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synced 2025-03-03 07:41:32 +00:00
Merge branch '21-controls' into 'next'
Default control changes for 2.1.21 See merge request STJr/SRB2!343
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 105 additions and 60 deletions
@ -674,6 +674,8 @@ void D_RegisterClientCommands(void)
// g_input.c
@ -350,11 +350,13 @@ static CV_PossibleValue_t joyaxis_cons_t[] = {{0, "None"},
consvar_t cv_crosshair = {"crosshair", "Cross", CV_SAVE, crosshair_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_crosshair2 = {"crosshair2", "Cross", CV_SAVE, crosshair_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_invertmouse = {"invertmouse", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_alwaysfreelook = {"alwaysmlook", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_invertmouse2 = {"invertmouse2", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_alwaysfreelook = {"alwaysmlook", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_alwaysfreelook2 = {"alwaysmlook2", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_mousemove = {"mousemove", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_mousemove2 = {"mousemove2", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_chasefreelook = {"chasemlook", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_chasefreelook2 = {"chasemlook2", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_mousemove = {"mousemove", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_mousemove2 = {"mousemove2", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_analog = {"analog", "Off", CV_CALL, CV_OnOff, Analog_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_analog2 = {"analog2", "Off", CV_CALL, CV_OnOff, Analog2_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
#ifdef DC
@ -979,7 +981,8 @@ void G_BuildTiccmd(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 realtics)
turnright = PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_turnright);
turnleft = PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_turnleft);
mouseaiming = (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_mouseaiming)) ^ cv_alwaysfreelook.value;
mouseaiming = (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_mouseaiming)) ^
(cv_chasecam.value ? cv_chasefreelook.value : cv_alwaysfreelook.value);
analogjoystickmove = cv_usejoystick.value && !Joystick.bGamepadStyle;
gamepadjoystickmove = cv_usejoystick.value && Joystick.bGamepadStyle;
@ -1270,7 +1273,8 @@ void G_BuildTiccmd2(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 realtics)
turnright = PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_turnright);
turnleft = PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_turnleft);
mouseaiming = (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_mouseaiming)) ^ cv_alwaysfreelook2.value;
mouseaiming = (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_mouseaiming)) ^
(cv_chasecam2.value ? cv_chasefreelook2.value : cv_alwaysfreelook2.value);
analogjoystickmove = cv_usejoystick2.value && !Joystick2.bGamepadStyle;
gamepadjoystickmove = cv_usejoystick2.value && Joystick2.bGamepadStyle;
@ -1814,7 +1818,8 @@ boolean G_Responder(event_t *ev)
case ev_keydown:
if (ev->data1 == gamecontrol[gc_pause][0]
|| ev->data1 == gamecontrol[gc_pause][1])
|| ev->data1 == gamecontrol[gc_pause][1]
|| ev->data1 == KEY_PAUSE)
if (!pausedelay)
@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ extern INT16 rw_maximums[NUM_WEAPONS];
// used in game menu
extern consvar_t cv_crosshair, cv_crosshair2;
extern consvar_t cv_invertmouse, cv_alwaysfreelook, cv_mousemove;
extern consvar_t cv_invertmouse2, cv_alwaysfreelook2, cv_mousemove2;
extern consvar_t cv_invertmouse, cv_alwaysfreelook, cv_chasefreelook, cv_mousemove;
extern consvar_t cv_invertmouse2, cv_alwaysfreelook2, cv_chasefreelook2, cv_mousemove2;
extern consvar_t cv_useranalog, cv_useranalog2;
extern consvar_t cv_analog, cv_analog2;
extern consvar_t cv_sideaxis,cv_turnaxis,cv_moveaxis,cv_lookaxis,cv_fireaxis,cv_firenaxis;
@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ static CV_PossibleValue_t mousesens_cons_t[] = {{1, "MIN"}, {MAXMOUSESENSITIVITY
static CV_PossibleValue_t onecontrolperkey_cons_t[] = {{1, "One"}, {2, "Several"}, {0, NULL}};
// mouse values are used once
consvar_t cv_mousesens = {"mousesens", "35", CV_SAVE, mousesens_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_mousesens2 = {"mousesens2", "35", CV_SAVE, mousesens_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_mouseysens = {"mouseysens", "35", CV_SAVE, mousesens_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_mouseysens2 = {"mouseysens2", "35", CV_SAVE, mousesens_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_mousesens = {"mousesens", "20", CV_SAVE, mousesens_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_mousesens2 = {"mousesens2", "20", CV_SAVE, mousesens_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_mouseysens = {"mouseysens", "20", CV_SAVE, mousesens_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_mouseysens2 = {"mouseysens2", "20", CV_SAVE, mousesens_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_controlperkey = {"controlperkey", "One", CV_SAVE, onecontrolperkey_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
INT32 mousex, mousey;
@ -1154,10 +1154,8 @@ void G_Controldefault(void)
void G_Controldefault(void)
gamecontrol[gc_forward ][0] = KEY_UPARROW;
gamecontrol[gc_forward ][1] = 'w';
gamecontrol[gc_backward ][0] = KEY_DOWNARROW;
gamecontrol[gc_backward ][1] = 's';
gamecontrol[gc_forward ][0] = 'w';
gamecontrol[gc_backward ][0] = 's';
gamecontrol[gc_strafeleft ][0] = 'a';
gamecontrol[gc_straferight][0] = 'd';
gamecontrol[gc_turnleft ][0] = KEY_LEFTARROW;
@ -1178,21 +1176,20 @@ void G_Controldefault(void)
gamecontrol[gc_fire ][1] = KEY_MOUSE1+0;
gamecontrol[gc_firenormal ][0] = 'c';
gamecontrol[gc_tossflag ][0] = '\'';
gamecontrol[gc_use ][0] = 'x';
gamecontrol[gc_use ][0] = KEY_LSHIFT;
gamecontrol[gc_camtoggle ][0] = 'v';
gamecontrol[gc_camleft ][0] = '[';
gamecontrol[gc_camright ][0] = ']';
gamecontrol[gc_camreset ][0] = 'r';
gamecontrol[gc_lookup ][0] = KEY_PGUP;
gamecontrol[gc_lookdown ][0] = KEY_PGDN;
gamecontrol[gc_lookup ][0] = KEY_UPARROW;
gamecontrol[gc_lookdown ][0] = KEY_DOWNARROW;
gamecontrol[gc_centerview ][0] = KEY_END;
gamecontrol[gc_talkkey ][0] = 't';
gamecontrol[gc_teamkey ][0] = 'y';
gamecontrol[gc_scores ][0] = KEY_TAB;
gamecontrol[gc_jump ][0] = 'z';
gamecontrol[gc_jump ][1] = KEY_MOUSE1+1;
gamecontrol[gc_jump ][0] = KEY_SPACE;
gamecontrol[gc_console ][0] = KEY_CONSOLE;
gamecontrol[gc_pause ][0] = KEY_PAUSE;
gamecontrol[gc_pause ][0] = 'p';
#ifdef WMINPUT
gamecontrol[gc_forward ][0] = KEY_JOY1+02; //UP
gamecontrol[gc_backward ][0] = KEY_JOY1+03; //DOWN
@ -1330,11 +1327,31 @@ static void setcontrol(INT32 (*gc)[2], INT32 na)
keynum = G_KeyStringtoNum(COM_Argv(2));
if (keynum == KEY_PAUSE) // fail silently; pause is hardcoded
if (na == 4)
keynum = G_KeyStringtoNum(COM_Argv(3));
if (keynum == KEY_PAUSE)
gc[numctrl][0] = keynum;
if (na == 4)
gc[numctrl][1] = G_KeyStringtoNum(COM_Argv(3));
keynum = G_KeyStringtoNum(COM_Argv(3));
if (keynum != KEY_PAUSE)
gc[numctrl][1] = keynum;
gc[numctrl][1] = 0;
gc[numctrl][1] = 0;
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ static void M_SetupMultiPlayer2(INT32 choice);
// Split into multiple parts due to size
// Controls
menu_t OP_ControlsDef, OP_ControlListDef, OP_MoveControlsDef;
menu_t OP_MPControlsDef, OP_CameraControlsDef, OP_MiscControlsDef;
menu_t OP_MPControlsDef, OP_MiscControlsDef;
menu_t OP_P1ControlsDef, OP_P2ControlsDef, OP_MouseOptionsDef;
menu_t OP_Mouse2OptionsDef, OP_Joystick1Def, OP_Joystick2Def;
static void M_VideoModeMenu(INT32 choice);
@ -1021,20 +1021,30 @@ static menuitem_t OP_ControlListMenu[] =
{IT_SUBMENU | IT_STRING, NULL, "Movement Controls...", &OP_MoveControlsDef, 10},
{IT_SUBMENU | IT_STRING, NULL, "Multiplayer Controls...", &OP_MPControlsDef, 20},
{IT_SUBMENU | IT_STRING, NULL, "Camera Controls...", &OP_CameraControlsDef, 30},
{IT_SUBMENU | IT_STRING, NULL, "Miscellaneous Controls...", &OP_MiscControlsDef, 40},
{IT_SUBMENU | IT_STRING, NULL, "Miscellaneous Controls...", &OP_MiscControlsDef, 30},
static menuitem_t OP_MoveControlsMenu[] =
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Forward", M_ChangeControl, gc_forward },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Reverse", M_ChangeControl, gc_backward },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Turn Left", M_ChangeControl, gc_turnleft },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Turn Right", M_ChangeControl, gc_turnright },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Jump", M_ChangeControl, gc_jump },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Spin", M_ChangeControl, gc_use },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Strafe Left", M_ChangeControl, gc_strafeleft },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Strafe Right", M_ChangeControl, gc_straferight},
{IT_HEADER, NULL, " Movement", NULL, 0},
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Move Forward", M_ChangeControl, gc_forward },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Move Backward", M_ChangeControl, gc_backward },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Move Left", M_ChangeControl, gc_strafeleft },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Move Right", M_ChangeControl, gc_straferight },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Jump", M_ChangeControl, gc_jump },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Spin", M_ChangeControl, gc_use },
{IT_HEADER, NULL, " Camera", NULL, 0},
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Look Up", M_ChangeControl, gc_lookup },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Look Down", M_ChangeControl, gc_lookdown },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Turn Left", M_ChangeControl, gc_turnleft },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Turn Right", M_ChangeControl, gc_turnright },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Center View", M_ChangeControl, gc_centerview },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Toggle Mouselook", M_ChangeControl, gc_mouseaiming },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Toggle Third-Person", M_ChangeControl, gc_camtoggle},
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Reset Camera", M_ChangeControl, gc_camreset },
{IT_HEADER, NULL, " Advanced", NULL, 0},
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Rotate Camera L", M_ChangeControl, gc_camleft },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Rotate Camera R", M_ChangeControl, gc_camright },
static menuitem_t OP_MPControlsMenu[] =
@ -1056,18 +1066,6 @@ static menuitem_t OP_MPControlsMenu[] =
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Ring Toss Normal", M_ChangeControl, gc_firenormal },
static menuitem_t OP_CameraControlsMenu[] =
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Look Up", M_ChangeControl, gc_lookup },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Look Down", M_ChangeControl, gc_lookdown },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Rotate Camera L", M_ChangeControl, gc_camleft },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Rotate Camera R", M_ChangeControl, gc_camright },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Center View", M_ChangeControl, gc_centerview },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Mouselook", M_ChangeControl, gc_mouseaiming },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Reset Camera", M_ChangeControl, gc_camreset },
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Toggle Chasecam", M_ChangeControl, gc_camtoggle },
static menuitem_t OP_MiscControlsMenu[] =
{IT_CALL | IT_STRING2, NULL, "Custom Action 1", M_ChangeControl, gc_custom1 },
@ -1116,13 +1114,14 @@ static menuitem_t OP_MouseOptionsMenu[] =
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Use Mouse", &cv_usemouse, 10},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Always MouseLook", &cv_alwaysfreelook, 30},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Mouse Move", &cv_mousemove, 40},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Invert Mouse", &cv_invertmouse, 50},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "First-Person MouseLook", &cv_alwaysfreelook, 30},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Third-Person MouseLook", &cv_chasefreelook, 40},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Mouse Move", &cv_mousemove, 50},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Invert Mouse", &cv_invertmouse, 60},
NULL, "Mouse X Speed", &cv_mousesens, 60},
NULL, "Mouse X Speed", &cv_mousesens, 70},
NULL, "Mouse Y Speed", &cv_mouseysens, 70},
NULL, "Mouse Y Speed", &cv_mouseysens, 80},
static menuitem_t OP_Mouse2OptionsMenu[] =
@ -1130,13 +1129,14 @@ static menuitem_t OP_Mouse2OptionsMenu[] =
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Use Mouse 2", &cv_usemouse2, 10},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Second Mouse Serial Port",
&cv_mouse2port, 20},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Always MouseLook", &cv_alwaysfreelook2, 30},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Mouse Move", &cv_mousemove2, 40},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Invert Mouse", &cv_invertmouse2, 50},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "First-Person MouseLook", &cv_alwaysfreelook2, 30},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Third-Person MouseLook", &cv_chasefreelook2, 40},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Mouse Move", &cv_mousemove2, 50},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Invert Mouse", &cv_invertmouse2, 60},
NULL, "Mouse X Speed", &cv_mousesens2, 60},
NULL, "Mouse X Speed", &cv_mousesens2, 70},
NULL, "Mouse Y Speed", &cv_mouseysens2, 70},
NULL, "Mouse Y Speed", &cv_mouseysens2, 80},
static menuitem_t OP_VideoOptionsMenu[] =
@ -1656,7 +1656,6 @@ menu_t OP_ControlsDef = DEFAULTMENUSTYLE("M_CONTRO", OP_ControlsMenu, &OP_MainDe
menu_t OP_ControlListDef = DEFAULTMENUSTYLE("M_CONTRO", OP_ControlListMenu, &OP_ControlsDef, 60, 30);
menu_t OP_MoveControlsDef = CONTROLMENUSTYLE(OP_MoveControlsMenu, &OP_ControlListDef);
menu_t OP_MPControlsDef = CONTROLMENUSTYLE(OP_MPControlsMenu, &OP_ControlListDef);
menu_t OP_CameraControlsDef = CONTROLMENUSTYLE(OP_CameraControlsMenu, &OP_ControlListDef);
menu_t OP_MiscControlsDef = CONTROLMENUSTYLE(OP_MiscControlsMenu, &OP_ControlListDef);
menu_t OP_P1ControlsDef = DEFAULTMENUSTYLE("M_CONTRO", OP_P1ControlsMenu, &OP_ControlsDef, 60, 30);
menu_t OP_P2ControlsDef = DEFAULTMENUSTYLE("M_CONTRO", OP_P2ControlsMenu, &OP_ControlsDef, 60, 30);
@ -6856,6 +6855,7 @@ static void M_DrawControl(void)
static INT32 controltochange;
static char controltochangetext[55];
static void M_ChangecontrolResponse(event_t *ev)
@ -6863,8 +6863,8 @@ static void M_ChangecontrolResponse(event_t *ev)
INT32 found;
INT32 ch = ev->data1;
// ESCAPE cancels
if (ch != KEY_ESCAPE)
// ESCAPE cancels; dummy out PAUSE
if (ch != KEY_ESCAPE && ch != KEY_PAUSE)
switch (ev->type)
@ -6923,8 +6923,28 @@ static void M_ChangecontrolResponse(event_t *ev)
setupcontrols[control][found] = ch;
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_strpst);
else if (ch == KEY_PAUSE)
static char tmp[155];
menu_t *prev = currentMenu->prevMenu;
if (controltochange == gc_pause)
sprintf(tmp, M_GetText("The \x82Pause Key \x80is enabled, but \nyou may select another key. \n\nHit another key for\n%s\nESC for Cancel"),
sprintf(tmp, M_GetText("The \x82Pause Key \x80is enabled, but \nit is not configurable. \n\nHit another key for\n%s\nESC for Cancel"),
M_StartMessage(tmp, M_ChangecontrolResponse, MM_EVENTHANDLER);
currentMenu->prevMenu = prev;
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_s3k42);
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_skid);
@ -6936,6 +6956,7 @@ static void M_ChangeControl(INT32 choice)
controltochange = currentMenu->menuitems[choice].alphaKey;
sprintf(tmp, M_GetText("Hit the new key for\n%s\nESC for Cancel"),
strncpy(controltochangetext, currentMenu->menuitems[choice].text, 55);
M_StartMessage(tmp, M_ChangecontrolResponse, MM_EVENTHANDLER);
Reference in a new issue