diff --git a/src/dehacked.c b/src/dehacked.c
index b022d51e7..3ab377065 100644
--- a/src/dehacked.c
+++ b/src/dehacked.c
@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ static mobjtype_t get_mobjtype(const char *word);
 static statenum_t get_state(const char *word);
 static spritenum_t get_sprite(const char *word);
 static sfxenum_t get_sfx(const char *word);
+static UINT16 get_mus(const char *word, UINT8 dehacked_mode);
 static hudnum_t get_huditem(const char *word);
 #ifndef HAVE_BLUA
 static powertype_t get_power(const char *word);
@@ -1173,22 +1176,19 @@ static void readlevelheader(MYFILE *f, INT32 num)
 						sizeof(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->musname), va("Level header %d: music", num));
 			else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICSLOT"))
-			{ // Backwards compatibility?
-				// Convert to map number
-				if (word2[0] >= 'A' && word2[0] <= 'Z' && word2[2] == '\0')
-					i = M_MapNumber(word2[0], word2[1]);
-				if (!i)
-					mapheaderinfo[num-1]->musname[0] = 0; // becomes empty string
-				else if (i > 1035)
-					deh_warning("Level header %d: musicslot out of range (0 - 1035)\n", num);
-				else // it's just a number
-				{
+			{
+				i = get_mus(word2, true);
+				if (i && i <= 1035)
 					snprintf(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->musname, 7, "%sM", G_BuildMapName(i));
-					mapheaderinfo[num-1]->musname[6] = 0;
-				}
+				else if (i && i <= 1050)
+					strncpy(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->musname, compat_special_music_slots[i - 1036], 7);
+				else
+					mapheaderinfo[num-1]->musname[0] = 0; // becomes empty string
+				mapheaderinfo[num-1]->musname[6] = 0;
 			else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICTRACK"))
 				mapheaderinfo[num-1]->mustrack = ((UINT16)i - 1);
 			else if (fastcmp(word, "FORCECHARACTER"))
@@ -1463,6 +1463,20 @@ static void readcutscenescene(MYFILE *f, INT32 num, INT32 scenenum)
 				strncpy(cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].musswitch, word2, 7);
 				cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].musswitch[6] = 0;
+			else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICSLOT"))
+			{
+				DEH_WriteUndoline(word, cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].musswitch, UNDO_NONE);
+				i = get_mus(word2, true);
+				if (i && i <= 1035)
+					snprintf(cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].musswitch, 7, "%sM", G_BuildMapName(i));
+				else if (i && i <= 1050)
+					strncpy(cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].musswitch, compat_special_music_slots[i - 1036], 7);
+				else
+					cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].musswitch[0] = 0; // becomes empty string
+				cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].musswitch[6] = 0;
+			}
 			else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICTRACK"))
 				DEH_WriteUndoline(word, va("%u", cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].musswitchflags), UNDO_NONE);
@@ -7978,6 +7992,46 @@ static sfxenum_t get_sfx(const char *word)
 	return sfx_None;
+static UINT16 get_mus(const char *word, UINT8 dehacked_mode)
+{ // Returns the value of MUS_ enumerations
+	UINT16 i;
+	char lumptmp[4];
+	if (*word >= '0' && *word <= '9')
+		return atoi(word);
+	if (!word[2] && toupper(word[0]) >= 'A' && toupper(word[0]) <= 'Z')
+		return (UINT16)M_MapNumber(word[0], word[1]);
+	if (fastncmp("MUS_",word,4))
+		word += 4; // take off the MUS_
+	else if (fastncmp("O_",word,2) || fastncmp("D_",word,2))
+		word += 2; // take off the O_ or D_
+	strncpy(lumptmp, word, 4);
+	lumptmp[3] = 0;
+	if (fasticmp("MAP",lumptmp))
+	{
+		word += 3;
+		if (toupper(word[0]) >= 'A' && toupper(word[0]) <= 'Z')
+			return (UINT16)M_MapNumber(word[0], word[1]);
+		else if ((i = atoi(word)))
+			return i;
+		word -= 3;
+		if (dehacked_mode)
+			deh_warning("Couldn't find music named 'MUS_%s'",word);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; compat_special_music_slots[i][0]; ++i)
+		if (fasticmp(word, compat_special_music_slots[i]))
+			return i + 1036;
+	if (dehacked_mode)
+		deh_warning("Couldn't find music named 'MUS_%s'",word);
+	return 0;
 static hudnum_t get_huditem(const char *word)
 { // Returns the value of HUD_ enumerations
 	hudnum_t i;
@@ -8176,6 +8230,13 @@ static fixed_t find_const(const char **rword)
 		return r;
+	else if (fastncmp("MUS_",word,4) || fastncmp("O_",word,2)) {
+		r = get_mus(word, true);
+		free(word);
+		return r;
+	}
 	else if (fastncmp("PW_",word,3)) {
 		r = get_power(word);
@@ -8545,6 +8606,29 @@ static inline int lib_getenum(lua_State *L)
 		if (mathlib) return luaL_error(L, "sfx '%s' could not be found.\n", word);
 		return 0;
+	else if (!mathlib && fastncmp("mus_",word,4)) {
+		p = word+4;
+		if ((i = get_mus(p, false)) == 0)
+			return 0;
+		lua_pushinteger(L, i);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	else if (mathlib && fastncmp("MUS_",word,4)) { // SOCs are ALL CAPS!
+		p = word+4;
+		if ((i = get_mus(p, false)) == 0)
+			return luaL_error(L, "music '%s' could not be found.\n", word);
+		lua_pushinteger(L, i);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	else if (mathlib && (fastncmp("O_",word,2) || fastncmp("D_",word,2))) {
+		p = word+2;
+		if ((i = get_mus(p, false)) == 0)
+			return luaL_error(L, "music '%s' could not be found.\n", word);
+		lua_pushinteger(L, i);
+		return 1;
+	}
 	else if (!mathlib && fastncmp("pw_",word,3)) {
 		p = word+3;
 		for (i = 0; i < NUMPOWERS; i++)
diff --git a/src/doomdef.h b/src/doomdef.h
index 8935eb117..0fc4a1fea 100644
--- a/src/doomdef.h
+++ b/src/doomdef.h
@@ -490,4 +490,8 @@ extern const char *compdate, *comptime, *comprevision, *compbranch;
 /// Experimental tweaks to analog mode. (Needs a lot of work before it's ready for primetime.)
 //#define REDSANALOG
+/// Backwards compatibility with musicslots.
+/// \note	You should leave this enabled unless you're working with a future SRB2 version.
 #endif // __DOOMDEF__
diff --git a/src/lua_baselib.c b/src/lua_baselib.c
index 386270959..c415eecb8 100644
--- a/src/lua_baselib.c
+++ b/src/lua_baselib.c
@@ -1636,17 +1636,59 @@ static int lib_sStopSound(lua_State *L)
 static int lib_sChangeMusic(lua_State *L)
+	const char *music_name;
+	UINT32 music_num;
+	char music_compat_name[7];
+	boolean looping;
+	player_t *player = NULL;
+	UINT16 music_flags = 0;
+	if (lua_isnumber(L, 1))
+	{
+		music_num = (UINT32)luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
+		music_flags = (UINT16)(music_num & 0x0000FFFF);
+		if (music_flags && music_flags <= 1035)
+			snprintf(music_compat_name, 7, "%sM", G_BuildMapName((INT32)music_flags));
+		else if (music_flags && music_flags <= 1050)
+			strncpy(music_compat_name, compat_special_music_slots[music_flags - 1036], 7);
+		else
+			music_compat_name[0] = 0; // becomes empty string
+		music_compat_name[6] = 0;
+		music_name = (const char *)&music_compat_name;
+		music_flags = 0;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		music_num = 0;
+		music_name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
+	}
+	looping = (boolean)lua_opttrueboolean(L, 2);
 	const char *music_name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
 	boolean looping = (boolean)lua_opttrueboolean(L, 2);
 	player_t *player = NULL;
 	UINT16 music_flags = 0;
 	if (!lua_isnone(L, 3) && lua_isuserdata(L, 3))
 		player = *((player_t **)luaL_checkudata(L, 3, META_PLAYER));
 		if (!player)
 			return LUA_ErrInvalid(L, "player_t");
+	if (music_num)
+		music_flags = (UINT16)((music_num & 0x7FFF0000) >> 16);
+	else
 	music_flags = (UINT16)luaL_optinteger(L, 4, 0);
 	if (!player || P_IsLocalPlayer(player))
diff --git a/src/s_sound.c b/src/s_sound.c
index 1e5f79aa0..49373d94c 100644
--- a/src/s_sound.c
+++ b/src/s_sound.c
@@ -1155,6 +1155,28 @@ void S_StartSoundName(void *mo, const char *soundname)
 /// Music
 /// ------------------------
+const char *compat_special_music_slots[16] =
+	"titles", // 1036  title screen
+	"read_m", // 1037  intro
+	"lclear", // 1038  level clear
+	"invinc", // 1039  invincibility
+	"shoes",  // 1040  super sneakers
+	"minvnc", // 1041  Mario invincibility
+	"drown",  // 1042  drowning
+	"gmover", // 1043  game over
+	"xtlife", // 1044  extra life
+	"contsc", // 1045  continue screen
+	"supers", // 1046  Super Sonic
+	"chrsel", // 1047  character select
+	"credit", // 1048  credits
+	"racent", // 1049  Race Results
+	"stjr",   // 1050  Sonic Team Jr. Presents
+	""
 #define music_playing (music_name[0]) // String is empty if no music is playing
 static char      music_name[7]; // up to 6-character name
diff --git a/src/s_sound.h b/src/s_sound.h
index 12787536b..d5cf3570d 100644
--- a/src/s_sound.h
+++ b/src/s_sound.h
@@ -139,4 +139,10 @@ void S_StopSoundByNum(sfxenum_t sfxnum);
 #define S_StartScreamSound S_StartSound
+// For compatibility with code/scripts relying on older versions
+// This is a list of all the "special" slot names and their associated numbers
+const char *compat_special_music_slots[16];