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synced 2025-03-13 06:13:18 +00:00
Revert "Merge branch 'shield-button-prompt' into 'next'"
This reverts commit3849ba65aa
, reversing changes made to2ac80138a8
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 0 additions and 244 deletions
@ -140,7 +140,6 @@ static char *char_notes = NULL;
boolean menuactive = false;
boolean fromlevelselect = false;
tic_t shieldprompt_timer = 0; // Show a prompt about the new Shield button for old configs // TODO: 2.3: Remove
typedef enum
@ -3162,7 +3161,6 @@ static void Command_Manual_f(void)
if (modeattacking)
if (shieldprompt_timer) return; // TODO: 2.3: Delete this line
currentMenu = &MISC_HelpDef;
itemOn = 0;
@ -3342,7 +3340,6 @@ boolean M_Responder(event_t *ev)
if (modeattacking)
return true;
if (shieldprompt_timer) return true; // TODO: 2.3: Delete this line
// Uncomment the below if you want the menu to reset to the top each time like before. M_SetupNextMenu will fix it automatically.
//OP_SoundOptionsDef.lastOn = 0;
@ -3353,7 +3350,6 @@ boolean M_Responder(event_t *ev)
if (modeattacking)
return true;
if (shieldprompt_timer) return true; // TODO: 2.3: Delete this line
return true;
@ -3365,7 +3361,6 @@ boolean M_Responder(event_t *ev)
if (modeattacking)
return true;
if (shieldprompt_timer) return true; // TODO: 2.3: Delete this line
return true;
@ -3643,230 +3638,6 @@ void M_Drawer(void)
// Handle the "Do you want to assign Shield Ability now?" pop-up for old configs // TODO: 2.3: Remove this line...
static UINT8 shieldprompt_currentchoice = 0; // ...and this line...
static void M_ShieldPromptUseDefaults(void) // ...and this function
// With a default config from v2.2.10 to v2.2.13, the B button will be set to Custom 1,
// and Controls per Key defaults to "One", so it will override the default Shield button.
// A default config from v2.2.0 to v2.2.9 has Next Weapon on B, so it suffers from this too.
// So for "Use default Shield Ability buttons", we should update old configs to mitigate gamepad conflicts
// (even with "Several" Controls per Key!), and show a message with the default bindings
for (setupcontrols = gamecontrol; true; setupcontrols = gamecontrolbis) // Do stuff for both P1 and P2
INT32 JOY1 = (setupcontrols == gamecontrol) ? KEY_JOY1 : KEY_2JOY1; // Is this for P1 or for P2?
if ((setupcontrols[GC_CUSTOM1][0] == JOY1+1 || setupcontrols[GC_CUSTOM1][1] == JOY1+1)
&& (setupcontrols[GC_CUSTOM2][0] == JOY1+3 || setupcontrols[GC_CUSTOM2][1] == JOY1+3)
&& (setupcontrols[GC_CUSTOM3][0] == JOY1+8 || setupcontrols[GC_CUSTOM3][1] == JOY1+8))
// If the player has v2.2.13's default gamepad Custom 1/2/3 buttons,
// shuffle Custom 1/2/3 around to make room for Shield Ability on B
UINT8 shield_slot = (setupcontrols[GC_SHIELD ][0] == KEY_NULL ) ? 0 : 1;
UINT8 custom1_slot = (setupcontrols[GC_CUSTOM1][0] == JOY1+1) ? 0 : 1;
UINT8 custom2_slot = (setupcontrols[GC_CUSTOM2][0] == JOY1+3) ? 0 : 1;
UINT8 custom3_slot = (setupcontrols[GC_CUSTOM3][0] == JOY1+8) ? 0 : 1;
setupcontrols[GC_SHIELD ][shield_slot ] = JOY1+1; // Assign Shield Ability to B
setupcontrols[GC_CUSTOM1][custom1_slot] = JOY1+3; // Move Custom 1 from B to Y
setupcontrols[GC_CUSTOM2][custom2_slot] = JOY1+8; // Move Custom 2 from Y to LS
setupcontrols[GC_CUSTOM3][custom3_slot] = KEY_NULL; // Unassign Custom 3 from LS...
// (The alternative would be to check and update the ENTIRE gamepad layout.
// That'd be nice, but it would mess with people that are used to the old defaults.)
else if ((setupcontrols[GC_WEAPONNEXT][0] == JOY1+1 || setupcontrols[GC_WEAPONNEXT][1] == JOY1+1)
&& (setupcontrols[GC_WEAPONPREV][0] == JOY1+2 || setupcontrols[GC_WEAPONPREV][1] == JOY1+2))
// Or if the user has a default config from v2.2.0 to v2.2.9,
// the B button will be Next Weapon, and X will be Previous Weapon.
// It's "safe" to discard one of them, you just have to press X multiple times to select in the other direction
UINT8 shield_slot = (setupcontrols[GC_SHIELD ][0] == KEY_NULL ) ? 0 : 1;
UINT8 nweapon_slot = (setupcontrols[GC_WEAPONNEXT][0] == JOY1+1) ? 0 : 1;
UINT8 pweapon_slot = (setupcontrols[GC_WEAPONPREV][0] == JOY1+2) ? 0 : 1;
setupcontrols[GC_SHIELD ][shield_slot ] = JOY1+1; // Assign Shield Ability to B
setupcontrols[GC_WEAPONNEXT][nweapon_slot] = JOY1+3; // Move Next Weapon from B to X
setupcontrols[GC_WEAPONPREV][pweapon_slot] = KEY_NULL; // Unassign Previous Weapon from X
if (setupcontrols == gamecontrolbis) // If we've already updated both players, break out
// Now, show a message about the default Shield Ability bindings
if ((gamecontrol[GC_SHIELD][0] == KEY_LALT && gamecontrol[GC_SHIELD][1] == KEY_JOY1+1)
|| (gamecontrol[GC_SHIELD][0] == KEY_JOY1+1 && gamecontrol[GC_SHIELD][1] == KEY_LALT))
// Left Alt and the B button are both assigned
M_StartMessage(M_GetText("Shield Ability defaults to\nthe \x82""Left Alt\x80"" key on keyboard,\nand the \x85""B button\x80"" on gamepads."
"\n\nYou can always reassign it\nin the Options menu later."
"\n\n\nPress 'Enter' to continue\n"),
MessageDef.x = 43; // Change the pop-up message's background position/width
MessageDef.lastOn = (MessageDef.lastOn & ~0xFF) | 27;
else if (gamecontrol[GC_SHIELD][0] == KEY_LALT || gamecontrol[GC_SHIELD][1] == KEY_LALT)
// Left Alt is assigned, but the B button isn't.
M_StartMessage(M_GetText("Shield Ability defaults to\nthe \x82""Left Alt\x80"" key on keyboard.\nThe \x85""B button\x80"" on gamepads was taken."
"\n\nYou can always reassign it\nin the Options menu later."
"\n\n\nPress 'Enter' to continue\n"),
MessageDef.x = 24; // Change the pop-up message's background position/width
MessageDef.lastOn = (MessageDef.lastOn & ~0xFF) | 32;
else if (gamecontrol[GC_SHIELD][0] == KEY_JOY1+1 || gamecontrol[GC_SHIELD][1] == KEY_JOY1+1)
// The B button is assigned, but Left Alt isn't
M_StartMessage(M_GetText("Shield Ability defaults to\nthe \x85""B button\x80"" on gamepads.\nThe \x82""Left Alt\x80"" key on keyboard was taken."
"\n\nYou can always reassign it\nin the Options menu later."
"\n\n\nPress 'Enter' to continue\n"),
MessageDef.x = 8; // Change the pop-up message's background position/width
MessageDef.lastOn = (MessageDef.lastOn & ~0xFF) | 36;
else if (gamecontrol[GC_SHIELD][0] == KEY_NULL && gamecontrol[GC_SHIELD][1] == KEY_NULL)
// Neither Left Alt nor the B button are assigned
M_StartMessage(M_GetText("Shield Ability is unassigned!\nThe \x82""Left Alt\x80"" key on keyboard and\nthe \x85""B button\x80"" on gamepads were taken."
"\n\nYou should assign Shield Ability\nin the Options menu later."
"\n\n\nPress 'Enter' to continue\n"),
MessageDef.x = 19; // Change the pop-up message's background position/width
MessageDef.lastOn = (MessageDef.lastOn & ~0xFF) | 33;
// Neither Left Alt nor the B button are assigned... but something else is???
// (This can technically happen if you edit your config or use setcontrol in the console before opening the menu)
char keystr[16+16+2+7+1]; // Two 16-char keys + two colour codes + "' and '" + null
if (gamecontrol[GC_SHIELD][0] != KEY_NULL && gamecontrol[GC_SHIELD][1] != KEY_NULL)
STRBUFCPY(keystr, va("%s\x80""' and '\x82""%s",
else if (gamecontrol[GC_SHIELD][0] != KEY_NULL)
STRBUFCPY(keystr, G_KeyNumToName(gamecontrol[GC_SHIELD][0]));
else //if (gamecontrol[GC_SHIELD][1] != KEY_NULL)
STRBUFCPY(keystr, G_KeyNumToName(gamecontrol[GC_SHIELD][1]));
M_StartMessage(va("Shield Ability is assigned to\n'\x82""%s\x80""'."
"\n\nYou can always reassign it\nin the Options menu later."
"\n\n\nPress 'Enter' to continue\n",
keystr), NULL, MM_NOTHING);
MessageDef.x = 23; // Change the pop-up message's background position/width
MessageDef.lastOn = (MessageDef.lastOn & ~0xFF) | 32;
static void M_HandleShieldPromptMenu(INT32 choice) // TODO: 2.3: Remove
switch (choice)
if (I_GetTime() <= shieldprompt_timer) // Don't mash past the pop-up by accident!
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_menu1);
noFurtherInput = true;
shieldprompt_timer = 0;
if (I_GetTime() <= shieldprompt_timer) // Don't mash past the pop-up by accident!
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_menu1);
noFurtherInput = true;
shieldprompt_timer = 0;
if (shieldprompt_currentchoice == 0)
OP_ChangeControlsDef.lastOn = 8; // Highlight Shield Ability in the controls menu
M_Setup1PControlsMenu(0); // Set up P1's controls menu and call M_SetupNextMenu
else if (shieldprompt_currentchoice == 1) // Copy the Spin buttons to the Shield buttons
CV_SetValue(&cv_controlperkey, 2); // Make sure that Controls per Key is "Several"
gamecontrol [GC_SHIELD][0] = gamecontrol [GC_SPIN][0];
gamecontrol [GC_SHIELD][1] = gamecontrol [GC_SPIN][1];
gamecontrolbis[GC_SHIELD][0] = gamecontrolbis[GC_SPIN][0];
gamecontrolbis[GC_SHIELD][1] = gamecontrolbis[GC_SPIN][1];
CV_SetValue(&cv_shieldaxis, cv_spinaxis.value);
CV_SetValue(&cv_shieldaxis2, cv_spinaxis2.value);
M_StartMessage(M_GetText("Spin and Shield Ability are now\nthe same button."
"\n\nYou can always reassign them\nin the Options menu later."
"\n\n\nPress 'Enter' to continue\n"),
MessageDef.x = 36; // Change the pop-up message's background position/width
MessageDef.lastOn = (MessageDef.lastOn & ~0xFF) | 29;
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_menu1);
shieldprompt_currentchoice = (shieldprompt_currentchoice+2)%3;
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_menu1);
shieldprompt_currentchoice = (shieldprompt_currentchoice+1)%3;
MessageDef.prevMenu = &MainDef;
static void M_DrawShieldPromptMenu(void) // TODO: 2.3: Remove
INT16 cursorx = (BASEVIDWIDTH/2) - 24;
V_DrawFill(10-3, 68-3, 300+6, 40+6, 159);
// V_DrawCenteredString doesn't centre newlines, so we have to draw each line separately
V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, 68, V_ALLOWLOWERCASE, "Welcome back! Since you last played,");
V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, 76, V_ALLOWLOWERCASE, "Spin has been split into separate");
V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, 84, V_ALLOWLOWERCASE, "\"Spin\" and \"Shield Ability\" controls.");
V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, 98, V_ALLOWLOWERCASE, "Do you want to assign Shield Ability now?");
V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, 164,
(shieldprompt_currentchoice == 0) ? V_YELLOWMAP : 0, "Open Control Setup");
V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, 172,
(shieldprompt_currentchoice == 1) ? V_YELLOWMAP : 0, "Keep the old behaviour");
V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, 180,
(shieldprompt_currentchoice == 2) ? V_YELLOWMAP : 0, "Use default Shield Ability buttons");
switch (shieldprompt_currentchoice)
case 0: cursorx -= V_StringWidth("Open Control Setup", 0)/2; break;
case 1: cursorx -= V_StringWidth("Keep the old behaviour", 0)/2; break;
default: cursorx -= V_StringWidth("Use default Shield Ability buttons", 0)/2; break;
V_DrawScaledPatch(cursorx, 164 + (shieldprompt_currentchoice*8), 0, W_CachePatchName("M_CURSOR", PU_PATCH));
static menuitem_t OP_ShieldPromptMenu[] = {{IT_KEYHANDLER | IT_NOTHING, NULL, "", M_HandleShieldPromptMenu, 0}}; // TODO: 2.3: Remove
menu_t OP_ShieldPromptDef = { // TODO: 2.3: Remove
0, 0, 0, NULL
// M_StartControlPanel
@ -3898,15 +3669,6 @@ void M_StartControlPanel(void)
currentMenu = &MainDef;
itemOn = singleplr;
if (shieldprompt_timer) // For old configs, show a pop-up about the new Shield button // TODO: 2.3: Remove
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_strpst);
noFurtherInput = true;
shieldprompt_timer = I_GetTime() + TICRATE; // Don't mash past the pop-up by accident!
else if (modeattacking)
@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ typedef struct
extern menupres_t menupres[NUMMENUTYPES];
extern UINT32 prevMenuId;
extern UINT32 activeMenuId;
extern tic_t shieldprompt_timer; // Show a prompt about the new Shield button for old configs // TODO: 2.3: Remove
void M_InitMenuPresTables(void);
UINT8 M_GetYoungestChildMenu(void);
@ -560,11 +560,6 @@ void M_FirstLoadConfig(void)
COM_BufInsertText(va("exec \"%s\"\n", configfile));
// no COM_BufExecute() needed; that does it right away
// For configs loaded at startup only, check for pre-Shield-button configs // TODO: 2.3: Remove
if (GETMAJOREXECVERSION(cv_execversion.value) < 55 // Pre-v2.2.14 configs
&& cv_execversion.value != 25) // Make sure that the config exists, too
shieldprompt_timer = 1;
// don't filter anymore vars and don't let this convsvar be changed
COM_BufInsertText(va("%s \"%d\"\n", cv_execversion.name, EXECVERSION));
Reference in a new issue