Merge branch 'public_next'

# Conflicts:
#	src/g_game.c
#	src/p_setup.c
#	src/p_user.c
#	src/r_data.c
This commit is contained in:
Monster Iestyn 2019-06-29 20:55:58 +01:00
commit 9913cc39a1
8 changed files with 125 additions and 38 deletions

View file

@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ extern UINT8 skincolor_redteam, skincolor_blueteam, skincolor_redring, skincolor
extern tic_t countdowntimer;
extern boolean countdowntimeup;
extern boolean exitfadestarted;
typedef struct

View file

@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ UINT8 skincolor_bluering = SKINCOLOR_CORNFLOWER;
tic_t countdowntimer = 0;
boolean countdowntimeup = false;
boolean exitfadestarted = false;
cutscene_t *cutscenes[128];
textprompt_t *textprompts[MAX_PROMPTS];
@ -3877,7 +3878,7 @@ void G_InitNew(UINT8 pultmode, const char *mapname, boolean resetplayer, boolean
// Clear a bunch of variables
numgameovers = tokenlist = token = sstimer = redscore = bluescore = lastmap = 0;
countdown = countdown2 = 0;
countdown = countdown2 = exitfadestarted = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)

View file

@ -6591,7 +6591,7 @@ void P_RunOverlays(void)
angle_t viewingangle;
if (players[displayplayer].awayviewtics)
if (players[displayplayer].awayviewtics && players[displayplayer].awayviewmobj != NULL && !P_MobjWasRemoved(players[displayplayer].awayviewmobj))
viewingangle = R_PointToAngle2(mo->target->x, mo->target->y, players[displayplayer].awayviewmobj->x, players[displayplayer].awayviewmobj->y);
else if (! && players[displayplayer].mo)
viewingangle = R_PointToAngle2(mo->target->x, mo->target->y, players[displayplayer].mo->x, players[displayplayer].mo->y);

View file

@ -2228,7 +2228,7 @@ static void P_LevelInitStuff(void)
countdown = countdown2 = 0;
countdown = countdown2 = exitfadestarted = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)

View file

@ -10232,14 +10232,8 @@ void P_PlayerThink(player_t *player)
if (player->flashcount)
// Re-fixed by Jimita (11-12-2018)
if (player->awayviewtics)
if (player->awayviewtics && player->awayviewtics != -1)
if (!player->awayviewtics)
player->awayviewtics = -1;
// The timer might've reached zero, but we'll run the remote view camera anyway by setting it to -1.
/// \note do this in the cheat code
if (player->pflags & PF_NOCLIP)
@ -10312,6 +10306,44 @@ void P_PlayerThink(player_t *player)
if (player->exiting && countdown2)
player->exiting = 5;
// Same check as below, just at 1 second before
// so we can fade music
if (!exitfadestarted &&
player->exiting > 0 && player->exiting <= 1*TICRATE &&
(!multiplayer || gametype == GT_COOP ? !mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->musinterfadeout : true) &&
// don't fade if we're fading during intermission. follows Y_StartIntermission intertype = int_coop
(gametype == GT_RACE || gametype == GT_COMPETITION ? countdown2 == 0 : true) && // don't fade on timeout
player->lives > 0 && // don't fade on game over (competition)
if (cv_playersforexit.value)
INT32 i;
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (!playeringame[i] || players[i].spectator || players[i].bot)
if (players[i].lives <= 0)
if (!players[i].exiting || players[i].exiting > 1*TICRATE)
if (i == MAXPLAYERS)
exitfadestarted = true;
exitfadestarted = true;
if (player->exiting == 2 || countdown2 == 2)
if (cv_playersforexit.value) // Count to be sure everyone's exited
@ -11231,9 +11263,6 @@ void P_PlayerAfterThink(player_t *player)
if (player->awayviewtics < 0)
player->awayviewtics = 0;
// spectator invisibility and nogravity.
if ((netgame || multiplayer) && player->spectator)

View file

@ -578,16 +578,7 @@ void R_LoadTextures(void)
// but the alternative is to spend a ton of time checking and re-checking all previous entries just to skip any potentially patched textures.
for (w = 0, numtextures = 0; w < numwadfiles; w++)
if (wadfiles[w]->type == RET_PK3)
texstart = W_CheckNumForFolderStartPK3("textures/", (UINT16)w, 0);
texend = W_CheckNumForFolderEndPK3("textures/", (UINT16)w, texstart);
texstart = W_CheckNumForNamePwad(TX_START, (UINT16)w, 0) + 1;
texend = W_CheckNumForNamePwad(TX_END, (UINT16)w, 0);
// Count the textures from TEXTURES lumps
texturesLumpPos = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("TEXTURES", (UINT16)w, 0);
while (texturesLumpPos != INT16_MAX)
@ -596,18 +587,43 @@ void R_LoadTextures(void)
texturesLumpPos = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("TEXTURES", (UINT16)w, texturesLumpPos + 1);
// Add all the textures between TX_START and TX_END
if (texstart != INT16_MAX && texend != INT16_MAX)
// Count single-patch textures
if (wadfiles[w]->type == RET_PK3)
texstart = W_CheckNumForFolderStartPK3("textures/", (UINT16)w, 0);
texend = W_CheckNumForFolderEndPK3("textures/", (UINT16)w, texstart);
texstart = W_CheckNumForNamePwad(TX_START, (UINT16)w, 0);
texend = W_CheckNumForNamePwad(TX_END, (UINT16)w, 0);
if (texstart == INT16_MAX || texend == INT16_MAX)
texstart++; // Do not count the first marker
// PK3s have subfolders, so we can't just make a simple sum
if (wadfiles[w]->type == RET_PK3)
for (j = texstart; j < texend; j++)
if (!W_IsLumpFolder((UINT16)w, j)) // Check if lump is a folder; if not, then count it
else // Add all the textures between TX_START and TX_END
numtextures += (UINT32)(texend - texstart);
// If no textures found by this point, bomb out
if (!numtextures && w == (numwadfiles - 1))
I_Error("No textures detected in any WADs!\n");
// If no textures found by this point, bomb out
if (!numtextures)
I_Error("No textures detected in any WADs!\n");
// Allocate memory and initialize to 0 for all the textures we are initialising.
// There are actually 5 buffers allocated in one for convenience.
textures = Z_Calloc((numtextures * sizeof(void *)) * 5, PU_STATIC, NULL);
@ -642,7 +658,7 @@ void R_LoadTextures(void)
texstart = W_CheckNumForNamePwad(TX_START, (UINT16)w, 0) + 1;
texstart = W_CheckNumForNamePwad(TX_START, (UINT16)w, 0);
texend = W_CheckNumForNamePwad(TX_END, (UINT16)w, 0);
texturesLumpPos = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("TEXTURES", (UINT16)w, 0);
if (texturesLumpPos != INT16_MAX)
@ -652,9 +668,16 @@ void R_LoadTextures(void)
if (texstart == INT16_MAX || texend == INT16_MAX)
texstart++; // Do not count the first marker
// Work through each lump between the markers in the WAD.
for (j = 0; j < (texend - texstart); i++, j++)
for (j = 0; j < (texend - texstart); j++)
if (wadfiles[w]->type == RET_PK3)
if (W_IsLumpFolder((UINT16)w, texstart + j)) // Check if lump is a folder
continue; // If it is then SKIP IT
patchlump = W_CacheLumpNumPwad((UINT16)w, texstart + j, PU_CACHE);
//CONS_Printf("\n\"%s\" is a single patch, dimensions %d x %d",W_CheckNameForNumPwad((UINT16)w,texstart+j),patchlump->width, patchlump->height);
@ -684,6 +707,7 @@ void R_LoadTextures(void)
texturewidthmask[i] = k - 1;
textureheight[i] = texture->height << FRACBITS;
@ -1293,14 +1317,23 @@ void R_ReInitColormaps(UINT16 num)
char colormap[9] = "COLORMAP";
lumpnum_t lump;
const lumpnum_t basecolormaplump = W_GetNumForName(colormap);
if (num > 0 && num <= 10000)
snprintf(colormap, 8, "CLM%04u", num-1);
// Load in the light tables, now 64k aligned for smokie...
lump = W_GetNumForName(colormap);
if (lump == LUMPERROR)
lump = W_GetNumForName("COLORMAP");
W_ReadLump(lump, colormaps);
lump = basecolormaplump;
if (W_LumpLength(lump) != W_LumpLength(basecolormaplump))
CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, "%s lump size does not match COLORMAP, results may be unexpected.\n", colormap);
W_ReadLumpHeader(lump, colormaps, W_LumpLength(basecolormaplump), 0U);
// Init Boom colormaps.

View file

@ -162,9 +162,15 @@ FILE *W_OpenWadFile(const char **filename, boolean useerrors)
FILE *handle;
strncpy(filenamebuf, *filename, MAX_WADPATH);
filenamebuf[MAX_WADPATH - 1] = '\0';
*filename = filenamebuf;
// Officially, strncpy should not have overlapping buffers, since W_VerifyNMUSlumps is called after this, and it
// changes filename to point at filenamebuf, it would technically be doing that. I doubt any issue will occur since
// they point to the same location, but it's better to be safe and this is a simple change.
if (filenamebuf != *filename)
strncpy(filenamebuf, *filename, MAX_WADPATH);
filenamebuf[MAX_WADPATH - 1] = '\0';
*filename = filenamebuf;
// open wad file
if ((handle = fopen(*filename, "rb")) == NULL)
@ -1133,6 +1139,22 @@ boolean W_IsLumpWad(lumpnum_t lumpnum)
return false; // WADs should never be inside non-PK3s as far as SRB2 is concerned
// W_IsLumpFolder
// Is the lump a folder? (in a PK3 obviously)
boolean W_IsLumpFolder(UINT16 wad, UINT16 lump)
if (wadfiles[wad]->type == RET_PK3)
const char *name = wadfiles[wad]->lumpinfo[lump].name2;
return (name[strlen(name)-1] == '/'); // folders end in '/'
return false; // non-PK3s don't have folders
#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB
/* report a zlib or i/o error */
void zerr(int ret)

View file

@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ size_t W_LumpLengthPwad(UINT16 wad, UINT16 lump);
size_t W_LumpLength(lumpnum_t lumpnum);
boolean W_IsLumpWad(lumpnum_t lumpnum); // for loading maps from WADs in PK3s
boolean W_IsLumpFolder(UINT16 wad, UINT16 lump); // for detecting folder "lumps"
#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB
void zerr(int ret); // zlib error checking