Merge branch 'fix-consbackpic' into 'master'

Fix console backpic

See merge request STJr/SRB2!850
This commit is contained in:
James R 2020-04-09 19:39:16 -04:00
commit a4fa4351d8
4 changed files with 110 additions and 50 deletions

View file

@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ static void CON_InputInit(void);
static void CON_RecalcSize(void);
static void CON_ChangeHeight(void);
static void CON_DrawBackpic(void);
static void CONS_hudlines_Change(void);
static void CONS_backcolor_Change(void);
@ -1530,6 +1531,51 @@ static void CON_DrawHudlines(void)
con_clearlines = y; // this is handled by HU_Erase();
// Lactozilla: Draws the console's background picture.
static void CON_DrawBackpic(void)
patch_t *con_backpic;
lumpnum_t piclump;
int x, w, h;
// Get the lumpnum for CONSBACK, or fallback into MISSING.
piclump = W_CheckNumForName("CONSBACK");
if (piclump == LUMPERROR)
piclump = W_GetNumForName("MISSING");
// Cache the Software patch.
con_backpic = W_CacheSoftwarePatchNum(piclump, PU_PATCH);
// Center the backpic, and draw a vertically cropped patch.
w = (con_backpic->width * vid.dupx);
x = (vid.width / 2) - (w / 2);
h = con_curlines/vid.dupy;
// If the patch doesn't fill the entire screen,
// then fill the sides with a solid color.
if (x > 0)
column_t *column = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)(con_backpic) + LONG(con_backpic->columnofs[0]));
if (!column->topdelta)
UINT8 *source = (UINT8 *)(column) + 3;
INT32 color = (source[0] | V_NOSCALESTART);
// left side
V_DrawFill(0, 0, x, con_curlines, color);
// right side
V_DrawFill((x + w), 0, (vid.width - w), con_curlines, color);
// Cache the patch normally.
con_backpic = W_CachePatchNum(piclump, PU_PATCH);
V_DrawCroppedPatch(x << FRACBITS, 0, FRACUNIT, V_NOSCALESTART, con_backpic,
// Unlock the cached patch.
// draw the console background, text, and prompt if enough place
static void CON_DrawConsole(void)
@ -1551,19 +1597,7 @@ static void CON_DrawConsole(void)
// draw console background
if (cons_backpic.value || con_forcepic)
patch_t *con_backpic = W_CachePatchName("CONSBACK", PU_PATCH);
int h;
h = con_curlines/vid.dupy;
// Jimita: CON_DrawBackpic just called V_DrawScaledPatch
//V_DrawScaledPatch(0, 0, 0, con_backpic);
V_DrawCroppedPatch(0, 0, FRACUNIT, 0, con_backpic,
// inu: no more width (was always 0 and vid.width)

View file

@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ void HWR_DrawStretchyFixedPatch(GLPatch_t *gpatch, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t
if (cx >= -0.1f && cx <= 0.1f && SHORT(gpatch->width) == BASEVIDWIDTH && cy >= -0.1f && cy <= 0.1f && SHORT(gpatch->height) == BASEVIDHEIGHT)
// Need to temporarily cache the real patch to get the colour of the top left pixel
patch_t *realpatch = W_CacheLumpNumPwad(gpatch->wadnum, gpatch->lumpnum, PU_STATIC);
patch_t *realpatch = W_CacheSoftwarePatchNumPwad(gpatch->wadnum, gpatch->lumpnum, PU_STATIC);
const column_t *column = (const column_t *)((const UINT8 *)(realpatch) + LONG((realpatch)->columnofs[0]));
if (!column->topdelta)
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ void HWR_DrawCroppedPatch(GLPatch_t *gpatch, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t pscal
if (cx >= -0.1f && cx <= 0.1f && SHORT(gpatch->width) == BASEVIDWIDTH && cy >= -0.1f && cy <= 0.1f && SHORT(gpatch->height) == BASEVIDHEIGHT)
// Need to temporarily cache the real patch to get the colour of the top left pixel
patch_t *realpatch = W_CacheLumpNumPwad(gpatch->wadnum, gpatch->lumpnum, PU_STATIC);
patch_t *realpatch = W_CacheSoftwarePatchNumPwad(gpatch->wadnum, gpatch->lumpnum, PU_STATIC);
const column_t *column = (const column_t *)((const UINT8 *)(realpatch) + LONG((realpatch)->columnofs[0]));
if (!column->topdelta)

View file

@ -1511,6 +1511,57 @@ void *W_CacheLumpName(const char *name, INT32 tag)
// Cache a patch into heap memory, convert the patch format as necessary
void *W_CacheSoftwarePatchNumPwad(UINT16 wad, UINT16 lump, INT32 tag)
lumpcache_t *lumpcache = NULL;
if (needpatchflush)
if (!TestValidLump(wad, lump))
return NULL;
lumpcache = wadfiles[wad]->patchcache;
if (!lumpcache[lump])
size_t len = W_LumpLengthPwad(wad, lump);
void *ptr, *lumpdata;
#ifndef NO_PNG_LUMPS
void *srcdata = NULL;
ptr = Z_Malloc(len, tag, &lumpcache[lump]);
lumpdata = Z_Malloc(len, tag, NULL);
// read the lump in full
W_ReadLumpHeaderPwad(wad, lump, lumpdata, 0, 0);
#ifndef NO_PNG_LUMPS
// lump is a png so convert it
if (R_IsLumpPNG((UINT8 *)lumpdata, len))
size_t newlen;
srcdata = R_PNGToPatch((UINT8 *)lumpdata, len, &newlen);
ptr = Z_Realloc(ptr, newlen, tag, &lumpcache[lump]);
M_Memcpy(ptr, srcdata, newlen);
else // just copy it into the patch cache
M_Memcpy(ptr, lumpdata, len);
Z_ChangeTag(lumpcache[lump], tag);
return lumpcache[lump];
void *W_CacheSoftwarePatchNum(lumpnum_t lumpnum, INT32 tag)
return W_CacheSoftwarePatchNumPwad(WADFILENUM(lumpnum),LUMPNUM(lumpnum),tag);
void *W_CachePatchNumPwad(UINT16 wad, UINT16 lump, INT32 tag)
@ -1528,39 +1579,7 @@ void *W_CachePatchNumPwad(UINT16 wad, UINT16 lump, INT32 tag)
if (rendermode == render_soft || rendermode == render_none)
lumpcache_t *lumpcache = wadfiles[wad]->patchcache;
if (!lumpcache[lump])
size_t len = W_LumpLengthPwad(wad, lump);
void *ptr, *lumpdata;
#ifndef NO_PNG_LUMPS
void *srcdata = NULL;
ptr = Z_Malloc(len, tag, &lumpcache[lump]);
lumpdata = Z_Malloc(len, tag, NULL);
// read the lump in full
W_ReadLumpHeaderPwad(wad, lump, lumpdata, 0, 0);
#ifndef NO_PNG_LUMPS
// lump is a png so convert it
if (R_IsLumpPNG((UINT8 *)lumpdata, len))
size_t newlen;
srcdata = R_PNGToPatch((UINT8 *)lumpdata, len, &newlen);
ptr = Z_Realloc(ptr, newlen, tag, &lumpcache[lump]);
M_Memcpy(ptr, srcdata, newlen);
else // just copy it into the patch cache
M_Memcpy(ptr, lumpdata, len);
Z_ChangeTag(lumpcache[lump], tag);
return lumpcache[lump];
return W_CacheSoftwarePatchNumPwad(wad, lump, tag);

View file

@ -191,8 +191,15 @@ boolean W_IsPatchCached(lumpnum_t lump, void *ptr);
void *W_CacheLumpName(const char *name, INT32 tag);
void *W_CachePatchName(const char *name, INT32 tag);
void *W_CachePatchNumPwad(UINT16 wad, UINT16 lump, INT32 tag); // return a patch_t
void *W_CachePatchNum(lumpnum_t lumpnum, INT32 tag); // return a patch_t
// Returns either a Software patch, or an OpenGL patch.
// Performs any necessary conversions from PNG images.
void *W_CachePatchNumPwad(UINT16 wad, UINT16 lump, INT32 tag);
void *W_CachePatchNum(lumpnum_t lumpnum, INT32 tag);
// Returns a Software patch.
// Performs any necessary conversions from PNG images.
void *W_CacheSoftwarePatchNumPwad(UINT16 wad, UINT16 lump, INT32 tag);
void *W_CacheSoftwarePatchNum(lumpnum_t lumpnum, INT32 tag);
void W_UnlockCachedPatch(void *patch);
void W_FlushCachedPatches(void);