Allowteamchange fix
Fixes "allowteamchange no" to actually work properly and NOT desync you from the game in most cases. You can now switch TO spectator freely (as intended it turns out), and switching FROM spectator is prohibited. The "Enter Game" menu option in Match/Tag now displays one of those blue window notices just like with "Change Teams" in CTF/Team Match if you cannot change teams right now. Everything else works as you'd expect.
The de-sync issue was originally reported here
See merge request !168
Falling rocks fix
This fixes the rock spawners' rocks not being removed if they rolled down to the ground from a slope rather than bouncing (see
See merge request !162
DrawFill made not stupid
made it more consistent with other drawing functions; doesn't draw off of the sides, and doesn't ignore snapping or widths for reasons that don't make sense
(for instance: the green bar in MI's test script showed *above* the blue one in non-green resolutions in 2.1.17)
See merge request !173
doesn't draw off of the sides, and doesn't ignore snapping or widths for reasons that don't make sense
(for instance: the green bar in MI's test script showed *above* the blue one in non-green resolutions in 2.1.17)
Command-line skin selecting fix
Also, fixed being able to change your skin colour during credits/cutscenes in singleplayer.
See merge request !158
Linedef type 443 (Call Lua Function) fix
Fix for
Note that the crash reported occurs only if Lua has been initialized (by having a Lua script loaded) and a LinedefExecute hook function has been added.
See merge request !171
Screenshot slots fix
Fix for this bug:
The game should now print an error saying all 10000 slots have been used up. It was already there funnily enough, just someone goofed up in the code for finding the next screenshot name to use.
See merge request !170
Precipitation sprite overflow fix
This fixes artifacts of rain/snow sprites appearing on-screen in levels that have rain/snow, if said sprites were high enough above the camera. This kind of thing was previously fixed for sprites of regular objects (and textures of FOFs?), but apparently the fix wasn't applied to sprites for precipitation as it turns out.
I found this most easily reproducable in SRB2TD's Stormy Streets level, because some of the invisible FOFs make raindrops continually splash right up at the sky ceiling itself. Position your camera underneath them right and ...voila, ghostly precip sprites apparently appearing. (You'll need to make a SOC to make the level playable in vanilla SRB2 mind)
See merge request !169
(various large invisible blocks used in the level cause rain to make splashes high above the main level, high enough to make ghostly rain splash sprite artifacts appear sometimes in nearby areas)
This is used by Command_Addfile in the MD5 calculation code, so that it can search subfolders properly and allow addfile in netgames to treat them the same way as in SP
Record attack custom exit fix
This fixes the bug reported here:
Record Attack now no longer allows the tally to be skipped, whether by custom exits or by Lua etc.
See merge request !164