Fixed mixed-code-and-declaration, shadowed variables, etc ...and the compiler doesn't like P_AddEachTimeThinker being inline anymore for some reason, oh well

This commit is contained in:
Monster Iestyn 2019-07-09 21:15:12 +01:00
parent 848061d517
commit dc71e297bb
2 changed files with 60 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -5918,9 +5918,10 @@ static void P_Boss9Thinker(mobj_t *mobj)
case 2:
// We're all charged and ready now! Unleash the fury!!
mobj_t *removemobj = mobj->tracer;
P_SetTarget(&mobj->tracer, mobj->hnext);
if (mobj->health <= mobj->info->damage)
@ -5960,7 +5961,7 @@ static void P_Boss9Thinker(mobj_t *mobj)
// looking for the number of things to fire? that's done in case 1 now
case 3:
// Return to idle.
mobj->watertop = mobj->target->floorz + 32*FRACUNIT;
@ -9239,7 +9240,7 @@ void P_SceneryThinker(mobj_t *mobj)
mobj_t *P_SpawnMobj(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, mobjtype_t type)
const mobjinfo_t *info = &mobjinfo[type];
UINT8 sc = -1;
SINT8 sc = -1;
state_t *st;
mobj_t *mobj = Z_Calloc(sizeof (*mobj), PU_LEVEL, NULL);

View file

@ -5621,26 +5621,26 @@ ffloor_t *P_GetFFloorByID(sector_t *sec, UINT16 id)
/** Adds a newly formed 3Dfloor structure to a sector's ffloors list.
* \param sec Target sector.
* \param ffloor Newly formed 3Dfloor structure.
* \param fflr Newly formed 3Dfloor structure.
* \sa P_AddFakeFloor
static inline void P_AddFFloorToList(sector_t *sec, ffloor_t *ffloor)
static inline void P_AddFFloorToList(sector_t *sec, ffloor_t *fflr)
ffloor_t *rover;
if (!sec->ffloors)
sec->ffloors = ffloor;
ffloor->next = 0;
ffloor->prev = 0;
sec->ffloors = fflr;
fflr->next = 0;
fflr->prev = 0;
for (rover = sec->ffloors; rover->next; rover = rover->next);
rover->next = ffloor;
ffloor->prev = rover;
ffloor->next = 0;
rover->next = fflr;
fflr->prev = rover;
fflr->next = 0;
/** Adds a 3Dfloor.
@ -5655,7 +5655,7 @@ static inline void P_AddFFloorToList(sector_t *sec, ffloor_t *ffloor)
static ffloor_t *P_AddFakeFloor(sector_t *sec, sector_t *sec2, line_t *master, ffloortype_e flags, thinkerlist_t *secthinkers)
ffloor_t *ffloor;
ffloor_t *fflr;
thinker_t *th;
friction_t *f;
pusher_t *p;
@ -5665,8 +5665,8 @@ static ffloor_t *P_AddFakeFloor(sector_t *sec, sector_t *sec2, line_t *master, f
if (sec == sec2)
return NULL; //Don't need a fake floor on a control sector.
if ((ffloor = (P_GetFFloorBySec(sec, sec2))))
return ffloor; // If this ffloor already exists, return it
if ((fflr = (P_GetFFloorBySec(sec, sec2))))
return fflr; // If this ffloor already exists, return it
if (sec2->ceilingheight < sec2->floorheight)
@ -5705,27 +5705,27 @@ static ffloor_t *P_AddFakeFloor(sector_t *sec, sector_t *sec2, line_t *master, f
// Add the floor
ffloor = Z_Calloc(sizeof (*ffloor), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
ffloor->secnum = sec2 - sectors;
ffloor->target = sec;
ffloor->bottomheight = &sec2->floorheight;
ffloor->bottompic = &sec2->floorpic;
ffloor->bottomxoffs = &sec2->floor_xoffs;
ffloor->bottomyoffs = &sec2->floor_yoffs;
ffloor->bottomangle = &sec2->floorpic_angle;
fflr = Z_Calloc(sizeof (*fflr), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
fflr->secnum = sec2 - sectors;
fflr->target = sec;
fflr->bottomheight = &sec2->floorheight;
fflr->bottompic = &sec2->floorpic;
fflr->bottomxoffs = &sec2->floor_xoffs;
fflr->bottomyoffs = &sec2->floor_yoffs;
fflr->bottomangle = &sec2->floorpic_angle;
// Add the ceiling
ffloor->topheight = &sec2->ceilingheight;
ffloor->toppic = &sec2->ceilingpic;
ffloor->toplightlevel = &sec2->lightlevel;
ffloor->topxoffs = &sec2->ceiling_xoffs;
ffloor->topyoffs = &sec2->ceiling_yoffs;
ffloor->topangle = &sec2->ceilingpic_angle;
fflr->topheight = &sec2->ceilingheight;
fflr->toppic = &sec2->ceilingpic;
fflr->toplightlevel = &sec2->lightlevel;
fflr->topxoffs = &sec2->ceiling_xoffs;
fflr->topyoffs = &sec2->ceiling_yoffs;
fflr->topangle = &sec2->ceilingpic_angle;
#ifdef ESLOPE
// Add slopes
ffloor->t_slope = &sec2->c_slope;
ffloor->b_slope = &sec2->f_slope;
fflr->t_slope = &sec2->c_slope;
fflr->b_slope = &sec2->f_slope;
// mark the target sector as having slopes, if the FOF has any of its own
// (this fixes FOF slopes glitching initially at level load in software mode)
if (sec2->hasslope)
@ -5738,10 +5738,10 @@ static ffloor_t *P_AddFakeFloor(sector_t *sec, sector_t *sec2, line_t *master, f
if ((flags & FF_SOLID) && (master->flags & ML_EFFECT2)) // Block all BUT player
ffloor->spawnflags = ffloor->flags = flags;
ffloor->master = master;
ffloor->norender = INFTICS;
ffloor->fadingdata = NULL;
fflr->spawnflags = fflr->flags = flags;
fflr->master = master;
fflr->norender = INFTICS;
fflr->fadingdata = NULL;
// Scan the thinkers to check for special conditions applying to this FOF.
// If we have thinkers sorted by sector, just check the relevant ones;
@ -5797,14 +5797,14 @@ static ffloor_t *P_AddFakeFloor(sector_t *sec, sector_t *sec2, line_t *master, f
if (flags & FF_TRANSLUCENT)
if (sides[master->sidenum[0]].toptexture > 0)
ffloor->alpha = sides[master->sidenum[0]].toptexture; // for future reference, "#0" is 1, and "#255" is 256. Be warned
fflr->alpha = sides[master->sidenum[0]].toptexture; // for future reference, "#0" is 1, and "#255" is 256. Be warned
ffloor->alpha = 0x80;
fflr->alpha = 0x80;
ffloor->alpha = 0xff;
fflr->alpha = 0xff;
ffloor->spawnalpha = ffloor->alpha; // save for netgames
fflr->spawnalpha = fflr->alpha; // save for netgames
if (flags & FF_QUICKSAND)
CheckForQuicksand = true;
@ -5828,9 +5828,9 @@ static ffloor_t *P_AddFakeFloor(sector_t *sec, sector_t *sec2, line_t *master, f
CheckForFloatBob = true;
P_AddFFloorToList(sec, ffloor);
P_AddFFloorToList(sec, fflr);
return ffloor;
return fflr;
@ -6141,7 +6141,7 @@ static inline void P_AddNoEnemiesThinker(sector_t *sec, line_t *sourceline)
* \sa P_SpawnSpecials, T_EachTimeThinker
* \author SSNTails <>
static inline void P_AddEachTimeThinker(sector_t *sec, line_t *sourceline)
static void P_AddEachTimeThinker(sector_t *sec, line_t *sourceline)
levelspecthink_t *eachtime;
@ -6193,30 +6193,30 @@ void T_LaserFlash(laserthink_t *flash)
msecnode_t *node;
mobj_t *thing;
sector_t *sourcesec;
ffloor_t *ffloor = flash->ffloor;
ffloor_t *fflr = flash->ffloor;
sector_t *sector = flash->sector;
fixed_t top, bottom;
if (!ffloor || !(ffloor->flags & FF_EXISTS))
if (!fflr || !(fflr->flags & FF_EXISTS))
if (leveltime & 2)
//ffloor->flags |= FF_RENDERALL;
ffloor->alpha = 0xB0;
//fflr->flags |= FF_RENDERALL;
fflr->alpha = 0xB0;
//ffloor->flags &= ~FF_RENDERALL;
ffloor->alpha = 0x90;
//fflr->flags &= ~FF_RENDERALL;
fflr->alpha = 0x90;
sourcesec = ffloor->master->frontsector; // Less to type!
sourcesec = fflr->master->frontsector; // Less to type!
#ifdef ESLOPE
top = (*ffloor->t_slope) ? P_GetZAt(*ffloor->t_slope, sector->soundorg.x, sector->soundorg.y)
: *ffloor->topheight;
bottom = (*ffloor->b_slope) ? P_GetZAt(*ffloor->b_slope, sector->soundorg.x, sector->soundorg.y)
: *ffloor->bottomheight;
top = (*fflr->t_slope) ? P_GetZAt(*fflr->t_slope, sector->soundorg.x, sector->soundorg.y)
: *fflr->topheight;
bottom = (*fflr->b_slope) ? P_GetZAt(*fflr->b_slope, sector->soundorg.x, sector->soundorg.y)
: *fflr->bottomheight;
sector->soundorg.z = (top + bottom)/2;
sector->soundorg.z = (*ffloor->topheight + *ffloor->bottomheight)/2;
sector->soundorg.z = (*fflr->topheight + *fflr->bottomheight)/2;
S_StartSound(&sector->soundorg, sfx_laser);
@ -6225,7 +6225,7 @@ void T_LaserFlash(laserthink_t *flash)
thing = node->m_thing;
if ((ffloor->master->flags & ML_EFFECT1)
if ((fflr->master->flags & ML_EFFECT1)
&& thing->flags & MF_BOSS)
continue; // Don't hurt bosses
@ -6249,7 +6249,7 @@ void T_LaserFlash(laserthink_t *flash)
/** Adds a laser thinker to a 3Dfloor.
* \param ffloor 3Dfloor to turn into a laser block.
* \param fflr 3Dfloor to turn into a laser block.
* \param sector Target sector.
* \param secthkiners Lists of thinkers sorted by sector. May be NULL.
* \sa T_LaserFlash
@ -6258,9 +6258,9 @@ void T_LaserFlash(laserthink_t *flash)
static inline void EV_AddLaserThinker(sector_t *sec, sector_t *sec2, line_t *line, thinkerlist_t *secthinkers)
laserthink_t *flash;
ffloor_t *ffloor = P_AddFakeFloor(sec, sec2, line, laserflags, secthinkers);
ffloor_t *fflr = P_AddFakeFloor(sec, sec2, line, laserflags, secthinkers);
if (!ffloor)
if (!fflr)
flash = Z_Calloc(sizeof (*flash), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL);
@ -6268,7 +6268,7 @@ static inline void EV_AddLaserThinker(sector_t *sec, sector_t *sec2, line_t *lin
P_AddThinker(THINK_MAIN, &flash->thinker);
flash->thinker.function.acp1 = (actionf_p1)T_LaserFlash;
flash->ffloor = ffloor;
flash->ffloor = fflr;
flash->sector = sec; // For finding mobjs
flash->sec = sec2;
flash->sourceline = line;
@ -8230,7 +8230,7 @@ static void P_AddFakeFloorFader(ffloor_t *rover, size_t sectornum, size_t ffloor
d->ffloornum = (UINT32)ffloornum;
d->alpha = d->sourcevalue = rover->alpha;
d->destvalue = max(1, min(256, relative ? rover->alpha + destvalue : destvalue)); // ffloor->alpha is 1-256
d->destvalue = max(1, min(256, relative ? rover->alpha + destvalue : destvalue)); // rover->alpha is 1-256
if (ticbased)