turning into Sonic's drown sprite, since both sprites happen to be named DRWNA0
* SF_MACHINE's special drowning numbers from 3rd person not being used
See merge request !80
MI hardcode stuff
A branch where I hardcode some of the various SOCs in patch.dta and some of our external files
Stuff hardcoded in this branch (so far)
* The contents of SOC_PITY from patch.dta
* The contents of SOC_XMAS from patch.dta
* The big gargoyle for DSZMaster-n1.wad
I've made a subfolder called "mi-hardcode" in my FTP folder for files you'll need for testing:
* srb2win-mihardcode.exe is an exe I compiled for this branch
* An edit of patch.dta with SOC_PITY and SOC_XMAS removed, this can be the new patch.dta once merged in
See merge request !84
Basically in preperation of supporting colourblindness modes I implemented the following link when loading palettes.
This basically means I can do whatever the hell I want to the colour profile of incoming paletties, and nobody can stop me. Muahahahaha etc.
Also, I added a saturation feature to show off its full potential, converted gamma from a table to a factor of the calculation, tweaked some menus and made the default value of cvars show up on sliders. Because that's how I roll.
MI's unimportant code cleanup
Just removing a bunch of unused variables/function prototypes from the source code and similarly minor stuff, nothing here should change gameplay much (if at all).
See merge request !71