Group related chat stuff together

This commit is contained in:
LJ Sonic 2022-01-02 17:38:49 +01:00
parent 3638d5d556
commit b8975b6a71

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@ -858,72 +858,6 @@ static void Got_Saycmd(UINT8 **p, INT32 playernum)
// Handles key input and string input
static inline boolean HU_keyInChatString(char *s, char ch)
size_t l;
if ((ch >= HU_FONTSTART && ch <= HU_FONTEND && hu_font[ch-HU_FONTSTART])
|| ch == ' ') // Allow spaces, of course
l = strlen(s);
if (l < HU_MAXMSGLEN - 1)
if (c_input >= strlen(s)) // don't do anything complicated
s[l++] = ch;
// move everything past c_input for new characters:
size_t m = HU_MAXMSGLEN-1;
while (m>=c_input)
if (s[m])
s[m+1] = (s[m]);
if (m == 0) // prevent overflow
s[c_input] = ch; // and replace this.
return true;
return false;
else if (ch == KEY_BACKSPACE)
size_t i = c_input;
if (c_input <= 0)
return false;
if (!s[i-1])
return false;
if (i >= strlen(s)-1)
s[strlen(s)-1] = 0;
return false;
for (; (i < HU_MAXMSGLEN); i++)
s[i-1] = s[i];
else if (ch != KEY_ENTER)
return false; // did not eat key
return true; // ate the key
@ -945,6 +879,10 @@ void HU_Ticker(void)
#ifndef NONET
static boolean teamtalk = false;
static boolean justscrolleddown;
static boolean justscrolledup;
static INT16 typelines = 1; // number of drawfill lines we need when drawing the chat. it's some weird hack and might be one frame off but I'm lazy to make another loop.
// It's up here since it has to be reset when we open the chat.
static boolean HU_chatboxContainsOnlySpaces(void)
@ -1050,6 +988,73 @@ static void HU_queueChatChar(char c)
// Handles key input and string input
static inline boolean HU_keyInChatString(char *s, char ch)
size_t l;
if ((ch >= HU_FONTSTART && ch <= HU_FONTEND && hu_font[ch-HU_FONTSTART])
|| ch == ' ') // Allow spaces, of course
l = strlen(s);
if (l < HU_MAXMSGLEN - 1)
if (c_input >= strlen(s)) // don't do anything complicated
s[l++] = ch;
// move everything past c_input for new characters:
size_t m = HU_MAXMSGLEN-1;
while (m>=c_input)
if (s[m])
s[m+1] = (s[m]);
if (m == 0) // prevent overflow
s[c_input] = ch; // and replace this.
return true;
return false;
else if (ch == KEY_BACKSPACE)
size_t i = c_input;
if (c_input <= 0)
return false;
if (!s[i-1])
return false;
if (i >= strlen(s)-1)
s[strlen(s)-1] = 0;
return false;
for (; (i < HU_MAXMSGLEN); i++)
s[i-1] = s[i];
else if (ch != KEY_ENTER)
return false; // did not eat key
return true; // ate the key
void HU_clearChatChars(void)
@ -1061,13 +1066,6 @@ void HU_clearChatChars(void)
#ifndef NONET
static boolean justscrolleddown;
static boolean justscrolledup;
static INT16 typelines = 1; // number of drawfill lines we need when drawing the chat. it's some weird hack and might be one frame off but I'm lazy to make another loop.
// It's up here since it has to be reset when we open the chat.
// Returns true if key eaten