Rewrite each time thinker

This commit is contained in:
MascaraSnake 2021-12-07 07:17:58 +01:00
parent 222d05a424
commit c9ed484129
6 changed files with 156 additions and 257 deletions

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@ -1272,216 +1272,198 @@ void T_NoEnemiesSector(noenemies_t *nobaddies)
// P_IsObjectOnRealGround
// Helper function for T_EachTimeThinker
// I'll consider whether to make this a more globally accessible function or whatever in future
// -- Monster Iestyn
static boolean P_IsObjectOnRealGround(mobj_t *mo, sector_t *sec)
static sector_t *P_Check3DFloorTriggers(player_t *player, sector_t *sector, line_t *sourceline)
// Is the object in reverse gravity?
if (mo->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP)
ffloor_t *rover;
for (rover = sector->ffloors; rover; rover = rover->next)
// Detect if the player is on the ceiling.
if (mo->z+mo->height >= P_GetSpecialTopZ(mo, sec, sec))
return true;
if (GETSECSPECIAL(rover->master->frontsector->special, 2) < 2 || GETSECSPECIAL(rover->master->frontsector->special, 2) > 7)
if (!(rover->flags & FF_EXISTS))
if (!Tag_Find(&sourceline->tags, Tag_FGet(&rover->master->frontsector->tags)))
return false;
if (!P_IsMobjTouching3DFloor(player->mo, rover, sector))
// This FOF has the special we're looking for, but are we allowed to touch it?
if (sector == player->mo->subsector->sector
|| (rover->master->frontsector->flags & SF_TRIGGERSPECIAL_TOUCH))
return rover->master->frontsector;
// Nope!
// Detect if the player is on the floor.
if (mo->z <= P_GetSpecialBottomZ(mo, sec, sec))
return true;
return false;
return NULL;
static boolean P_IsMobjTouchingSector(mobj_t *mo, sector_t *sec)
static sector_t *P_CheckPolyobjTriggers(player_t *player, line_t *sourceline)
msecnode_t *node;
polyobj_t *po;
sector_t *polysec;
boolean touching = false;
boolean inside = false;
if (mo->subsector->sector == sec)
return true;
for (po = player->mo->subsector->polyList; po; po = (polyobj_t *)(po-> //TODO
if (po->flags & POF_NOSPECIALS)
if (!(sec->flags & SF_TRIGGERSPECIAL_TOUCH))
polysec = po->lines[0]->backsector;
if (GETSECSPECIAL(polysec->special, 2) < 2 || GETSECSPECIAL(polysec->special, 2) > 7)
if (!Tag_Find(&sourceline->tags, Tag_FGet(&polysec->tags)))
return false;
touching = (polysec->flags & SF_TRIGGERSPECIAL_TOUCH) && P_MobjTouchingPolyobj(po, player->mo);
inside = P_MobjInsidePolyobj(po, player->mo);
if (!(inside || touching))
if (!P_IsMobjTouchingPolyobj(player->mo, po, polysec))
return polysec;
return NULL;
static boolean P_CheckSectorTriggers(player_t *player, sector_t *sector, line_t *sourceline)
if (GETSECSPECIAL(sector->special, 2) < 2 || GETSECSPECIAL(sector->special, 2) > 7)
return false;
for (node = mo->touching_sectorlist; node; node = node->m_sectorlist_next)
if (!Tag_Find(&sourceline->tags, Tag_FGet(&sector->tags)))
return false;
if (GETSECSPECIAL(sector->special, 2) != 3 && GETSECSPECIAL(sector->special, 2) != 5)
return true; // "Anywhere in sector" types
return P_IsMobjTouchingSectorPlane(player->mo, sector);
static sector_t *P_FindPlayerTrigger(player_t *player, line_t *sourceline)
sector_t *originalsector;
sector_t *loopsector;
msecnode_t *node;
sector_t *caller;
if (!player->mo)
return NULL;
originalsector = player->mo->subsector->sector;
caller = P_Check3DFloorTriggers(player, originalsector, sourceline); // Handle FOFs first.
if (caller)
return caller;
// Allow sector specials to be applied to polyobjects!
caller = P_CheckPolyobjTriggers(player, sourceline);
if (caller)
return caller;
if (P_CheckSectorTriggers(player, originalsector, sourceline))
return originalsector;
// Iterate through touching_sectorlist for SF_TRIGGERSPECIAL_TOUCH
for (node = player->mo->touching_sectorlist; node; node = node->m_sectorlist_next)
if (node->m_sector == sec)
return true;
loopsector = node->m_sector;
if (loopsector == originalsector) // Don't duplicate
// Check 3D floors...
caller = P_Check3DFloorTriggers(player, loopsector, sourceline); // Handle FOFs first.
if (caller)
return caller;
//TODO: Check polyobjects in loopsector
if (!(loopsector->flags & SF_TRIGGERSPECIAL_TOUCH))
if (P_CheckSectorTriggers(player, loopsector, sourceline))
return loopsector;
return false;
// T_EachTimeThinker
// Runs a linedef exec whenever a player enters an area.
// Keeps track of players currently in the area and notices any changes.
// \sa P_AddEachTimeThinker
static boolean P_CheckAllTrigger(eachtime_t *eachtime)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (P_IsPlayerValid(i) && !eachtime->playersInArea[i])
return false;
return true;
void T_EachTimeThinker(eachtime_t *eachtime)
size_t i, j;
sector_t *sec = NULL;
sector_t *targetsec = NULL;
INT32 secnum = -1;
size_t i;
boolean oldPlayersInArea[MAXPLAYERS];
boolean oldPlayersOnArea[MAXPLAYERS];
boolean *oldPlayersArea;
boolean *playersArea;
boolean FOFsector = false;
boolean floortouch = false;
fixed_t bottomheight, topheight;
ffloor_t *rover;
sector_t *caller[MAXPLAYERS];
boolean allPlayersChecked = false;
boolean allPlayersTrigger = false;
mtag_t tag = Tag_FGet(&eachtime->sourceline->tags);
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
oldPlayersInArea[i] = eachtime->playersInArea[i];
oldPlayersOnArea[i] = eachtime->playersOnArea[i];
eachtime->playersInArea[i] = false;
eachtime->playersOnArea[i] = false;
TAG_ITER_SECTORS(tag, secnum)
sec = &sectors[secnum];
FOFsector = false;
if (GETSECSPECIAL(sec->special, 2) == 3 || GETSECSPECIAL(sec->special, 2) == 5)
floortouch = true;
else if (GETSECSPECIAL(sec->special, 2) >= 1 && GETSECSPECIAL(sec->special, 2) <= 8)
floortouch = false;
// Check the lines of this sector, to see if it is a FOF control sector.
for (i = 0; i < sec->linecount; i++)
INT32 targetsecnum = -1;
if (sec->lines[i]->special < 100 || sec->lines[i]->special >= 300)
FOFsector = true;
TAG_ITER_SECTORS(sec->lines[i]->args[0], targetsecnum)
targetsec = &sectors[targetsecnum];
// Find the FOF corresponding to the control linedef
for (rover = targetsec->ffloors; rover; rover = rover->next)
if (rover->master == sec->lines[i])
if (!rover) // This should be impossible, but don't complain if it is the case somehow
if (!(rover->flags & FF_EXISTS)) // If the FOF does not "exist", we pretend that nobody's there
for (j = 0; j < MAXPLAYERS; j++)
if (!P_IsPlayerValid(j))
if (!P_IsMobjTouchingSector(players[j].mo, targetsec))
topheight = P_GetSpecialTopZ(players[j].mo, sec, targetsec);
bottomheight = P_GetSpecialBottomZ(players[j].mo, sec, targetsec);
if (players[j].mo->z > topheight)
if (players[j].mo->z + players[j].mo->height < bottomheight)
if (floortouch && P_IsObjectOnGroundIn(players[j].mo, targetsec))
eachtime->playersOnArea[j] = true;
eachtime->playersInArea[j] = true;
if (!FOFsector)
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (!P_IsPlayerValid(i))
if (!P_IsMobjTouchingSector(players[i].mo, sec))
if (!(players[i].mo->subsector->sector == sec
|| P_PlayerTouchingSectorSpecial(&players[i], 2, (GETSECSPECIAL(sec->special, 2))) == sec))
if (floortouch && P_IsObjectOnRealGround(players[i].mo, sec))
eachtime->playersOnArea[i] = true;
eachtime->playersInArea[i] = true;
// Check if a new player entered.
// If not, check if a player hit the floor.
// If either condition is true, execute.
if (floortouch)
playersArea = eachtime->playersOnArea;
oldPlayersArea = oldPlayersOnArea;
playersArea = eachtime->playersInArea;
oldPlayersArea = oldPlayersInArea;
caller[i] = P_IsPlayerValid(i) ? P_FindPlayerTrigger(&players[i], eachtime->sourceline) : NULL;
eachtime->playersInArea[i] = caller[i] != NULL;
// Easy check... nothing has changed
if (!memcmp(playersArea, oldPlayersArea, sizeof(boolean)*MAXPLAYERS))
if (!memcmp(eachtime->playersInArea, oldPlayersInArea, sizeof(boolean)*MAXPLAYERS))
// If sector has an "all players" trigger type, all players need to be in area
if (GETSECSPECIAL(sec->special, 2) == 2 || GETSECSPECIAL(sec->special, 2) == 3)
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (P_IsPlayerValid(i) && !playersArea[i])
// Trigger for every player who has entered (and exited, if triggerOnExit)
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (playersArea[i] == oldPlayersArea[i])
if (eachtime->playersInArea[i] == oldPlayersInArea[i])
// If player has just left, check if still valid
if (!playersArea[i] && (!eachtime->triggerOnExit || !P_IsPlayerValid(i)))
if (!eachtime->playersInArea[i] && (!eachtime->triggerOnExit || !P_IsPlayerValid(i)))
// If sector has an "all players" trigger type, all players need to be in area
if (caller[i] && (GETSECSPECIAL(caller[i]->special, 2) == 2 || GETSECSPECIAL(caller[i]->special, 2) == 3))
if (!allPlayersChecked)
allPlayersChecked = true;
allPlayersTrigger = P_CheckAllTrigger(eachtime);
if (!allPlayersTrigger)
CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "Trying to activate each time executor with tag %d\n", tag);
// 03/08/14 -Monster Iestyn
// No more stupid hacks involving changing eachtime->sourceline's tag or special or whatever!
// This should now run ONLY the stuff for eachtime->sourceline itself, instead of all trigger linedefs sharing the same tag.
// Makes much more sense doing it this way, honestly.
P_RunTriggerLinedef(eachtime->sourceline, players[i].mo, sec);
P_RunTriggerLinedef(eachtime->sourceline, players[i].mo, caller[i]);
if (!eachtime->sourceline->special) // this happens only for "Trigger on X calls" linedefs

View file

@ -148,7 +148,6 @@ boolean P_PlayerShouldUseSpinHeight(player_t *player);
boolean P_IsObjectInGoop(mobj_t *mo);
boolean P_IsObjectOnGround(mobj_t *mo);
boolean P_IsObjectOnGroundIn(mobj_t *mo, sector_t *sec);
boolean P_InSpaceSector(mobj_t *mo);
boolean P_InQuicksand(mobj_t *mo);
boolean P_PlayerHitFloor(player_t *player, boolean dorollstuff);

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@ -2012,7 +2012,6 @@ static void SaveEachTimeThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type)
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
WRITECHAR(save_p, ht->playersInArea[i]);
WRITECHAR(save_p, ht->playersOnArea[i]);
WRITECHAR(save_p, ht->triggerOnExit);
@ -3130,7 +3129,6 @@ static thinker_t* LoadEachTimeThinker(actionf_p1 thinker)
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
ht->playersInArea[i] = READCHAR(save_p);
ht->playersOnArea[i] = READCHAR(save_p);
ht->triggerOnExit = READCHAR(save_p);
return &ht->thinker;

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@ -3886,12 +3886,12 @@ static boolean P_IsMobjTouchingPlane(mobj_t *mo, sector_t *sec, fixed_t floorz,
return (floorallowed || ceilingallowed);
static boolean P_IsMobjTouchingSectorPlane(mobj_t *mo, sector_t *sec)
boolean P_IsMobjTouchingSectorPlane(mobj_t *mo, sector_t *sec)
return P_IsMobjTouchingPlane(mo, sec, P_GetSpecialBottomZ(mo, sec, sec), P_GetSpecialTopZ(mo, sec, sec));
static boolean P_IsMobjTouching3DFloor(mobj_t *mo, ffloor_t *ffloor, sector_t *sec)
boolean P_IsMobjTouching3DFloor(mobj_t *mo, ffloor_t *ffloor, sector_t *sec)
fixed_t topheight = P_GetSpecialTopZ(mo, sectors + ffloor->secnum, sec);
fixed_t bottomheight = P_GetSpecialBottomZ(mo, sectors + ffloor->secnum, sec);
@ -3909,7 +3909,7 @@ static boolean P_IsMobjTouching3DFloor(mobj_t *mo, ffloor_t *ffloor, sector_t *s
static boolean P_IsMobjTouchingPolyobj(mobj_t *mo, polyobj_t *po, sector_t *polysec)
boolean P_IsMobjTouchingPolyobj(mobj_t *mo, polyobj_t *po, sector_t *polysec)
if (!(po->flags & POF_TESTHEIGHT)) // Don't do height checking
return true;

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@ -338,6 +338,10 @@ INT32 P_FindMinSurroundingLight(sector_t *sector, INT32 max);
void P_SetupSignExit(player_t *player);
boolean P_IsFlagAtBase(mobjtype_t flag);
boolean P_IsMobjTouchingSectorPlane(mobj_t *mo, sector_t *sec);
boolean P_IsMobjTouching3DFloor(mobj_t *mo, ffloor_t *ffloor, sector_t *sec);
boolean P_IsMobjTouchingPolyobj(mobj_t *mo, polyobj_t *po, sector_t *polysec);
void P_SwitchWeather(INT32 weathernum);
boolean P_RunTriggerLinedef(line_t *triggerline, mobj_t *actor, sector_t *caller);
@ -680,7 +684,6 @@ typedef struct
thinker_t thinker;
line_t *sourceline; // Source line of the thinker
boolean playersInArea[MAXPLAYERS];
boolean playersOnArea[MAXPLAYERS];
boolean triggerOnExit;
} eachtime_t;

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@ -1728,89 +1728,6 @@ boolean P_IsObjectOnGround(mobj_t *mo)
return false;
// P_IsObjectOnGroundIn
// Returns true if the player is
// on the ground in a specific sector. Takes reverse
// gravity and FOFs into account.
boolean P_IsObjectOnGroundIn(mobj_t *mo, sector_t *sec)
ffloor_t *rover;
// Is the object in reverse gravity?
if (mo->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP)
// Detect if the player is on the ceiling.
if (mo->z+mo->height >= P_GetSpecialTopZ(mo, sec, sec))
return true;
// Otherwise, detect if the player is on the bottom of a FOF.
for (rover = sec->ffloors; rover; rover = rover->next)
// If the FOF doesn't exist, continue.
if (!(rover->flags & FF_EXISTS))
// If the FOF is configured to let the object through, continue.
if (!((rover->flags & FF_BLOCKPLAYER && mo->player)
|| (rover->flags & FF_BLOCKOTHERS && !mo->player)))
// If the the platform is intangible from below, continue.
if (rover->flags & FF_PLATFORM)
// If the FOF is a water block, continue. (Unnecessary check?)
if (rover->flags & FF_SWIMMABLE)
// Actually check if the player is on the suitable FOF.
if (mo->z+mo->height == P_GetSpecialBottomZ(mo, sectors + rover->secnum, sec))
return true;
// Nope!
// Detect if the player is on the floor.
if (mo->z <= P_GetSpecialBottomZ(mo, sec, sec))
return true;
// Otherwise, detect if the player is on the top of a FOF.
for (rover = sec->ffloors; rover; rover = rover->next)
// If the FOF doesn't exist, continue.
if (!(rover->flags & FF_EXISTS))
// If the FOF is configured to let the object through, continue.
if (!((rover->flags & FF_BLOCKPLAYER && mo->player)
|| (rover->flags & FF_BLOCKOTHERS && !mo->player)))
// If the the platform is intangible from above, continue.
if (rover->flags & FF_REVERSEPLATFORM)
// If the FOF is a water block, continue. (Unnecessary check?)
if (rover->flags & FF_SWIMMABLE)
// Actually check if the player is on the suitable FOF.
if (mo->z == P_GetSpecialTopZ(mo, sectors + rover->secnum, sec))
return true;
return false;
// P_SetObjectMomZ