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synced 2025-03-19 09:21:47 +00:00
Render stats
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 185 additions and 5 deletions
@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ static void D_Display(void)
if (!automapactive && !dedicated && cv_renderview.value)
rs_rendercalltime = I_GetTimeMicros();
if (players[displayplayer].mo || players[displayplayer].playerstate == PST_DEAD)
topleft = screens[0] + viewwindowy*vid.width + viewwindowx;
@ -457,6 +458,7 @@ static void D_Display(void)
if (postimgtype2)
V_DoPostProcessor(1, postimgtype2, postimgparam2);
rs_rendercalltime = I_GetTimeMicros() - rs_rendercalltime;
if (lastdraw)
@ -591,6 +593,77 @@ static void D_Display(void)
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "SysMiss %.2f%%", lostpercent);
if (cv_renderstats.value)
char s[50];
int frametime = I_GetTimeMicros() - rs_prevframetime;
int divisor = 1;
rs_prevframetime = I_GetTimeMicros();
if (rs_rendercalltime > 10000) divisor = 1000;
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "ft %d", frametime / divisor);
V_DrawThinString(30, 10, V_MONOSPACE | V_YELLOWMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "rtot %d", rs_rendercalltime / divisor);
V_DrawThinString(30, 20, V_MONOSPACE | V_YELLOWMAP, s);
if (rendermode == render_opengl)// dont show unimplemented stats
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "bsp %d", rs_bsptime / divisor);
V_DrawThinString(30, 30, V_MONOSPACE | V_YELLOWMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "nsrt %d", rs_nodesorttime / divisor);
V_DrawThinString(30, 40, V_MONOSPACE | V_YELLOWMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "ndrw %d", rs_nodedrawtime / divisor);
V_DrawThinString(30, 50, V_MONOSPACE | V_YELLOWMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "ssrt %d", rs_spritesorttime / divisor);
V_DrawThinString(30, 60, V_MONOSPACE | V_YELLOWMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "sdrw %d", rs_spritedrawtime / divisor);
V_DrawThinString(30, 70, V_MONOSPACE | V_YELLOWMAP, s);
/*snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "post %d", rs_posttime / divisor);
V_DrawThinString(30, 80, V_MONOSPACE | V_YELLOWMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "flip %d", rs_swaptime / divisor);
V_DrawThinString(30, 90, V_MONOSPACE | V_YELLOWMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "test %d", rs_test / divisor);
V_DrawThinString(30, 100, V_MONOSPACE | V_YELLOWMAP, s);*/
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "nbsp %d", rs_numbspcalls);
V_DrawThinString(80, 10, V_MONOSPACE | V_BLUEMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "nnod %d", rs_numdrawnodes);
V_DrawThinString(80, 20, V_MONOSPACE | V_BLUEMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "nspr %d", rs_numsprites);
V_DrawThinString(80, 30, V_MONOSPACE | V_BLUEMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "npob %d", rs_numpolyobjects);
V_DrawThinString(80, 40, V_MONOSPACE | V_BLUEMAP, s);
if (cv_enable_batching.value)
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "bsrt %d", rs_batchsorttime / divisor);
V_DrawThinString(75, 55, V_MONOSPACE | V_REDMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "bdrw %d", rs_batchdrawtime / divisor);
V_DrawThinString(75, 65, V_MONOSPACE | V_REDMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "npol %d", rs_numpolys);
V_DrawThinString(130, 10, V_MONOSPACE | V_PURPLEMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "ndc %d", rs_numcalls);
V_DrawThinString(130, 20, V_MONOSPACE | V_PURPLEMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "nshd %d", rs_numshaders);
V_DrawThinString(130, 30, V_MONOSPACE | V_PURPLEMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "nvrt %d", rs_numverts);
V_DrawThinString(130, 40, V_MONOSPACE | V_PURPLEMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "ntex %d", rs_numtextures);
V_DrawThinString(185, 10, V_MONOSPACE | V_PURPLEMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "npf %d", rs_numpolyflags);
V_DrawThinString(185, 20, V_MONOSPACE | V_PURPLEMAP, s);
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "ncol %d", rs_numcolors);
V_DrawThinString(185, 30, V_MONOSPACE | V_PURPLEMAP, s);
/* else
snprintf(s, sizeof s - 1, "flip %d", rs_swaptime / divisor);
V_DrawThinString(30, 30, V_MONOSPACE | V_YELLOWMAP, s);
I_FinishUpdate(); // page flip or blit buffer
@ -146,6 +146,25 @@ static float gr_fovlud;
static angle_t gr_aimingangle;
static void HWR_SetTransformAiming(FTransform *trans, player_t *player, boolean skybox);
// render stats
int rs_prevframetime = 0;
int rs_rendercalltime = 0;
int rs_bsptime = 0;
int rs_nodetime = 0;
int rs_nodesorttime = 0;
int rs_nodedrawtime = 0;
int rs_spritesorttime = 0;
int rs_spritedrawtime = 0;
int rs_numdrawnodes = 0;
int rs_numbspcalls = 0;
int rs_numsprites = 0;
int rs_numpolyobjects = 0;
//int rs_posttime = 0;
//int rs_swaptime = 0;
// ==========================================================================
// Lighting
// ==========================================================================
@ -3484,6 +3503,9 @@ static void HWR_Subsector(size_t num)
po = (polyobj_t *)(po->link.next);
// for render stats
rs_numpolyobjects += numpolys;
// Sort polyobjects
@ -3598,6 +3620,8 @@ static void HWR_RenderBSPNode(INT32 bspnum)
// Decide which side the view point is on
INT32 side;
// Found a subsector?
if (bspnum & NF_SUBSECTOR)
@ -4772,6 +4796,8 @@ static void HWR_CreateDrawNodes(void)
// If true, swap the draw order.
boolean shift = false;
rs_nodesorttime = I_GetTimeMicros();
for (i = 0; i < numplanes; i++, p++)
@ -4790,6 +4816,8 @@ static void HWR_CreateDrawNodes(void)
sortnode[p].wall = &wallinfo[i];
sortindex[p] = p;
rs_numdrawnodes = p;
// p is the number of stuff to sort
@ -4892,6 +4920,10 @@ static void HWR_CreateDrawNodes(void)
} //i++
} // loop++
rs_nodesorttime = I_GetTimeMicros() - rs_nodesorttime;
rs_nodedrawtime = I_GetTimeMicros();
// Okay! Let's draw it all! Woo!
@ -4926,6 +4958,8 @@ static void HWR_CreateDrawNodes(void)
sortnode[sortindex[i]].wall->lightlevel, sortnode[sortindex[i]].wall->wallcolormap);
rs_nodedrawtime = I_GetTimeMicros() - rs_nodedrawtime;
numwalls = 0;
numplanes = 0;
@ -6002,6 +6036,10 @@ void HWR_RenderPlayerView(INT32 viewnumber, player_t *player)
HWD.pfnSetSpecialState(HWD_SET_SHADERS, cv_grshaders.value);
rs_numbspcalls = 0;
rs_numpolyobjects = 0;
rs_bsptime = I_GetTimeMicros();
@ -6035,6 +6073,8 @@ void HWR_RenderPlayerView(INT32 viewnumber, player_t *player)
rs_bsptime = I_GetTimeMicros() - rs_bsptime;
// Check for new console commands.
@ -6045,14 +6085,22 @@ void HWR_RenderPlayerView(INT32 viewnumber, player_t *player)
// Draw MD2 and sprites
rs_numsprites = gr_visspritecount;
rs_spritesorttime = I_GetTimeMicros();
rs_spritesorttime = I_GetTimeMicros() - rs_spritesorttime;
rs_spritedrawtime = I_GetTimeMicros();
rs_spritedrawtime = I_GetTimeMicros() - rs_spritedrawtime;
//Hurdler: they must be drawn before translucent planes, what about gl fog?
rs_numdrawnodes = 0;
rs_nodesorttime = 0;
rs_nodedrawtime = 0;
if (numplanes || numpolyplanes || numwalls) //Hurdler: render 3D water and transparent walls after everything
@ -6118,6 +6166,11 @@ consvar_t cv_granisotropicmode = {"gr_anisotropicmode", "1", CV_CALL, granisotro
consvar_t cv_grcorrecttricks = {"gr_correcttricks", "Off", 0, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_grsolvetjoin = {"gr_solvetjoin", "On", 0, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
// render stats
// for now have it in here in the hw code
// could have it somewhere else since renderstats could also be a software rendering thing
consvar_t cv_renderstats = {"renderstats", "Off", 0, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
static void CV_grfiltermode_OnChange(void)
if (rendermode == render_opengl)
@ -6155,6 +6208,8 @@ void HWR_AddCommands(void)
#ifndef NEWCLIP
@ -104,4 +104,25 @@ extern float gr_viewwindowx, gr_basewindowcentery;
extern fixed_t *hwbbox;
extern FTransform atransform;
// render stats console toggle
extern consvar_t cv_renderstats;
// render stats time counter variables
extern int rs_prevframetime;// time when previous frame was rendered
extern int rs_rendercalltime;
extern int rs_bsptime;
extern int rs_nodetime;
extern int rs_nodesorttime;
extern int rs_nodedrawtime;
extern int rs_spritesorttime;
extern int rs_spritedrawtime;
//extern int rs_posttime;
//extern int rs_swaptime;
extern int rs_numdrawnodes;
extern int rs_numbspcalls;
extern int rs_numsprites;
extern int rs_numpolyobjects;
@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ UINT32 I_GetFreeMem(UINT32 *total);
tic_t I_GetTime(void);
int I_GetTimeMicros(void);// provides microsecond counter for render stats
/** \brief The I_Sleep function
\return void
@ -2060,9 +2060,12 @@ static p_timeGetTime pfntimeGetTime = NULL;
// but lower precision on Windows NT
// ---------
tic_t I_GetTime(void)
DWORD TimeFunction(boolean microseconds)
tic_t newtics = 0;
DWORD newtics = 0;
int multiplier = 1;
if (microseconds) multiplier = 1000;
if (!starttickcount) // high precision timer
@ -2082,7 +2085,7 @@ tic_t I_GetTime(void)
if (frequency.LowPart && QueryPerformanceCounter(&currtime))
newtics = (INT32)((currtime.QuadPart - basetime.QuadPart) * NEWTICRATE
newtics = (INT32)((currtime.QuadPart - basetime.QuadPart) * 1000 * multiplier
/ frequency.QuadPart);
else if (pfntimeGetTime)
@ -2090,11 +2093,11 @@ tic_t I_GetTime(void)
currtime.LowPart = pfntimeGetTime();
if (!basetime.LowPart)
basetime.LowPart = currtime.LowPart;
newtics = ((currtime.LowPart - basetime.LowPart)/(1000/NEWTICRATE));
newtics = currtime.LowPart - basetime.LowPart;
newtics = (GetTickCount() - starttickcount)/(1000/NEWTICRATE);
newtics = (GetTickCount() - starttickcount) * multiplier;
return newtics;
@ -2116,6 +2119,7 @@ static void I_ShutdownTimer(void)
// I_GetTime
// returns time in 1/TICRATE second tics
tic_t I_GetTime (void)
static Uint64 basetime = 0;
@ -2132,8 +2136,33 @@ tic_t I_GetTime (void)
return (tic_t)ticks;
int TimeFunction(boolean microseconds)// this cant actually do microseconds so it fakes it
static Uint64 basetime = 0;
Uint64 ticks = SDL_GetTicks();
if (!basetime)
basetime = ticks;
ticks -= basetime;
return microseconds ? ticks * 1000 : ticks;
tic_t I_GetTime(void)
//return TimeFunction(false) / (1000/NEWTICRATE);
// how about this
return (TimeFunction(false) * NEWTICRATE) / 1000;
int I_GetTimeMicros(void)
return TimeFunction(true);
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