Rename R_DrawVisSplat to R_DrawSplatSprite, move into r_splats.c

This commit is contained in:
Jaime Passos 2020-10-19 17:35:49 -03:00
parent dbc149f85a
commit a21685812f
3 changed files with 198 additions and 193 deletions

View file

@ -136,6 +136,202 @@ static void rasterize_segment_tex(INT32 x1, INT32 y1, INT32 x2, INT32 y2, INT32
void R_DrawSplatSprite(vissprite_t *spr)
floorsplat_t splat;
mobj_t *mobj = spr->mobj;
fixed_t tr_x, tr_y, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z;
vector3_t *v3d;
vector2_t v2d[4];
vector2_t rotated[4];
fixed_t x, y;
fixed_t w, h;
angle_t angle, splatangle;
fixed_t ca, sa;
fixed_t xscale, yscale;
fixed_t xoffset, yoffset;
fixed_t leftoffset, topoffset;
pslope_t *slope = NULL;
INT32 i;
boolean hflip = (spr->xiscale < 0);
boolean vflip = (spr->cut & SC_VFLIP);
UINT8 flipflags = 0;
renderflags_t renderflags = spr->renderflags;
if (hflip)
flipflags |= PICFLAGS_XFLIP;
if (vflip)
flipflags |= PICFLAGS_YFLIP;
if (!mobj || P_MobjWasRemoved(mobj))
Patch_GenerateFlat(spr->patch, flipflags);
splat.pic = spr->patch->flats[flipflags];
if (splat.pic == NULL)
splat.mobj = mobj;
splat.width = spr->patch->width;
splat.height = spr->patch->height;
splat.scale = mobj->scale;
if (mobj->skin && ((skin_t *)mobj->skin)->flags & SF_HIRES)
splat.scale = FixedMul(splat.scale, ((skin_t *)mobj->skin)->highresscale);
if (spr->rotateflags & SRF_3D || renderflags & RF_NOSPLATBILLBOARD)
splatangle = mobj->angle;
splatangle = viewangle;
if (!(spr->cut & SC_ISROTATED))
splatangle += mobj->rollangle;
splat.angle = -splatangle;
splat.angle += ANGLE_90;
topoffset = spr->spriteyoffset;
leftoffset = spr->spritexoffset;
if (hflip)
leftoffset = ((splat.width * FRACUNIT) - leftoffset);
xscale = spr->spritexscale;
yscale = spr->spriteyscale;
splat.xscale = FixedMul(splat.scale, xscale);
splat.yscale = FixedMul(splat.scale, yscale);
xoffset = FixedMul(leftoffset, splat.xscale);
yoffset = FixedMul(topoffset, splat.yscale);
x = mobj->x;
y = mobj->y;
w = (splat.width * splat.xscale);
h = (splat.height * splat.yscale);
splat.x = x;
splat.y = y;
splat.z = mobj->z;
splat.tilted = false;
// Set positions
// 3--2
// | |
// 0--1
splat.verts[0].x = w - xoffset;
splat.verts[0].y = yoffset;
splat.verts[1].x = -xoffset;
splat.verts[1].y = yoffset;
splat.verts[2].x = -xoffset;
splat.verts[2].y = -h + yoffset;
splat.verts[3].x = w - xoffset;
splat.verts[3].y = -h + yoffset;
angle = -splat.angle;
// Rotate
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
rotated[i].x = FixedMul(splat.verts[i].x, ca) - FixedMul(splat.verts[i].y, sa);
rotated[i].y = FixedMul(splat.verts[i].x, sa) + FixedMul(splat.verts[i].y, ca);
pslope_t *standingslope = mobj->standingslope; // The slope that the object is standing on.
// The slope that was defined for the sprite.
if (renderflags & RF_SLOPESPLAT)
slope = mobj->floorspriteslope;
if (standingslope && (renderflags & RF_OBJECTSLOPESPLAT))
slope = standingslope;
// Set splat as tilted
splat.tilted = (slope != NULL);
if (splat.tilted)
// Lactozilla: Just copy the entire slope LMFAOOOO
pslope_t *s = &splat.slope;
s->o.x = slope->o.x;
s->o.y = slope->o.y;
s->o.z = slope->o.z;
s->d.x = slope->d.x;
s->d.y = slope->d.y;
s->normal.x = slope->normal.x;
s->normal.y = slope->normal.y;
s->normal.z = slope->normal.z;
s->zdelta = slope->zdelta;
s->zangle = slope->zangle;
s->xydirection = slope->xydirection;
s->next = NULL;
s->flags = 0;
// Translate
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
tr_x = rotated[i].x + x;
tr_y = rotated[i].y + y;
if (slope)
rot_z = P_GetSlopeZAt(slope, tr_x, tr_y);
splat.verts[i].z = rot_z;
splat.verts[i].z = splat.z;
splat.verts[i].x = tr_x;
splat.verts[i].y = tr_y;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
v3d = &splat.verts[i];
// transform the origin point
tr_x = v3d->x - viewx;
tr_y = v3d->y - viewy;
// rotation around vertical y axis
rot_x = FixedMul(tr_x, viewsin) - FixedMul(tr_y, viewcos);
rot_y = FixedMul(tr_x, viewcos) + FixedMul(tr_y, viewsin);
rot_z = v3d->z - viewz;
if (rot_y < FRACUNIT)
// note: y from view above of map, is distance far away
xscale = FixedDiv(projection, rot_y);
yscale = -FixedDiv(projectiony, rot_y);
// projection
v2d[i].x = (centerxfrac + FixedMul(rot_x, xscale))>>FRACBITS;
v2d[i].y = (centeryfrac + FixedMul(rot_z, yscale))>>FRACBITS;
R_RenderFloorSplat(&splat, v2d, spr);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rasterize the four edges of a floor splat polygon,
// fill the polygon with linear interpolation, call span drawer for each

View file

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ typedef struct floorsplat_s
mobj_t *mobj; // Mobj it is tied to
} floorsplat_t;
void R_DrawSplatSprite(vissprite_t *spr);
void R_RenderFloorSplat(floorsplat_t *pSplat, vector2_t *verts, vissprite_t *vis);
#endif /*__R_SPLATS_H__*/

View file

@ -2767,198 +2767,6 @@ void R_InitDrawNodes(void) = nodebankhead.prev = &nodebankhead;
static void R_DrawVisSplat(vissprite_t *spr)
floorsplat_t splat;
fixed_t tr_x, tr_y, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z;
vector3_t *v3d;
vector2_t v2d[4];
vector2_t rotated[4];
fixed_t x, y;
fixed_t w, h;
angle_t angle, splatangle;
fixed_t ca, sa;
fixed_t xscale, yscale;
fixed_t xoffset, yoffset;
fixed_t leftoffset, topoffset;
pslope_t *slope = NULL;
INT32 i;
boolean hflip = (spr->xiscale < 0);
boolean vflip = (spr->cut & SC_VFLIP);
UINT8 flipflags = 0;
renderflags_t renderflags = spr->renderflags;
if (hflip)
flipflags |= PICFLAGS_XFLIP;
if (vflip)
flipflags |= PICFLAGS_YFLIP;
Patch_GenerateFlat(spr->patch, flipflags);
splat.pic = spr->patch->flats[flipflags];
if (splat.pic == NULL)
splat.mobj = spr->mobj;
splat.width = spr->patch->width;
splat.height = spr->patch->height;
splat.scale = spr->mobj->scale;
if (spr->mobj->skin && ((skin_t *)spr->mobj->skin)->flags & SF_HIRES)
splat.scale = FixedMul(splat.scale, ((skin_t *)spr->mobj->skin)->highresscale);
if (spr->rotateflags & SRF_3D || renderflags & RF_NOSPLATBILLBOARD)
splatangle = spr->mobj->angle;
splatangle = viewangle;
if (!(spr->cut & SC_ISROTATED))
splatangle += spr->mobj->rollangle;
splat.angle = -splatangle;
splat.angle += ANGLE_90;
topoffset = spr->spriteyoffset;
leftoffset = spr->spritexoffset;
if (hflip)
leftoffset = ((splat.width * FRACUNIT) - leftoffset);
xscale = spr->spritexscale;
yscale = spr->spriteyscale;
splat.xscale = FixedMul(splat.scale, xscale);
splat.yscale = FixedMul(splat.scale, yscale);
xoffset = FixedMul(leftoffset, splat.xscale);
yoffset = FixedMul(topoffset, splat.yscale);
x = spr->mobj->x;
y = spr->mobj->y;
w = (splat.width * splat.xscale);
h = (splat.height * splat.yscale);
splat.x = x;
splat.y = y;
splat.z = spr->mobj->z;
splat.tilted = false;
// Set positions
// 3--2
// | |
// 0--1
splat.verts[0].x = w - xoffset;
splat.verts[0].y = yoffset;
splat.verts[1].x = -xoffset;
splat.verts[1].y = yoffset;
splat.verts[2].x = -xoffset;
splat.verts[2].y = -h + yoffset;
splat.verts[3].x = w - xoffset;
splat.verts[3].y = -h + yoffset;
angle = -splat.angle;
// Rotate
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
rotated[i].x = FixedMul(splat.verts[i].x, ca) - FixedMul(splat.verts[i].y, sa);
rotated[i].y = FixedMul(splat.verts[i].x, sa) + FixedMul(splat.verts[i].y, ca);
pslope_t *standingslope = spr->mobj->standingslope; // The slope that the object is standing on.
// The slope that was defined for the sprite.
if (renderflags & RF_SLOPESPLAT)
slope = spr->mobj->floorspriteslope;
if (standingslope && (renderflags & RF_OBJECTSLOPESPLAT))
slope = standingslope;
// Set splat as tilted
splat.tilted = (slope != NULL);
if (splat.tilted)
// Lactozilla: Just copy the entire slope LMFAOOOO
pslope_t *s = &splat.slope;
s->o.x = slope->o.x;
s->o.y = slope->o.y;
s->o.z = slope->o.z;
s->d.x = slope->d.x;
s->d.y = slope->d.y;
s->normal.x = slope->normal.x;
s->normal.y = slope->normal.y;
s->normal.z = slope->normal.z;
s->zdelta = slope->zdelta;
s->zangle = slope->zangle;
s->xydirection = slope->xydirection;
s->next = NULL;
s->flags = 0;
// Translate
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
tr_x = rotated[i].x + x;
tr_y = rotated[i].y + y;
if (slope)
rot_z = P_GetSlopeZAt(slope, tr_x, tr_y);
splat.verts[i].z = rot_z;
splat.verts[i].z = splat.z;
splat.verts[i].x = tr_x;
splat.verts[i].y = tr_y;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
v3d = &splat.verts[i];
// transform the origin point
tr_x = v3d->x - viewx;
tr_y = v3d->y - viewy;
// rotation around vertical y axis
rot_x = FixedMul(tr_x, viewsin) - FixedMul(tr_y, viewcos);
rot_y = FixedMul(tr_x, viewcos) + FixedMul(tr_y, viewsin);
rot_z = v3d->z - viewz;
if (rot_y < FRACUNIT)
// note: y from view above of map, is distance far away
xscale = FixedDiv(projection, rot_y);
yscale = -FixedDiv(projectiony, rot_y);
// projection
v2d[i].x = (centerxfrac + FixedMul(rot_x, xscale))>>FRACBITS;
v2d[i].y = (centeryfrac + FixedMul(rot_z, yscale))>>FRACBITS;
R_RenderFloorSplat(&splat, v2d, spr);
// R_DrawSprite
@ -2971,7 +2779,7 @@ static void R_DrawSprite(vissprite_t *spr)
mceilingclip = spr->cliptop;
if (spr->cut & SC_SPLAT)