Masked stuff

This commit is contained in:
Jaime Passos 2019-12-26 17:39:18 -03:00
parent 0ec800b266
commit ad6cda7c53
2 changed files with 296 additions and 261 deletions

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@ -2405,96 +2405,210 @@ static void R_DrawFlippedMaskedSegColumn(column_t *column)
R_DrawFlippedMaskedColumn(column, rw.column2s_length);
void R_RenderMaskedSegRange(drawseg_t *ds, INT32 x1, INT32 x2)
// R_RenderMaskedSegLoop
// Like R_RenderSegLoop, but for masked segs.
static void R_RenderMaskedSegLoop(drawseg_t *ds)
size_t pindex;
column_t *col;
INT32 lightnum, texnum, i;
INT32 i;
fixed_t height, realbot;
r_lightlist_t *rlight;
INT64 overflow_test;
for (dc_x = rw.x; dc_x <= rw.stopx; dc_x++)
#ifdef ESLOPE
dc_texturemid = ds->maskedtextureheight[dc_x];
if (!!(curline->linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) ^ !!(curline->linedef->flags & ML_EFFECT3))
dc_texturemid += (textureheight[rw.texnum])*rw.maskedrepeat + textureheight[rw.texnum];
dc_texturemid -= (textureheight[rw.texnum])*rw.maskedrepeat;
// calculate lighting
if (maskedtexturecol[dc_x] != INT16_MAX)
// Check for overflows first
overflow_test = (INT64)centeryfrac - (((INT64)dc_texturemid*spryscale)>>FRACBITS);
if (overflow_test < 0) overflow_test = -overflow_test;
if ((UINT64)overflow_test&0xFFFFFFFF80000000ULL)
// Eh, no, go away, don't waste our time
if (dc_numlights)
for (i = 0; i < dc_numlights; i++)
rlight = &dc_lightlist[i];
rlight->height += rlight->heightstep;
spryscale += rw.scalestep;
if (dc_numlights)
lighttable_t **xwalllights;
sprbotscreen = INT32_MAX;
sprtopscreen = windowtop = (centeryfrac - FixedMul(dc_texturemid, spryscale));
realbot = windowbottom = FixedMul(textureheight[rw.texnum], spryscale) + sprtopscreen;
dc_iscale = 0xffffffffu / (unsigned)spryscale;
// draw the texture
col = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)R_GetColumn(rw.texnum, maskedtexturecol[dc_x]) - 3);
for (i = 0; i < dc_numlights; i++)
rlight = &dc_lightlist[i];
if ((rlight->flags & FF_NOSHADE))
if (rlight->lightnum < 0)
xwalllights = scalelight[0];
else if (rlight->lightnum >= LIGHTLEVELS)
xwalllights = scalelight[LIGHTLEVELS-1];
xwalllights = scalelight[rlight->lightnum];
pindex = FixedMul(spryscale, FixedDiv(640, vid.width))>>LIGHTSCALESHIFT;
if (pindex >= MAXLIGHTSCALE)
pindex = MAXLIGHTSCALE - 1;
if (rlight->extra_colormap)
rlight->rcolormap = rlight->extra_colormap->colormap + (xwalllights[pindex] - colormaps);
rlight->rcolormap = xwalllights[pindex];
height = rlight->height;
rlight->height += rlight->heightstep;
if (height <= windowtop)
dc_colormap = rlight->rcolormap;
windowbottom = height;
if (windowbottom >= realbot)
windowbottom = realbot;
for (i++; i < dc_numlights; i++)
rlight = &dc_lightlist[i];
rlight->height += rlight->heightstep;
windowtop = windowbottom + 1;
dc_colormap = rlight->rcolormap;
windowbottom = realbot;
if (windowtop < windowbottom)
spryscale += rw.scalestep;
// calculate lighting
pindex = FixedMul(spryscale, FixedDiv(640, vid.width))>>LIGHTSCALESHIFT;
if (pindex >= MAXLIGHTSCALE)
pindex = MAXLIGHTSCALE - 1;
dc_colormap = walllights[pindex];
if (frontsector->extra_colormap)
dc_colormap = frontsector->extra_colormap->colormap + (dc_colormap - colormaps);
sprtopscreen = centeryfrac - FixedMul(dc_texturemid, spryscale);
dc_iscale = 0xffffffffu / (unsigned)spryscale;
// draw the texture
col = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)R_GetColumn(rw.texnum, maskedtexturecol[dc_x]) - 3);
#if 0 // Disabling this allows inside edges to render below the planes, for until the clipping is fixed to work right when POs are near the camera. -Red
if (curline->dontrenderme && curline->polyseg && (curline->polyseg->flags & POF_RENDERPLANES))
fixed_t my_topscreen;
fixed_t my_bottomscreen;
fixed_t my_yl, my_yh;
my_topscreen = sprtopscreen + spryscale*col->topdelta;
my_bottomscreen = sprbotscreen == INT32_MAX ? my_topscreen + spryscale*col->length
: sprbotscreen + spryscale*col->length;
my_yl = (my_topscreen+FRACUNIT-1)>>FRACBITS;
my_yh = (my_bottomscreen-1)>>FRACBITS;
// CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "my_topscreen: %d\nmy_bottomscreen: %d\nmy_yl: %d\nmy_yh: %d\n", my_topscreen, my_bottomscreen, my_yl, my_yh);
if (numffloors)
INT32 top = my_yl;
INT32 bottom = my_yh;
for (i = 0; i < numffloors; i++)
if (!ffloor[i].polyobj || ffloor[i].polyobj != curline->polyseg)
if (ffloor[i].height < viewz)
INT32 top_w = ffloor[i].plane->top[dc_x];
// CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "Leveltime : %d\n", leveltime);
// CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "Top is %d, top_w is %d\n", top, top_w);
if (top_w < top)
ffloor[i].plane->top[dc_x] = (INT16)top;
ffloor[i].plane->picnum = 0;
// CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "top_w is now %d\n", ffloor[i].plane->top[dc_x]);
else if (ffloor[i].height > viewz)
INT32 bottom_w = ffloor[i].plane->bottom[dc_x];
if (bottom_w > bottom)
ffloor[i].plane->bottom[dc_x] = (INT16)bottom;
ffloor[i].plane->picnum = 0;
spryscale += rw.scalestep;
// R_MaskedLightLists
// Creates light lists, but for masked segs.
static void R_MaskedLightLists(drawseg_t *ds, INT32 range)
lightlist_t *light;
r_lightlist_t *rlight;
line_t *ldef;
sector_t *front, *back;
INT32 times, repeats;
INT64 overflow_test;
#ifdef ESLOPE
INT32 range;
INT32 lightnum, i;
// Calculate light table.
// Use different light tables
// for horizontal / vertical / diagonal. Diagonal?
// OPTIMIZE: get rid of LIGHTSEGSHIFT globally
curline = ds->curline;
frontsector = curline->frontsector;
backsector = curline->backsector;
texnum = R_GetTextureNum(curline->sidedef->midtexture);
windowbottom = windowtop = sprbotscreen = INT32_MAX;
// hack translucent linedef types (900-909 for transtables 1-9)
ldef = curline->linedef;
switch (ldef->special)
case 900:
case 901:
case 902:
case 903:
case 904:
case 905:
case 906:
case 907:
case 908:
dc_transmap = transtables + ((ldef->special-900)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT);
colfunc = colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_FUZZY];
case 909:
colfunc = colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_FOG];
windowtop = frontsector->ceilingheight;
windowbottom = frontsector->floorheight;
colfunc = colfuncs[BASEDRAWFUNC];
if (curline->polyseg && curline->polyseg->translucency > 0)
if (curline->polyseg->translucency >= NUMTRANSMAPS)
dc_transmap = transtables + ((curline->polyseg->translucency-1)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT);
colfunc = colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_FUZZY];
#ifdef ESLOPE
range = max(ds->x2-ds->x1, 1);
rw.scalestep = ds->scalestep;
spryscale = ds->scale1 + (x1 - ds->x1)*rw.scalestep;
// Texture must be cached before setting colfunc_2s,
// otherwise texture[texnum]->holes may be false when it shouldn't be
// handle case where multipatch texture is drawn on a 2sided wall, multi-patch textures
// are not stored per-column with post info in SRB2
if (textures[texnum]->holes)
if (textures[texnum]->flip & 2) // vertically flipped?
rw.colfunc_2s = R_DrawFlippedMaskedSegColumn;
rw.column2s_length = textures[texnum]->height;
rw.colfunc_2s = R_DrawMaskedColumn; // render the usual 2sided single-patch packed texture
rw.colfunc_2s = R_Render2sidedMultiPatchColumn; // render multipatch with no holes (no post_t info)
rw.column2s_length = textures[texnum]->height;
// Setup lighting based on the presence/lack-of 3D floors.
dc_numlights = 0;
if (frontsector->numlights)
dc_numlights = frontsector->numlights;
@ -2508,6 +2622,8 @@ void R_RenderMaskedSegRange(drawseg_t *ds, INT32 x1, INT32 x2)
#ifdef ESLOPE
fixed_t leftheight, rightheight;
light = &frontsector->lightlist[i];
rlight = &dc_lightlist[i];
@ -2579,6 +2695,99 @@ void R_RenderMaskedSegRange(drawseg_t *ds, INT32 x1, INT32 x2)
walllights = scalelight[lightnum];
// R_RenderMaskedSegRange
// Renders all the masked segs in the given range.
void R_RenderMaskedSegRange(drawseg_t *ds, INT32 x1, INT32 x2)
INT32 texnum, i;
r_lightlist_t *rlight;
line_t *ldef;
sector_t *front, *back;
INT32 times, repeats;
INT32 range;
// Calculate light table.
// Use different light tables
// for horizontal / vertical / diagonal. Diagonal?
// OPTIMIZE: get rid of LIGHTSEGSHIFT globally
curline = ds->curline;
frontsector = curline->frontsector;
backsector = curline->backsector;
texnum = R_GetTextureNum(curline->sidedef->midtexture);
windowbottom = windowtop = sprbotscreen = INT32_MAX;
rw.x = x1;
rw.stopx = x2;
rw.texnum = texnum;
// hack translucent linedef types (900-909 for transtables 1-9)
ldef = curline->linedef;
switch (ldef->special)
case 900:
case 901:
case 902:
case 903:
case 904:
case 905:
case 906:
case 907:
case 908:
dc_transmap = transtables + ((ldef->special-900)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT);
colfunc = colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_FUZZY];
case 909:
colfunc = colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_FOG];
windowtop = frontsector->ceilingheight;
windowbottom = frontsector->floorheight;
colfunc = colfuncs[BASEDRAWFUNC];
if (curline->polyseg && curline->polyseg->translucency > 0)
if (curline->polyseg->translucency >= NUMTRANSMAPS)
dc_transmap = transtables + ((curline->polyseg->translucency-1)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT);
colfunc = colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_FUZZY];
#ifdef ESLOPE
range = max(ds->x2-ds->x1, 1);
rw.scalestep = ds->scalestep;
spryscale = ds->scale1 + (x1 - ds->x1)*rw.scalestep;
// Texture must be cached before setting colfunc_2s,
// otherwise texture[texnum]->holes may be false when it shouldn't be
// handle case where multipatch texture is drawn on a 2sided wall, multi-patch textures
// are not stored per-column with post info in SRB2
if (textures[texnum]->holes)
if (textures[texnum]->flip & 2) // vertically flipped?
rw.colfunc_2s = R_DrawFlippedMaskedSegColumn;
rw.column2s_length = textures[texnum]->height;
rw.colfunc_2s = R_DrawMaskedColumn; // render the usual 2sided single-patch packed texture
rw.colfunc_2s = R_Render2sidedMultiPatchColumn; // render multipatch with no holes (no post_t info)
rw.column2s_length = textures[texnum]->height;
// Setup lighting based on the presence/lack-of 3D floors.
R_MaskedLightLists(ds, range);
maskedtexturecol = ds->maskedtexturecol;
@ -2658,183 +2867,8 @@ void R_RenderMaskedSegRange(drawseg_t *ds, INT32 x1, INT32 x2)
dc_texheight = textureheight[texnum]>>FRACBITS;
// draw the columns
for (dc_x = x1; dc_x <= x2; dc_x++)
#ifdef ESLOPE
dc_texturemid = ds->maskedtextureheight[dc_x];
if (!!(curline->linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) ^ !!(curline->linedef->flags & ML_EFFECT3))
dc_texturemid += (textureheight[texnum])*times + textureheight[texnum];
dc_texturemid -= (textureheight[texnum])*times;
// calculate lighting
if (maskedtexturecol[dc_x] != INT16_MAX)
// Check for overflows first
overflow_test = (INT64)centeryfrac - (((INT64)dc_texturemid*spryscale)>>FRACBITS);
if (overflow_test < 0) overflow_test = -overflow_test;
if ((UINT64)overflow_test&0xFFFFFFFF80000000ULL)
// Eh, no, go away, don't waste our time
if (dc_numlights)
for (i = 0; i < dc_numlights; i++)
rlight = &dc_lightlist[i];
rlight->height += rlight->heightstep;
spryscale += rw.scalestep;
if (dc_numlights)
lighttable_t **xwalllights;
sprbotscreen = INT32_MAX;
sprtopscreen = windowtop = (centeryfrac - FixedMul(dc_texturemid, spryscale));
realbot = windowbottom = FixedMul(textureheight[texnum], spryscale) + sprtopscreen;
dc_iscale = 0xffffffffu / (unsigned)spryscale;
// draw the texture
col = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)R_GetColumn(texnum, maskedtexturecol[dc_x]) - 3);
for (i = 0; i < dc_numlights; i++)
rlight = &dc_lightlist[i];
if ((rlight->flags & FF_NOSHADE))
if (rlight->lightnum < 0)
xwalllights = scalelight[0];
else if (rlight->lightnum >= LIGHTLEVELS)
xwalllights = scalelight[LIGHTLEVELS-1];
xwalllights = scalelight[rlight->lightnum];
pindex = FixedMul(spryscale, FixedDiv(640, vid.width))>>LIGHTSCALESHIFT;
if (pindex >= MAXLIGHTSCALE)
pindex = MAXLIGHTSCALE - 1;
if (rlight->extra_colormap)
rlight->rcolormap = rlight->extra_colormap->colormap + (xwalllights[pindex] - colormaps);
rlight->rcolormap = xwalllights[pindex];
height = rlight->height;
rlight->height += rlight->heightstep;
if (height <= windowtop)
dc_colormap = rlight->rcolormap;
windowbottom = height;
if (windowbottom >= realbot)
windowbottom = realbot;
for (i++; i < dc_numlights; i++)
rlight = &dc_lightlist[i];
rlight->height += rlight->heightstep;
windowtop = windowbottom + 1;
dc_colormap = rlight->rcolormap;
windowbottom = realbot;
if (windowtop < windowbottom)
spryscale += rw.scalestep;
// calculate lighting
pindex = FixedMul(spryscale, FixedDiv(640, vid.width))>>LIGHTSCALESHIFT;
if (pindex >= MAXLIGHTSCALE)
pindex = MAXLIGHTSCALE - 1;
dc_colormap = walllights[pindex];
if (frontsector->extra_colormap)
dc_colormap = frontsector->extra_colormap->colormap + (dc_colormap - colormaps);
sprtopscreen = centeryfrac - FixedMul(dc_texturemid, spryscale);
dc_iscale = 0xffffffffu / (unsigned)spryscale;
// draw the texture
col = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)R_GetColumn(texnum, maskedtexturecol[dc_x]) - 3);
#if 0 // Disabling this allows inside edges to render below the planes, for until the clipping is fixed to work right when POs are near the camera. -Red
if (curline->dontrenderme && curline->polyseg && (curline->polyseg->flags & POF_RENDERPLANES))
fixed_t my_topscreen;
fixed_t my_bottomscreen;
fixed_t my_yl, my_yh;
my_topscreen = sprtopscreen + spryscale*col->topdelta;
my_bottomscreen = sprbotscreen == INT32_MAX ? my_topscreen + spryscale*col->length
: sprbotscreen + spryscale*col->length;
my_yl = (my_topscreen+FRACUNIT-1)>>FRACBITS;
my_yh = (my_bottomscreen-1)>>FRACBITS;
// CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "my_topscreen: %d\nmy_bottomscreen: %d\nmy_yl: %d\nmy_yh: %d\n", my_topscreen, my_bottomscreen, my_yl, my_yh);
if (numffloors)
INT32 top = my_yl;
INT32 bottom = my_yh;
for (i = 0; i < numffloors; i++)
if (!ffloor[i].polyobj || ffloor[i].polyobj != curline->polyseg)
if (ffloor[i].height < viewz)
INT32 top_w = ffloor[i].plane->top[dc_x];
// CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "Leveltime : %d\n", leveltime);
// CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "Top is %d, top_w is %d\n", top, top_w);
if (top_w < top)
ffloor[i].plane->top[dc_x] = (INT16)top;
ffloor[i].plane->picnum = 0;
// CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "top_w is now %d\n", ffloor[i].plane->top[dc_x]);
else if (ffloor[i].height > viewz)
INT32 bottom_w = ffloor[i].plane->bottom[dc_x];
if (bottom_w > bottom)
ffloor[i].plane->bottom[dc_x] = (INT16)bottom;
ffloor[i].plane->picnum = 0;
spryscale += rw.scalestep;
rw.maskedrepeat = times;
colfunc = colfuncs[BASEDRAWFUNC];
@ -3276,9 +3310,7 @@ void R_RenderThickSideRange(drawseg_t *ds, INT32 x1, INT32 x2, ffloor_t *pfloor)
INT32 texnum;
fixed_t offsetvalue = 0;
#ifdef ESLOPE
INT32 range;
#ifndef ESLOPE
fixed_t lheight;

View file

@ -115,6 +115,9 @@ typedef struct
void (*colfunc_2s) (column_t *);
INT32 column2s_length; // column->length : for multi-patch on 2sided wall = texture->height
// masked segs
INT32 maskedrepeat;
// thick sides
ffloor_t *pfloor;
#ifdef ESLOPE