mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:31:57 +00:00
Resolved filesrch.c conflicts (20190101 public merge)
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 0 additions and 156 deletions
@ -305,8 +305,6 @@ closedir (DIR * dirp)
return rc;
<<<<<<< HEAD
static CV_PossibleValue_t addons_cons_t[] = {{0, "Default"},
#if 1
@ -342,111 +340,6 @@ char *refreshdirname = NULL;
size_t packetsizetally = 0;
size_t mainwadstally = 0;
#if defined (_XBOX) && defined (_MSC_VER)
filestatus_t filesearch(char *filename, const char *startpath, const UINT8 *wantedmd5sum,
boolean completepath, int maxsearchdepth)
startpath = filename = NULL;
wantedmd5sum = NULL;
maxsearchdepth = 0;
completepath = false;
void closefilemenu(boolean validsize)
void searchfilemenu(char *tempname)
boolean preparefilemenu(boolean samedepth)
return false;
#elif defined (_WIN32_WCE)
filestatus_t filesearch(char *filename, const char *startpath, const UINT8 *wantedmd5sum,
boolean completepath, int maxsearchdepth)
#ifdef __GNUC__
startpath = filename = NULL;
wantedmd5sum = NULL;
maxsearchdepth = 0;
completepath = false;
const wchar_t wm[4] = L"*.*";
>>>>>>> public_next-20190101
static CV_PossibleValue_t addons_cons_t[] = {{0, "Default"},
#if 1
{1, "HOME"}, {2, "SRB2"},
<<<<<<< HEAD
{3, "CUSTOM"}, {0, NULL}};
consvar_t cv_addons_option = {"addons_option", "Default", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, addons_cons_t, Addons_option_Onchange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_addons_folder = {"addons_folder", "", CV_SAVE, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
static CV_PossibleValue_t addons_md5_cons_t[] = {{0, "Name"}, {1, "Contents"}, {0, NULL}};
consvar_t cv_addons_md5 = {"addons_md5", "Name", CV_SAVE, addons_md5_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_addons_showall = {"addons_showall", "No", CV_SAVE, CV_YesNo, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_addons_search_case = {"addons_search_case", "No", CV_SAVE, CV_YesNo, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
static CV_PossibleValue_t addons_search_type_cons_t[] = {{0, "Start"}, {1, "Anywhere"}, {0, NULL}};
consvar_t cv_addons_search_type = {"addons_search_type", "Anywhere", CV_SAVE, addons_search_type_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
char menupath[1024];
size_t menupathindex[menudepth];
size_t menudepthleft = menudepth;
char menusearch[MAXSTRINGLENGTH+1];
char **dirmenu, **coredirmenu; // core only local for this file
size_t sizedirmenu, sizecoredirmenu; // ditto
size_t dir_on[menudepth];
UINT8 refreshdirmenu = 0;
char *refreshdirname = NULL;
size_t packetsizetally = 0;
size_t mainwadstally = 0;
void closefilemenu(boolean validsize)
void searchfilemenu(char *tempname)
boolean preparefilemenu(boolean samedepth)
return false;
>>>>>>> public_next-20190101
filestatus_t filesearch(char *filename, const char *startpath, const UINT8 *wantedmd5sum, boolean completepath, int maxsearchdepth)
filestatus_t retval = FS_NOTFOUND;
@ -552,11 +445,6 @@ filestatus_t filesearch(char *filename, const char *startpath, const UINT8 *want
return retval;
<<<<<<< HEAD
char exttable[NUM_EXT_TABLE][5] = {
".txt", ".cfg", // exec
".wad", ".pk3", ".soc", ".lua"}; // addfile
char exttable[NUM_EXT_TABLE][7] = { // maximum extension length (currently 4) plus 3 (null terminator, stop, and length including previous two)
"\5.txt", "\5.cfg", // exec
@ -564,7 +452,6 @@ char exttable[NUM_EXT_TABLE][7] = { // maximum extension length (currently 4) pl
"\5.pk3", "\5.soc", "\5.lua"}; // addfile
>>>>>>> public_next-20190101
char filenamebuf[MAX_WADFILES][MAX_WADPATH];
@ -575,15 +462,9 @@ static boolean filemenucmp(char *haystack, char *needle)
strlcpy(localhaystack, haystack, 128);
if (!cv_addons_search_case.value)
<<<<<<< HEAD
return ((cv_addons_search_type.value)
? (strstr(localhaystack, needle) != 0)
: (!strncmp(localhaystack, needle, menusearch[0])));
if (cv_addons_search_type.value)
return (strstr(localhaystack, needle) != 0);
return (!strncmp(localhaystack, needle, menusearch[0]));
>>>>>>> public_next-20190101
void closefilemenu(boolean validsize)
@ -691,11 +572,7 @@ void searchfilemenu(char *tempname)
if ((!(dirmenu = Z_Realloc(dirmenu, sizeof(char *), PU_STATIC, NULL)))
|| !(dirmenu[0] = Z_StrDup(va("%c\13No results...", EXT_NORESULTS))))
<<<<<<< HEAD
I_Error("Ran out of memory whilst preparing add-ons menu");
I_Error("searchfilemenu(): could not create \"No results...\".");
>>>>>>> public_next-20190101
sizedirmenu = 1;
dir_on[menudepthleft] = 0;
if (tempname)
@ -704,11 +581,7 @@ void searchfilemenu(char *tempname)
if (!(dirmenu = Z_Realloc(dirmenu, sizedirmenu*sizeof(char *), PU_STATIC, NULL)))
<<<<<<< HEAD
I_Error("Ran out of memory whilst preparing add-ons menu");
I_Error("searchfilemenu(): could not reallocate dirmenu.");
>>>>>>> public_next-20190101
sizedirmenu = 0;
for (i = first; i < sizecoredirmenu; i++)
@ -727,11 +600,7 @@ void searchfilemenu(char *tempname)
if (tempname)
<<<<<<< HEAD
dir_on[menudepthleft] = 0;
dir_on[menudepthleft] = 0; //first; -- can't be first, causes problems
>>>>>>> public_next-20190101
@ -790,11 +659,7 @@ boolean preparefilemenu(boolean samedepth)
size_t len = strlen(dent->d_name)+1;
UINT8 ext;
for (ext = 0; ext < NUM_EXT_TABLE; ext++)
<<<<<<< HEAD
if (!strcasecmp(exttable[ext], dent->d_name+len-5)) break; // extension comparison
if (!strcasecmp(exttable[ext]+1, dent->d_name+len-(exttable[ext][0]))) break; // extension comparison
>>>>>>> public_next-20190101
if (ext == NUM_EXT_TABLE) continue; // not an addfile-able (or exec-able) file
@ -827,11 +692,7 @@ boolean preparefilemenu(boolean samedepth)
if (!(coredirmenu = Z_Realloc(coredirmenu, sizecoredirmenu*sizeof(char *), PU_STATIC, NULL)))
closedir(dirhandle); // just in case
<<<<<<< HEAD
I_Error("Ran out of memory whilst preparing add-ons menu");
I_Error("preparefilemenu(): could not reallocate coredirmenu.");
>>>>>>> public_next-20190101
@ -864,11 +725,7 @@ boolean preparefilemenu(boolean samedepth)
if (!((numfolders+pos) < sizecoredirmenu)) continue; // crash prevention
for (; ext < NUM_EXT_TABLE; ext++)
<<<<<<< HEAD
if (!strcasecmp(exttable[ext], dent->d_name+len-5)) break; // extension comparison
if (!strcasecmp(exttable[ext]+1, dent->d_name+len-(exttable[ext][0]))) break; // extension comparison
>>>>>>> public_next-20190101
if (ext == NUM_EXT_TABLE && !cv_addons_showall.value) continue; // not an addfile-able (or exec-able) file
ext += EXT_START; // moving to be appropriate position
@ -910,11 +767,7 @@ boolean preparefilemenu(boolean samedepth)
len = 255;
if (!(temp = Z_Malloc((len+DIR_STRING+folder) * sizeof (char), PU_STATIC, NULL)))
<<<<<<< HEAD
I_Error("Ran out of memory whilst preparing add-ons menu");
I_Error("preparefilemenu(): could not create file entry.");
>>>>>>> public_next-20190101
temp[DIR_TYPE] = ext;
temp[DIR_LEN] = (UINT8)(len);
strlcpy(temp+DIR_STRING, dent->d_name, len);
@ -932,11 +785,7 @@ boolean preparefilemenu(boolean samedepth)
if ((menudepthleft != menudepth-1) // now for UP... entry
&& !(coredirmenu[0] = Z_StrDup(va("%c\5UP...", EXT_UP))))
<<<<<<< HEAD
I_Error("Ran out of memory whilst preparing add-ons menu");
I_Error("preparefilemenu(): could not create \"UP...\".");
>>>>>>> public_next-20190101
menupath[menupathindex[menudepthleft]] = 0;
sizecoredirmenu = (numfolders+pos); // just in case things shrink between opening and rewind
@ -952,8 +801,3 @@ boolean preparefilemenu(boolean samedepth)
return true;
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> public_next-20190101
Reference in a new issue