mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 17:11:33 +00:00
Expose a constants
hashtable to Lua.
Had to split the main comparison portion of lib_getenum to a new function getEnum to do so.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 48 additions and 6 deletions
@ -216,14 +216,11 @@ static int lib_dummysuper(lua_State *L)
return luaL_error(L, "Can't call super() outside of hardcode-replacing A_Action functions being called by state changes!"); // convoluted, I know. @_@;;
static inline int lib_getenum(lua_State *L)
static inline int getEnum(lua_State *L, boolean mathlib, const char *word)
const char *word, *p;
const char *p;
fixed_t i;
boolean mathlib = lua_toboolean(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
if (lua_type(L,2) != LUA_TSTRING)
return 0;
word = lua_tostring(L,2);
if (strlen(word) == 1) { // Assume sprite frame if length 1.
if (*word >= 'A' && *word <= '~')
@ -545,6 +542,42 @@ static inline int lib_getenum(lua_State *L)
return 1;
return -1;
static int constants_get(lua_State *L)
const char *key;
int ret;
if (!lua_isstring(L, 2))
return 0;
key = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
// In Lua, mathlib is always there
ret = getEnum(L, true, key);
if (ret != -1)
return ret;
return 0;
static inline int lib_getenum(lua_State *L)
const char *word;
int ret;
boolean mathlib = lua_toboolean(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
if (lua_type(L,2) != LUA_TSTRING)
return 0;
word = lua_tostring(L,2);
ret = getEnum(L, mathlib, word);
if (ret != -1)
return ret;
if (mathlib) return luaL_error(L, "constant '%s' could not be parsed.\n", word);
// DYNAMIC variables too!!
@ -629,6 +662,15 @@ int LUA_SOCLib(lua_State *L)
lua_setfield(L, -2, "__call");
lua_pop(L, 1);
// Allow access to constants without forcing the use of name comparison checks Lua-side
// This table will not access global variables, only constants
lua_newuserdata(L, 0);
lua_createtable(L, 0, 2);
lua_pushcfunction(L, constants_get);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index");
lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
lua_setglobal(L, "constants");
return 0;
Reference in a new issue