Adapt setup of colormap linedefs

This commit is contained in:
MascaraSnake 2020-03-20 11:19:30 +01:00
parent c2443b8e8c
commit 7cf9ad2f2b
4 changed files with 197 additions and 87 deletions

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@ -1131,8 +1131,11 @@ static void P_LoadSidedefs(UINT8 *data)
case 455: // Fade colormaps! mazmazz 9/12/2018 (:flag_us:)
// SoM: R_CreateColormap will only create a colormap in software mode...
// Perhaps we should just call it instead of doing the calculations here.
sd->colormap_data = R_CreateColormapFromLinedef(msd->toptexture, msd->midtexture, msd->bottomtexture);
sd->toptexture = sd->midtexture = sd->bottomtexture = 0;
if (!udmf)
sd->colormap_data = R_CreateColormapFromLinedef(msd->toptexture, msd->midtexture, msd->bottomtexture);
sd->toptexture = sd->midtexture = sd->bottomtexture = 0;
case 413: // Change music
@ -1713,7 +1716,7 @@ static void P_LoadTextmap(void)
INT32 rgba = P_ColorToRGBA(textmap_colormap.lightcolor, textmap_colormap.lightalpha);
INT32 fadergba = P_ColorToRGBA(textmap_colormap.fadecolor, textmap_colormap.fadealpha);
sc->extra_colormap = R_CreateColormap(rgba, fadergba, textmap_colormap.fadestart, textmap_colormap.fadeend, textmap_colormap.flags);
sc->extra_colormap = sc->spawn_extra_colormap = R_CreateColormap(rgba, fadergba, textmap_colormap.fadestart, textmap_colormap.fadeend, textmap_colormap.flags);
@ -1787,9 +1790,9 @@ static void P_ProcessLinedefsAfterSidedefs(void)
ld->frontsector = sides[ld->sidenum[0]].sector; //e6y: Can't be -1 here
ld->backsector = ld->sidenum[1] != 0xffff ? sides[ld->sidenum[1]].sector : 0;
// Compile linedef 'text' from both sidedefs 'text' for appropriate specials.
switch (ld->special)
// Compile linedef 'text' from both sidedefs 'text' for appropriate specials.
case 331: // Trigger linedef executor: Skin - Continuous
case 332: // Trigger linedef executor: Skin - Each time
case 333: // Trigger linedef executor: Skin - Once
@ -1805,6 +1808,41 @@ static void P_ProcessLinedefsAfterSidedefs(void)
M_Memcpy(ld->text + strlen(ld->text) + 1, sides[ld->sidenum[1]].text, strlen(sides[ld->sidenum[1]].text) + 1);
case 447: // Change colormap
case 455: // Fade colormap
if (udmf)
if (ld->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) // alternate alpha (by texture offsets)
extracolormap_t *exc = R_CopyColormap(sides[ld->sidenum[0]].colormap_data, false);
INT16 alpha = max(min(sides[ld->sidenum[0]].textureoffset >> FRACBITS, 25), -25);
INT16 fadealpha = max(min(sides[ld->sidenum[0]].rowoffset >> FRACBITS, 25), -25);
// If alpha is negative, set "subtract alpha" flag and store absolute value
if (alpha < 0)
alpha *= -1;
ld->args[2] |= 16;
if (fadealpha < 0)
fadealpha *= -1;
ld->args[2] |= 256;
exc->rgba = R_GetRgbaRGB(exc->rgba) + R_PutRgbaA(alpha);
exc->fadergba = R_GetRgbaRGB(exc->fadergba) + R_PutRgbaA(fadealpha);
if (!(sides[ld->sidenum[0]].colormap_data = R_GetColormapFromList(exc)))
exc->colormap = R_CreateLightTable(exc);
sides[ld->sidenum[0]].colormap_data = exc;
@ -2768,6 +2806,48 @@ static void P_ConvertBinaryMap(void)
CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, "Linedef %s is missing the hook name of the Lua function to call! (This should be given in the front texture fields)\n", sizeu1(i));
case 447: //Change colormap
lines[i].args[0] = lines[i].tag;
if (lines[i].flags & ML_EFFECT3)
lines[i].args[2] |= 1;
if (lines[i].flags & ML_EFFECT1)
lines[i].args[2] |= 34;
if (lines[i].flags & ML_NOCLIMB)
lines[i].args[2] |= 68;
if (lines[i].flags & ML_EFFECT2)
lines[i].args[2] |= 136;
case 455: //Fade colormap
INT32 speed = (INT32)((((lines[i].flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) || !sides[lines[i].sidenum[0]].rowoffset) && lines[i].sidenum[1] != 0xFFFF) ?
abs(sides[lines[i].sidenum[1]].rowoffset >> FRACBITS)
: abs(sides[lines[i].sidenum[0]].rowoffset >> FRACBITS));
lines[i].args[0] = lines[i].tag;
if (lines[i].flags & ML_EFFECT4)
lines[i].args[2] = speed;
lines[i].args[2] = (256 + speed - 1)/speed;
if (lines[i].flags & ML_EFFECT3)
lines[i].args[3] |= 1;
if (lines[i].flags & ML_EFFECT1)
lines[i].args[3] |= 34;
if (lines[i].flags & ML_NOCLIMB)
lines[i].args[3] |= 68;
if (lines[i].flags & ML_EFFECT2)
lines[i].args[3] |= 136;
if (lines[i].flags & ML_BOUNCY)
lines[i].args[3] |= 4096;
if (lines[i].flags & ML_EFFECT5)
lines[i].args[3] |= 8192;
case 456: //Stop fading colormap
lines[i].args[0] = lines[i].tag;
case 606: //Colormap
lines[i].args[0] = lines[i].tag;
case 700: //Slope front sector floor
case 701: //Slope front sector ceiling
case 702: //Slope front sector floor and ceiling

View file

@ -3496,46 +3496,50 @@ static void P_ProcessLineSpecial(line_t *line, mobj_t *mo, sector_t *callsec)
// Except it is activated by linedef executor, not level load
// This could even override existing colormaps I believe
// -- Monster Iestyn 14/06/18
for (secnum = -1; (secnum = P_FindSectorFromLineTag(line, secnum)) >= 0 ;)
extracolormap_t *source;
if (!udmf)
source = sides[line->sidenum[0]].colormap_data;
if (!line->args[1])
source = line->frontsector->extra_colormap;
INT32 sourcesec = P_FindSectorFromTag(line->args[1], -1);
if (sourcesec == -1)
CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "Line type 447 Executor: Can't find sector with source colormap (tag %d)!\n", line->args[1]);
source = sectors[sourcesec].extra_colormap;
for (secnum = -1; (secnum = P_FindSectorFromTag(line->args[0], secnum)) >= 0;)
if (line->flags & ML_EFFECT3) // relative calc
if (line->args[2] & 1) // relative calc
extracolormap_t *exc = R_AddColormaps(
(line->flags & ML_TFERLINE) && line->sidenum[1] != 0xFFFF ?
sides[line->sidenum[1]].colormap_data : sectors[secnum].extra_colormap, // use back colormap instead of target sector
line->flags & ML_EFFECT1, // subtract R
line->flags & ML_NOCLIMB, // subtract G
line->flags & ML_EFFECT2, // subtract B
false, // subtract A (no flag for this, just pass negative alpha)
line->flags & ML_EFFECT1, // subtract FadeR
line->flags & ML_NOCLIMB, // subtract FadeG
line->flags & ML_EFFECT2, // subtract FadeB
false, // subtract FadeA (no flag for this, just pass negative alpha)
false, // subtract FadeStart (we ran out of flags)
false, // subtract FadeEnd (we ran out of flags)
false, // ignore Flags (we ran out of flags)
line->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM,
(line->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) ? (sides[line->sidenum[0]].textureoffset >> FRACBITS) : 0,
(line->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) ? (sides[line->sidenum[0]].rowoffset >> FRACBITS) : 0,
extracolormap_t *target = (!udmf && (line->flags & ML_TFERLINE) && line->sidenum[1] != 0xFFFF) ?
sides[line->sidenum[1]].colormap_data : sectors[secnum].extra_colormap; // use back colormap instead of target sector
if (!(sectors[secnum].extra_colormap = R_GetColormapFromList(exc)))
exc->colormap = R_CreateLightTable(exc);
sectors[secnum].extra_colormap = exc;
else if (line->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) // alternate alpha (by texture offsets)
extracolormap_t *exc = R_CopyColormap(sides[line->sidenum[0]].colormap_data, false);
exc->rgba = R_GetRgbaRGB(exc->rgba) + R_PutRgbaA(max(min(sides[line->sidenum[0]].textureoffset >> FRACBITS, 25), 0));
exc->fadergba = R_GetRgbaRGB(exc->fadergba) + R_PutRgbaA(max(min(sides[line->sidenum[0]].rowoffset >> FRACBITS, 25), 0));
extracolormap_t *exc = R_AddColormaps(
line->args[2] & 2, // subtract R
line->args[2] & 4, // subtract G
line->args[2] & 8, // subtract B
line->args[2] & 16, // subtract A
line->args[2] & 32, // subtract FadeR
line->args[2] & 64, // subtract FadeG
line->args[2] & 128, // subtract FadeB
line->args[2] & 256, // subtract FadeA
line->args[2] & 512, // subtract FadeStart
line->args[2] & 1024, // subtract FadeEnd
line->args[2] & 2048, // ignore Flags
if (!(sectors[secnum].extra_colormap = R_GetColormapFromList(exc)))
@ -3547,10 +3551,10 @@ static void P_ProcessLineSpecial(line_t *line, mobj_t *mo, sector_t *callsec)
sectors[secnum].extra_colormap = sides[line->sidenum[0]].colormap_data;
sectors[secnum].extra_colormap = source;
case 448: // Change skybox viewpoint/centerpoint
if ((mo && mo->player && P_IsLocalPlayer(mo->player)) || (line->flags & ML_NOCLIMB))
@ -3824,15 +3828,32 @@ static void P_ProcessLineSpecial(line_t *line, mobj_t *mo, sector_t *callsec)
case 455: // Fade colormap
for (secnum = -1; (secnum = P_FindSectorFromLineTag(line, secnum)) >= 0 ;)
extracolormap_t *dest;
if (!udmf)
dest = sides[line->sidenum[0]].colormap_data;
if (!line->args[1])
dest = line->frontsector->extra_colormap;
INT32 destsec = P_FindSectorFromTag(line->args[1], -1);
if (destsec == -1)
CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "Line type 455 Executor: Can't find sector with destination colormap (tag %d)!\n", line->args[1]);
dest = sectors[destsec].extra_colormap;
for (secnum = -1; (secnum = P_FindSectorFromTag(line->args[0], secnum)) >= 0;)
extracolormap_t *source_exc, *dest_exc, *exc;
INT32 speed = (INT32)((line->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) || !sides[line->sidenum[0]].rowoffset) && line->sidenum[1] != 0xFFFF ?
abs(sides[line->sidenum[1]].rowoffset >> FRACBITS)
: abs(sides[line->sidenum[0]].rowoffset >> FRACBITS);
// Prevent continuous execs from interfering on an existing fade
if (!(line->flags & ML_EFFECT5)
// Don't interrupt ongoing fade
if (!(line->args[3] & 8192)
&& sectors[secnum].fadecolormapdata)
//&& ((fadecolormap_t*)sectors[secnum].fadecolormapdata)->timer > (ticbased ? 2 : speed*2))
@ -3840,19 +3861,19 @@ static void P_ProcessLineSpecial(line_t *line, mobj_t *mo, sector_t *callsec)
if (line->flags & ML_TFERLINE) // use back colormap instead of target sector
if (!udmf && (line->flags & ML_TFERLINE)) // use back colormap instead of target sector
sectors[secnum].extra_colormap = (line->sidenum[1] != 0xFFFF) ?
sides[line->sidenum[1]].colormap_data : NULL;
sides[line->sidenum[1]].colormap_data : NULL;
exc = sectors[secnum].extra_colormap;
if (!(line->flags & ML_BOUNCY) // BOUNCY: Do not override fade from default rgba
&& !R_CheckDefaultColormap(sides[line->sidenum[0]].colormap_data, true, false, false)
if (!(line->args[3] & 4096) // Override fade from default rgba
&& !R_CheckDefaultColormap(dest, true, false, false)
&& R_CheckDefaultColormap(exc, true, false, false))
exc = R_CopyColormap(exc, false);
exc->rgba = R_GetRgbaRGB(sides[line->sidenum[0]].colormap_data->rgba) + R_PutRgbaA(R_GetRgbaA(exc->rgba));
//exc->fadergba = R_GetRgbaRGB(sides[line->sidenum[0]].colormap_data->rgba) + R_PutRgbaA(R_GetRgbaA(exc->fadergba));
exc->rgba = R_GetRgbaRGB(dest->rgba) + R_PutRgbaA(R_GetRgbaA(exc->rgba));
//exc->fadergba = R_GetRgbaRGB(dest->rgba) + R_PutRgbaA(R_GetRgbaA(exc->fadergba));
if (!(source_exc = R_GetColormapFromList(exc)))
@ -3868,35 +3889,26 @@ static void P_ProcessLineSpecial(line_t *line, mobj_t *mo, sector_t *callsec)
source_exc = exc ? exc : R_GetDefaultColormap();
if (line->flags & ML_EFFECT3) // relative calc
if (line->args[3] & 1) // relative calc
exc = R_AddColormaps(
line->flags & ML_EFFECT1, // subtract R
line->flags & ML_NOCLIMB, // subtract G
line->flags & ML_EFFECT2, // subtract B
false, // subtract A (no flag for this, just pass negative alpha)
line->flags & ML_EFFECT1, // subtract FadeR
line->flags & ML_NOCLIMB, // subtract FadeG
line->flags & ML_EFFECT2, // subtract FadeB
false, // subtract FadeA (no flag for this, just pass negative alpha)
false, // subtract FadeStart (we ran out of flags)
false, // subtract FadeEnd (we ran out of flags)
false, // ignore Flags (we ran out of flags)
line->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM,
(line->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) ? (sides[line->sidenum[0]].textureoffset >> FRACBITS) : 0,
(line->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) ? (sides[line->sidenum[0]].rowoffset >> FRACBITS) : 0,
line->args[3] & 2, // subtract R
line->args[3] & 4, // subtract G
line->args[3] & 8, // subtract B
line->args[3] & 16, // subtract A
line->args[3] & 32, // subtract FadeR
line->args[3] & 64, // subtract FadeG
line->args[3] & 128, // subtract FadeB
line->args[3] & 256, // subtract FadeA
line->args[3] & 512, // subtract FadeStart
line->args[3] & 1024, // subtract FadeEnd
line->args[3] & 2048, // ignore Flags
else if (line->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) // alternate alpha (by texture offsets)
exc = R_CopyColormap(sides[line->sidenum[0]].colormap_data, false);
exc->rgba = R_GetRgbaRGB(exc->rgba) + R_PutRgbaA(max(min(sides[line->sidenum[0]].textureoffset >> FRACBITS, 25), 0));
exc->fadergba = R_GetRgbaRGB(exc->fadergba) + R_PutRgbaA(max(min(sides[line->sidenum[0]].rowoffset >> FRACBITS, 25), 0));
exc = R_CopyColormap(sides[line->sidenum[0]].colormap_data, false);
exc = R_CopyColormap(dest, false);
if (!(dest_exc = R_GetColormapFromList(exc)))
@ -3907,13 +3919,13 @@ static void P_ProcessLineSpecial(line_t *line, mobj_t *mo, sector_t *callsec)
Add_ColormapFader(&sectors[secnum], source_exc, dest_exc, (line->flags & ML_EFFECT4), // tic-based timing
Add_ColormapFader(&sectors[secnum], source_exc, dest_exc, true, // tic-based timing
case 456: // Stop fade colormap
for (secnum = -1; (secnum = P_FindSectorFromLineTag(line, secnum)) >= 0 ;)
for (secnum = -1; (secnum = P_FindSectorFromTag(line->args[0], secnum)) >= 0 ;)
@ -7398,8 +7410,28 @@ void P_SpawnSpecials(boolean fromnetsave)
case 606: // HACK! Copy colormaps. Just plain colormaps.
for (s = -1; (s = P_FindSectorFromLineTag(lines + i, s)) >= 0 ;)
sectors[s].extra_colormap = sectors[s].spawn_extra_colormap = sides[lines[i].sidenum[0]].colormap_data;
for (s = -1; (s = P_FindSectorFromTag(lines[i].args[0], s)) >= 0;)
extracolormap_t *exc;
if (!udmf)
exc = sides[lines[i].sidenum[0]].colormap_data;
if (!lines[i].args[1])
exc = lines[i].frontsector->extra_colormap;
INT32 sourcesec = P_FindSectorFromTag(lines[i].args[1], -1);
if (sourcesec == -1)
CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "Line type 606: Can't find sector with source colormap (tag %d)!\n", lines[i].args[1]);
exc = sectors[sourcesec].extra_colormap;
sectors[s].extra_colormap = sectors[s].spawn_extra_colormap = exc;

View file

@ -2373,7 +2373,6 @@ extracolormap_t *R_AddColormaps(extracolormap_t *exc_augend, extracolormap_t *ex
boolean subR, boolean subG, boolean subB, boolean subA,
boolean subFadeR, boolean subFadeG, boolean subFadeB, boolean subFadeA,
boolean subFadeStart, boolean subFadeEnd, boolean ignoreFlags,
boolean useAltAlpha, INT16 altAlpha, INT16 altFadeAlpha,
boolean lighttable)
INT16 red, green, blue, alpha;
@ -2409,7 +2408,7 @@ extracolormap_t *R_AddColormaps(extracolormap_t *exc_augend, extracolormap_t *ex
* R_GetRgbaB(exc_addend->rgba)
, 255), 0);
alpha = useAltAlpha ? altAlpha : R_GetRgbaA(exc_addend->rgba);
alpha = R_GetRgbaA(exc_addend->rgba);
alpha = max(min(R_GetRgbaA(exc_augend->rgba) + (subA ? -1 : 1) * alpha, 25), 0);
exc_augend->rgba = R_PutRgbaRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha);
@ -2436,8 +2435,8 @@ extracolormap_t *R_AddColormaps(extracolormap_t *exc_augend, extracolormap_t *ex
* R_GetRgbaB(exc_addend->fadergba)
, 255), 0);
alpha = useAltAlpha ? altFadeAlpha : R_GetRgbaA(exc_addend->fadergba);
if (alpha == 25 && !useAltAlpha && !R_GetRgbaRGB(exc_addend->fadergba))
alpha = R_GetRgbaA(exc_addend->fadergba);
if (alpha == 25 && !R_GetRgbaRGB(exc_addend->fadergba))
alpha = 0; // HACK: fadergba A defaults at 25, so don't add anything in this case
alpha = max(min(R_GetRgbaA(exc_augend->fadergba) + (subFadeA ? -1 : 1) * alpha, 25), 0);

View file

@ -153,7 +153,6 @@ extracolormap_t *R_AddColormaps(extracolormap_t *exc_augend, extracolormap_t *ex
boolean subR, boolean subG, boolean subB, boolean subA,
boolean subFadeR, boolean subFadeG, boolean subFadeB, boolean subFadeA,
boolean subFadeStart, boolean subFadeEnd, boolean ignoreFlags,
boolean useAltAlpha, INT16 altAlpha, INT16 altFadeAlpha,
boolean lighttable);
extracolormap_t *R_ColormapForName(char *name);