diff --git a/src/lua_hudlib.c b/src/lua_hudlib.c
index 906afede8..c10bc2efd 100644
--- a/src/lua_hudlib.c
+++ b/src/lua_hudlib.c
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ enum align {
+	align_smallthin,
@@ -135,6 +136,7 @@ static const char *const align_opt[] = {
+	"small-thin",
@@ -760,6 +762,9 @@ static int libd_drawString(lua_State *L)
 	case align_smallright:
 		V_DrawRightAlignedSmallString(x, y, flags, str);
+	case align_smallthin:
+		V_DrawSmallThinString(x, y, flags, str);
+		break;
 	// tny_font
 	case align_thin:
 		V_DrawThinString(x, y, flags, str);
diff --git a/src/v_video.c b/src/v_video.c
index d4aad6a64..7a51c9088 100644
--- a/src/v_video.c
+++ b/src/v_video.c
@@ -2423,6 +2423,211 @@ void V_DrawRightAlignedThinString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *st
 	V_DrawThinString(x, y, option, string);
+// Write a string using the tny_font, 0.5x scale
+// NOTE: the text is centered for screens larger than the base width
+void V_DrawSmallThinString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string)
+	INT32 w, c, cx = x, cy = y, dupx, dupy, scrwidth, center = 0, left = 0;
+	const char *ch = string;
+	INT32 charflags = 0;
+	const UINT8 *colormap = NULL;
+	INT32 spacewidth = 2, charwidth = 0;
+	INT32 lowercase = (option & V_ALLOWLOWERCASE);
+	option &= ~V_FLIP; // which is also shared with V_ALLOWLOWERCASE...
+	if (option & V_NOSCALESTART)
+	{
+		dupx = vid.dupx;
+		dupy = vid.dupy;
+		scrwidth = vid.width;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		dupx = dupy = 1;
+		scrwidth = vid.width/vid.dupx;
+		left = (scrwidth - BASEVIDWIDTH)/4;
+		scrwidth -= left;
+	}
+	charflags = (option & V_CHARCOLORMASK);
+	switch (option & V_SPACINGMASK)
+	{
+		case V_MONOSPACE:
+			spacewidth = 3;
+			charwidth = 3;
+			break;
+		case V_6WIDTHSPACE:
+			spacewidth = 2;
+		default:
+			break;
+	}
+	for (;;ch++)
+	{
+		if (!*ch)
+			break;
+		if (*ch & 0x80) //color parsing -x 2.16.09
+		{
+			// manually set flags override color codes
+			if (!(option & V_CHARCOLORMASK))
+				charflags = ((*ch & 0x7f) << V_CHARCOLORSHIFT) & V_CHARCOLORMASK;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (*ch == '\n')
+		{
+			cx = x;
+			if (option & V_RETURN8)
+				cy += 4*dupy;
+			else
+				cy += 6*dupy;
+			continue;
+		}
+		c = *ch;
+		if (!lowercase || !tny_font[c-HU_FONTSTART])
+			c = toupper(c);
+		if (c < 0 || c >= HU_FONTSIZE || !tny_font[c])
+		{
+			cx += spacewidth * dupx;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (charwidth)
+		{
+			w = charwidth * dupx;
+			center = w/2 - SHORT(tny_font[c]->width)*dupx/4;
+		}
+		else
+			w = SHORT(tny_font[c]->width) * dupx / 2;
+		if (cx > scrwidth)
+			break;
+		if (cx+left + w < 0) //left boundary check
+		{
+			cx += w;
+			continue;
+		}
+		colormap = V_GetStringColormap(charflags);
+		V_DrawFixedPatch((cx + center)<<FRACBITS, cy<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT/2, option, tny_font[c], colormap);
+		cx += w;
+	}
+void V_DrawSmallThinString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string)
+	INT32 w, c, cx = x, cy = y, dupx, dupy, scrwidth, center = 0, left = 0;
+	const char *ch = string;
+	INT32 charflags = 0;
+	const UINT8 *colormap = NULL;
+	INT32 spacewidth = 2, charwidth = 0;
+	INT32 lowercase = (option & V_ALLOWLOWERCASE);
+	option &= ~V_FLIP; // which is also shared with V_ALLOWLOWERCASE...
+	if (option & V_NOSCALESTART)
+	{
+		dupx = vid.dupx;
+		dupy = vid.dupy;
+		scrwidth = vid.width;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		dupx = dupy = 1;
+		scrwidth = vid.width/vid.dupx;
+		left = (scrwidth - BASEVIDWIDTH)/2;
+		scrwidth -= left;
+	}
+	charflags = (option & V_CHARCOLORMASK);
+	// Monospace only + spacing changes, otherwise the characters are squished together. ~Golden
+	switch (option & V_SPACINGMASK)
+	{
+		case V_MONOSPACE:
+			spacewidth = 3;
+			/* FALLTHRU */
+			charwidth = 3;
+			break;
+		case V_6WIDTHSPACE:
+			spacewidth = 2;
+			charwidth = 3;
+			break;
+		default:
+			spacewidth = 3;
+			charwidth = 3;
+			break;
+	}
+	for (;;ch++)
+	{
+		if (!*ch)
+			break;
+		if (*ch & 0x80) //color parsing -x 2.16.09
+		{
+			// manually set flags override color codes
+			if (!(option & V_CHARCOLORMASK))
+				charflags = ((*ch & 0x7f) << V_CHARCOLORSHIFT) & V_CHARCOLORMASK;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (*ch == '\n')
+		{
+			cx = x;
+			if (option & V_RETURN8)
+				cy += 4*dupy;
+			else
+				cy += 6*dupy;
+			continue;
+		}
+		c = *ch;
+		if (!lowercase)
+			c = toupper(c);
+		// character does not exist or is a space
+		if (c < 0 || c >= HU_FONTSIZE || !tny_font[c])
+		{
+			cx += spacewidth * dupx;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (charwidth)
+		{
+			w = charwidth * dupx;
+			center = w/2 - SHORT(tny_font[c]->width)*dupx/4;
+		}
+		else
+			w = SHORT(tny_font[c]->width) * dupx / 2;
+		if (cx > scrwidth)
+			break;
+		if (cx+left + w < 0) //left boundary check
+		{
+			cx += w;
+			continue;
+		}
+		colormap = V_GetStringColormap(charflags);
+		V_DrawFixedPatch((cx + center)<<FRACBITS, cy<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT/2, option, tny_font[c], colormap);
+		cx += w;
+	}
 // Draws a string at a fixed_t location.
 void V_DrawStringAtFixed(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, INT32 option, const char *string)
diff --git a/src/v_video.h b/src/v_video.h
index f89c9f12d..e48511264 100644
--- a/src/v_video.h
+++ b/src/v_video.h
@@ -213,6 +213,9 @@ void V_DrawThinString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string);
 void V_DrawCenteredThinString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string);
 void V_DrawRightAlignedThinString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string);
+// draw a string using the tny_font, 0.5x scale
+void V_DrawSmallThinString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string);
 // draw a string using the hu_font at fixed_t coordinates
 void V_DrawStringAtFixed(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, INT32 option, const char *string);
 void V_DrawCenteredStringAtFixed(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, INT32 option, const char *string);