diff --git a/src/deh_tables.c b/src/deh_tables.c
index f2fd38059..f14eca6a9 100644
--- a/src/deh_tables.c
+++ b/src/deh_tables.c
@@ -5226,6 +5226,7 @@ struct int_const_s const INT_CONST[] = {
 	{"FF_CRUMBLE",FF_CRUMBLE},                 ///< Falls 2 seconds after being stepped on, and randomly brings all touching crumbling 3dfloors down with it, providing their master sectors share the same tag (allows crumble platforms above or below, to also exist).
 	{"FF_GOOWATER",FF_GOOWATER},               ///< Used with ::FF_SWIMMABLE. Makes thick bouncey goop.
 	{"FF_MARIO",FF_MARIO},                     ///< Acts like a question block when hit from underneath. Goodie spawned at top is determined by master sector.
+	{"FF_BUSTUP",FF_BUSTUP},                   ///< You can spin through/punch this block and it will crumble!
 	{"FF_QUICKSAND",FF_QUICKSAND},             ///< Quicksand!
 	{"FF_PLATFORM",FF_PLATFORM},               ///< You can jump up through this to the top.
 	{"FF_REVERSEPLATFORM",FF_REVERSEPLATFORM}, ///< A fall-through floor in normal gravity, a platform in reverse gravity.