Hardcoded ACZ3.wad's version of A_TNTExplode under the name of A_Boss5BombExplode. After a lot of confusion and silly misunderstandings on my part (as well as a lot of mess cleaning), I've finally got there!

The states for the actual bomb explosion effect itself are yet to be hardcoded, but that I'll do tomorrow afternoon probably.
This commit is contained in:
Monster Iestyn 2019-05-21 21:51:19 +01:00
parent ea951eef78
commit 742b11c0ff
3 changed files with 83 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -2236,6 +2236,7 @@ static actionpointer_t actionpointers[] =
{{A_Boss5PinchShot}, "A_BOSS5PINCHSHOT"},
{{A_Boss5MakeItRain}, "A_BOSS5MAKEITRAIN"},
{{A_LookForBetter}, "A_LOOKFORBETTER"},
{{A_Boss5BombExplode}, "A_BOSS5BOMBEXPLODE"},
{{NULL}, "NONE"},

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@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ void A_Boss5CheckFalling();
void A_Boss5PinchShot();
void A_Boss5MakeItRain();
void A_LookForBetter();
void A_Boss5BombExplode();
// ratio of states to sprites to mobj types is roughly 6 : 1 : 1

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@ -279,6 +279,7 @@ void A_Boss5CheckFalling(mobj_t *actor);
void A_Boss5PinchShot(mobj_t *actor);
void A_Boss5MakeItRain(mobj_t *actor);
void A_LookForBetter(mobj_t *actor);
void A_Boss5BombExplode(mobj_t *actor);
//for p_enemy.c
@ -12440,3 +12441,83 @@ void A_LookForBetter(mobj_t *actor)
P_LookForPlayers(actor, (locvar1 & 65535), false, FixedMul((locvar1 >> 16)*FRACUNIT, actor->scale));
/* * Spawns a dust ring.
* The dust ring behaves slightly randomly so it doesn't look too uniform.
* \param mobjtype Thing type to make a ring of.
* \param div Amount of things to spawn on the ring.
* \param x Center X coordinates.
* \param y Center Y coordinates.
* \param z Center Z coordinates.
* \param radius Radius.
* \param speed Additional thrust on particles.
* \param scale Scale.
static void P_DustRing(mobjtype_t mobjtype, UINT32 div, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, fixed_t radius, fixed_t speed, fixed_t scale)
angle_t ang = FixedAngle(FixedDiv(360*FRACUNIT, div*FRACUNIT)); //(ANGLE_180/div)*2;
UINT32 i;
// it turned out the radius was effectively nullified thanks to errors in the original script
// BUT people preferred how it looked before I "fixed" it, so I got rid of the radius calculations altogether
// this was a bit of a mess to sort out, but at least it's probably somewhat fine now?
// -- Monster Iestyn (21/05/19)
for (i = 0; i < div; i++)
mobj_t *dust = P_SpawnMobj(
x, //+ FixedMul(radius, FINECOSINE((ang*i) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT)),
y, //+ FixedMul(radius, FINESINE((ang*i) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT)),
dust->angle = ang*i + ANGLE_90;
P_SetScale(dust, scale);
dust->destscale = FixedMul(4*FRACUNIT + P_RandomFixed(), scale);
dust->scalespeed = scale/24;
P_Thrust(dust, ang*i, speed + FixedMul(P_RandomFixed(), scale));
dust->momz = P_SignedRandom()*scale/64;
// Function: A_Boss5BombExplode
// Description: Boss 5's bomb exploding.
// var1 = Thing type to spawn as dust
// var2 = unused
void A_Boss5BombExplode(mobj_t *actor)
INT32 locvar1 = var1;
//INT32 locvar2 = var2;
#ifdef HAVE_BLUA
if (LUA_CallAction("A_Boss5BombExplode", actor))
// The original Lua script did not use |= to add flags but just set these flags exactly apparently?
// (I may modify this later)
// -- Monster Iestyn (21/05/19)
actor->flags2 = MF2_EXPLOSION;
if (actor->target)
P_RadiusAttack(actor, actor->target, 7*actor->radius, 0);
P_DustRing(locvar1, 4, actor->x, actor->y, actor->z+actor->height, 2*actor->radius, 0, actor->scale);
P_DustRing(locvar1, 6, actor->x, actor->y, actor->z+actor->height/2, 3*actor->radius, FRACUNIT, actor->scale);
//P_StartQuake(9*actor->scale, TICRATE/6, {actor->x, actor->y, actor->z}, 20*actor->radius);
// the above does not exist, so we set the quake values directly instead
quake.intensity = 9*actor->scale;
quake.time = TICRATE/6;
// the following quake values have no effect atm? ah well, may as well set them anyway
mappoint_t q_epicenter = {actor->x, actor->y, actor->z};
quake.epicenter = &q_epicenter;
quake.radius = 20*actor->radius;