* PF_NIGHTSMODE is now CR_NIGHTSMODE as part of player->powers[pw_carry]. This is because it's mutually exclusive to every other "carry" type.
* PF_SUPERREADY is dead because it literally just checked for all 7 emeralds and 50 rings. That's it. You couldn't even appreciably alter its presence with Lua. That logic has been placed back in P_SuperReady.
Lua more stuff
More new Lua features and fixes:
* Most Lua functions that deal with stuff that exists only in levels now should spout Lua errors instead of crashing the game if you try to use them outside of levels. Likewise, accessing any of the tables that contain level-only stuff (players, sectors, lines, etc etc) spouts Lua errors too outside of levels.
* `userdataType(variable)` now exists: this function simply returns the type of the userdata variable given as a string (e.g. `userdataType(players[0])` returns "player_t", `userdataType(sectors[0])` returns "sector_t"). This also includes "minor" userdata types for array members of other userdata types, such as .powers of player_t variables or .lines of sector_t variables (which would give the strings "player_t.powers" and "sector_t.lines" respectively).
* The Lua hook "MobjMoveBlocked" now exists: functions for this hook are called whenever a mobj attempts to move horizontally but is blocked by a wall or solid mobj (or whatever else can cause P_TryMove to return false, assuming it doesn't remove the mobj). In theory this hook could be very useful for behaviour such as sliding or bouncing off walls without the need of flags like MF_SLIDEME or MF_BOUNCE etc. Format for use is just like most generic mobj hooks: `addHook("MobjMoveBlocked", functionname, MT_OBJECTTYPE)`, where `functionname` is a function that takes a single mobj_t argument.
See MonsterIestyn/lua-more-stuff on the FTP for a test exe (srb2win-lua-more-stuff.exe) and some test scripts for the above changes.
See merge request !67
* Speaking of, actively enforced not being able to be Super and NiGHTS at the same time.
* Also on that note - SPR2_TRNS is now the NiGHTS transformation. The Super transformation is (FF_SPR2SUPER|SPR2_TRNS).
* SPR2_NPAN is now SPR2_NSTN, since it matches Super Sonic's stun animation rather than the pain animation.
* Fixed a bunch of things where Super float was handled badly with 2AM brain.
* Fixed the R_ProjectSprite error going out of spr2names' bounds.
* Fixed order of FF's in dehackéd.
* Fixed that thing where Super Sonic was blue for 1 tic after transformation, and the life icon was a blue Super Sonic.
* Super sprites are now deliniated via an additional S_SUPER lump between S_START and S_END. Above are normal sprites, below are super sprites. Handled internally via FF_SPR2SUPER.
* Sprite2 numbers are now appropriately limited for the data type that stores them.
* SPR2_SPIN is now SPR2_ROLL, SPR2_DASH is now SPR2_SPIN and SPR2_PEEL is now SPR2_DASH. Makes more sense, right?
Slopewall transfer
As @Nev3r wants. Go along a slope, hit a wall? LAUNCH! Well, I mean. He wants it slightly less weak. I have already made it less weak than P_SlopeLaunch.
Also also I made the trail that goes behind the player when they're rolling take into account vertical momentum as well as horizontal, so that being launched directly up didn't leave you trailless.
Test with <root>/!LatestSRB2Files/srb2win_branch_transfer.exe and <root>/Nev3r/ACZMaster.wad (roll down slope directly in front of you).
See merge request !66
Revamps of several dated linedef type effects
Felt like being productive so made some things I hate suck less.
Linedef type 7 (flat alignment) now works as follows.
* Linedef angle (from v1 to v2) is flat angle.
* Origin of flat is manipulated to match v1's coordinates - unless ML_NOKNUX is flagged, in which case uses frontside x and y offsets as flat offsets instead.
* ML_NOSONIC prevents changing floor.
* ML_NOTAILS prevents changing ceiling.
* Both of the above flags at once prints a warning.
* (THZ and probably a few other maps need updating.)
Linedef type 540 (friction) now works as follows.
* Controlled by x offset instead of length - offset of -100 is maximum iciness, offset of +483(!!!) is the maximum sludginess BUT things are scaled such that +100 is about the maximum sludginess any reasonable human being would want in a level, 0 is ORIG_FRICTION)
* Not reliant on a sector special to function (can be applied solely by tag to in-map sectors or solid FOF control sectors)
* Uses less memory, perform less calculations, and not bug out objects which just happen to use movefactor for something
* PHYSICS CHANGE: Low friction surfaces actively impede your acceleration (and make your animation speeds faster to give off that Looney Tunes out-of-control effect)
* (ACZ and Frozen Hillside needs updating.)
Sector types 1 and 3 in section 3 no longer do anything.
Linedef type 3 (zoom tube) now works as follows.
* Abs of frontside x offset is speed in units of FRACUNIT/8.
* Abs of frontside y offset is waypoint sequence number.
* Effect 4 flag rotates the player to match the waypoint direction (same as before).
* (ERZ needs updating.)
Linedef type 11 (rope hang) now works as follows.
* Abs of frontside x offset is speed in units of FRACUNIT/8.
* Abs of frontside y offset is waypoint sequence number.
* Effect 1 flag makes rope transfer one-way. (same as before)
* No climb flag makes rope static. (same as before)
* (ACZ and maybe ERZ need updating.)
Linedef type 258 (laser) is almost the same as before, but has altered functionality.
* Its flashing is less obnoxious. (56.25% to 68.75% instead of 100% to 0%, at half the speed)
Linedef type 14 (Bustable block parameters) is new, and works as follows.
* Tagged to the control sector of a block that is likely to be busted (via executor or collision, doesn't matter)
* Concatenation of frontside textures is MT_ object type to spawn, defaults to MT_ROCKCRUMBLE1 if not present
* Sound played when being busted is object type's activesound
* Frontside x offset is spacing (in fracunits) of spawned particles, defaults to 32<<FRACBITS
* Frontside y offset is the fuse of spawned particles in tics, defaults to 3*TICRATE, if set to -1 fuse is not set
* Effect 1 flag makes particles "fly out" horizontally and vertically from the center of the FOF
Sector types 7 through 15 in section 3 no longer do anything.
Linedef type 250 (Mario Block) is almost the same as before, but has new functionality and is slightly different in another way.
* No Climb flag turns it into a brick block (set on Custom FOF via presence of FF_SHATTERBOTTOM - busts when hit from the bottom, player hits their head/fist/whatever, no more upwards momentum)
* Effect 1 flag makes it an invisible block (set on Custom FOF via absence of (FF_SOLID|FF_RENDERALL|FF_CUTLEVEL) - intangible from every side except the bottom. Becomes visible and tangible when it's hit once)
* Only updates side textures when moving down or stationary, not whilst moving up - more fidelity to the source material, less processing on the CPU, everyone wins.
* If FOF master linedef has a backside, then: [If there's items in it the FOF's flats are set to that of the backside sector's ceiling, otherwise the floor.] Otherwise, no flat change.
Linedef type 4 (Speed Pad parameters) now works as follows.
* Frontside x offset is speed in fracunits.
* Effect 4 flag doesn't center the player. (same as before)
* Effect 5 flag sends them off in rolling frames.
* Frontside upper texture is sound to play on launch, defaults to sfx_spdpad when not given
Sector type 6 in section 3 no longer does anything.
Object type 757 is changed as follows, and no longer works on its own - see Linedef type 15 for more details.
* Tag via its angle field
* Number of objects to spawn per tic around it via its z field, if zero then just spawn at center
* Is flipped if given MTF_OBJECTFLIP.
* (ERZ and Seraphic Skylands - if we use that map - needs updating)
Linedef type 15 (Fan particle spawner parameters) is new, and works as follows.
* Tag is tag of object(s!)
* Object type set via concatenation of frontside textures, MT_PARTICLE is default
* The length of the linedef is the radius the particle is spawned out (zeroed if z field is 0)
* Frontside x offset is speed upwards
* Frontside y offset is number of degrees to turn each tic (zeroed if z field is 0)
* Frontside floor and ceiling heights are the heights in which the particle is bound through some fun mathematics
A_ParticleSpawn is changed, too.
* Object type is now changed through actor->threshold instead of var1 to support Linedef type 15.
Test executable uploaded at /toaster/srb2win_branch_flatalignment.exe on the ftp.
Test file uploaded at /toaster/flatalignment.wad on the ftp.
Breaks compatibility with 2.1 so put in internal.
See merge request !29
* Made the name of P_PrepareSlopeToWallTransfer (now P_GetWallTransferMomz) make sense.
* Bugfixed the case where you couldn't reliably guess the angle of the wall you just hit.
* Seriously reworked a lot of stuff behind the scenes, thanks to Red's comments.
* More consistent behaviour.
* Launching power is now scaled to the slope's angle relative to the wall you hit, so no massive launches when you hit the side of a steep slope.
* The code is a lot messier and the function name doesn't make any sense any more, so I need to clean that up in the morning.
* Need to figure out how to prevent tiny launches that uncurl you when spindashing up against walls.
* Spindashing trails now takes into account vertical momentum as well as horizontal - it was stupid not seeing your spintrail just because you weren't moving very fast horizontally!
No exe uploaded because it's almost 2am.
GFZ3 Unfuckening
Some tweaks to the GFZ3 Eggmobile's behaviour to make it less frustrating for old and new players alike.
* GFZ3 Eggmobile's laser won't change its angle when you move left and right anymore.
* Changed because its ability to move quickly was extremely punishing for new players (see ProJared's youtube video on the matter).
* http://gfycat.com/PassionateUnknownAgama (the twitching on the third laser has been fixed since this was recorded)
* GFZ3 Eggmobile will, when too far away from the ground and moving upwards, slow itself down vertically.
* This was punishing and annoying for both old and new players alike.
* http://gfycat.com/CornyLeftDungbeetle (old values - the typical settling height is slightly lower now)
See merge request !42
Hardcoded VAda Flickies
Many thanks to MI for his help, even if he has sinful opinions on what the collection of creatures should be called. ;P
* Flickies are now handled via A_FlickySpawn instead of hardcoded in P_KillMobj, so there can be mobjtypes with MF_ENEMY which don't create flickies, or other mechanisms which can much easier.
* Added map header "FlickyList" (aka "AnimalList") parameter, which can either be set to:
* A species (eg: "Rabbit" or "Bluebird", amongst 17 currently supported types in dehacked.c table FLICKYTYPES - including the seed from Sonic CD, which isn't limited to 'soniccd on' in the console now)
* Any valid mobjtype that isn't MT_NULL (eg: "MT_FLICKY_GHOST")
* A comma-seperated list of either of the above, up to 64 entries long (eg: "Cow,MT_FLICKY_SPIDER,Chicken")
* "All" - sets behind-the-scenes stuff to use every 'normal' type of flicky in FLICKYTYPES (a distinction which can be utilised to hide secret level flickies where they wouldn't be appropriate for the main game)
* "Demo" - sets behind-the-scenes stuff to use the five flickies closest to the species used in the game's long history.
* "None" - prevents any flickies from spawning.
"Demo" is functionally the default value if you don't include a FlickyList parameter in the header at all.
Of note, a bunch of functions are now created:
* A_FlickySpawn - spawns flicky.
* A_FlickyAim - aims for area near target, but not directly on them - turns around when hitting wall
* A_FlickyFly - flies/swims around target (calls A_FlickyAim)
* A_FlickySoar - hacky alternate fly (calls A_FlickyAim)
* A_FlickyCoast - slowing down before going off again
* A_FlickyHop - fracunit-scale precision for A_BunnyHop
* A_FlickyFlounder - A_FlickyHop with randomisation
* A_FlickyCheck - State-setter for falling, or being on-ground
* A_FlickyHeightCheck - State-setter for falling, or being below a certain height relative to target
* A_FlickyFlutter - A_FlickyCheck, but with a slow fall/movement (calls A_FlickyCheck and A_FlickyAim)
I don't need to enumerate the object types and states that have been added, do I?
Oh yeah, I also made it so get_mobjtype's failure value was MT_NULL and prohibited SOC from editing the properties of it to compensate.
IN ADDITION: Killed "soniccd" console command, since it made things more complicated and honestly being able to specify Sonic CD seeds in the level header is a better option.
See merge request !60
One Eggscalibur fix
Use mobj->watertop instead of mobj->spawnpoint->z. CEZ3 is far from fixed in multiplayer, but this is still one less thing to worry about.
See merge request !148
* MT_EXPLODE's anims partially FF_ANIMATE'd.
* A_FlickySpawn turned into a wrapper for internal function that does what A_FlickySpawn did but returns a pointer to the spawned flicky.
Spindash dust
Charging a spindash kicks up dust, we all know this feature was dying to get in at some point. Bubble and flame forms of spin dust are included from FSonic, for underwater and elemental respectively.
Oh, and as a bonus I reorganised the spindash/spinning/other ability2 stuff code to look a bit neater and more organised.
New resources:
* MT_SPINDUST - the object
* S_SPINDUST1 to 4 - the normal form's states
* S_SPINDUST_BUBBLE1 to 4 - the bubble form's states
* S_SPINDUST_FIRE1 to 4 - the bubble form's states
* SPR_DUST - the normal form's sprite set (uses frames A to D, just pinch FSonic's sprites really)
* SPR_FPRT - the flame form's sprite set (frame A only)
SF_NOSPINDASHDUST disables spindash dust for a character
See merge request !52
Sprite2 changes
Some stuff!
* Lua access to sprite2.
* Introducing new Lua-exclusive function, P_IsValidSprite2(mo, spr2). Basically just a wrapper for (((skin_t *)mobj->skin)->sprites[spr2].numframes > 0), useful for creating custom sprite2 defaulting functions since hooking into P_GetMobjSprite2 wouldn't be worth it.
* FF_ANIMATE support for sprite2s. The var2 of the state works identically to normal FF_ANIMATE, but var1 is completely disregarded - it just runs all of the frames available to that one sprite2 animation set.
* As a result, a bunch of states which were either not previously animatable or had animated at constant speed now get animation without state changes.
* P_SetMobjState now supports sprite2 defaulting like P_SetPlayerMobjState does.
See merge request !51
Damage control + Match rebalancing
This is two branches in one since while I was working on damage-control's changes months back, I felt it was best Match rebalancing was merged in here too (thanks JTE for helping me do so).
Changes from damage-control:
* `player->health` (formerly the "HUD copy" of `player->mo->health`) is now `player->rings`, and is also now the player's actual ring count.
* `player->mo->health` (formerly rings + 1) is now always 1 when alive, regardless of ring count; if player with rings is damaged, this is untouched.
* P_RingDamage now includes ring spilling code.
* P_ShieldDamage now has a damagetype argument, allowing me to remove the last MT_NULL hack left in from the pre-damagetype days that I forgot about.
* The old "switch-to-seestate" enemy damaging behavior in P_DamageMobj has been removed. This was a Doom left-over and doesn't really affect SRB2's enemies anyway - see, Doom enemies had a random chance of using seestate or painstate, SRB2 enemies always use painstate.
* Other minor efforts to reorganise damaging code and have it make more sense, but otherwise nothing that should affect gameplay in general.
Changes from match-rebalancing:
* New weapon/ammo dropping behavior: if you have the weapon panel + ammo, you drop the panel (but not the ammo); if you don't, you just drop the ammo.
* New Match ammo consumption: Weapon rings can now be fired with no rings at double the ammo cost.
* New emerald behaviour: collecting all 7 emeralds no longer turns you super (read: Match super is dead now) but instead steal points from enemies and gives you and teammates invincibility + sneakers
* Tails ringslinger buff: Any character with CA_FLY will now throw rings 1.5x as fast.
See merge request !28
* All Lua-originated sprite2 settings are now forced through P_GetMobjSprite2. Makes sense because of SPR2_JUMP, which none of the main characters have sprites for yet all use.
* Cleaned up P_GetMobjSprite2 to not set irrelevant, otherwise-unused variable.
(neither does P_CanRunOnWater, but I don't think it's necessary to make that check more complicated as you probably shouldn't be able to waterrun up steep surfaces anyways)
Fixed players disappearing when spindashing whilst wearing multi-layer shields
* Before: http://i.imgur.com/gxUFElo.png
* After: http://i.imgur.com/NxsOg94.png
The problem was that MT_OVERLAY's default radius and height were never getting changed from 1*FRACUNIT, and that meant that when you spindashed, the game considered it completely below the surface of the flat you were standing on. Since you're not usually clipped on flats that don't belong to FOFs, we didn't notice this aspect of the issue sooner.
See merge request !124
* Bubblewrap shield bounce now no longer allows thokking post-bounce, but still allows bouncing
* plus a bunch of tiny changes to clean up code around the place.
* Some shield sounds swapped (can be reverted later).
* Partial implementation of S3K shield abilities.
* The ability to elemental-groundpound onto gold monitors without going straight through them.
* Force shield ability removed because nobody could agree on it, we'll keep it blank until another idea can get through the disagreement juggernaut.
* shields give you 1000 points
* redundant shields don't make you puase
* checkpoints give you 2000 points
* falling down a deathpit is just falling, not bouncing
Fixes to horizontal spring collision
Fixed various issues arising from collision with exclusively horizontal springs. Thamks to @Inuyasha for the heads up! Of note:
* If you hold down your jump button whilst jumping into it, you no longer immediately use your ability.
* Characters with (CA_DOUBLEJUMP && CA2_MULTIABILITY) or CA_FLOAT or CA_HOVER no longer lose track of their jump count.
* Upped the strength of info.c's red and yellow horizontal springs.
See merge request !41
FF_ANIMATE additions: globally synced animations
FF_GLOBALANIM = makes the animation synced to the level's timer, so all objects will display the same frame at the same time

I mean, doesn't that look so much prettier?
There's also some changes to FF_MIDDLESTARTCHANCE (FF_ANIMATE behavior was split due to not acting consistent between that and SPR2 behavior).
See merge request !46
* introducing the new friend, SH_FORCEHP (which is used as a bitmask to get the extra hitpoints of a force-shield user)
* P_DamageMobj now considers the unimplemented shield constants as well as the implemented ones.
* When not pressing any direction, you now go backwards by default - to emphasise that this is primarily for defensive, not offensive, purposes.
* The camera can now handle the player going backwards without them going completely off-screen.
* Fixed some overzealous checks.
* The spinfire ring is now capable of damaging enemies. (god, what a terrible hack this is)
* When ground pounding, you now bounce off the floor a little bit to make the ability less spammable.
* The Dodge Dash
* Allows you to dash - no control, no falling, no key response - for 2 + (number of extra shield hitpoints) tics.
* If you're holding movement keys down, you dash in the direction you're holding - otherwise, you dash directly forward.
* You're spinning (spindash spin, not jump spin) until your dash is over, then your momentum is cut down significantly and you end up in falling frames.
* It may not necessarily be super useful for Sonic, but it helps the other characters.
* http://gfycat.com/BogusFailingFritillarybutterfly
* http://gfycat.com/PoliticalIdealisticBallpython (outdated speed, shows any direction)
* GFZ3 Eggmobile's laser won't change its angle when you move left and right anymore.
* Changed because its ability to move quickly was extremely punishing for new players (see ProJared's youtube video on the matter).
* http://gfycat.com/PassionateUnknownAgama (the twitching on the third laser has been fixed since this was recorded)
* GFZ3 Eggmobile will, when too far away from the ground and moving upwards, slow itself down vertically.
* This was punishing and annoying for both old and new players alike.
* http://gfycat.com/ShabbyAncientEarthworm (old values - the typical settling height is slightly lower now)
(the problem was that MT_OVERLAY's default radius and height were never getting changed from 1*FRACUNIT, and that meant that when you spindashed, the game considered it completely below the surface of the flat you were standing on. Since you're not usually clipped on flats that don't belong to FOFs, we didn't notice this issue sooner.)
* Camerascale, shieldscale, height and spinheight are now player attributes which are set to the skin attribute on skin change, not read directly from the skin.
* P_GetPlayerHeight and P_GetPlayerSpinHeight are now macros instead of functions.
* Extra protection against switching to a locked skin.
More slope fixes (aka sorry guys I made another quick SUGOI fix)
Another slopes fix branch!
This branch currently includes a fix for:
* Knuckles gliding into a slope while in 2D mode causes him to try to "climb" on air above them, if the original non-sloped height is higher. Unfortunately he still tries to grab onto places that he can't really climb on, but at least now it's on the slope itself and not in mid-air lol. This issue is encountered in SUGOI's Retro Hill Zone, if you want to check for yourselves.
* Bustable FOF-busting code for both players AND pushables not accounting for slopes
* (Unrelated to slopes): Fix FF_SHATTERBOTTOM FOFs acting like THZ goop when stood on; I added this fix as a bonus because I encountered it in a test map of mine for the bustables fix
(Other fixes may or may not appear here in the near future, I haven't decided yet. Don't wait on me to get in any further fixes before merging, that said)
See merge request !110
Last-minute NiGHTS exiting bugfix
One single-line fix concerning the end of NiGHTS maps. Extremely small, literally zero side effects here, the only reason I'm not committing directly to master (aside from ettiquette) is that I don't have the ability to do so.
* The NiGHTS drone had a single tic of visibility when you hit the goal, which is evident stepping frame by frame through http://gfycat.com/ComplicatedComposedAoudad (the contents of which may or may not make it into 2.2). This is no longer the case.
See merge request !100
Also, the particles made via spindashing in shallow water are now located behind the player. This does move the running particles too, but that's okay.
* Fixed bug where being pushed off a platform whilst charging a spindash would leave you in your charging frames instead of your rolling ones when you hit the ground (http://gfycat.com/MassiveThreadbareItalianbrownbear for how it works now, http://gfycat.com/MarvelousEnlightenedAuk is how it used to work)
* Fixed bug where spindashing on top of a bubble spawnpoint led to you being able to move around in spindash frames (no gif since obvious desired behaviour is obvious)
* Spindash animation speeds up the faster you'll shoot off.
* The spin charging mechanism is now scale-independent, and only multiplies by scale when shooting off - less FixedMul calls, and potentially deals with weird quirks of changing scale whilst spindashing that nobody's discovered because there's no place to find that in the main game!
* Climbing animation defaults to rolling instead of walking, because what.
* MF_AMBUSH is now MF2_AMBUSH, because it's something you turn on in a map editor, not with a SOC definition.
* Where MF_AMBUSH was is now MF_PAPER.
* MF_PAPER accesses all the stuff I did previously in this branch...
* ...as well as turn on paper-thin collision detection between mobjs, which I've gotten working but isn't perfect but it's still good enough for non-solid objects!!
* The NiGHTS drone had a single tic of visibility when you hit the goal, which is evident stepping frame by frame through http://gfycat.com/ComplicatedComposedAoudad (the contents of which may or may not make it into 2.2).
* When completing a NiGHTS stage with a non-zero link, the link could flash up in the final few tics before the fade to black. This just checks for player->exiting to make sure it shouldn't be shown.
* That hacky anti-NiGHTS-deaxisment code I commented out because I thought it was visual only? Reimplemented in a way that is both more and less hacky. It's identical in result to the original code, but takes a roundabout method to get there.
* Sprite references for SUPE, SUPZ and NDRL are removed because they are now unused.
* Helper's flashing conditional is restructured to do less flag swapping.
* The check for super setting FF_FULLBRIGHT is limited to MAXTRANSLATIONS now, and also correctly takes into account MAXSKINCOLORS == SKINCOLOR_SUPERSILVER1.
* NiGHTS collision bounds aren't hardcoded anymore.
* NiGHTS link will never display when leaving stage.
* Slightly tweaked rules for the supercolor setting when doing a NiGHTS transformation, but only meaningful for setting FF_FULLBRIGHT.
* if you can turn SF_SUPER, flash your skin's supercolor, otherwise be your normal color
* if your skin doesn't have a SPR2_NGT0 (horizontal fly), use Sonic's (this will hopefully be replaced by 2.2 with sprites of NiGHTS themselves)
* MT_NIGHTSCHAR made irrelevant, everything follows actor->target instead of actor->target->tracer now
* emerald is now player->mo->tracer instead of player->mo->tracer->target
* nightopian helpers flash for the 35 tics before they disappear
* nights capsule makes boss explosions/noises now (i can change it back i just like it better)
* drill off into the sky instead of fly up in floating pose (but no noise yet)
* default maxdash is now 70
* forgot to add supercolor to lua, it is there now
* SPR2_SMSL renamed to SPR2_SSTN (stun)
* any player with a skincolor that's in the super range is set to FF_FULLBRIGHT at state-set time, so no need to keep super players non-fullbright just because they use spin stuff
* Press spin in midair to make the shield flash solid repeatedly and make a number of ding noises.
* When the player with a flashing, dinging shield hits the ground, they are sent off in spinning form at the maximum of 2*abs(momz) VS the 3D hypotenuse of momx, momy, and momz.
* When moving slowly, P_InstaThrust at S_SKIN's maxdash forward, and set momz to S_SKIN's mindash upwards. Plays a tok noise (not thok). Hurts enemies/bosses, busts spikes/monitors/all types of bustable blocks.
* When moving quickly... doesn't do anything yet, but WILL do a slide.
Also, P_DoSpinDash is now renamed to P_DoSpinAbility, and CA_TWINSPIN users can bust all bustable blocks on collision too.
* Electric sparks coming off entire body instead of bubbles coming out mouth
* Different sounds.
* Different icons.
These sprites are currently local only, but I'll be doing a lot of asset updating this evening since Rob asked me to so it won't be long until you can get them.
* FF_MIDDLESTARTCHANCE - has a 50% chance of starting the spr2 or FF_ANIMATE animation halfway in
* FF_SPR2ENDSTATE - if var1 == S_NULL, don't loop, just stop incrementing the frames. Otherwise, go to the state represented by var1.
The former is just something I did for fun, the latter is something that'll come in handy when porting in new-character-moves.
* radius - sets the player's radius for that skin.
* height - sets the player's normal height for that skin.
* spinheight - sets the player's spinheight for that skin.
* shieldscale - see http://i.imgur.com/BQ5DhKC.png for justification
* If a character select character image is not set, don't iterate every tic - iterate on first image get and then save to the struct.
* A character select screen with only two characters now has special case handling.
* A memory leak in the making has been plugged. (specifically, picname not being Z_Free'd if the loop fails to do so)
* Logic/operation simplification.
Also, some typo corrections and clarity case movements of stuff in other files I've been looking at.
* SF_NOJUMPSPIN - Player's height is full whilst jumping, SPR2_JUMP defaults to SPR2_SPNG instead of SPR2_SPIN, and the player goes into fall frames if they start moving downwards or use their ability.
* PA_JUMP - for jumping (upwards in the case of SF_NOJUMPSPIN.
* SF_NOJUMPDAMAGE - Ala rosy.wad, don't damage enemies, etc when jumping into them.
* SF_STOMPDAMAGE - Just for fun. Ala in Mario, always damage enemies when you land on top of them (your gravity reference, not theirs).
* SF_MARIODAMAGE - SF_NOJUMPDAMAGE|SF_STOMPDAMAGE is reasonably accurate to the Mario games, and might as well be surfaced as such.
Also, a minor change:
* Instead of not spawning the revitem if your SPR2_ is SPR2_DASH, don't spawn it if it's set to 0. This requires the player.dta I uploaded a couple days ago to behave as it was previously.
* Don't get stuck in spindash frames if your maxdash is 0, and don't flash rolling frames if you're on goop.
* Dashmode actually starts charging from runspeed instead of the arbitrarily calculated (normalspeed - 5*FRACUNIT). This just made things easier, honestly, and it's 1 FU of difference compared to the current test case.