P_Earthquake: Use P_RadiusAttack in favor of thinker iteration

This commit is contained in:
Lachlan 2020-07-04 04:00:28 +08:00
parent 7e72009a87
commit 84000a0add
2 changed files with 7 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -3377,7 +3377,7 @@ static void PTR_GlideClimbTraverse(line_t *li)
slidemo->player->climbing = 5;
if (slidemo->player->powers[pw_super])
P_Earthquake(slidemo, slidemo, 256*slidemo->scale);
P_Earthquake(slidemo, slidemo, 256*FRACUNIT);
S_StartSound(slidemo, sfx_s3k49);

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@ -2357,7 +2357,7 @@ boolean P_PlayerHitFloor(player_t *player, boolean dorollstuff)
player->mo->momy = ((player->mo->momy - player->cmomy)/2) + player->cmomy;
if (player->powers[pw_super])
P_Earthquake(player->mo, player->mo, 256*player->mo->scale);
P_Earthquake(player->mo, player->mo, 256*FRACUNIT);
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_s3k49);
@ -8990,14 +8990,13 @@ void P_NukeEnemies(mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source, fixed_t radius)
// P_Earthquake
// Used for Super Knuckles' landing - damages enemies within the given radius
// If inflictor is grounded, only grounded enemies are hurt
void P_Earthquake(mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source, fixed_t radius)
const fixed_t ns = radius/12;
const fixed_t scaledradius = FixedMul(radius, inflictor->scale);
const fixed_t ns = scaledradius/12;
mobj_t *mo;
angle_t fa;
thinker_t *think;
INT32 i;
boolean grounded = P_IsObjectOnGround(inflictor);
@ -9023,44 +9022,12 @@ void P_Earthquake(mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source, fixed_t radius)
if (inflictor->player && P_IsLocalPlayer(inflictor->player))
quake.epicenter = NULL;
quake.intensity = 8*FRACUNIT;
quake.intensity = 8*inflictor->scale;
quake.time = 8;
quake.radius = radius;
quake.radius = scaledradius;
for (think = thlist[THINK_MOBJ].next; think != &thlist[THINK_MOBJ]; think = think->next)
if (think->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)P_RemoveThinkerDelayed)
mo = (mobj_t *)think;
if (grounded && !P_IsObjectOnGround(mo))
if (!(mo->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE) && !(mo->type == MT_EGGGUARD || mo->type == MT_MINUS))
if (mo->flags & MF_MONITOR)
continue; // Monitors cannot be 'nuked'.
if (mo->type == MT_PLAYER)
continue; // Don't hurt players
if (abs(inflictor->x - mo->x) > radius || abs(inflictor->y - mo->y) > radius || abs(inflictor->z - mo->z) > radius)
continue; // Workaround for possible integer overflow in the below -Red
if (P_AproxDistance(P_AproxDistance(inflictor->x - mo->x, inflictor->y - mo->y), inflictor->z - mo->z) > radius)
if (mo->type == MT_MINUS && !(mo->flags & (MF_SPECIAL|MF_SHOOTABLE)))
mo->flags = (mo->flags & ~MF_NOCLIPTHING)|MF_SPECIAL|MF_SHOOTABLE;
if (mo->type == MT_EGGGUARD && mo->tracer) //nuke Egg Guard's shield!
P_KillMobj(mo->tracer, inflictor, source, 0);
P_DamageMobj(mo, inflictor, source, 1, 0);
P_RadiusAttack(inflictor, source, radius, 0);