mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:51:40 +00:00
Clipboard copy/paste testing
(unfinished, but basics work)
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 264 additions and 55 deletions
@ -258,6 +258,18 @@ INT32 I_PutEnv(char *variable)
return -1;
INT32 I_ClipboardCopy(const char *data, size_t size)
return -1;
char *I_ClipboardPaste(void)
return NULL;
void I_RegisterSysCommands(void) {}
#include "../sdl/dosstr.c"
@ -641,6 +641,12 @@ boolean CON_Responder(event_t *ev)
key = ev->data1;
// Always eat ctrl/shift/alt, so the menu doesn't get ideas
if (key == KEY_LSHIFT || key == KEY_RSHIFT
|| key == KEY_LCTRL || key == KEY_RCTRL
|| key == KEY_LALT || key == KEY_RALT)
return true;
// check for console toggle key
if (ev->type != ev_console)
@ -677,67 +683,70 @@ boolean CON_Responder(event_t *ev)
// command completion forward (tab) and backward (shift-tab)
if (key == KEY_TAB)
// ctrl modifier -- changes behavior, adds shortcuts
if (ctrldown)
// show all cvars/commands that match what we have inputted
if (ctrldown)
if (key == KEY_TAB)
UINT32 i;
size_t stop = input_cx - 1;
char nameremainder[255];
size_t i, len = strlen(inputlines[inputline]+1);
if (input_cx < 2 || strlen(inputlines[inputline]+1) >= 80)
if (input_cx < 2 || len >= 80 || strchr(inputlines[inputline]+1, ' '))
return true;
strcpy(completion, inputlines[inputline]+1);
// trimming: stop at the first newline
for (i = 0; i < input_cx - 1; ++i)
if (completion[i] == ' ')
completion[i] = '\0';
stop = i;
i = 0;
//first check commands
for (cmd = COM_CompleteCommand(completion, i); cmd; cmd = COM_CompleteCommand(completion, i))
strncpy(nameremainder, cmd+(stop), strlen(cmd)-(stop));
nameremainder[strlen(cmd)-(stop)] = '\0';
CONS_Printf(" \x83" "%s" "\x80" "%s\n", completion, nameremainder);
if (i == 0)
CONS_Printf(" (none)\n");
i = 0;
for (i = 0, cmd = COM_CompleteCommand(completion, i); cmd; cmd = COM_CompleteCommand(completion, ++i))
CONS_Printf(" \x83" "%s" "\x80" "%s\n", completion, cmd+len);
if (i == 0) CONS_Printf(" (none)\n");
//now we move on to CVARs
for (cmd = CV_CompleteVar(completion, i); cmd; cmd = CV_CompleteVar(completion, i))
strncpy(nameremainder, cmd+(stop), strlen(cmd)-(stop));
nameremainder[strlen(cmd)-(stop)] = '\0';
CONS_Printf(" \x83" "%s" "\x80" "%s\n", completion, nameremainder);
if (i == 0)
CONS_Printf(" (none)\n");
for (i = 0, cmd = CV_CompleteVar(completion, i); cmd; cmd = CV_CompleteVar(completion, ++i))
CONS_Printf(" \x83" "%s" "\x80" "%s\n", completion, cmd+len);
if (i == 0) CONS_Printf(" (none)\n");
return true;
// ---
if (key == KEY_HOME) // oldest text in buffer
con_scrollup = (con_totallines-((con_curlines-16)>>3));
return true;
else if (key == KEY_END) // most recent text in buffer
con_scrollup = 0;
return true;
if (key == 'x' || key == 'X')
return true;
else if (key == 'c' || key == 'C')
I_ClipboardCopy(inputlines[inputline]+1, strlen(inputlines[inputline]+1));
return true;
else if (key == 'v' || key == 'V')
CONS_Printf("Paste: %s\n", I_ClipboardPaste());
return true;
// don't eat the key
return false;
// command completion forward (tab) and backward (shift-tab)
if (key == KEY_TAB)
// sequential command completion forward and backward
// remember typing for several completions (a-la-4dos)
@ -815,16 +824,7 @@ boolean CON_Responder(event_t *ev)
return true;
if (key == KEY_HOME) // oldest text in buffer
con_scrollup = (con_totallines-((con_curlines-16)>>3));
return true;
else if (key == KEY_END) // most recent text in buffer
con_scrollup = 0;
return true;
// command enter
if (key == KEY_ENTER)
@ -1721,6 +1721,18 @@ INT32 I_PutEnv(char *variable)
return putenv(variable);
INT32 I_ClipboardCopy(const char *data, size_t size)
return -1;
char *I_ClipboardPaste(void)
return NULL;
const CPUInfoFlags *I_CPUInfo(void)
static CPUInfoFlags DOS_CPUInfo;
@ -162,6 +162,18 @@ INT32 I_PutEnv(char *variable)
return -1;
INT32 I_ClipboardCopy(const char *data, size_t size)
return -1;
char *I_ClipboardPaste(void)
return NULL;
void I_RegisterSysCommands(void) {}
#include "../sdl/dosstr.c"
@ -296,6 +296,14 @@ char *I_GetEnv(const char *name);
INT32 I_PutEnv(char *variable);
/** \brief Put data in system clipboard
INT32 I_ClipboardCopy(const char *data, size_t size);
/** \brief Retrieve data from system clipboard
const char *I_ClipboardPaste(void);
void I_RegisterSysCommands(void);
@ -269,6 +269,18 @@ INT32 I_PutEnv(char *variable)
return -1;
INT32 I_ClipboardCopy(const char *data, size_t size)
return -1;
char *I_ClipboardPaste(void)
return NULL;
void I_RegisterSysCommands(void) {}
#include "../sdl/dosstr.c"
@ -260,6 +260,18 @@ static char returnWadPath[256];
#include "../byteptr.h"
// FAKE_CLIPBOARD simulates system clipboard, but is just local to our app
#include "SDL_syswm.h"
#if defined (_WIN32) && !defined (_XBOX)
#include <winuser.h>
// TODO: clipboard support for other OSes
/** \brief The JoyReset function
\param JoySet Joystick info to reset
@ -2647,6 +2659,109 @@ INT32 I_PutEnv(char *variable)
static char __clipboard[512] = "";
INT32 I_ClipboardCopy(const char *data, size_t size)
if (size >= 512) size = 511;
memcpy(__clipboard, data, size);
__clipboard[size] = 0;
return 0;
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_XBOX)
SDL_SysWMinfo syswm;
HGLOBAL *storage_ptr;
char *storage_raw;
// Get window (HWND) information, use that to open the clipboard
if (!SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(window, &syswm) || !(OpenClipboard(syswm.info.win.window)))
return -1;
// Erase clipboard contents -- if we have nothing to copy, just leave them blank
if (size == 0)
goto clipboardend;
// Allocate movable global memory to store our text.
if (!(storage_ptr = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, size+1))
|| !(storage_raw = (char *)GlobalLock(storage_ptr))) // Lock our pointer (gives us access to its data)
goto clipboardfail;
memcpy(storage_raw, data, size);
storage_raw[size] = 0;
GlobalUnlock(storage_ptr); // Unlock it before sending it off
if (!SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, storage_ptr)) // NOTE: this removes our permissions from the pointer
goto clipboardfail;
return 0; //OpenClipboard();
CloseClipboard(); // Don't leave me hanging
return -1;
return -1;
const char *I_ClipboardPaste(void)
return (const char *)&__clipboard;
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_XBOX)
HGLOBAL *clipboard_ptr;
const char *clipboard_raw;
static char clipboard_contents[512];
char *i = clipboard_contents;
if (!IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT))
return NULL; // Data either unavailable, or in wrong format
OpenClipboard(NULL); // NOTE: Don't need window pointer to get, only to set
if (!(clipboard_ptr = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT))) // Get global pointer
return NULL;
if (!(clipboard_raw = (const char *)GlobalLock(clipboard_ptr))) // Lock access -- gives us direct ptr to data
CloseClipboard(); // Don't leave me hanging if we fail
return NULL;
memcpy(clipboard_contents, clipboard_raw, 511);
GlobalUnlock(clipboard_ptr); // Unlock for other apps
CloseClipboard(); // And make sure to close the clipboard for other apps too
clipboard_contents[511] = 0; // Done after unlock to cause as little interference as possible
while (*i)
if (*i == '\n' || *i == '\r')
{ // End on newline
*i = 0;
else if (*i == '\t')
*i = ' '; // Tabs become spaces
else if (*i < 32 || (unsigned)*i > 127)
*i = '?'; // Nonprintable chars become question marks
return (const char *)&clipboard_contents;
return NULL;
/** \brief The isWadPathOk function
\param path string path to check
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ boolean OglSdlSurface(INT32 w, INT32 h);
void OglSdlFinishUpdate(boolean vidwait);
extern SDL_Window *window;
extern SDL_Renderer *renderer;
extern SDL_GLContext sdlglcontext;
extern Uint16 realwidth;
@ -71,4 +71,7 @@ void I_GetConsoleEvents(void);
void SDLforceUngrabMouse(void);
// Needed for some WIN32 functions
extern SDL_Window *window;
@ -2666,6 +2666,18 @@ INT32 I_PutEnv(char *variable)
INT32 I_ClipboardCopy(const char *data, size_t size)
return -1;
char *I_ClipboardPaste(void)
return NULL;
/** \brief The isWadPathOk function
\param path string path to check
@ -3598,6 +3598,18 @@ INT32 I_PutEnv(char *variable)
return putenv(variable);
INT32 I_ClipboardCopy(const char *data, size_t size)
return -1;
char *I_ClipboardPaste(void)
return NULL;
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *p_IsProcessorFeaturePresent) (DWORD);
const CPUInfoFlags *I_CPUInfo(void)
@ -3470,6 +3470,18 @@ INT32 I_PutEnv(char *variable)
return putenv(variable);
INT32 I_ClipboardCopy(const char *data, size_t size)
return -1;
char *I_ClipboardPaste(void)
return NULL;
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *MyFunc3) (DWORD);
const CPUInfoFlags *I_CPUInfo(void)
Reference in a new issue