mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 10:52:23 +00:00
Declare data exchanged through the network to a new file
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 339 additions and 312 deletions
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
#include "client_connection.h"
#include "tic_command.h"
#include "net_command.h"
#include "protocol.h"
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#ifndef __D_CLISRV__
#define __D_CLISRV__
#include "protocol.h"
#include "../d_ticcmd.h"
#include "d_net.h"
#include "d_netcmd.h"
@ -21,85 +22,7 @@
#include "../d_player.h"
#include "mserv.h"
The 'packet version' is used to distinguish packet
formats. This version is independent of VERSION and
SUBVERSION. Different applications may follow different
packet versions.
If you change the struct or the meaning of a field
therein, increment this number.
// Network play related stuff.
// There is a data struct that stores network
// communication related stuff, and another
// one that defines the actual packets to
// be transmitted.
// Networking and tick handling related.
#define BACKUPTICS 1024
#define MAXTEXTCMD 256
// Packet structure
typedef enum
PT_NOTHING, // To send a nop through the network. ^_~
PT_SERVERCFG, // Server config used in start game
// (must stay 1 for backwards compatibility).
// This is a positive response to a CLIENTJOIN request.
PT_CLIENTCMD, // Ticcmd of the client.
PT_CLIENTMIS, // Same as above with but saying resend from.
PT_CLIENT2CMD, // 2 cmds in the packet for splitscreen.
PT_CLIENT2MIS, // Same as above with but saying resend from
PT_NODEKEEPALIVE, // Same but without ticcmd and consistancy
PT_SERVERTICS, // All cmds for the tic.
PT_SERVERREFUSE, // Server refuses joiner (reason inside).
PT_CLIENTQUIT, // Client closes the connection.
PT_ASKINFO, // Anyone can ask info of the server.
PT_SERVERINFO, // Send game & server info (gamespy).
PT_PLAYERINFO, // Send information for players in game (gamespy).
PT_REQUESTFILE, // Client requests a file transfer
PT_ASKINFOVIAMS, // Packet from the MS requesting info be sent to new client.
// If this ID changes, update masterserver definition.
PT_WILLRESENDGAMESTATE, // Hey Client, I am about to resend you the gamestate!
PT_CANRECEIVEGAMESTATE, // Okay Server, I'm ready to receive it, you can go ahead.
PT_RECEIVEDGAMESTATE, // Thank you Server, I am ready to play again!
PT_SENDINGLUAFILE, // Server telling a client Lua needs to open a file
PT_ASKLUAFILE, // Client telling the server they don't have the file
PT_HASLUAFILE, // Client telling the server they have the file
// Add non-PT_CANFAIL packet types here to avoid breaking MS compatibility.
PT_CANFAIL, // This is kind of a priority. Anything bigger than CANFAIL
// allows HSendPacket(*, true, *, *) to return false.
// In addition, this packet can't occupy all the available slots.
PT_FILEFRAGMENT = PT_CANFAIL, // A part of a file.
PT_TEXTCMD, // Extra text commands from the client.
PT_TEXTCMD2, // Splitscreen text commands.
PT_CLIENTJOIN, // Client wants to join; used in start game.
PT_NODETIMEOUT, // Packet sent to self if the connection times out.
PT_LOGIN, // Login attempt from the client.
PT_TELLFILESNEEDED, // Client, to server: "what other files do I need starting from this number?"
PT_MOREFILESNEEDED, // Server, to client: "you need these (+ more on top of those)"
PT_PING, // Packet sent to tell clients the other client's latency to server.
} packettype_t;
void Command_Drop(void);
@ -109,229 +32,6 @@ void Command_Droprate(void);
void Command_Numnodes(void);
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma pack(1)
// Client to server packet
typedef struct
UINT8 client_tic;
UINT8 resendfrom;
INT16 consistancy;
ticcmd_t cmd;
} ATTRPACK clientcmd_pak;
// Splitscreen packet
// WARNING: must have the same format of clientcmd_pak, for more easy use
typedef struct
UINT8 client_tic;
UINT8 resendfrom;
INT16 consistancy;
ticcmd_t cmd, cmd2;
} ATTRPACK client2cmd_pak;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable : 4200)
// Server to client packet
// this packet is too large
typedef struct
tic_t starttic;
UINT8 numtics;
UINT8 numslots; // "Slots filled": Highest player number in use plus one.
ticcmd_t cmds[45]; // Normally [BACKUPTIC][MAXPLAYERS] but too large
} ATTRPACK servertics_pak;
typedef struct
// Server launch stuffs
UINT8 serverplayer;
UINT8 totalslotnum; // "Slots": highest player number in use plus one.
tic_t gametic;
UINT8 clientnode;
UINT8 gamestate;
UINT8 gametype;
UINT8 modifiedgame;
char server_context[8]; // Unique context id, generated at server startup.
} ATTRPACK serverconfig_pak;
typedef struct
UINT8 fileid;
UINT32 filesize;
UINT8 iteration;
UINT32 position;
UINT16 size;
UINT8 data[0]; // Size is variable using hardware_MAXPACKETLENGTH
} ATTRPACK filetx_pak;
typedef struct
UINT32 start;
UINT32 acks;
} ATTRPACK fileacksegment_t;
typedef struct
UINT8 fileid;
UINT8 iteration;
UINT8 numsegments;
fileacksegment_t segments[0];
} ATTRPACK fileack_pak;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(default : 4200)
typedef struct
UINT8 modversion;
char application[MAXAPPLICATION];
UINT8 localplayers;
UINT8 mode;
} ATTRPACK clientconfig_pak;
#define SV_DEDICATED 0x40 // server is dedicated
#define SV_LOTSOFADDONS 0x20 // flag used to ask for full file list in d_netfil
enum {
// This packet is too large
typedef struct
In the old packet, 'version' is the first field. Now that field is set
to 255 always, so older versions won't be confused with the new
versions or vice-versa.
UINT8 _255;
UINT8 packetversion;
char application[MAXAPPLICATION];
UINT8 version;
UINT8 subversion;
UINT8 numberofplayer;
UINT8 maxplayer;
UINT8 refusereason; // 0: joinable, REFUSE enum
char gametypename[24];
UINT8 modifiedgame;
UINT8 cheatsenabled;
UINT8 flags;
UINT8 fileneedednum;
tic_t time;
tic_t leveltime;
char servername[MAXSERVERNAME];
char mapname[8];
char maptitle[33];
unsigned char mapmd5[16];
UINT8 actnum;
UINT8 iszone;
UINT8 fileneeded[MAXFILENEEDED]; // is filled with writexxx (byteptr.h)
} ATTRPACK serverinfo_pak;
typedef struct
char reason[255];
} ATTRPACK serverrefuse_pak;
typedef struct
UINT8 version;
tic_t time; // used for ping evaluation
} ATTRPACK askinfo_pak;
typedef struct
char clientaddr[22];
tic_t time; // used for ping evaluation
} ATTRPACK msaskinfo_pak;
// Shorter player information for external use.
typedef struct
UINT8 num;
char name[MAXPLAYERNAME+1];
UINT8 address[4]; // sending another string would run us up against MAXPACKETLENGTH
UINT8 team;
UINT8 skin;
UINT8 data; // Color is first four bits, hasflag, isit and issuper have one bit each, the last is unused.
UINT32 score;
UINT16 timeinserver; // In seconds.
} ATTRPACK plrinfo;
// Shortest player information for join during intermission.
typedef struct
char name[MAXPLAYERNAME+1];
UINT8 skin;
UINT16 color;
UINT32 pflags;
UINT32 score;
UINT8 ctfteam;
} ATTRPACK plrconfig;
typedef struct
INT32 first;
UINT8 num;
UINT8 more;
UINT8 files[MAXFILENEEDED]; // is filled with writexxx (byteptr.h)
} ATTRPACK filesneededconfig_pak;
// Network packet data
typedef struct
UINT32 checksum;
UINT8 ack; // If not zero the node asks for acknowledgement, the receiver must resend the ack
UINT8 ackreturn; // The return of the ack number
UINT8 packettype;
UINT8 reserved; // Padding
clientcmd_pak clientpak; // 144 bytes
client2cmd_pak client2pak; // 200 bytes
servertics_pak serverpak; // 132495 bytes (more around 360, no?)
serverconfig_pak servercfg; // 773 bytes
UINT8 textcmd[MAXTEXTCMD+1]; // 66049 bytes (wut??? 64k??? More like 257 bytes...)
filetx_pak filetxpak; // 139 bytes
fileack_pak fileack;
UINT8 filereceived;
clientconfig_pak clientcfg; // 136 bytes
UINT8 md5sum[16];
serverinfo_pak serverinfo; // 1024 bytes
serverrefuse_pak serverrefuse; // 65025 bytes (somehow I feel like those values are garbage...)
askinfo_pak askinfo; // 61 bytes
msaskinfo_pak msaskinfo; // 22 bytes
plrinfo playerinfo[MAXPLAYERS]; // 576 bytes(?)
plrconfig playerconfig[MAXPLAYERS]; // (up to) 528 bytes(?)
INT32 filesneedednum; // 4 bytes
filesneededconfig_pak filesneededcfg; // ??? bytes
UINT32 pingtable[MAXPLAYERS+1]; // 68 bytes
} u; // This is needed to pack diff packet types data together
} ATTRPACK doomdata_t;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma pack()
extern INT32 mapchangepending;
// Points inside doomcom
@ -341,19 +41,8 @@ extern consvar_t cv_showjoinaddress;
extern consvar_t cv_playbackspeed;
#define BASEPACKETSIZE offsetof(doomdata_t, u)
#define FILETXHEADER offsetof(filetx_pak, data)
#define BASESERVERTICSSIZE offsetof(doomdata_t, u.serverpak.cmds[0])
#define KICK_MSG_GO_AWAY 1
#define KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY 0x80
typedef enum
KR_KICK = 1, //Kicked by server
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
#ifndef __D_NET__
#define __D_NET__
#include "../doomtype.h"
// Max computers in a game
// 127 is probably as high as this can go, because
// SINT8 is used for nodes sometimes >:(
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
// Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by Sonic Team Junior.
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file protocol.h
/// \brief Data exchanged through the network
#ifndef __PROTOCOL__
#define __PROTOCOL__
#include "d_net.h"
#include "../d_ticcmd.h"
#include "../doomdef.h"
The 'packet version' is used to distinguish packet
formats. This version is independent of VERSION and
SUBVERSION. Different applications may follow different
packet versions.
If you change the struct or the meaning of a field
therein, increment this number.
// Network play related stuff.
// There is a data struct that stores network
// communication related stuff, and another
// one that defines the actual packets to
// be transmitted.
#define BACKUPTICS 1024
#define MAXTEXTCMD 256
// Packet structure
typedef enum
PT_NOTHING, // To send a nop through the network. ^_~
PT_SERVERCFG, // Server config used in start game
// (must stay 1 for backwards compatibility).
// This is a positive response to a CLIENTJOIN request.
PT_CLIENTCMD, // Ticcmd of the client.
PT_CLIENTMIS, // Same as above with but saying resend from.
PT_CLIENT2CMD, // 2 cmds in the packet for splitscreen.
PT_CLIENT2MIS, // Same as above with but saying resend from
PT_NODEKEEPALIVE, // Same but without ticcmd and consistancy
PT_SERVERTICS, // All cmds for the tic.
PT_SERVERREFUSE, // Server refuses joiner (reason inside).
PT_CLIENTQUIT, // Client closes the connection.
PT_ASKINFO, // Anyone can ask info of the server.
PT_SERVERINFO, // Send game & server info (gamespy).
PT_PLAYERINFO, // Send information for players in game (gamespy).
PT_REQUESTFILE, // Client requests a file transfer
PT_ASKINFOVIAMS, // Packet from the MS requesting info be sent to new client.
// If this ID changes, update masterserver definition.
PT_WILLRESENDGAMESTATE, // Hey Client, I am about to resend you the gamestate!
PT_CANRECEIVEGAMESTATE, // Okay Server, I'm ready to receive it, you can go ahead.
PT_RECEIVEDGAMESTATE, // Thank you Server, I am ready to play again!
PT_SENDINGLUAFILE, // Server telling a client Lua needs to open a file
PT_ASKLUAFILE, // Client telling the server they don't have the file
PT_HASLUAFILE, // Client telling the server they have the file
// Add non-PT_CANFAIL packet types here to avoid breaking MS compatibility.
PT_CANFAIL, // This is kind of a priority. Anything bigger than CANFAIL
// allows HSendPacket(*, true, *, *) to return false.
// In addition, this packet can't occupy all the available slots.
PT_FILEFRAGMENT = PT_CANFAIL, // A part of a file.
PT_TEXTCMD, // Extra text commands from the client.
PT_TEXTCMD2, // Splitscreen text commands.
PT_CLIENTJOIN, // Client wants to join; used in start game.
PT_NODETIMEOUT, // Packet sent to self if the connection times out.
PT_LOGIN, // Login attempt from the client.
PT_TELLFILESNEEDED, // Client, to server: "what other files do I need starting from this number?"
PT_MOREFILESNEEDED, // Server, to client: "you need these (+ more on top of those)"
PT_PING, // Packet sent to tell clients the other client's latency to server.
} packettype_t;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma pack(1)
// Client to server packet
typedef struct
UINT8 client_tic;
UINT8 resendfrom;
INT16 consistancy;
ticcmd_t cmd;
} ATTRPACK clientcmd_pak;
// Splitscreen packet
// WARNING: must have the same format of clientcmd_pak, for more easy use
typedef struct
UINT8 client_tic;
UINT8 resendfrom;
INT16 consistancy;
ticcmd_t cmd, cmd2;
} ATTRPACK client2cmd_pak;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable : 4200)
// Server to client packet
// this packet is too large
typedef struct
tic_t starttic;
UINT8 numtics;
UINT8 numslots; // "Slots filled": Highest player number in use plus one.
ticcmd_t cmds[45]; // Normally [BACKUPTIC][MAXPLAYERS] but too large
} ATTRPACK servertics_pak;
typedef struct
// Server launch stuffs
UINT8 serverplayer;
UINT8 totalslotnum; // "Slots": highest player number in use plus one.
tic_t gametic;
UINT8 clientnode;
UINT8 gamestate;
UINT8 gametype;
UINT8 modifiedgame;
char server_context[8]; // Unique context id, generated at server startup.
} ATTRPACK serverconfig_pak;
typedef struct
UINT8 fileid;
UINT32 filesize;
UINT8 iteration;
UINT32 position;
UINT16 size;
UINT8 data[0]; // Size is variable using hardware_MAXPACKETLENGTH
} ATTRPACK filetx_pak;
typedef struct
UINT32 start;
UINT32 acks;
} ATTRPACK fileacksegment_t;
typedef struct
UINT8 fileid;
UINT8 iteration;
UINT8 numsegments;
fileacksegment_t segments[0];
} ATTRPACK fileack_pak;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(default : 4200)
typedef struct
UINT8 modversion;
char application[MAXAPPLICATION];
UINT8 localplayers;
UINT8 mode;
} ATTRPACK clientconfig_pak;
#define SV_DEDICATED 0x40 // server is dedicated
#define SV_LOTSOFADDONS 0x20 // flag used to ask for full file list in d_netfil
enum {
// This packet is too large
typedef struct
In the old packet, 'version' is the first field. Now that field is set
to 255 always, so older versions won't be confused with the new
versions or vice-versa.
UINT8 _255;
UINT8 packetversion;
char application[MAXAPPLICATION];
UINT8 version;
UINT8 subversion;
UINT8 numberofplayer;
UINT8 maxplayer;
UINT8 refusereason; // 0: joinable, REFUSE enum
char gametypename[24];
UINT8 modifiedgame;
UINT8 cheatsenabled;
UINT8 flags;
UINT8 fileneedednum;
tic_t time;
tic_t leveltime;
char servername[MAXSERVERNAME];
char mapname[8];
char maptitle[33];
unsigned char mapmd5[16];
UINT8 actnum;
UINT8 iszone;
UINT8 fileneeded[MAXFILENEEDED]; // is filled with writexxx (byteptr.h)
} ATTRPACK serverinfo_pak;
typedef struct
char reason[255];
} ATTRPACK serverrefuse_pak;
typedef struct
UINT8 version;
tic_t time; // used for ping evaluation
} ATTRPACK askinfo_pak;
typedef struct
char clientaddr[22];
tic_t time; // used for ping evaluation
} ATTRPACK msaskinfo_pak;
// Shorter player information for external use.
typedef struct
UINT8 num;
char name[MAXPLAYERNAME+1];
UINT8 address[4]; // sending another string would run us up against MAXPACKETLENGTH
UINT8 team;
UINT8 skin;
UINT8 data; // Color is first four bits, hasflag, isit and issuper have one bit each, the last is unused.
UINT32 score;
UINT16 timeinserver; // In seconds.
} ATTRPACK plrinfo;
// Shortest player information for join during intermission.
typedef struct
char name[MAXPLAYERNAME+1];
UINT8 skin;
UINT16 color;
UINT32 pflags;
UINT32 score;
UINT8 ctfteam;
} ATTRPACK plrconfig;
typedef struct
INT32 first;
UINT8 num;
UINT8 more;
UINT8 files[MAXFILENEEDED]; // is filled with writexxx (byteptr.h)
} ATTRPACK filesneededconfig_pak;
// Network packet data
typedef struct
UINT32 checksum;
UINT8 ack; // If not zero the node asks for acknowledgement, the receiver must resend the ack
UINT8 ackreturn; // The return of the ack number
UINT8 packettype;
UINT8 reserved; // Padding
clientcmd_pak clientpak; // 144 bytes
client2cmd_pak client2pak; // 200 bytes
servertics_pak serverpak; // 132495 bytes (more around 360, no?)
serverconfig_pak servercfg; // 773 bytes
UINT8 textcmd[MAXTEXTCMD+1]; // 66049 bytes (wut??? 64k??? More like 257 bytes...)
filetx_pak filetxpak; // 139 bytes
fileack_pak fileack;
UINT8 filereceived;
clientconfig_pak clientcfg; // 136 bytes
UINT8 md5sum[16];
serverinfo_pak serverinfo; // 1024 bytes
serverrefuse_pak serverrefuse; // 65025 bytes (somehow I feel like those values are garbage...)
askinfo_pak askinfo; // 61 bytes
msaskinfo_pak msaskinfo; // 22 bytes
plrinfo playerinfo[MAXPLAYERS]; // 576 bytes(?)
plrconfig playerconfig[MAXPLAYERS]; // (up to) 528 bytes(?)
INT32 filesneedednum; // 4 bytes
filesneededconfig_pak filesneededcfg; // ??? bytes
UINT32 pingtable[MAXPLAYERS+1]; // 68 bytes
} u; // This is needed to pack diff packet types data together
} ATTRPACK doomdata_t;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma pack()
#define FILETXHEADER offsetof(filetx_pak, data)
#define KICK_MSG_GO_AWAY 1
#define KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY 0x80
Reference in a new issue