mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 03:32:22 +00:00
Merge branch 'netarchive_compare_changes' into 'next'
Netarchive compare changes See merge request STJr/SRB2!563
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 49 additions and 64 deletions
@ -777,15 +777,13 @@ static void P_NetArchiveWorld(void)
size_t i;
INT32 statsec = 0, statline = 0;
const line_t *li = lines;
const line_t *spawnli = spawnlines;
const side_t *si;
const side_t *spawnsi;
UINT8 *put;
// reload the map just to see difference
virtres_t* virt = vres_GetMap(lastloadedmaplumpnum);
mapsector_t *ms = (mapsector_t*) vres_Find(virt, "SECTORS")->data;
mapsidedef_t *msd = (mapsidedef_t*) vres_Find(virt, "SIDEDEFS")->data;
maplinedef_t *mld = (maplinedef_t*) vres_Find(virt, "LINEDEFS")->data;
const sector_t *ss = sectors;
const sector_t *spawnss = spawnsectors;
UINT8 diff, diff2, diff3;
// initialize colormap vars because paranoia
@ -794,45 +792,45 @@ static void P_NetArchiveWorld(void)
put = save_p;
for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++, ss++, ms++)
for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++, ss++, spawnss++)
diff = diff2 = diff3 = 0;
if (ss->floorheight != SHORT(ms->floorheight)<<FRACBITS)
if (ss->floorheight != spawnss->floorheight)
diff |= SD_FLOORHT;
if (ss->ceilingheight != SHORT(ms->ceilingheight)<<FRACBITS)
if (ss->ceilingheight != spawnss->ceilingheight)
diff |= SD_CEILHT;
// flats
if (ss->floorpic != P_CheckLevelFlat(ms->floorpic))
if (ss->floorpic != spawnss->floorpic)
diff |= SD_FLOORPIC;
if (ss->ceilingpic != P_CheckLevelFlat(ms->ceilingpic))
if (ss->ceilingpic != spawnss->ceilingpic)
diff |= SD_CEILPIC;
if (ss->lightlevel != SHORT(ms->lightlevel))
if (ss->lightlevel != spawnss->lightlevel)
diff |= SD_LIGHT;
if (ss->special != SHORT(ms->special))
if (ss->special != spawnss->special)
diff |= SD_SPECIAL;
if (ss->floor_xoffs != ss->spawn_flr_xoffs)
if (ss->floor_xoffs != spawnss->floor_xoffs)
diff2 |= SD_FXOFFS;
if (ss->floor_yoffs != ss->spawn_flr_yoffs)
if (ss->floor_yoffs != spawnss->floor_yoffs)
diff2 |= SD_FYOFFS;
if (ss->ceiling_xoffs != ss->spawn_ceil_xoffs)
if (ss->ceiling_xoffs != spawnss->ceiling_xoffs)
diff2 |= SD_CXOFFS;
if (ss->ceiling_yoffs != ss->spawn_ceil_yoffs)
if (ss->ceiling_yoffs != spawnss->ceiling_yoffs)
diff2 |= SD_CYOFFS;
if (ss->floorpic_angle != ss->spawn_flrpic_angle)
if (ss->floorpic_angle != spawnss->floorpic_angle)
diff2 |= SD_FLOORANG;
if (ss->ceilingpic_angle != ss->spawn_flrpic_angle)
if (ss->ceilingpic_angle != spawnss->ceilingpic_angle)
diff2 |= SD_CEILANG;
if (ss->tag != SHORT(ms->tag))
if (ss->tag != spawnss->tag)
diff2 |= SD_TAG;
if (ss->nexttag != ss->spawn_nexttag || ss->firsttag != ss->spawn_firsttag)
if (ss->nexttag != spawnss->nexttag || ss->firsttag != spawnss->firsttag)
diff3 |= SD_TAGLIST;
if (ss->extra_colormap != ss->spawn_extra_colormap)
if (ss->extra_colormap != spawnss->extra_colormap)
diff3 |= SD_COLORMAP;
// Check if any of the sector's FOFs differ from how they spawned
@ -936,45 +934,41 @@ static void P_NetArchiveWorld(void)
WRITEUINT16(put, 0xffff);
// do lines
for (i = 0; i < numlines; i++, mld++, li++)
for (i = 0; i < numlines; i++, spawnli++, li++)
diff = diff2 = diff3 = 0;
if (li->special != SHORT(mld->special))
if (li->special != spawnli->special)
diff |= LD_SPECIAL;
if (SHORT(mld->special) == 321 || SHORT(mld->special) == 322) // only reason li->callcount would be non-zero is if either of these are involved
if (spawnli->special == 321 || spawnli->special == 322) // only reason li->callcount would be non-zero is if either of these are involved
diff |= LD_CLLCOUNT;
if (li->sidenum[0] != 0xffff)
si = &sides[li->sidenum[0]];
if (si->textureoffset != SHORT(msd[li->sidenum[0]].textureoffset)<<FRACBITS)
spawnsi = &spawnsides[li->sidenum[0]];
if (si->textureoffset != spawnsi->textureoffset)
diff |= LD_S1TEXOFF;
//SoM: 4/1/2000: Some textures are colormaps. Don't worry about invalid textures.
if (R_CheckTextureNumForName(msd[li->sidenum[0]].toptexture) != -1
&& si->toptexture != R_TextureNumForName(msd[li->sidenum[0]].toptexture))
if (si->toptexture != spawnsi->toptexture)
diff |= LD_S1TOPTEX;
if (R_CheckTextureNumForName(msd[li->sidenum[0]].bottomtexture) != -1
&& si->bottomtexture != R_TextureNumForName(msd[li->sidenum[0]].bottomtexture))
if (si->bottomtexture != spawnsi->bottomtexture)
diff |= LD_S1BOTTEX;
if (R_CheckTextureNumForName(msd[li->sidenum[0]].midtexture) != -1
&& si->midtexture != R_TextureNumForName(msd[li->sidenum[0]].midtexture))
if (si->midtexture != spawnsi->midtexture)
diff |= LD_S1MIDTEX;
if (li->sidenum[1] != 0xffff)
si = &sides[li->sidenum[1]];
if (si->textureoffset != SHORT(msd[li->sidenum[1]].textureoffset)<<FRACBITS)
spawnsi = &spawnsides[li->sidenum[1]];
if (si->textureoffset != spawnsi->textureoffset)
diff2 |= LD_S2TEXOFF;
if (R_CheckTextureNumForName(msd[li->sidenum[1]].toptexture) != -1
&& si->toptexture != R_TextureNumForName(msd[li->sidenum[1]].toptexture))
if (si->toptexture != spawnsi->toptexture)
diff2 |= LD_S2TOPTEX;
if (R_CheckTextureNumForName(msd[li->sidenum[1]].bottomtexture) != -1
&& si->bottomtexture != R_TextureNumForName(msd[li->sidenum[1]].bottomtexture))
if (si->bottomtexture != spawnsi->bottomtexture)
diff2 |= LD_S2BOTTEX;
if (R_CheckTextureNumForName(msd[li->sidenum[1]].midtexture) != -1
&& si->midtexture != R_TextureNumForName(msd[li->sidenum[1]].midtexture))
if (si->midtexture != spawnsi->midtexture)
diff2 |= LD_S2MIDTEX;
if (diff2)
diff |= LD_DIFF2;
@ -1018,7 +1012,6 @@ static void P_NetArchiveWorld(void)
WRITEUINT16(put, 0xffff);
save_p = put;
@ -103,6 +103,9 @@ node_t *nodes;
line_t *lines;
side_t *sides;
mapthing_t *mapthings;
sector_t *spawnsectors;
line_t *spawnlines;
side_t *spawnsides;
INT32 numstarposts;
UINT16 bossdisabled;
boolean stoppedclock;
@ -666,11 +669,9 @@ static void P_LoadRawSectors(UINT8 *data)
ss->ceilingpic = P_AddLevelFlat(ms->ceilingpic, foundflats);
ss->lightlevel = SHORT(ms->lightlevel);
ss->spawn_lightlevel = SHORT(ms->lightlevel);
ss->special = SHORT(ms->special);
ss->tag = SHORT(ms->tag);
ss->nexttag = ss->firsttag = -1;
ss->spawn_nexttag = ss->spawn_firsttag = -1;
memset(&ss->soundorg, 0, sizeof(ss->soundorg));
ss->validcount = 0;
@ -705,9 +706,7 @@ static void P_LoadRawSectors(UINT8 *data)
ss->spawn_extra_colormap = NULL;
ss->floor_xoffs = ss->ceiling_xoffs = ss->floor_yoffs = ss->ceiling_yoffs = 0;
ss->spawn_flr_xoffs = ss->spawn_ceil_xoffs = ss->spawn_flr_yoffs = ss->spawn_ceil_yoffs = 0;
ss->floorpic_angle = ss->ceilingpic_angle = 0;
ss->spawn_flrpic_angle = ss->spawn_ceilpic_angle = 0;
ss->gravity = NULL;
ss->cullheight = NULL;
ss->verticalflip = false;
@ -2775,6 +2774,15 @@ boolean P_SetupLevel(boolean skipprecip)
// Copy relevant map data for NetArchive purposes.
spawnsectors = Z_Calloc(numsectors * sizeof (*sectors), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
spawnlines = Z_Calloc(numlines * sizeof (*lines), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
spawnsides = Z_Calloc(numsides * sizeof (*sides), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
memcpy(spawnsectors, sectors, numsectors * sizeof (*sectors));
memcpy(spawnlines, lines, numlines * sizeof (*lines));
memcpy(spawnsides, sides, numsides * sizeof (*sides));
P_PrepareRawThings(vres_Find(virt, "THINGS")->data);
P_MakeMapMD5(virt, &mapmd5);
@ -1603,8 +1603,6 @@ static inline void P_InitTagLists(void)
size_t j = (unsigned)sectors[i].tag % numsectors;
sectors[i].nexttag = sectors[j].firsttag;
sectors[j].firsttag = (INT32)i;
sectors[i].spawn_nexttag = sectors[i].nexttag;
sectors[j].spawn_firsttag = sectors[j].firsttag;
for (i = numlines - 1; i != (size_t)-1; i--)
@ -6405,22 +6403,16 @@ static void P_ApplyFlatAlignment(line_t *master, sector_t *sector, angle_t flata
if (!(master->flags & ML_NETONLY)) // Modify floor flat alignment unless ML_NETONLY flag is set
sector->spawn_flrpic_angle = sector->floorpic_angle = flatangle;
sector->floorpic_angle = flatangle;
sector->floor_xoffs += xoffs;
sector->floor_yoffs += yoffs;
// saved for netgames
sector->spawn_flr_xoffs = sector->floor_xoffs;
sector->spawn_flr_yoffs = sector->floor_yoffs;
if (!(master->flags & ML_NONET)) // Modify ceiling flat alignment unless ML_NONET flag is set
sector->spawn_ceilpic_angle = sector->ceilingpic_angle = flatangle;
sector->ceilingpic_angle = flatangle;
sector->ceiling_xoffs += xoffs;
sector->ceiling_yoffs += yoffs;
// saved for netgames
sector->spawn_ceil_xoffs = sector->ceiling_xoffs;
sector->spawn_ceil_yoffs = sector->ceiling_yoffs;
@ -384,17 +384,6 @@ typedef struct sector_s
// for fade thinker
INT16 spawn_lightlevel;
// these are saved for netgames, so do not let Lua touch these!
INT32 spawn_nexttag, spawn_firsttag; // the actual nexttag/firsttag values may differ if the sector's tag was changed
// offsets sector spawned with (via linedef type 7)
fixed_t spawn_flr_xoffs, spawn_flr_yoffs;
fixed_t spawn_ceil_xoffs, spawn_ceil_yoffs;
// flag angles sector spawned with (via linedef type 7)
angle_t spawn_flrpic_angle;
angle_t spawn_ceilpic_angle;
// colormap structure
extracolormap_t *spawn_extra_colormap;
} sector_t;
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ extern seg_t *segs;
extern size_t numsectors;
extern sector_t *sectors;
extern sector_t *spawnsectors;
extern size_t numsubsectors;
extern subsector_t *subsectors;
@ -72,9 +73,11 @@ extern node_t *nodes;
extern size_t numlines;
extern line_t *lines;
extern line_t *spawnlines;
extern size_t numsides;
extern side_t *sides;
extern side_t *spawnsides;
// POV data.
Reference in a new issue