mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 02:42:20 +00:00
The start of implementing FuriousFox's bumpers/balloons!
No hardcoding of states, but the test .wad they're stored in right now is predominantly state, object, and sprite definitions/assets right now - the only hook is for setting the colour of the balloons!!
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 169 additions and 38 deletions
@ -225,7 +225,6 @@ void A_SetScale(mobj_t *actor);
void A_RemoteDamage(mobj_t *actor);
void A_HomingChase(mobj_t *actor);
void A_TrapShot(mobj_t *actor);
//for p_enemy.c
void A_Boss1Chase(mobj_t *actor);
void A_Boss2Chase(mobj_t *actor);
void A_Boss2Pogo(mobj_t *actor);
@ -260,6 +259,7 @@ void A_MultiShotDist(mobj_t *actor);
void A_WhoCaresIfYourSonIsABee(mobj_t *actor);
void A_ParentTriesToSleep(mobj_t *actor);
void A_CryingToMomma(mobj_t *actor);
//for p_enemy.c
@ -10385,6 +10385,8 @@ void A_SpawnFreshCopy(mobj_t *actor)
newObject = P_SpawnMobj(actor->x, actor->y, actor->z, actor->type);
newObject->angle = actor->angle;
newObject->flags2 |= (actor->flags2 & (MF2_AMBUSH|MF2_OBJECTFLIP));
newObject->eflags |= (actor->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP);
P_SetScale(newObject, actor->scale);
newObject->destscale = actor->destscale;
P_SetTarget(&newObject->target, actor->target);
@ -10392,6 +10394,14 @@ void A_SpawnFreshCopy(mobj_t *actor)
if (newObject->info->seesound)
S_StartSound(newObject, newObject->info->seesound);
if (actor->spawnpoint)
newObject->spawnpoint = actor->spawnpoint;
actor->spawnpoint->mobj = newObject;
actor->spawnpoint = NULL;
// Internal Flicky spawning function.
@ -109,13 +109,27 @@ boolean P_TeleportMove(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z)
// =========================================================================
// P_DoSpring
// MF_SPRING does some weird, mildly hacky stuff sometimes.
// mass = vertical speed
// damage = horizontal speed
// raisestate = state to change spring to on collision
// painchance = spring mode:
// 0 = standard vanilla spring behaviour
// Positive spring modes are minor variants of vanilla spring behaviour.
// 1 = launch players in jump
// 2 = don't modify player at all, just add momentum
// Negative spring modes are mildly-related gimmicks with customisation.
// -1 = pinball bumper
// Any other spring mode defaults to standard vanilla spring behaviour,
// ***** but forward compatibility is not guaranteed for these. *****
boolean P_DoSpring(mobj_t *spring, mobj_t *object)
INT32 pflags;
fixed_t offx, offy;
fixed_t vertispeed = spring->info->mass;
fixed_t horizspeed = spring->info->damage;
UINT8 secondjump;
// Does nothing?
if (!vertispeed && !horizspeed)
@ -129,19 +143,109 @@ boolean P_DoSpring(mobj_t *spring, mobj_t *object)
if (object->player && object->player->spectator)
return false;
// "Even in Death" is a song from Volume 8, not a command.
if (!spring->health || !object->health)
return false;
if (spring->info->painchance == -1) // Pinball bumper mode.
// The first of the entirely different spring modes!
// Some of the attributes mean different things here.
// mass = default strength (can be controlled by mapthing's spawnangle)
// damage = unused
// reactiontime = number of times it can give points
angle_t horizangle, vertiangle;
if (object->player && object->player->homing) // Sonic Heroes, the only game to contain homing-attackable bumpers!
horizangle = 0;
vertiangle = ((object->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP) ? ANGLE_270 : ANGLE_90) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
object->player->pflags &= ~PF_THOKKED;
if (spring->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP)
object->z = spring->z - object->height - 1;
object->z = spring->z + spring->height + 1;
horizangle = R_PointToAngle2(spring->x, spring->y, object->x, object->y);
vertiangle = (R_PointToAngle2(
spring->z + spring->height/2,
FixedHypot(object->x - spring->x, object->y - spring->y),
object->z + object->height/2)
if (spring->spawnpoint && spring->spawnpoint->angle > 0)
vertispeed = (spring->spawnpoint->angle<<(FRACBITS-1))/5;
vertispeed = FixedMul(vertispeed, FixedMul(object->scale, spring->scale));
if (object->player)
fixed_t playervelocity;
if (!(object->player->pflags & PF_THOKKED) && !(object->player->homing)
&& ((playervelocity = FixedDiv(9*FixedHypot(object->player->speed, object->momz), 10<<FRACBITS)) > vertispeed))
vertispeed = playervelocity;
if (object->player->powers[pw_carry] == CR_NIGHTSMODE) // THIS has NiGHTS support, at least...
if (object->player->bumpertime >= TICRATE/4)
return false;
object->player->flyangle = AngleFixed(R_PointToAngle2(
spring->z + spring->height/2,
FixedHypot(object->x - spring->x, object->y - spring->y)),
object->z + object->height/2))>>FRACBITS;
object->player->bumpertime = TICRATE/2;
INT32 pflags = object->player->pflags & (PF_JUMPED|PF_NOJUMPDAMAGE|PF_SPINNING|PF_THOKKED|PF_BOUNCING); // Not identical to below...
UINT8 secondjump = object->player->secondjump;
if (object->player->pflags & PF_GLIDING)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(object, S_PLAY_FALL);
object->player->pflags |= pflags;
object->player->secondjump = secondjump;
object->eflags |= MFE_SPRUNG; // apply this flag asap!
object->momz = FixedMul(vertispeed, FINESINE(vertiangle));
P_InstaThrust(object, horizangle, FixedMul(vertispeed, FINECOSINE(vertiangle)));
if ((statenum_t)(spring->state-states) == spring->info->spawnstate)
P_SetMobjState(spring, spring->info->raisestate);
if (object->player && spring->reactiontime)
mobj_t *scoremobj = P_SpawnMobj(spring->x, spring->y, spring->z + (spring->height/2), MT_SCORE);
P_SetMobjState(scoremobj, mobjinfo[MT_SCORE].spawnstate);//+11); -- 10 points state not hardcoded yet
P_AddPlayerScore(object->player, 10);
return false;
if (object->player && (object->player->powers[pw_carry] == CR_NIGHTSMODE))
/*Someone want to make these work like bumpers?*/
return false;
if (spring->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP)
vertispeed *= -1;
#ifdef ESLOPE
object->standingslope = NULL; // Okay, now we know it's not going to be relevant - no launching off at silly angles for you.
if (spring->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP)
vertispeed *= -1;
if (object->player
&& ((object->player->charability == CA_TWINSPIN && object->player->panim == PA_ABILITY)
|| (object->player->charability2 == CA2_MELEE && object->player->panim == PA_ABILITY2)))
@ -156,38 +260,42 @@ boolean P_DoSpring(mobj_t *spring, mobj_t *object)
object->eflags |= MFE_SPRUNG; // apply this flag asap!
spring->flags &= ~(MF_SPRING|MF_SPECIAL); // De-solidify
if ((horizspeed && vertispeed) || (object->player && object->player->homing)) // Mimic SA
if (spring->info->painchance != 2)
object->momx = object->momy = 0;
P_TryMove(object, spring->x, spring->y, true);
if ((horizspeed && vertispeed) || (object->player && object->player->homing)) // Mimic SA
object->momx = object->momy = 0;
P_TryMove(object, spring->x, spring->y, true);
if (vertispeed > 0)
object->z = spring->z + spring->height + 1;
else if (vertispeed < 0)
object->z = spring->z - object->height - 1;
// Horizontal springs teleport you in FRONT of them.
object->momx = object->momy = 0;
if (vertispeed > 0)
object->z = spring->z + spring->height + 1;
else if (vertispeed < 0)
object->z = spring->z - object->height - 1;
fixed_t offx, offy;
// Horizontal springs teleport you in FRONT of them.
object->momx = object->momy = 0;
// Overestimate the distance to position you at
offx = P_ReturnThrustX(spring, spring->angle, (spring->radius + object->radius + 1) * 2);
offy = P_ReturnThrustY(spring, spring->angle, (spring->radius + object->radius + 1) * 2);
// Overestimate the distance to position you at
offx = P_ReturnThrustX(spring, spring->angle, (spring->radius + object->radius + 1) * 2);
offy = P_ReturnThrustY(spring, spring->angle, (spring->radius + object->radius + 1) * 2);
// Make it square by clipping
if (offx > (spring->radius + object->radius + 1))
offx = spring->radius + object->radius + 1;
else if (offx < -(spring->radius + object->radius + 1))
offx = -(spring->radius + object->radius + 1);
// Make it square by clipping
if (offx > (spring->radius + object->radius + 1))
offx = spring->radius + object->radius + 1;
else if (offx < -(spring->radius + object->radius + 1))
offx = -(spring->radius + object->radius + 1);
if (offy > (spring->radius + object->radius + 1))
offy = spring->radius + object->radius + 1;
else if (offy < -(spring->radius + object->radius + 1))
offy = -(spring->radius + object->radius + 1);
if (offy > (spring->radius + object->radius + 1))
offy = spring->radius + object->radius + 1;
else if (offy < -(spring->radius + object->radius + 1))
offy = -(spring->radius + object->radius + 1);
// Set position!
P_TryMove(object, spring->x + offx, spring->y + offy, true);
// Set position!
P_TryMove(object, spring->x + offx, spring->y + offy, true);
if (vertispeed)
@ -203,6 +311,10 @@ boolean P_DoSpring(mobj_t *spring, mobj_t *object)
if (object->player)
INT32 pflags;
UINT8 secondjump;
boolean washoming;
if (spring->flags & MF_ENEMY) // Spring shells
P_SetTarget(&spring->target, object);
@ -223,19 +335,28 @@ boolean P_DoSpring(mobj_t *spring, mobj_t *object)
pflags = object->player->pflags & (PF_STARTJUMP|PF_JUMPED|PF_NOJUMPDAMAGE|PF_SPINNING|PF_THOKKED|PF_BOUNCING); // I still need these.
secondjump = object->player->secondjump;
washoming = object->player->homing;
if (object->player->pflags & PF_GLIDING)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(object, S_PLAY_FALL);
if (spring->info->painchance)
if (spring->info->painchance == 1) // For all those ancient, SOC'd abilities.
object->player->pflags |= P_GetJumpFlags(object->player);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(object, S_PLAY_JUMP);
else if (!vertispeed || (pflags & PF_BOUNCING)) // horizontal spring or bouncing
else if ((spring->info->painchance == 2) || (pflags & PF_BOUNCING)) // Adding momentum only.
if ((pflags & PF_BOUNCING)
|| (pflags & (PF_JUMPED|PF_SPINNING) && (object->player->panim == PA_ROLL || object->player->panim == PA_JUMP || object->player->panim == PA_FALL)))
object->player->pflags |= (pflags &~ PF_STARTJUMP);
object->player->secondjump = secondjump;
if (washoming)
object->player->pflags &= ~PF_THOKKED;
else if (!vertispeed)
if (pflags & (PF_JUMPED|PF_SPINNING))
object->player->pflags |= pflags;
object->player->secondjump = secondjump;
Reference in a new issue