A bunch of stuff

This commit is contained in:
Jaime Passos 2019-10-14 02:24:44 -03:00
parent 9e9a40cadb
commit edd016690d
6 changed files with 434 additions and 66 deletions

View file

@ -316,6 +316,10 @@ static boolean findFreeSlot(INT32 *num)
// Redesign your logo. (See M_DrawSetupChoosePlayerMenu in m_menu.c...)
description[*num].picname[0] = '\0';
description[*num].nametag[0] = '\0';
description[*num].displayname[0] = '\0';
description[*num].oppositecolor = SKINCOLOR_NONE;
description[*num].tagtextcolor = SKINCOLOR_NONE;
description[*num].tagoutlinecolor = SKINCOLOR_NONE;
// Found one! ^_^
return (description[*num].used = true);
@ -328,9 +332,16 @@ static void readPlayer(MYFILE *f, INT32 num)
char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL);
char *word;
char *word2;
char *displayname = ZZ_Alloc(MAXLINELEN+1);
INT32 i;
boolean slotfound = false;
#define SLOTFOUND \
if (!slotfound && (slotfound = findFreeSlot(&num)) == false) \
goto done;
displayname[MAXLINELEN] = '\0';
if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f))
@ -338,6 +349,17 @@ static void readPlayer(MYFILE *f, INT32 num)
if (s[0] == '\n')
for (i = 0; i < MAXLINELEN-3; i++)
char *tmp;
if (s[i] == '=')
tmp = &s[i+2];
strncpy(displayname, tmp, SKINNAMESIZE);
word = strtok(s, " ");
if (word)
@ -348,8 +370,7 @@ static void readPlayer(MYFILE *f, INT32 num)
char *playertext = NULL;
if (!slotfound && (slotfound = findFreeSlot(&num)) == false)
goto done;
for (i = 0; i < MAXLINELEN-3; i++)
@ -397,18 +418,54 @@ static void readPlayer(MYFILE *f, INT32 num)
if (fastcmp(word, "PICNAME"))
if (!slotfound && (slotfound = findFreeSlot(&num)) == false)
goto done;
strncpy(description[num].picname, word2, 8);
// new character select
else if (fastcmp(word, "DISPLAYNAME"))
// replace '#' with line breaks
// (also remove any '\n')
char *cur = NULL;
// remove '\n'
cur = strchr(displayname, '\n');
if (cur)
*cur = '\0';
// turn '#' into '\n'
cur = strchr(displayname, '#');
while (cur)
*cur = '\n';
cur = strchr(cur, '#');
// copy final string
strncpy(description[num].displayname, displayname, SKINNAMESIZE);
else if (fastcmp(word, "OPPOSITECOLOR") || fastcmp(word, "OPPOSITECOLOUR"))
description[num].oppositecolor = (UINT8)get_number(word2);
else if (fastcmp(word, "NAMETAG") || fastcmp(word, "TAGNAME"))
if (!slotfound && (slotfound = findFreeSlot(&num)) == false)
goto done;
strncpy(description[num].nametag, word2, 8);
else if (fastcmp(word, "TAGTEXTCOLOR") || fastcmp(word, "TAGTEXTCOLOUR"))
description[num].tagtextcolor = (UINT8)get_number(word2);
else if (fastcmp(word, "TAGOUTLINECOLOR") || fastcmp(word, "TAGOUTLINECOLOUR"))
description[num].tagoutlinecolor = (UINT8)get_number(word2);
else if (fastcmp(word, "STATUS"))
@ -426,9 +483,7 @@ static void readPlayer(MYFILE *f, INT32 num)
else if (fastcmp(word, "SKINNAME"))
// Send to free slot.
if (!slotfound && (slotfound = findFreeSlot(&num)) == false)
goto done;
strlcpy(description[num].skinname, word2, sizeof description[num].skinname);
@ -436,8 +491,9 @@ static void readPlayer(MYFILE *f, INT32 num)
deh_warning("readPlayer %d: unknown word '%s'", num, word);
} while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty
@ -9057,6 +9113,7 @@ struct {

View file

@ -637,6 +637,68 @@ static int libd_drawString(lua_State *L)
return 0;
static int libd_drawNameTag(lua_State *L)
INT32 x;
INT32 y;
const char *str;
INT32 flags;
UINT8 basecolor;
UINT8 outlinecolor;
UINT8 *basecolormap = NULL;
UINT8 *outlinecolormap = NULL;
x = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
y = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
str = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
flags = luaL_optinteger(L, 4, 0);
basecolor = luaL_optinteger(L, 5, SKINCOLOR_BLUE);
outlinecolor = luaL_optinteger(L, 6, SKINCOLOR_ORANGE);
if (basecolor != SKINCOLOR_NONE)
basecolormap = R_GetTranslationColormap(TC_DEFAULT, basecolor, GTC_CACHE);
if (outlinecolor != SKINCOLOR_NONE)
outlinecolormap = R_GetTranslationColormap(TC_DEFAULT, outlinecolor, GTC_CACHE);
flags &= ~V_PARAMMASK; // Don't let crashes happen.
V_DrawNameTag(x, y, flags, FRACUNIT, basecolormap, outlinecolormap, str);
return 0;
static int libd_drawScaledNameTag(lua_State *L)
fixed_t x;
fixed_t y;
const char *str;
INT32 flags;
fixed_t scale;
UINT8 basecolor;
UINT8 outlinecolor;
UINT8 *basecolormap = NULL;
UINT8 *outlinecolormap = NULL;
x = luaL_checkfixed(L, 1);
y = luaL_checkfixed(L, 2);
str = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
flags = luaL_optinteger(L, 4, 0);
scale = luaL_optinteger(L, 5, FRACUNIT);
if (scale < 0)
return luaL_error(L, "negative scale");
basecolor = luaL_optinteger(L, 6, SKINCOLOR_BLUE);
outlinecolor = luaL_optinteger(L, 7, SKINCOLOR_ORANGE);
if (basecolor != SKINCOLOR_NONE)
basecolormap = R_GetTranslationColormap(TC_DEFAULT, basecolor, GTC_CACHE);
if (outlinecolor != SKINCOLOR_NONE)
outlinecolormap = R_GetTranslationColormap(TC_DEFAULT, outlinecolor, GTC_CACHE);
flags &= ~V_PARAMMASK; // Don't let crashes happen.
V_DrawNameTag(FixedInt(x), FixedInt(y), flags, scale, basecolormap, outlinecolormap, str);
return 0;
static int libd_stringWidth(lua_State *L)
const char *str = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
@ -659,6 +721,13 @@ static int libd_stringWidth(lua_State *L)
return 1;
static int libd_nameTagWidth(lua_State *L)
lua_pushinteger(L, V_NameTagWidth(luaL_checkstring(L, 1)));
return 1;
static int libd_getColormap(lua_State *L)
INT32 skinnum = TC_DEFAULT;
@ -837,9 +906,12 @@ static luaL_Reg lib_draw[] = {
{"drawPaddedNum", libd_drawPaddedNum},
{"drawFill", libd_drawFill},
{"drawString", libd_drawString},
{"drawNameTag", libd_drawNameTag},
{"drawScaledNameTag", libd_drawScaledNameTag},
{"fadeScreen", libd_fadeScreen},
// misc
{"stringWidth", libd_stringWidth},
{"nameTagWidth", libd_nameTagWidth},
// m_random

View file

@ -3637,10 +3637,13 @@ void M_InitCharacterTables(void)
description[i].used = false;
strcpy(description[i].notes, "???");
strcpy(description[i].picname, "");
strcpy(description[i].nametag, "");
strcpy(description[i].skinname, "");
strcpy(description[i].displayname, "");
description[i].prev = description[i].next = 0;
description[i].charpic = NULL;
description[i].namepic = NULL;
description[i].oppositecolor = description[i].tagtextcolor = description[i].tagoutlinecolor = 0;
@ -7942,19 +7945,11 @@ static void M_SetupChoosePlayer(INT32 choice)
description[i].namepic = W_CachePatchNum(sprframe->lumppat[0], PU_CACHE);
// If no name tag patch was provided,
// the character select screen
// will simply not draw anything.
description[i].namepic = NULL;
else if (description[i].nametag[0])
const char *nametag = description[i].nametag;
// If no name tag patch was provided,
// the character select screen
// will simply not draw anything.
description[i].namepic = NULL;
if (W_LumpExists(nametag))
description[i].namepic = W_CachePatchName(nametag, PU_CACHE);
@ -8129,7 +8124,9 @@ static void M_DrawSetupChoosePlayerMenu(void)
charskin = &skins[skinnum];
// Use the opposite of the character's skincolor
col = Color_Opposite[charskin->prefcolor - 1][0];
col = description[char_on].oppositecolor;
if (!col)
col = Color_Opposite[charskin->prefcolor - 1][0];
// Make the translation colormap
colormap = R_GetTranslationColormap(skinnum, col, 0);
@ -8180,43 +8177,136 @@ static void M_DrawSetupChoosePlayerMenu(void)
INT32 ox, x, y;
INT32 oxsh = FixedInt(FixedMul(BASEVIDWIDTH*FRACUNIT, FixedDiv(char_scroll, 128*FRACUNIT))), txsh;
patch_t *curpatch = NULL, *prevpatch = NULL, *nextpatch = NULL;
const char *curtext = NULL, *prevtext = NULL, *nexttext = NULL;
UINT8 curtextcolor = 0, prevtextcolor = 0, nexttextcolor = 0;
UINT8 curoutlinecolor = 0, prevoutlinecolor = 0, nextoutlinecolor = 0;
// Name tag patches
curpatch = description[char_on].namepic;
if (prev != -1) prevpatch = description[prev].namepic;
if (next != -1) nextpatch = description[next].namepic;
// Name tag
curtext = description[char_on].displayname;
curtextcolor = description[char_on].tagtextcolor;
curoutlinecolor = description[char_on].tagoutlinecolor;
if (curtext[0] == '\0')
curpatch = description[char_on].namepic;
if (skinnum != -1)
if (!curtextcolor)
curtextcolor = charskin->prefcolor;
if (!curoutlinecolor)
curoutlinecolor = Color_Opposite[charskin->prefcolor - 1][0];
// previous character
if (prev != -1)
prevtext = description[prev].displayname;
prevtextcolor = description[prev].tagtextcolor;
prevoutlinecolor = description[prev].tagoutlinecolor;
if (prevtext[0] == '\0')
prevpatch = description[prev].namepic;
// Find skin number from description[]
skinnum = getskinfromdescription(prev);
if (skinnum != -1)
charskin = &skins[skinnum];
if (!prevtextcolor)
prevtextcolor = charskin->prefcolor;
if (!prevoutlinecolor)
prevoutlinecolor = Color_Opposite[charskin->prefcolor - 1][0];
// next character
if (next != -1)
nexttext = description[next].displayname;
nexttextcolor = description[next].tagtextcolor;
nextoutlinecolor = description[next].tagoutlinecolor;
if (nexttext[0] == '\0')
nextpatch = description[next].namepic;
// Find skin number from description[]
skinnum = getskinfromdescription(next);
if (skinnum != -1)
charskin = &skins[skinnum];
if (!nexttextcolor)
nexttextcolor = charskin->prefcolor;
if (!nextoutlinecolor)
nextoutlinecolor = Color_Opposite[charskin->prefcolor - 1][0];
txsh = oxsh;
ox = 8 + SHORT((description[char_on].charpic)->width)/2;
if (curpatch)
ox -= (SHORT(curpatch->width)/2);
y = my + 144;
if (char_scroll)
// prev
if (prevpatch && char_scroll < 0)
if ((prev != -1) && char_scroll < 0)
INT32 ox2 = ox;
if (prevpatch)
ox2 -= (SHORT(prevpatch->width)/2);
// Why does this work?
x = (ox - txsh) - BASEVIDWIDTH;
V_DrawScaledPatch(x, y, 0, prevpatch);
x = (ox2 - txsh) - BASEVIDWIDTH;
if (prevtext[0] != '\0')
skinnum = getskinfromdescription(prev);
R_GetTranslationColormap(skinnum, prevtextcolor, 0),
R_GetTranslationColormap(skinnum, prevoutlinecolor, 0),
else if (prevpatch)
V_DrawScaledPatch(x, y, 0, prevpatch);
// next
else if (nextpatch && char_scroll > 0)
else if ((next != -1) && char_scroll > 0)
x = (ox - txsh) + BASEVIDWIDTH;
INT32 ox2 = ox;
if (nextpatch)
ox2 -= (SHORT(nextpatch->width)/2);
x = (ox2 - txsh) + BASEVIDWIDTH;
V_DrawScaledPatch(x, y, 0, nextpatch);
if (nexttext[0] != '\0')
skinnum = getskinfromdescription(next);
R_GetTranslationColormap(skinnum, nexttextcolor, 0),
R_GetTranslationColormap(skinnum, nextoutlinecolor, 0),
else if (nextpatch)
V_DrawScaledPatch(x, y, 0, nextpatch);
// cur
x = ox - txsh;
//if (curpatch)
// V_DrawScaledPatch(x, y, 0, curpatch);
// Dummy string to be removed when finalized
V_DrawNameTag(x, y, 0, R_GetTranslationColormap(skinnum, SKINCOLOR_BLUE, 0), R_GetTranslationColormap(skinnum, SKINCOLOR_YELLOW, 0), "Sonic\n&Tails.");
skinnum = getskinfromdescription(next);
if (skinnum != -1)
INT32 ox2 = ox;
if (curpatch)
ox2 -= (SHORT(curpatch->width)/2);
x = ox2 - txsh;
if (curtext[0] != '\0')
R_GetTranslationColormap(skinnum, curtextcolor, 0),
R_GetTranslationColormap(skinnum, curoutlinecolor, 0),
else if (curpatch)
V_DrawScaledPatch(x, y, 0, curpatch);
// Alternative menu header

View file

@ -322,12 +322,18 @@ typedef struct
boolean used;
char notes[441];
char picname[8];
char nametag[8];
char skinname[SKINNAMESIZE*2+2]; // skin&skin\0
patch_t *charpic;
patch_t *namepic;
UINT8 prev;
UINT8 next;
// new character select
char displayname[SKINNAMESIZE+1];
UINT8 oppositecolor;
char nametag[8];
patch_t *namepic;
UINT8 tagtextcolor;
UINT8 tagoutlinecolor;
} description_t;
// level select platter

View file

@ -2630,18 +2630,32 @@ void V_DrawCreditString(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, INT32 option, const char *string)
// Draw a string using the nt_font
// Note that the outline is a seperate font set
void V_DrawNameTag(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, UINT8 *basecolormap, UINT8 *outlinecolormap, const char *string)
static void V_DrawNameTagLine(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, fixed_t scale, UINT8 *basecolormap, UINT8 *outlinecolormap, const char *string)
INT32 w, c, cx = x, cy = y, dupx, dupy, scrwidth, left = 0;
fixed_t cx, cy, w;
INT32 c, dupx, dupy, scrwidth, left = 0;
const char *ch = string;
INT32 spacewidth = 4;
INT32 lowercase = (option & V_ALLOWLOWERCASE);
option &= ~V_FLIP; // which is also shared with V_ALLOWLOWERCASE...
dupx = dupy = 1;
scrwidth = vid.width/vid.dupx;
left = (scrwidth - BASEVIDWIDTH)/2;
scrwidth -= left;
if (option & V_CENTERNAMETAG)
x -= FixedInt(FixedMul((V_NameTagWidth(string)/2)*FRACUNIT, scale));
option &= ~V_CENTERNAMETAG; // which is also shared with V_ALLOWLOWERCASE...
cx = x<<FRACBITS;
cy = y<<FRACBITS;
if (option & V_NOSCALESTART)
dupx = vid.dupx;
dupy = vid.dupy;
scrwidth = vid.width;
dupx = dupy = 1;
scrwidth = vid.width/vid.dupx;
left = (scrwidth - BASEVIDWIDTH)/2;
scrwidth -= left;
for (;;ch++)
@ -2649,41 +2663,168 @@ void V_DrawNameTag(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, UINT8 *basecolormap, UINT8 *o
if (*ch == '\n')
cx = x;
cy += 17*dupy;
cx = x<<FRACBITS;
cy += FixedMul((21*dupy)*FRACUNIT, scale);
c = *ch;
if (!lowercase)
c = toupper(c);
c = toupper(*ch);
// character does not exist or is a space
if (c < 0 || c >= NT_FONTSIZE || !ntb_font[c] || !nto_font[c])
cx += spacewidth * dupx;
cx += FixedMul((4 * dupx)*FRACUNIT, scale);
w = SHORT(ntb_font[c]->width)+4 * dupx;
w = FixedMul((SHORT(ntb_font[c]->width)+2 * dupx) * FRACUNIT, scale);
if (cx > scrwidth)
if (FixedInt(cx) > scrwidth)
if (cx+left + w < 0) //left boundary check
if (cx+(left*FRACUNIT) + w < 0) // left boundary check
cx += w;
V_DrawFixedPatch((cx)<<FRACBITS, cy<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT, option, nto_font[c], outlinecolormap);
V_DrawFixedPatch((cx+2)<<FRACBITS, (cy+2)<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT, option, ntb_font[c], basecolormap);
V_DrawFixedPatch(cx, cy, scale, option, nto_font[c], outlinecolormap);
V_DrawFixedPatch(cx, cy, scale, option, ntb_font[c], basecolormap);
cx += w;
// Looks familiar.
void V_DrawNameTag(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, fixed_t scale, UINT8 *basecolormap, UINT8 *outlinecolormap, const char *string)
char *text = (char *)string;
char *first_token = text;
char *last_token = strchr(text, '\n');
const INT32 lbreakheight = 21;
INT32 lines;
if (option & V_CENTERNAMETAG)
lines = V_CountNameTagLines(string);
y -= FixedInt(FixedMul(((lbreakheight/2) * (lines-1))*FRACUNIT, scale));
// No line breaks?
// Draw entire string
if (!last_token)
V_DrawNameTagLine(x, y, option, scale, basecolormap, outlinecolormap, string);
// Split string by the line break character
char *string = NULL;
INT32 len;
while (true)
// There are still lines left to draw
if (last_token)
size_t shift = 0;
// Free this line
if (string)
// Find string length, do a malloc...
len = (last_token-first_token)+1;
string = ZZ_Alloc(len);
// Copy the line
strncpy(string, first_token, len-1);
string[len-1] = '\0';
// Don't leave a line break character
// at the start of the string!
if ((strlen(string) >= 2) && (string[0] == '\n') && (string[1] != '\n'))
// Then draw it
V_DrawNameTagLine(x, y, option, scale, basecolormap, outlinecolormap, string+shift);
// No line break character was found
// Don't leave a line break character
// at the start of the string!
if ((strlen(first_token) >= 2) && (first_token[0] == '\n') && (first_token[1] != '\n'))
// Then draw it
V_DrawNameTagLine(x, y, option, scale, basecolormap, outlinecolormap, first_token);
// Next line
y += FixedInt(FixedMul(lbreakheight*FRACUNIT, scale));
if ((last_token-text)+1 >= strlen(text))
last_token = NULL;
first_token = last_token;
last_token = strchr(first_token+1, '\n');
// Free this line
if (string)
// Count the amount of lines in name tag string
INT32 V_CountNameTagLines(const char *string)
INT32 lines = 1;
char *text = (char *)string;
char *first_token = text;
char *last_token = strchr(text, '\n');
// No line breaks?
if (!last_token)
return lines;
// Split string by the line break character
while (true)
if (last_token)
// No line break character was found
// Next line
if ((last_token-text)+1 >= strlen(text))
last_token = NULL;
first_token = last_token;
last_token = strchr(first_token+1, '\n');
return lines;
INT32 V_NameTagWidth(const char *string)
INT32 c, w = 0;
size_t i;
// It's possible for string to be a null pointer
if (!string)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++)
c = toupper(string[i]) - NT_FONTSTART;
if (c < 0 || c >= NT_FONTSIZE || !ntb_font[c] || !nto_font[c])
w += 4;
w += SHORT(ntb_font[c]->width)+2;
return w;
// Find string width from cred_font chars
INT32 V_CreditStringWidth(const char *string)

View file

@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ extern RGBA_t *pMasterPalette;
#define V_OFFSET 0x00400000 // account for offsets in patches
#define V_ALLOWLOWERCASE 0x00800000 // (strings only) allow fonts that have lowercase letters to use them
#define V_FLIP 0x00800000 // (patches only) Horizontal flip
#define V_CENTERNAMETAG 0x00800000 // (nametag only) center nametag lines
#define V_SNAPTOTOP 0x01000000 // for centering
#define V_SNAPTOBOTTOM 0x02000000 // for centering
@ -203,11 +204,12 @@ INT32 V_LevelNameHeight(const char *string);
INT32 V_LevelActNumWidth(INT32 num); // act number width
void V_DrawCreditString(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, INT32 option, const char *string);
INT32 V_CreditStringWidth(const char *string);
// Draw a string using the nt_font
void V_DrawNameTag(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, UINT8 *basecolormap, UINT8 *outlinecolormap, const char *string);
INT32 V_CreditStringWidth(const char *string);
void V_DrawNameTag(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, fixed_t scale, UINT8 *basecolormap, UINT8 *outlinecolormap, const char *string);
INT32 V_CountNameTagLines(const char *string);
INT32 V_NameTagWidth(const char *string);
// Find string width from hu_font chars
INT32 V_StringWidth(const char *string, INT32 option);