* Fix an issue where everyone being game overed except for one person, and then kicking that one person, meant the game over trigger was never met.
* Fix an issue where the spectator text could be overridden with a count of the number of remaining players to complete the level.
* Fixed a few glitches with spinning. (Unrelated to the branch, but exposed through new_coop testing.)
* If NONET, the Multiplayer option on the main menu leads directly to the Splitscreen menu, which also includes player 1/2 setup under this circumstance.
* A mechanism to save player name, skin and colour as defaults to config.cfg.
Charability trigger hotfix
Apparently when I made `P_RunTriggerSpecial` less than 3 years ago (August 2014) and cleaned up the trigger linedef code, I accidentally inverted the ability check for linedef types 305-307 by mistake, thereby causing the linedefs to activate for anyone EXCEPT those with the ability instead. Whoops.
See merge request !205
Fixes for Each Time and P_IsObjectOnGroundIn
Fixes the issue with Each Time reported here: https://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?t=42818
Also fixes a separate issue with P_IsObjectOnGroundIn and intangible FOFs (where it determined that standing at the top height of them counted as being on the ground) which was also reproducable via the above bug funnily enough.
See merge request !204
MI hardcode again
Stuff hardcoded in this branch:
* Everything from SOC_TREE in patch.dta - the GFZ trees use thing types 806-808 and the other trees 810-816
* Everything from SOC_TOKE in patch.dta (but done better)
* Wall spikes, from Nev3r's DSZ/ACZ work, edited to actually hurt you on touch - these use thing type 522
MonsterIestyn/mi-hardcode-again on the FTP includes a test exe (srb2win-mihardcodeagain.exe) and a modified patch.dta (where SOC_TREE and SOC_TOKE are removed and missing wall spike sprites added). A test map for tokens in mario blocks is also included (marioblocktoken.wad).
See merge request !106
Or rather, I killed anything to do with the old background orb, renamed all "EMMY" stuff to "TOKEN", and of course adjusted the new S_TOKEN accordingly
* Crash prevention if total somehow becomes zero.
* Don't waste time multiplying and demultiplying the HUD check if it's just gonna net you the same number.
Pwease no kicky
Don't kick Tails! Also, a movement for the WRITESINT8 to prevent modification to buf if the function bails early.
This can go into Master, right? It only matters for the host, and it's explicitly only having a major effect outside of netgames.
See merge request !201
*Add CONS_Printf messages for !netgame checks
*Arg count is checked first regardless of netgame status for both kick and ban, < 2 is checked instead of == 1 just in case these weren't called from console for some stupid reason?
*Moved Command_Kick's buffer vars to within the code that actually does kicking stuff
* Hide the individual lives on the tab menu whenever they're irrelevant.
* Make co-op spectators appear on the tab menu.
* Hide one frame of spectatorhood stuff in splitscreen.
* Fix joining netgames whilst in a special stage not giving the startinglives.
* Make monitors that don't appear to do anything play the failure sound.
* Only make players flash if they're REspawning, rather than spawning into a fresh level - unless it's a NiGHTS level, in which case never.
* Make the default value of cv_playersforexit "All".
* Correct the greying out of the lives counter for cv_cooplives == "Single pool" to only be when you can't respawn.