diff --git a/extras/conf/Includes/Game_SRB222.cfg b/extras/conf/Includes/Game_SRB222.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c4b11e9f..000000000
--- a/extras/conf/Includes/Game_SRB222.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// Default lump name for new map
-defaultlumpname = "MAP01";
-//GZDB specific. Don't try to load lumps that don't exist.
-basegame = 0;
-//Sky textures for vanilla maps
-	SKY1 = "MAP01,MAP02,MAP03,MAP33,MAP50,MAP60,MAPF0,MAPM0";
-	SKY4 = "MAP04,MAP06,MAP61,MAPF6,MAPM1";
-	SKY6 = "MAP05,MAP51,MAPMA";
-	SKY7 = "MAPM2,MAPM5";
-	SKY8 = "MAP07,MAP08,MAP09,MAP52,MAP62,MAPF1";
-	SKY10 = "MAP10,MAP12,MAP53,MAP63,MAPM3";
-	SKY11 = "MAP11,MAPF7";
-	SKY13 = "MAP13,MAP64";
-	SKY14 = "MAP14";
-	SKY15 = "MAP15,MAP54";
-	SKY17 = "MAP70";
-	SKY20 = "MAP32,MAP55,MAP65,MAPF2,MAPF5";
-	SKY21 = "MAPM4";
-	SKY22 = "MAP22,MAP23,MAP25,MAP26,MAP27,MAP56,MAP66,MAPF4,MAPM6";
-	SKY30 = "MAP30";
-	SKY31 = "MAP31";
-	SKY35 = "MAP42";
-	SKY40 = "MAP41,MAP71,MAPM9";
-	SKY55 = "MAPF3,MAPM8";
-	SKY68 = "MAPF8";
-	SKY99 = "MAP57,MAPZ0";
-	SKY159 = "MAP16";
-	SKY172 = "MAP40";
-	SKY300 = "MAP72";
-	SKY301 = "MAP73";
-// Skill levels
-	1 = "Normal";
-// Skins
-	Sonic;
-	Tails;
-	Knuckles;
-	Amy;
-	Fang;
-	Metalsonic;
-// Gametypes
-	-1 = "Single Player";
-	0 = "Co-op";
-	1 = "Competition";
-	2 = "Race";
-	3 = "Match";
-	4 = "Team Match";
-	5 = "Tag";
-	6 = "Hide and Seek";
-	7 = "CTF";
-// Texture loading options
-defaultwalltexture = "GFZROCK";
-defaultfloortexture = "GFZFLR01";
-defaultceilingtexture = "F_SKY1";
-// Default texture sets
-// (these are not required, but useful for new users)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extras/conf/Includes/SRB222_common.cfg b/extras/conf/Includes/SRB222_common.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index a832e6cef..000000000
--- a/extras/conf/Includes/SRB222_common.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-	// Some common settings
-	// Default testing parameters
-	testparameters = "-file \"%AP\" \"%F\" -warp %L";
-	testshortpaths = true;
-	// Action special help (mxd)
-	actionspecialhelp = "https://wiki.srb2.org/wiki/Linedef_type_%K";
-	// Default nodebuilder configurations
-	defaultsavecompiler = "zennode_normal";
-	defaulttestcompiler = "zennode_fast";
-	// Generalized actions
-	generalizedlinedefs = false;
-	generalizedsectors = true;
-	mixtexturesflats = true;
-	defaulttexturescale = 1.0f;
-	defaultflatscale = 1.0f;
-	scaledtextureoffsets = true;
-	// Thing number for start position in 3D Mode
-	start3dmode = 3328;
-	// Texture sources
-	textures
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "textures");
-	}
-	// Patch sources
-	patches
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "patches");
-	}
-	// Sprite sources
-	sprites
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "sprites");
-	}
-	// Flat sources
-	flats
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "flats");
-	}
-	// The format interface handles the map data format - DoomMapSetIO for SRB2DB2, SRB2MapSetIO for Zone Builder
-	formatinterface = "SRB2MapSetIO";
-	/*
-	Used to guess the game for which a WAD file is made.
-	1 = One of these lumps must exist
-	2 = None of these lumps must exist
-	3 = All of these lumps must exist
-	*/
-	gamedetect
-	{
-		EXTENDED = 2;
-		BEHAVIOR = 2;
-		E#M# = 2;
-		MAP?? = 1;
-	}
-	/*
-	Map lumps are loaded with the map as long as they are right after each other. When the editor
-	meets a lump which is not defined in this list it will ignore the map if not satisfied.
-	The order of items defines the order in which lumps will be written to WAD file on save.
-	To indicate the map header lump, use ~MAP
-	Legenda:
-	required = Lump is required to exist.
-	blindcopy = Lump will be copied along with the map blindly. (usefull for lumps Doom Builder doesn't use)
-	nodebuild = The nodebuilder generates this lump.
-	allowempty = The nodebuilder is allowed to leave this lump empty.
-	script = This lump is a text-based script. Specify the filename of the script configuration to use.
-	*/
-	maplumpnames
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "doommaplumpnames");
-	}
-	// When this is set to true, sectors with the same tag will light up when a line is highlighted
-	linetagindicatesectors = true;
-	// Special linedefs
-	include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "speciallinedefs");
-	// Default flags for first new thing (As far as 2.2 goes, they're empty just like in 2.1)
-	defaultthingflags
-	{
-	}
-	sectorbrightness
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "sectorbrightness");
-	}
-	// SECTOR TYPES-----------------------------------------------------------------
-	sectortypes
-	{
-		include("SRB222_sectors.cfg", "sectortypes");
-	}
-	// GENERALISED SECTOR TYPES-----------------------------------------------------------------
-	gen_sectortypes
-	{
-		include("SRB222_sectors.cfg", "gen_sectortypes");
-	}
-	linedefflags
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "linedefflags");
-	}
-	// Linedef flags UDMF translation table
-	// This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly
-	// When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted
-	linedefflagstranslation
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "linedefflagstranslation");
-	}
-	linedefactivations
-	{
-	}
-	linedeftypes
-	{
-		include("SRB222_linedefs.cfg", "doom");
-	}
-	thingflags
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "thingflags");
-	}
-	// Thing flags UDMF translation table
-	// This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly
-	// When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted
-	thingflagstranslation
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "thingflagstranslation");
-	}
-	// Mask for the thing flags which indicates the options
-	// that make the same thing appear in the same modes
-	thingflagsmask1 = 7;	// 1 + 2 + 4
-	thingflagsmask2 = 0;
-	// The format interface handles the map data format
-	formatinterface = "UniversalMapSetIO";
-	// Enables support for long (> 8 chars) texture names
-	// WARNING: this should only be enabled for UDMF game configurations!
-	// WARNING: enabling this will make maps incompatible with Doom Builder 2 and can lead to problems in Slade 3!
-	longtexturenames = false;
-	// Default nodebuilder configurations
-	defaultsavecompiler = "zdbsp_udmf_normal";
-	defaulttestcompiler = "zdbsp_udmf_fast";
-	engine = "srb2"; // override that so that DB2 uses the correct namespace
-	maplumpnames
-	{
-		include("UDMF_misc.cfg", "udmfmaplumpnames_begin");
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "udmfmaplumpnames");
-		include("UDMF_misc.cfg", "udmfmaplumpnames_end");
-	}
-	universalfields
-	{
-//		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "universalfields");
-	}
-	// When this is set to true, sectors with the same tag will light up when a line is highlighted
-	linetagindicatesectors = false;
-	// Special linedefs
-	include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "speciallinedefs_udmf");
-	// Default flags for first new thing (As far as 2.2 goes, they're empty just like in 2.1)
-	defaultthingflags
-	{
-	}
-	// Generalized actions
-	generalizedlinedefs = false;
-	sectorflags
-	{
-//		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "sectorflags");
-	}
-	sectorbrightness
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "sectorbrightness");
-	}
-	sectortypes
-	{
-		include("SRB222_sectors.cfg", "sectortypes");
-	}
-/*	sectorrenderstyles
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "sectorrenderstyles");
-	}*/
-	linedefflags
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "linedefflags_udmf");
-	}
-	linedefactivations
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "linedefactivations_udmf");
-	}
-	linedefflagstranslation
-	{
-	}
-	linedefrenderstyles
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "linedefrenderstyles");
-	}
-/*	sidedefflags
-	{
-		include("UDMF_misc.cfg", "sidedefflags");
-	}*/
-	thingflags
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "thingflags_udmf");
-	}
-	// Thing flags UDMF translation table
-	// This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly
-	// When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted
-	thingflagstranslation
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "thingflagstranslation");
-	}
-/*	thingrenderstyles
-	{
-		include("SRB222_misc.cfg", "thingrenderstyles");
-	}*/
-	// How to compare thing flags (for the stuck things error checker)
-/*	thingflagscompare
-	{
-		include("UDMF_misc.cfg", "thingflagscompare");
-	}*/
-	//mxd. Thing flags UDMF translation table
-	// This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly
-	// When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted
-	thingflagstranslation
-	{
-	}
-	linedeftypes
-	{
-		include("SRB222_linedefs.cfg", "udmf");
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extras/conf/Includes/SRB222_linedefs.cfg b/extras/conf/Includes/SRB222_linedefs.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index fdf191850..000000000
--- a/extras/conf/Includes/SRB222_linedefs.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2486 +0,0 @@
-	misc
-	{
-		title = "Miscellaneous";
-		0
-		{
-			title = "None";
-			prefix = "(0)";
-		}
-		1
-		{
-			title = "Per-Sector Gravity";
-			prefix = "(1)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Flip in reverse gravity";
-		}
-		5
-		{
-			title = "Camera Scanner";
-			prefix = "(5)";
-		}
-		7
-		{
-			title = "Sector Flat Alignment";
-			prefix = "(7)";
-			flags2048text = "[11] Don't align floor";
-			flags4096text = "[12] Don't align ceiling";
-			flags8192text = "[13] Use texture offsets";
-		}
-		10
-		{
-			title = "Culling Plane";
-			prefix = "(10)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Cull only while in sector";
-		}
-		13
-		{
-			title = "Heat Wave Effect";
-			prefix = "(13)";
-		}
-	    40
-		{
-			title = "Visual Portal Between Tagged Linedefs";
-			prefix = "(40)";
-		}
-	    41
-		{
-			title = "Horizon Effect";
-			prefix = "(41)";
-		}
-		50
-		{
-			title = "Instantly Lower Floor on Level Load";
-			prefix = "(50)";
-		}
-		51
-		{
-			title = "Instantly Raise Ceiling on Level Load";
-			prefix = "(51)";
-		}
-		63
-		{
-			title = "Fake Floor/Ceiling Planes";
-			prefix = "(63)";
-		}
-		540
-		{
-			title = "Floor Friction";
-			prefix = "(540)";
-		}
-	}
-	parameters
-	{
-		title = "Parameters";
-		2
-		{
-			title = "Custom Exit";
-			prefix = "(2)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Check emeralds";
-			flags64text = "[6] Skip score tally";
-		}
-		3
-		{
-			title = "Zoom Tube Parameters";
-			prefix = "(3)";
-			flags512text = "[9] Ignore player direction";
-		}
-		4
-		{
-			title = "Speed Pad Parameters";
-			prefix = "(4)";
-			flags512text = "[9] No teleport to center";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Force spinning frames";
-		}
-		8
-		{
-			title = "Special Sector Properties";
-			prefix = "(8)";
-			flags32text = "[5] Invert precipitation";
-			flags64text = "[6] Touch only ceiling";
-			flags128text = "[7] Allow opposite gravity";
-			flags256text = "[8] Touch sector edge";
-			flags512text = "[9] Touch floor or ceiling";
-		}
-		9
-		{
-			title = "Chain Parameters";
-			prefix = "(9)";
-			flags32text = "[5] Swing instead of spin";
-			flags64text = "[6] Player-turnable chain";
-			flags128text = "[7] Make chain from end item";
-			flags256text = "[8] Spawn link at origin";
-			flags512text = "[9] Don't clip inside ground";
-			flags1024text = "[10] No distance check";
-		}
-		11
-		{
-			title = "Rope Hang Parameters";
-			prefix = "(11)";
-			flags32text = "[5] Don't loop";
-			flags64text = "[6] Static";
-		}
-		12
-		{
-			title = "Rock Spawner Parameters";
-			prefix = "(12)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Randomize speed";
-		}
-		14
-		{
-			title = "Bustable Block Parameters";
-			prefix = "(14)";
-			flags32text = "[5] Particles launch from center";
-		}
-		15
-		{
-			title = "Fan Particle Spawner Parameters";
-			prefix = "(15)";
-		}
-		16
-		{
-			title = "Minecart Parameters";
-			prefix = "(16)";
-		}
-		64
-		{
-			title = "Continuously Appearing/Disappearing FOF";
-			prefix = "(64)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Use control sector tag";
-			flags64text = "[6] No sound effect";
-		}
-		65
-		{
-			title = "Bridge Thinker <disabled>";
-			prefix = "(65)";
-		}
-	}
-	polyobject
-	{
-		title = "PolyObject";
-		20
-		{
-			title = "First Line";
-			prefix = "(20)";
-		}
-		21
-		{
-			title = "Explicitly Include Line <disabled>";
-			prefix = "(21)";
-		}
-		22
-		{
-			title = "Parameters";
-			prefix = "(22)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Trigger linedef executor";
-			flags128text = "[7] Intangible";
-			flags256text = "[8] Stopped by pushables";
-			flags512text = "[9] Render flats";
-		}
-		30
-		{
-			title = "Waving Flag";
-			prefix = "(30)";
-		}
-		31
-		{
-			title = "Displacement by Front Sector";
-			prefix = "(31)";
-		}
-		32
-		{
-			title = "Angular Displacement by Front Sector";
-			prefix = "(32)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Don't turn players";
-			flags512text = "[9] Turn all objects";
-		}
-	}
-	planemove
-	{
-		title = "Plane Movement";
-		52
-		{
-			title = "Continuously Falling Sector";
-			prefix = "(52)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Continuously rising";
-		}
-		53
-		{
-			title = "Continuous Floor/Ceiling Mover";
-			prefix = "(53)";
-		}
-		54
-		{
-			title = "Continuous Floor Mover";
-			prefix = "(54)";
-		}
-		55
-		{
-			title = "Continuous Ceiling Mover";
-			prefix = "(55)";
-		}
-		56
-		{
-			title = "Continuous Two-Speed Floor/Ceiling Mover";
-			prefix = "(56)";
-		}
-		57
-		{
-			title = "Continuous Two-Speed Floor Mover";
-			prefix = "(57)";
-		}
-		58
-		{
-			title = "Continuous Two-Speed Ceiling Mover";
-			prefix = "(58)";
-		}
-		59
-		{
-			title = "Activate Moving Platform";
-			prefix = "(59)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Move upwards at start";
-		}
-		60
-		{
-			title = "Activate Moving Platform (Adjustable Speed)";
-			prefix = "(60)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Move upwards at start";
-		}
-		61
-		{
-			title = "Crusher (Ceiling to Floor)";
-			prefix = "(61)";
-			flags512text = "[9] Double, constant speed";
-		}
-		62
-		{
-			title = "Crusher (Floor to Ceiling)";
-			prefix = "(62)";
-			flags512text = "[9] Double, constant speed";
-		}
-		66
-		{
-			title = "Move Floor by Displacement";
-			prefix = "(66)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Inverse movement";
-		}
-		67
-		{
-			title = "Move Ceiling by Displacement";
-			prefix = "(67)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Inverse movement";
-		}
-		68
-		{
-			title = "Move Floor and Ceiling by Displacement";
-			prefix = "(68)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Inverse movement";
-		}
-	}
-	fofsolid
-	{
-		title = "FOF (solid)";
-		100
-		{
-			title = "Solid, Opaque";
-			prefix = "(100)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "19F";
-		}
-		101
-		{
-			title = "Solid, Opaque, No Shadow";
-			prefix = "(101)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "1DF";
-		}
-		102
-		{
-			title = "Solid, Translucent";
-			prefix = "(102)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Render insides";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "195F";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "7C80";
-		}
-		103
-		{
-			title = "Solid, Sides Only";
-			prefix = "(103)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "1CF";
-		}
-		104
-		{
-			title = "Solid, No Sides";
-			prefix = "(104)";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Cast shadow";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "1D7";
-			flags643dfloorflagsremove = "40";
-		}
-		105
-		{
-			title = "Solid, Invisible";
-			prefix = "(105)";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "47";
-		}
-		140
-		{
-			title = "Intangible from Bottom, Opaque";
-			prefix = "(140)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Don't cast shadow";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "200841F";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "40";
-		}
-		141
-		{
-			title = "Intangible from Bottom, Translucent";
-			prefix = "(141)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Don't cast shadow";
-			flags128text = "[7] Render insides/block non-plr";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "200191F";
-			flags1283dfloorflagsadd = "7C80";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "40";
-		}
-		142
-		{
-			title = "Intangible from Bottom, Translucent, No Sides";
-			prefix = "(142)";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Don't cast shadow";
-			flags128text = "[7] Render insides/block non-plr";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "2001917";
-			flags1283dfloorflagsadd = "7C80";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "40";
-		}
-		143
-		{
-			title = "Intangible from Top, Opaque";
-			prefix = "(143)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Don't cast shadow";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "400841F";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "40";
-		}
-		144
-		{
-			title = "Intangible from Top, Translucent";
-			prefix = "(144)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Don't cast shadow";
-			flags128text = "[7] Render insides/block non-plr";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "400191F";
-			flags1283dfloorflagsadd = "7C80";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "40";
-		}
-		145
-		{
-			title = "Intangible from Top, Translucent, No Sides";
-			prefix = "(145)";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Don't cast shadow";
-			flags128text = "[7] Render insides/block non-plr";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "4001917";
-			flags1283dfloorflagsadd = "7C80";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "40";
-		}
-		146
-		{
-			title = "Only Tangible from Sides";
-			prefix = "(146)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "600800F";
-		}
-	}
-	fofintangible
-	{
-		title = "FOF (intangible)";
-		120
-		{
-			title = "Water, Opaque";
-			prefix = "(120)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Use two light levels";
-			flags512text = "[9] Use target light level";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Ripple effect";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "8F39";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "20000";
-			flags5123dfloorflagsadd = "80000000";
-			flags10243dfloorflagsadd = "40000000";
-		}
-		121
-		{
-			title = "Water, Translucent";
-			prefix = "(121)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Use two light levels";
-			flags512text = "[9] Use target light level";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Ripple effect";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "9F39";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "20000";
-			flags5123dfloorflagsadd = "80000000";
-			flags10243dfloorflagsadd = "40000000";
-		}
-		122
-		{
-			title = "Water, Opaque, No Sides";
-			prefix = "(122)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Use two light levels";
-			flags512text = "[9] Use target light level";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Ripple effect";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "F31";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "20000";
-			flags5123dfloorflagsadd = "80000000";
-			flags10243dfloorflagsadd = "40000000";
-		}
-		123
-		{
-			title = "Water, Translucent, No Sides";
-			prefix = "(123)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Use two light levels";
-			flags512text = "[9] Use target light level";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Ripple effect";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "1F31";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "20000";
-			flags5123dfloorflagsadd = "80000000";
-			flags10243dfloorflagsadd = "40000000";
-		}
-		124
-		{
-			title = "Goo Water, Translucent";
-			prefix = "(124)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Use two light levels";
-			flags512text = "[9] Use target light level";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Ripple effect";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "209F39";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "20000";
-			flags5123dfloorflagsadd = "80000000";
-			flags10243dfloorflagsadd = "40000000";
-		}
-		125
-		{
-			title = "Goo Water, Translucent, No Sides";
-			prefix = "(125)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Use two light levels";
-			flags512text = "[9] Use target light level";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Ripple effect";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "201F31";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "20000";
-			flags5123dfloorflagsadd = "80000000";
-			flags10243dfloorflagsadd = "40000000";
-		}
-		220
-		{
-			title = "Intangible, Opaque";
-			prefix = "(220)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "8F19";
-		}
-		221
-		{
-			title = "Intangible, Translucent";
-			prefix = "(221)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Cast shadow";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "1B59";
-			flags643dfloorflagsremove = "40";
-		}
-		222
-		{
-			title = "Intangible, Sides Only";
-			prefix = "(222)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Cast shadow";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "8249";
-			flags643dfloorflagsremove = "240";
-		}
-		223
-		{
-			title = "Intangible, Invisible";
-			prefix = "(223)";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "41";
-		}
-	}
-	fofmoving
-	{
-		title = "FOF (moving)";
-		150
-		{
-			title = "Air Bobbing";
-			prefix = "(150)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Spindash to move";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "19F";
-		}
-		151
-		{
-			title = "Air Bobbing (Adjustable)";
-			prefix = "(151)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Spindash to move";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "19F";
-		}
-		152
-		{
-			title = "Reverse Air Bobbing (Adjustable)";
-			prefix = "(152)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Spindash to move";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "19F";
-		}
-		160
-		{
-			title = "Floating, Bobbing";
-			prefix = "(160)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "4019F";
-		}
-		190
-		{
-			title = "Rising Platform, Solid, Opaque";
-			prefix = "(190)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Sink when stepped on";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Spindash to move";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "19F";
-		}
-		191
-		{
-			title = "Rising Platform, Solid, Opaque, No Shadow";
-			prefix = "(191)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Sink when stepped on";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Spindash to move";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "1DF";
-		}
-		192
-		{
-			title = "Rising Platform, Solid, Translucent";
-			prefix = "(192)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Sink when stepped on";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Spindash to move";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "195F";
-		}
-		193
-		{
-			title = "Rising Platform, Solid, Invisible";
-			prefix = "(193)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Sink when stepped on";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Spindash to move";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "47";
-		}
-		194
-		{
-			title = "Rising Platform, Intangible from Bottom, Opaque";
-			prefix = "(194)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Sink when stepped on";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Spindash, no shadow";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "200841F";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "40";
-		}
-		195
-		{
-			title = "Rising Platform, Intangible from Bottom, Translucent";
-			prefix = "(195)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Sink when stepped on";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Spindash, no shadow";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "2009D1F";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "40";
-		}
-	}
-	fofcrumbling
-	{
-		title = "FOF (crumbling)";
-		170
-		{
-			title = "Crumbling, Respawn";
-			prefix = "(170)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "10019F";
-		}
-		171
-		{
-			title = "Crumbling, No Respawn";
-			prefix = "(171)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "80019F";
-		}
-		172
-		{
-			title = "Crumbling, Respawn, Intangible from Bottom";
-			prefix = "(172)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Don't cast shadow";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "210841F";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "40";
-		}
-		173
-		{
-			title = "Crumbling, No Respawn, Intangible from Bottom";
-			prefix = "(173)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Don't cast shadow";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "218841F";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "40";
-		}
-		174
-		{
-			title = "Crumbling, Respawn, Int. from Bottom, Translucent";
-			prefix = "(174)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Don't cast shadow";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "210959F";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "40";
-		}
-		175
-		{
-			title = "Crumbling, No Respawn, Int. from Bottom, Translucent";
-			prefix = "(175)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Don't cast shadow";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "218959F";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "40";
-		}
-		176
-		{
-			title = "Crumbling, Respawn, Floating, Bobbing";
-			prefix = "(176)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Spindash to move";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "14019F";
-		}
-		177
-		{
-			title = "Crumbling, No Respawn, Floating, Bobbing";
-			prefix = "(177)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Spindash to move";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "1C019F";
-		}
-		178
-		{
-			title = "Crumbling, Respawn, Floating";
-			prefix = "(178)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "14019F";
-		}
-		179
-		{
-			title = "Crumbling, No Respawn, Floating";
-			prefix = "(179)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "1C019F";
-		}
-		180
-		{
-			title = "Crumbling, Respawn, Air Bobbing";
-			prefix = "(180)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags64text = "[6] Spindash to move";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "10019F";
-		}
-	}
-	fofspecial
-	{
-		title = "FOF (special)";
-		200
-		{
-			title = "Light Block";
-			prefix = "(200)";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "20201";
-		}
-		201
-		{
-			title = "Half Light Block";
-			prefix = "(201)";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "201";
-		}
-		202
-		{
-			title = "Fog Block";
-			prefix = "(202)";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "3EF19";
-		}
-		250
-		{
-			title = "Mario Block";
-			prefix = "(250)";
-			flags32text = "[5] Invisible block";
-			flags64text = "[6] Brick block";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "40019F";
-		}
-		251
-		{
-			title = "Thwomp Block";
-			prefix = "(251)";
-			flags512text = "[9] Custom crushing sound";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Custom speed";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "19F";
-		}
-		252
-		{
-			title = "Shatter Block";
-			prefix = "(252)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Shatter only from below";
-			flags512text = "[9] Shattered by pushables";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Trigger linedef executor";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "8800019";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "200006";
-		}
-		253
-		{
-			title = "Shatter Block, Translucent";
-			prefix = "(253)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags512text = "[9] Shattered by pushables";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Trigger linedef executor";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "8801019";
-		}
-		254
-		{
-			title = "Bustable Block";
-			prefix = "(254)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Strong characters only";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			flags512text = "[9] Shattered by pushables";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Trigger linedef executor";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "80001F";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "20000000";
-		}
-		255
-		{
-			title = "Spin-Bustable Block";
-			prefix = "(255)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			flags512text = "[9] Shattered by pushables";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Trigger linedef executor";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "1080001F";
-		}
-		256
-		{
-			title = "Spin-Bustable Block, Translucent";
-			prefix = "(256)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			flags512text = "[9] Shattered by pushables";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Trigger linedef executor";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "1080101F";
-		}
-		257
-		{
-			title = "Quicksand";
-			prefix = "(257)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Ripple effect";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "1008219";
-			flags10243dfloorflagsadd = "40000000";
-		}
-		258
-		{
-			title = "Laser";
-			prefix = "(258)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
-			flags32text = "[5] Don't damage bosses";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "959";
-		}
-		259
-		{
-			title = "Custom FOF";
-			prefix = "(259)";
-			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
-			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
-			flags512text = "[9] Shattered by pushables";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Trigger linedef executor";
-			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorcustom = true;
-		}
-	}
-	linedeftrigger
-	{
-		title = "Linedef Executor Trigger";
-		300
-		{
-			title = "Continuous";
-			prefix = "(300)";
-		}
-		301
-		{
-			title = "Each Time";
-			prefix = "(301)";
-			flags16384text = "[14] Also trigger on exit";
-		}
-		302
-		{
-			title = "Once";
-			prefix = "(302)";
-		}
-		303
-		{
-			title = "Ring Count - Continuous";
-			prefix = "(303)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Rings greater or equal";
-			flags64text = "[6] Rings less or equal";
-			flags512text = "[9] Consider all players";
-		}
-		304
-		{
-			title = "Ring Count - Once";
-			prefix = "(304)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Rings greater or equal";
-			flags64text = "[6] Rings less or equal";
-			flags512text = "[9] Consider all players";
-		}
-		305
-		{
-			title = "Character Ability - Continuous";
-			prefix = "(305)";
-		}
-		306
-		{
-			title = "Character Ability - Each Time";
-			prefix = "(306)";
-			flags16384text = "[14] Also trigger on exit";
-		}
-		307
-		{
-			title = "Character Ability - Once";
-			prefix = "(307)";
-		}
-		308
-		{
-			title = "Race Only - Once";
-			prefix = "(308)";
-		}
-		309
-		{
-			title = "CTF Red Team - Continuous";
-			prefix = "(309)";
-		}
-		310
-		{
-			title = "CTF Red Team - Each Time";
-			prefix = "(310)";
-			flags16384text = "[14] Also trigger on exit";
-		}
-		311
-		{
-			title = "CTF Blue Team - Continuous";
-			prefix = "(311)";
-		}
-		312
-		{
-			title = "CTF Blue Team - Each Time";
-			prefix = "(312)";
-			flags16384text = "[14] Also trigger on exit";
-		}
-		313
-		{
-			title = "No More Enemies - Once";
-			prefix = "(313)";
-		}
-		314
-		{
-			title = "Number of Pushables - Continuous";
-			prefix = "(314)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Number greater or equal";
-			flags512text = "[9] Number less";
-		}
-		315
-		{
-			title = "Number of Pushables - Once";
-			prefix = "(315)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Number greater or equal";
-			flags512text = "[9] Number less";
-		}
-		317
-		{
-			title = "Condition Set Trigger - Continuous";
-			prefix = "(317)";
-		}
-		318
-		{
-			title = "Condition Set Trigger - Once";
-			prefix = "(318)";
-		}
-		319
-		{
-			title = "Unlockable - Continuous";
-			prefix = "(319)";
-		}
-		320
-		{
-			title = "Unlockable - Once";
-			prefix = "(320)";
-		}
-		321
-		{
-			title = "Trigger After X Calls - Continuous";
-			prefix = "(321)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Trigger more than once";
-		}
-		322
-		{
-			title = "Trigger After X Calls - Each Time";
-			prefix = "(322)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Trigger more than once";
-		}
-		323
-		{
-			title = "NiGHTSerize - Each Time";
-			prefix = "(323)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Mare >= Front X Offset";
-			flags8text = "[3] Run only if player is NiGHTS";
-			flags16text = "[4] Count from lowest of players";
-			flags32text = "[5] Lap <= Front Y Offset";
-			flags64text = "[6] Mare <= Front X Offset";
-			flags128text = "[7] Lap >= Front Y Offset";
-			flags256text = "[8] Count laps from Bonus Time";
-			flags512text = "[9] Count from triggering player";
-			flags16384text = "[14] Run if no more mares";
-			flags32768text = "[15] Run if player is not NiGHTS";
-		}
-		324
-		{
-			title = "NiGHTSerize - Once";
-			flags2text = "[1] Mare >= Front X Offset";
-			flags8text = "[3] Run only if player is NiGHTS";
-			flags16text = "[4] Count from lowest of players";
-			flags32text = "[5] Lap <= Front Y Offset";
-			flags64text = "[6] Mare <= Front X Offset";
-			flags128text = "[7] Lap >= Front Y Offset";
-			flags256text = "[8] Count laps from Bonus Time";
-			flags512text = "[9] Count from triggering player";
-			flags16384text = "[14] Run if no more mares";
-			flags32768text = "[15] Run if player is not NiGHTS";
-			prefix = "(324)";
-		}
-		325
-		{
-			title = "De-NiGHTSerize - Each Time";
-			flags2text = "[1] Mare >= Front X Offset";
-			flags8text = "[3] Run if anyone is NiGHTS";
-			flags16text = "[4] Count from lowest of players";
-			flags32text = "[5] Lap <= Front Y Offset";
-			flags64text = "[6] Mare <= Front X Offset";
-			flags128text = "[7] Lap >= Front Y Offset";
-			flags256text = "[8] Count laps from Bonus Time";
-			flags512text = "[9] Count from triggering player";
-			flags32768text = "[15] Run if no one is NiGHTS";
-			prefix = "(325)";
-		}
-		326
-		{
-			title = "De-NiGHTSerize - Once";
-			flags2text = "[1] Mare >= Front X Offset";
-			flags8text = "[3] Run if anyone is NiGHTS";
-			flags16text = "[4] Count from lowest of players";
-			flags32text = "[5] Lap <= Front Y Offset";
-			flags64text = "[6] Mare <= Front X Offset";
-			flags128text = "[7] Lap >= Front Y Offset";
-			flags256text = "[8] Count laps from Bonus Time";
-			flags512text = "[9] Count from triggering player";
-			flags32768text = "[15] Run if no one is NiGHTS";
-			prefix = "(326)";
-		}
-		327
-		{
-			title = "NiGHTS Lap - Each Time";
-			flags2text = "[1] Mare >= Front X Offset";
-			flags16text = "[4] Count from lowest of players";
-			flags32text = "[5] Lap <= Front Y Offset";
-			flags64text = "[6] Mare <= Front X Offset";
-			flags128text = "[7] Lap >= Front Y Offset";
-			flags256text = "[8] Count laps from Bonus Time";
-			flags512text = "[9] Count from triggering player";
-			prefix = "(327)";
-		}
-		328
-		{
-			title = "NiGHTS Lap - Once";
-			flags2text = "[1] Mare >= Front X Offset";
-			flags16text = "[4] Count from lowest of players";
-			flags32text = "[5] Lap <= Front Y Offset";
-			flags64text = "[6] Mare <= Front X Offset";
-			flags128text = "[7] Lap >= Front Y Offset";
-			flags256text = "[8] Count laps from Bonus Time";
-			flags512text = "[9] Count from triggering player";
-			prefix = "(328)";
-		}
-		329
-		{
-			title = "Ideya Capture Touch - Each Time";
-			flags2text = "[1] Mare >= Front X Offset";
-			flags8text = "[3] Run regardless of spheres";
-			flags16text = "[4] Count from lowest of players";
-			flags32text = "[5] Lap <= Front Y Offset";
-			flags64text = "[6] Mare <= Front X Offset";
-			flags128text = "[7] Lap >= Front Y Offset";
-			flags256text = "[8] Count laps from Bonus Time";
-			flags512text = "[9] Count from triggering player";
-			flags16384text = "[14] Only if not enough spheres";
-			flags32768text = "[15] Run when entering Capture";
-			prefix = "(329)";
-		}
-		330
-		{
-			title = "Ideya Capture Touch - Once";
-			flags2text = "[1] Mare >= Front X Offset";
-			flags8text = "[3] Run regardless of spheres";
-			flags16text = "[4] Count from lowest of players";
-			flags32text = "[5] Lap <= Front Y Offset";
-			flags64text = "[6] Mare <= Front X Offset";
-			flags128text = "[7] Lap >= Front Y Offset";
-			flags256text = "[8] Count laps from Bonus Time";
-			flags512text = "[9] Count from triggering player";
-			flags16384text = "[14] Only if not enough spheres";
-			flags32768text = "[15] Run when entering Capture";
-			prefix = "(330)";
-		}
-		331
-		{
-			title = "Player Skin - Continuous";
-			flags64text = "[6] Disable for this skin";
-			prefix = "(331)";
-		}
-		332
-		{
-			title = "Player Skin - Each Time";
-			flags64text = "[6] Disable for this skin";
-			prefix = "(332)";
-		}
-		333
-		{
-			title = "Player Skin - Once";
-			flags64text = "[6] Disable for this skin";
-			prefix = "(333)";
-		}
-		399
-		{
-			title = "Level Load";
-			prefix = "(399)";
-		}
-	}
-	linedefexecsector
-	{
-		title = "Linedef Executor (sector)";
-		400
-		{
-			title = "Set Tagged Sector's Floor Height/Texture";
-			prefix = "(400)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Keep floor flat";
-		}
-		401
-		{
-			title = "Set Tagged Sector's Ceiling Height/Texture";
-			prefix = "(401)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		402
-		{
-			title = "Set Tagged Sector's Light Level";
-			prefix = "(402)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		409
-		{
-			title = "Change Tagged Sector's Tag";
-			prefix = "(409)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		410
-		{
-			title = "Change Front Sector's Tag";
-			prefix = "(410)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		416
-		{
-			title = "Start Adjustable Flickering Light";
-			prefix = "(416)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Second level from back";
-		}
-		417
-		{
-			title = "Start Adjustable Pulsating Light";
-			prefix = "(417)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Second level from back";
-		}
-		418
-		{
-			title = "Start Adjustable Blinking Light (unsynchronized)";
-			prefix = "(418)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Second level from back";
-		}
-		419
-		{
-			title = "Start Adjustable Blinking Light (synchronized)";
-			prefix = "(419)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Second level from back";
-		}
-		420
-		{
-			title = "Fade Light Level";
-			prefix = "(420)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags16text = "[4] Set params by X/Y offsets";
-			flags512text = "[9] Speed = Tic Duration";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Override existing fade";
-		}
-		421
-		{
-			title = "Stop Lighting Effect";
-			prefix = "(421)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		435
-		{
-			title = "Change Plane Scroller Direction";
-			prefix = "(435)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-	}
-	linedefexecplane
-	{
-		title = "Linedef Executor (plane movement)";
-		403
-		{
-			title = "Move Tagged Sector's Floor";
-			prefix = "(403)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Trigger linedef executor";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Change floor flat";
-		}
-		404
-		{
-			title = "Move Tagged Sector's Ceiling";
-			prefix = "(404)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Trigger linedef executor";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Change ceiling flat";
-		}
-		405
-		{
-			title = "Move Floor According to Front Texture Offsets";
-			prefix = "(405)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Move instantly";
-		}
-		407
-		{
-			title = "Move Ceiling According to Front Texture Offsets";
-			prefix = "(407)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Move instantly";
-		}
-		411
-		{
-			title = "Stop Plane Movement";
-			prefix = "(411)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		428
-		{
-			title = "Start Platform Movement";
-			prefix = "(428)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Move upwards at start";
-		}
-		429
-		{
-			title = "Crush Ceiling Once";
-			prefix = "(429)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags512text = "[9] Double, constant speed";
-		}
-		430
-		{
-			title = "Crush Floor Once";
-			prefix = "(430)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		431
-		{
-			title = "Crush Floor and Ceiling Once";
-			prefix = "(431)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags512text = "[9] Double, constant speed";
-		}
-	}
-	linedefexecplayer
-	{
-		title = "Linedef Executor (player/object)";
-		412
-		{
-			title = "Teleporter";
-			prefix = "(412)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Silent";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Retain angle";
-			flags256text = "[8] Relative, silent";
-			flags512text = "[9] Retain momentum";
-		}
-		425
-		{
-			title = "Change Object State";
-			prefix = "(425)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		426
-		{
-			title = "Stop Object";
-			prefix = "(426)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Teleport to sector center";
-		}
-		427
-		{
-			title = "Award Score";
-			prefix = "(427)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		432
-		{
-			title = "Enable/Disable 2D Mode";
-			prefix = "(432)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Return to 3D";
-		}
-		433
-		{
-			title = "Enable/Disable Gravity Flip";
-			prefix = "(433)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Return to normal";
-		}
-		434
-		{
-			title = "Award Power-Up";
-			prefix = "(434)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Use back upper texture";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] No time limit";
-		}
-		437
-		{
-			title = "Disable Player Control";
-			prefix = "(437)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Allow jumping";
-		}
-		438
-		{
-			title = "Change Object Size";
-			prefix = "(438)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		442
-		{
-			title = "Change Object Type State";
-			prefix = "(442)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		457
-		{
-			title = "Track Object's Angle";
-			prefix = "(457)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags128text = "[7] Don't stop after first fail";
-		}
-		458
-		{
-			title = "Stop Tracking Object's Angle";
-			prefix = "(458)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		460
-		{
-			title = "Award Rings";
-			prefix = "(460)";
-		}
-		461
-		{
-			title = "Spawn Object";
-			prefix = "(461)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Spawn inside a range";
-		}
-		462
-		{
-			title = "Stop Timer/Exit Stage in Record Attack";
-			prefix = "(462)";
-		}
-	}
-	linedefexecmisc
-	{
-		title = "Linedef Executor (misc.)";
-		413
-		{
-			title = "Change Music";
-			prefix = "(413)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Keep after death";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags32text = "[5] Seek to current song position";
-			flags64text = "[6] For everyone";
-			flags128text = "[7] Fade to custom volume";
-			flags512text = "[9] Don't loop";
-			flags16384text = "[14] Force music reload";
-		}
-		414
-		{
-			title = "Play Sound Effect";
-			prefix = "(414)";
-			flags2text = "[1] From calling sector";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] From nowhere for triggerer";
-			flags512text = "[9] For everyone";
-			flags1024text = "[10] From tagged sectors";
-		}
-		415
-		{
-			title = "Run Script";
-			prefix = "(415)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		422
-		{
-			title = "Switch to Cut-Away View";
-			prefix = "(422)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Adjust pitch";
-		}
-		423
-		{
-			title = "Change Sky";
-			prefix = "(423)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] For everyone";
-		}
-		424
-		{
-			title = "Change Weather";
-			prefix = "(424)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] For everyone";
-		}
-		436
-		{
-			title = "Shatter FOF";
-			prefix = "(436)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		439
-		{
-			title = "Change Tagged Linedef's Textures";
-			prefix = "(439)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Only existing";
-		}
-		440
-		{
-			title = "Start Metal Sonic Race";
-			prefix = "(440)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		441
-		{
-			title = "Condition Set Trigger";
-			prefix = "(441)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		443
-		{
-			title = "Call Lua Function";
-			prefix = "(443)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		444
-		{
-			title = "Earthquake";
-			prefix = "(444)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		445
-		{
-			title = "Make FOF Disappear/Reappear";
-			prefix = "(445)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Reappear";
-		}
-		446
-		{
-			title = "Make FOF Crumble";
-			prefix = "(446)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Flags determine respawn";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Don't respawn";
-		}
-		447
-		{
-			title = "Change Tagged Sector's Colormap";
-			prefix = "(447)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags16text = "[4] Front X/Y = Alpha";
-			flags32text = "[5] Subtract Red value";
-			flags64text = "[6] Subtract Green value";
-			flags128text = "[7] Subtract Blue value";
-			flags256text = "[8] Calc relative values";
-			flags32768text = "[15] Use back side colormap";
-		}
-		448
-		{
-			title = "Change Skybox";
-			prefix = "(448)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Change centerpoint";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] For everyone";
-			flags512text = "[9] Don't change viewpoint";
-		}
-		450
-		{
-			title = "Execute Linedef Executor (specific tag)";
-			prefix = "(450)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		451
-		{
-			title = "Execute Linedef Executor (random tag in range)";
-			prefix = "(451)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		452
-		{
-			title = "Set FOF Translucency";
-			prefix = "(452)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Do not handle FF_TRANS";
-			flags256text = "[8] Set relative to current val";
-		}
-		453
-		{
-			title = "Fade FOF";
-			prefix = "(453)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Do not handle FF_EXISTS";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags32text = "[5] No collision during fade";
-			flags64text = "[6] Do not handle FF_TRANS";
-			flags128text = "[7] Do not handle lighting";
-			flags256text = "[8] Set relative to current val";
-			flags512text = "[9] Speed = Tic Duration";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Override existing fade";
-			flags16384text = "[14] Do not handle collision";
-			flags32768text = "[15] Use exact alpha in OGL";
-		}
-		454
-		{
-			title = "Stop Fading FOF";
-			prefix = "(454)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Do not finalize collision";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		455
-		{
-			title = "Fade Tagged Sector's Colormap";
-			prefix = "(455)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags16text = "[4] Front X/Y = Alpha";
-			flags32text = "[5] Subtract Red value";
-			flags64text = "[6] Subtract Green value";
-			flags128text = "[7] Subtract Blue value";
-			flags256text = "[8] Calc relative values";
-			flags512text = "[9] Speed = Tic Duration";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Override existing fade";
-			flags16384text = "[14] Fade from invisible black";
-			flags32768text = "[15] Use back side colormap";
-		}
-		456
-		{
-			title = "Stop Fading Tagged Sector's Colormap";
-			prefix = "(456)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		459
-		{
-			title = "Control Text Prompt";
-			prefix = "(459)";
-			flags2text = "[1] Close text prompt";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags32text = "[5] Run executor tag on close";
-			flags64text = "[6] For everyone";
-			flags128text = "[7] Do not block controls";
-			flags256text = "[8] Do not freeze time";
-			flags32768text = "[15] Find prompt by name";
-		}
-	}
-	linedefexecpoly
-	{
-		title = "Linedef Executor (polyobject)";
-		480
-		{
-			title = "Door Slide";
-			prefix = "(480)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		481
-		{
-			title = "Door Swing";
-			prefix = "(481)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		482
-		{
-			title = "Move";
-			prefix = "(482)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		483
-		{
-			title = "Move, Override";
-			prefix = "(483)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-		}
-		484
-		{
-			title = "Rotate Right";
-			prefix = "(484)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Don't turn players";
-			flags512text = "[9] Turn all objects";
-		}
-		485
-		{
-			title = "Rotate Right, Override";
-			prefix = "(485)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Don't turn players";
-			flags512text = "[9] Turn all objects";
-		}
-		486
-		{
-			title = "Rotate Left";
-			prefix = "(486)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Don't turn players";
-			flags512text = "[9] Turn all objects";
-		}
-		487
-		{
-			title = "Rotate Left, Override";
-			prefix = "(487)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Don't turn players";
-			flags512text = "[9] Turn all objects";
-		}
-		488
-		{
-			title = "Move by Waypoints";
-			prefix = "(488)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags32text = "[5] Reverse order";
-			flags128text = "[7] There and back";
-			flags256text = "[8] Return when done";
-			flags512text = "[9] Loop movement";
-		}
-		489
-		{
-			title = "Turn Invisible, Intangible";
-			prefix = "(489)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Only invisible";
-		}
-		490
-		{
-			title = "Turn Visible, Tangible";
-			prefix = "(490)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags64text = "[6] Only visible";
-		}
-		491
-		{
-			title = "Set Translucency";
-			prefix = "(491)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags16text = "[4] Set raw alpha by Front X";
-			flags256text = "[8] Calc relative values";
-		}
-		492
-		{
-			title = "Fade Translucency";
-			prefix = "(492)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags16text = "[4] Set raw alpha by Front X";
-			flags32text = "[5] No collision during fade";
-			flags256text = "[8] Calc relative values";
-			flags512text = "[9] Speed = Tic Duration";
-			flags1024text = "[10] Override existing fade";
-			flags16384text = "[14] Do not handle collision";
-		}
-	}
-	wallscroll
-	{
-		title = "Wall Scrolling";
-		500
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Wall Front Side Left";
-			prefix = "(500)";
-		}
-		501
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Wall Front Side Right";
-			prefix = "(501)";
-		}
-		502
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Wall According to Linedef";
-			prefix = "(502)";
-		}
-		503
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Wall According to Linedef (Accelerative)";
-			prefix = "(503)";
-		}
-		504
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Wall According to Linedef (Displacement)";
-			prefix = "(504)";
-		}
-		505
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Texture by Front Side Offsets";
-			prefix = "(505)";
-		}
-		506
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Texture by Back Side Offsets";
-			prefix = "(506)";
-		}
-	}
-	planescroll
-	{
-		title = "Plane Scrolling";
-		510
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Floor Texture";
-			prefix = "(510)";
-		}
-		511
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Floor Texture (Accelerative)";
-			prefix = "(511)";
-		}
-		512
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Floor Texture (Displacement)";
-			prefix = "(512)";
-		}
-		513
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Ceiling Texture";
-			prefix = "(513)";
-		}
-		514
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Ceiling Texture (Accelerative)";
-			prefix = "(514)";
-		}
-		515
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Ceiling Texture (Displacement)";
-			prefix = "(515)";
-		}
-		520
-		{
-			title = "Carry Objects on Floor";
-			prefix = "(520)";
-		}
-		521
-		{
-			title = "Carry Objects on Floor (Accelerative)";
-			prefix = "(521)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
-		}
-		522
-		{
-			title = "Carry Objects on Floor (Displacement)";
-			prefix = "(522)";
-		}
-		523
-		{
-			title = "Carry Objects on Ceiling";
-			prefix = "(523)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
-		}
-		524
-		{
-			title = "Carry Objects on Ceiling (Accelerative)";
-			prefix = "(524)";
-		}
-		525
-		{
-			title = "Carry Objects on Ceiling (Displacement)";
-			prefix = "(525)";
-		}
-		530
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Floor Texture and Carry Objects";
-			prefix = "(530)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
-		}
-		531
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Floor Texture and Carry Objects (Accelerative)";
-			prefix = "(531)";
-		}
-		532
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Floor Texture and Carry Objects (Displacement)";
-			prefix = "(532)";
-		}
-		533
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Ceiling Texture and Carry Objects";
-			prefix = "(533)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
-		}
-		534
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Ceiling Texture and Carry Objects (Accelerative)";
-			prefix = "(534)";
-		}
-		535
-		{
-			title = "Scroll Ceiling Texture and Carry Objects (Displacement)";
-			prefix = "(535)";
-		}
-	}
-	pusher
-	{
-		title = "Pusher";
-		541
-		{
-			title = "Wind";
-			prefix = "(541)";
-			flags512text = "[9] Player slides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
-		}
-		542
-		{
-			title = "Upwards Wind";
-			prefix = "(542)";
-			flags512text = "[9] Player slides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
-		}
-		543
-		{
-			title = "Downwards Wind";
-			prefix = "(543)";
-			flags512text = "[9] Player slides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
-		}
-		544
-		{
-			title = "Current";
-			prefix = "(544)";
-			flags512text = "[9] Player slides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
-		}
-		545
-		{
-			title = "Upwards Current";
-			prefix = "(545)";
-			flags512text = "[9] Player slides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
-		}
-		546
-		{
-			title = "Downwards Current";
-			prefix = "(546)";
-			flags512text = "[9] Player slides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
-		}
-		547
-		{
-			title = "Push/Pull";
-			prefix = "(547)";
-		}
-	}
-	light
-	{
-		title = "Lighting";
-		600
-		{
-			title = "Floor Lighting";
-			prefix = "(600)";
-		}
-		601
-		{
-			title = "Ceiling Lighting";
-			prefix = "(601)";
-		}
-		602
-		{
-			title = "Adjustable Pulsating Light";
-			prefix = "(602)";
-		}
-		603
-		{
-			title = "Adjustable Flickering Light";
-			prefix = "(603)";
-		}
-		604
-		{
-			title = "Adjustable Blinking Light (unsynchronized)";
-			prefix = "(604)";
-		}
-		605
-		{
-			title = "Adjustable Blinking Light (synchronized)";
-			prefix = "(605)";
-		}
-		606
-		{
-			title = "Colormap";
-			prefix = "(606)";
-		}
-	}
-	slope
-	{
-		title = "Slope";
-		700
-		{
-			title = "Slope Frontside Floor";
-			prefix = "(700)";
-			flags2048text = "[11] No physics";
-			flags4096text = "[12] Dynamic";
-			slope = "regular";
-			slopeargs = 1;
-		}
-		701
-		{
-			title = "Slope Frontside Ceiling";
-			prefix = "(701)";
-			flags2048text = "[11] No physics";
-			flags4096text = "[12] Dynamic";
-			slope = "regular";
-			slopeargs = 2;
-		}
-		702
-		{
-			title = "Slope Frontside Floor and Ceiling";
-			prefix = "(702)";
-			flags2048text = "[11] No physics";
-			flags4096text = "[12] Dynamic";
-			slope = "regular";
-			slopeargs = 3;
-		}
-		703
-		{
-			title = "Slope Frontside Floor and Backside Ceiling";
-			prefix = "(703)";
-			flags2048text = "[11] No physics";
-			flags4096text = "[12] Dynamic";
-			slope = "regular";
-			slopeargs = 9;
-		}
-		704
-		{
-			title = "Slope Frontside Floor by 3 Tagged Vertex Things";
-			prefix = "(704)";
-			flags2048text = "[11] No physics";
-			flags4096text = "[12] Dynamic";
-			flags8192text = "[13] Use tag and offsets";
-			slope = "vertex";
-			slopeargs = 0;
-		}
-		705
-		{
-			title = "Slope Frontside Ceiling by 3 Tagged Vertex Things";
-			prefix = "(705)";
-			flags2048text = "[11] No physics";
-			flags4096text = "[12] Dynamic";
-			flags8192text = "[13] Use tag and offsets";
-			slope = "vertex";
-			slopeargs = 1;
-		}
-		710
-		{
-			title = "Slope Backside Floor";
-			prefix = "(710)";
-			flags2048text = "[11] No physics";
-			flags4096text = "[12] Dynamic";
-			slope = "regular";
-			slopeargs = 4;
-		}
-		711
-		{
-			title = "Slope Backside Ceiling";
-			prefix = "(711)";
-			flags2048text = "[11] No physics";
-			flags4096text = "[12] Dynamic";
-			slope = "regular";
-			slopeargs = 8;
-		}
-		712
-		{
-			title = "Slope Backside Floor and Ceiling";
-			prefix = "(712)";
-			flags2048text = "[11] No physics";
-			flags4096text = "[12] Dynamic";
-			slope = "regular";
-			slopeargs = 12;
-		}
-		713
-		{
-			title = "Slope Backside Floor and Frontside Ceiling";
-			prefix = "(713)";
-			flags2048text = "[11] No physics";
-			flags4096text = "[12] Dynamic";
-			slope = "regular";
-			slopeargs = 6;
-		}
-		714
-		{
-			title = "Slope Backside Floor by 3 Tagged Vertex Things";
-			prefix = "(714)";
-			flags2048text = "[11] No physics";
-			flags4096text = "[12] Dynamic";
-			flags8192text = "[13] Use tag and offsets";
-			slope = "vertex";
-			slopeargs = 2;
-		}
-		715
-		{
-			title = "Slope Backside Ceiling by 3 Tagged Vertex Things";
-			prefix = "(715)";
-			flags2048text = "[11] No physics";
-			flags4096text = "[12] Dynamic";
-			flags8192text = "[13] Use tag and offsets";
-			slope = "vertex";
-			slopeargs = 3;
-		}
-		720
-		{
-			title = "Copy Frontside Floor Slope from Line Tag";
-			prefix = "(720)";
-			slope = "copy";
-			slopeargs = 1;
-		}
-		721
-		{
-			title = "Copy Frontside Ceiling Slope from Line Tag";
-			prefix = "(721)";
-			slope = "copy";
-			slopeargs = 2;
-		}
-		722
-		{
-			title = "Copy Frontside Floor and Ceiling Slope from Line Tag";
-			prefix = "(722)";
-			slope = "copy";
-			slopeargs = 3;
-		}
-		799
-		{
-			title = "Set Tagged Dynamic Slope Vertex to Front Sector Height";
-			prefix = "(799)";
-		}
-	}
-	transwall
-	{
-		title = "Translucent Wall";
-		900
-		{
-			title = "90% Opaque";
-			prefix = "(900)";
-		}
-		901
-		{
-			title = "80% Opaque";
-			prefix = "(901)";
-		}
-		902
-		{
-			title = "70% Opaque";
-			prefix = "(902)";
-		}
-		903
-		{
-			title = "60% Opaque";
-			prefix = "(903)";
-		}
-		904
-		{
-			title = "50% Opaque";
-			prefix = "(904)";
-		}
-		905
-		{
-			title = "40% Opaque";
-			prefix = "(905)";
-		}
-		906
-		{
-			title = "30% Opaque";
-			prefix = "(906)";
-		}
-		907
-		{
-			title = "20% Opaque";
-			prefix = "(907)";
-		}
-		908
-		{
-			title = "10% Opaque";
-			prefix = "(908)";
-		}
-		909
-		{
-			title = "Fog Wall";
-			prefix = "(909)";
-		}
-	}
-	misc
-	{
-		title = "Miscellaneous";
-		0
-		{
-			title = "None";
-			prefix = "(0)";
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extras/conf/Includes/SRB222_misc.cfg b/extras/conf/Includes/SRB222_misc.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index ce23388b2..000000000
--- a/extras/conf/Includes/SRB222_misc.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,726 +0,0 @@
-	1 = "[0] Impassable";
-	2 = "[1] Block Enemies";
-	4 = "[2] Double-Sided";
-	8 = "[3] Upper Unpegged";
-	16 = "[4] Lower Unpegged";
-	32 = "[5] Slope Skew (E1)";
-	64 = "[6] Not Climbable";
-	128 = "[7] No Midtexture Skew (E2)";
-	256 = "[8] Peg Midtexture (E3)";
-	512 = "[9] Solid Midtexture (E4)";
-	1024 = "[10] Repeat Midtexture (E5)";
-	2048 = "[11] Netgame Only";
-	4096 = "[12] No Netgame";
-	8192 = "[13] Effect 6";
-	16384 = "[14] Bouncy Wall";
-	32768 = "[15] Transfer Line";
-// Make sure these are in order from lowest value to highest value
-// Linedef flags UDMF translation table
-// This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly
-// When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted
-	1 = "blocking";
-	2 = "blockmonsters";
-	4 = "twosided";
-	8 = "dontpegtop";
-	16 = "dontpegbottom";
-	32 = "skewtd";
-	64 = "noclimb";
-	128 = "noskew";
-	256 = "midpeg";
-	512 = "midsolid";
-	1024 = "wrapmidtex";
-	2048 = "netonly";
-	4096 = "nonet";
-	8192 = "effect6";
-	16384 = "bouncy";
-	32768 = "transfer";
-	blocking = "Impassable";
-	blockmonsters = "Block Enemies";
-	twosided = "Double-Sided";
-	dontpegtop = "Upper Unpegged";
-	dontpegbottom = "Lower Unpegged";
-	skewtd = "Slope Skew";
-	noclimb = "Not Climbable";
-	noskew = "No Midtexture Skew";
-	midpeg = "Peg Midtexture";
-	midsolid = "Solid Midtexture";
-	wrapmidtex = "Repeat Midtexture";
-//	netonly = "Netgame-Only special";
-//	nonet = "No netgame special";
-//	effect6 = "Effect 6";
-	bouncy = "Bouncy Wall";
-//	transfer = "Transfer Line";
-	notriggerorder = "Out of Order";
-	netonly = "Netgame-Only";
-	nonet = "No netgame";
-	clipmidtex = "Clip middle texture";
-	wrapmidtex = "Wrap middle texture";
-	smoothlighting = "Smooth lighting";
-	nofakecontrast = "Even lighting";
-	nodecals = "No decals";
-	lightfog = "Use sidedef brightness on fogged walls";
-	translucent = "Translucent";
-	fog = "Fog";
-	1 = "[1] Extra";
-	2 = "[2] Flip";
-	4 = "[4] Special";
-	8 = "[8] Ambush";
-	extra = "Extra";
-	flip = "Flip";
-	special = "Special";
-	ambush = "Ambush";
-// Thing flags UDMF translation table
-// This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly
-// When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted
-	1 = "extra";
-	2 = "flip";
-	4 = "special";
-	8 = "ambush";
-	255;
-	248;
-	240;
-	232;
-	224;
-	216;
-	208;
-	200;
-	192;
-	184;
-	176;
-	168;
-	160;
-	152;
-	144;
-	136;
-	128;
-	120;
-	112;
-	104;
-	96;
-	88;
-	80;
-	72;
-	64;
-	56;
-	48;
-	40;
-	32;
-	24;
-	16;
-	8;
-	0;
-This tells Doom Builder where to find the information for textures
-and flats in the IWAD file, Addition WAD file and Map WAD file.
-Start and end lumps must be given in a structure (of which the
-key name doesnt matter) and any textures or flats in between them
-are loaded in either the textures category or flats category.
-For textures: PNAMES, TEXTURE1 and TEXTURE2 are loaded by default.
-	zdoom1
-	{
-		start = "TX_START";
-		end = "TX_END";
-	}
-Only add fields here that Doom Builder does not edit with its own user-interface!
-The "default" field must match the UDMF specifications!
-Field data types:
-0 = integer *
-1 = float
-2 = string
-3 = bool
-4 = linedef action (integer) *
-5 = sector effect (integer) *
-6 = texture (string)
-7 = flat (string)
-8 = angle in degrees (integer)
-9 = angle in radians (float)
-10 = XXRRGGBB color (integer)
-11 = enum option (integer) *
-12 = enum bits (integer) *
-13 = sector tag (integer) *
-14 = thing tag (integer) *
-15 = linedef tag (integer) *
-16 = enum option (string)
-17 = angle in degrees (float)
-22 = byte angle (integer)
-	sector
-	{
-		friction
-		{
-			name = "Friction";
-			type = 1;
-			default = 1;
-		}
-		specialeffectplanes
-		{
-			type = 11;
-			enum = "floorceiling";
-			default = 0;
-		}
-		colormapbegin
-		{
-			type = 0;
-			default = 0;
-		}
-		colormapend
-		{
-			type = 0;
-			default = 33;
-		}
-		foglighting
-		{
-			type = 3;
-			default = false;
-		}
-		teambase
-		{
-			type = 11;
-			enum = "ctfteam";
-			default = 0;
-		}
-		triggersector
-		{
-			type = 3;
-			default = false;
-		}
-		triggerobject
-		{
-			type = 11;
-			enum = "triggerobjects";
-			default = 0;
-		}
-		triggersurface
-		{
-			type = 11;
-			enum = "triggersurfaces";
-			default = 0;
-		}
-		ringdrain
-		{
-			type = 1;
-			default = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	linedef
-	{
-		executordelay
-		{
-			type = 0;
-			default = 0;
-		}
-		midtexrepetitions
-		{
-			type = 0;
-			default = 0;
-		}
-		arg5
-		{
-			type = 0;
-			default = 0;
-		}
-		arg1str
-		{
-			type = 2;
-			default = "";
-		}
-	}
-	thing
-	{
-	}
-Map lumps are loaded with the map as long as they are right after each other. When the editor
-meets a lump which is not defined in this list it will ignore the map if not satisfied.
-The order of items defines the order in which lumps will be written to WAD file on save.
-To indicate the map header lump, use ~MAP
-required = Lump is required to exist.
-blindcopy = Lump will be copied along with the map blindly. (useful for lumps Doom Builder doesn't use)
-nodebuild = The nodebuilder generates this lump.
-allowempty = The nodebuilder is allowed to leave this lump empty.
-scriptbuild = This lump is a text-based script, which should be compiled using current script compiler;
-script = This lump is a text-based script. Specify the filename of the script configuration to use.
-	~MAP
-	{
-		required = true;
-		blindcopy = true;
-		nodebuild = false;
-	}
-	{
-		required = true;
-		nodebuild = true;
-		allowempty = true;
-	}
-	{
-		required = true;
-		nodebuild = true;
-		allowempty = false;
-	}
-	{
-		required = true;
-		nodebuild = true;
-		allowempty = false;
-	}
-	{
-		required = true;
-		nodebuild = true;
-		allowempty = false;
-	}
-	{
-		required = false;
-		nodebuild = true;
-		allowempty = false;
-	}
-	{
-		required = false;
-		nodebuild = true;
-		allowempty = false;
-	}
-	{
-		required = false;
-		nodebuild = true;
-		allowempty = false;
-	}
-	{
-		required = true;
-		nodebuild = true;
-		allowempty = false;
-	}
-	{
-		required = false;
-		nodebuild = true;
-		allowempty = false;
-	}
-	{
-		required = false;
-		nodebuild = true;
-		allowempty = true;
-	}
-	{
-		required = false;
-		nodebuild = true;
-		allowempty = false;
-	}
-	{
-		required = false;
-		nodebuild = true;
-		allowempty = false;
-	}
-	{
-		required = false;
-		nodebuild = true;
-		allowempty = true;
-	}
-// These are enumerated lists for linedef types and UDMF fields.
-// Reserved names are: angledeg, anglerad, color, texture, flat
-	falsetrue
-	{
-		0 = "False";
-		1 = "True";
-	}
-	yesno
-	{
-		0 = "Yes";
-		1 = "No";
-	}
-	noyes
-	{
-		0 = "No";
-		1 = "Yes";
-	}
-	onoff
-	{
-		0 = "On";
-		1 = "Off";
-	}
-	offon
-	{
-		0 = "Off";
-		1 = "On";
-	}
-	updown
-	{
-		0 = "Up";
-		1 = "Down";
-	}
-	downup
-	{
-		0 = "Down";
-		1 = "Up";
-	}
-	addset
-	{
-		0 = "Add";
-		1 = "Set";
-	}
-	floorceiling
-	{
-		0 = "Floor";
-		1 = "Ceiling";
-		2 = "Floor and ceiling";
-	}
-	triggertype
-	{
-		0 = "Continuous";
-		1 = "Each Time (Enter)";
-		2 = "Each Time (Enter and leave)";
-		3 = "Once";
-	}
-	frontback
-	{
-		0 = "None";
-		1 = "Front";
-		2 = "Back";
-	}
-	ctfteam
-	{
-		0 = "None";
-		1 = "Red";
-		2 = "Blue";
-	}
-	triggerobjects
-	{
-		0 = "Any player";
-		1 = "All players";
-		2 = "Pushable object";
-		3 = "Any object with thinker";
-	}
-	triggersurfaces
-	{
-		0 = "Floor touch";
-		1 = "Ceiling touch";
-		2 = "Floor or ceiling touch";
-		3 = "Anywhere in sector";
-	}
-	tangibility
-	{
-		1 = "Intangible from top";
-		2 = "Intangible from bottom";
-		4 = "Don't block players";
-		8 = "Don't block non-players";
-	}
-//Default things filters
-	filter0
-	{
-		name = "Player starts";
-		category = "starts";
-		type = -1;
-	}
-	filter1
-	{
-		name = "Enemies";
-		category = "enemies";
-		type = -1;
-	}
-	filter2
-	{
-		name = "NiGHTS Track";
-		category = "nightstrk";
-		type = -1;
-	}
-	filter3
-	{
-		name = "Normal Gravity";
-		category = "";
-		type = -1;
-		fields
-		{
-			2 = false;
-		}
-	}
-	filter4
-	{
-		name = "Reverse Gravity";
-		category = "";
-		type = -1;
-		fields
-		{
-			2 = true;
-		}
-	}
-// Special linedefs
-	soundlinedefflag = 64;	// See linedefflags
-	singlesidedflag = 1;	// See linedefflags
-	doublesidedflag = 4;	// See linedefflags
-	impassableflag = 1;
-	upperunpeggedflag = 8;
-	lowerunpeggedflag = 16;
-	repeatmidtextureflag = 1024;
-	pegmidtextureflag = 256;
-	soundlinedefflag = "noclimb";
-	singlesidedflag = "blocking";
-	doublesidedflag = "twosided";
-	impassableflag = "blocking";
-	upperunpeggedflag = "dontpegtop";
-	lowerunpeggedflag = "dontpegbottom";
-	repeatmidtextureflag = "wrapmidtex";
-	pegmidtextureflag = "midpeg";
-	{
-		script = "SOC.cfg";
-	}
-	{
-		script = "SOC.cfg";
-	}
-	SOC_
-	{
-		script = "SOC.cfg";
-		isprefix = true;
-	}
-	LUA_
-	{
-		script = "Lua.cfg";
-		isprefix = true;
-	}
-// Texture sources
-	zdoom1
-	{
-		start = "TX_START";
-		end = "TX_END";
-	}
-// Patch sources
-	standard1
-	{
-		start = "P_START";
-		end = "P_END";
-	}
-	standard2
-	{
-		start = "PP_START";
-		end = "PP_END";
-	}
-// Sprite sources
-	standard1
-	{
-		start = "S_START";
-		end = "S_END";
-	}
-	standard2
-	{
-		start = "SS_START";
-		end = "SS_END";
-	}
-// Flat sources
-	standard1
-	{
-		start = "F_START";
-		end = "F_END";
-	}
-	standard2
-	{
-		start = "FF_START";
-		end = "FF_END";
-	}
-	standard3
-	{
-		start = "FF_START";
-		end = "F_END";
-	}
-	standard4
-	{
-		start = "F_START";
-		end = "FF_END";
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extras/conf/Includes/SRB222_sectors.cfg b/extras/conf/Includes/SRB222_sectors.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bcbeb1b1..000000000
--- a/extras/conf/Includes/SRB222_sectors.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-	0 = "Normal";
-	1 = "Damage";
-	2 = "Damage (Water)";
-	3 = "Damage (Fire)";
-	4 = "Damage (Electrical)";
-	5 = "Spikes";
-	6 = "Death Pit (Camera Tilt)";
-	7 = "Death Pit (No Camera Tilt)";
-	8 = "Instant Kill";
-	9 = "Ring Drainer (Floor Touch)";
-	10 = "Ring Drainer (Anywhere in Sector)";
-	11 = "Special Stage Damage";
-	12 = "Space Countdown";
-	13 = "Ramp Sector (double step-up/down)";
-	14 = "Non-Ramp Sector (no step-down)";
-	15 = "Bouncy FOF";
-	16 = "Trigger Line Ex. (Pushable Objects)";
-	32 = "Trigger Line Ex. (Anywhere, All Players)";
-	48 = "Trigger Line Ex. (Floor Touch, All Players)";
-	64 = "Trigger Line Ex. (Anywhere in Sector)";
-	80 = "Trigger Line Ex. (Floor Touch)";
-	96 = "Trigger Line Ex. (Emerald Check)";
-	112 = "Trigger Line Ex. (NiGHTS Mare)";
-	128 = "Check for Linedef Executor on FOFs";
-	144 = "Egg Capsule";
-	160 = "Special Stage Time/Rings Parameters";
-	176 = "Custom Global Gravity";
-	512 = "Wind/Current";
-	1024 = "Conveyor Belt";
-	1280 = "Speed Pad";
-	4096 = "Star Post Activator";
-	8192 = "Exit/Special Stage Pit/Return Flag";
-	12288 = "CTF Red Team Base";
-	16384 = "CTF Blue Team Base";
-	20480 = "Fan Sector";
-	24576 = "Super Sonic Transform";
-	28672 = "Force Spin";
-	32768 = "Zoom Tube Start";
-	36864 = "Zoom Tube End";
-	40960 = "Circuit Finish Line";
-	45056 = "Rope Hang";
-	49152 = "Intangible to the Camera";
-	first
-	{
-		0 = "Normal";
-		1 = "Damage";
-		2 = "Damage (Water)";
-		3 = "Damage (Fire)";
-		4 = "Damage (Electrical)";
-		5 = "Spikes";
-		6 = "Death Pit (Camera Tilt)";
-		7 = "Death Pit (No Camera Tilt)";
-		8 = "Instant Kill";
-		9 = "Ring Drainer (Floor Touch)";
-		10 = "Ring Drainer (Anywhere in Sector)";
-		11 = "Special Stage Damage";
-		12 = "Space Countdown";
-		13 = "Ramp Sector (double step-up/down)";
-		14 = "Non-Ramp Sector (no step-down)";
-		15 = "Bouncy FOF";
-	}
-	second
-	{
-		0 = "Normal";
-		16 = "Trigger Line Ex. (Pushable Objects)";
-		32 = "Trigger Line Ex. (Anywhere, All Players)";
-		48 = "Trigger Line Ex. (Floor Touch, All Players)";
-		64 = "Trigger Line Ex. (Anywhere in Sector)";
-		80 = "Trigger Line Ex. (Floor Touch)";
-		96 = "Trigger Line Ex. (Emerald Check)";
-		112 = "Trigger Line Ex. (NiGHTS Mare)";
-		128 = "Check for Linedef Executor on FOFs";
-		144 = "Egg Capsule";
-		160 = "Special Stage Time/Rings Parameters";
-		176 = "Custom Global Gravity";
-	}
-	third
-	{
-		0 = "Normal";
-		512 = "Wind/Current";
-		1024 = "Conveyor Belt";
-		1280 = "Speed Pad";
-	}
-	fourth
-	{
-		0 = "Normal";
-		4096 = "Star Post Activator";
-		8192 = "Exit/Special Stage Pit/Return Flag";
-		12288 = "CTF Red Team Base";
-		16384 = "CTF Blue Team Base";
-		20480 = "Fan Sector";
-		24576 = "Super Sonic Transform";
-		28672 = "Force Spin";
-		32768 = "Zoom Tube Start";
-		36864 = "Zoom Tube End";
-		40960 = "Circuit Finish Line";
-		45056 = "Rope Hang";
-		49152 = "Intangible to the Camera";
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extras/conf/Includes/SRB222_things.cfg b/extras/conf/Includes/SRB222_things.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 194e43630..000000000
--- a/extras/conf/Includes/SRB222_things.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3398 +0,0 @@
-// THING TYPES------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Color values: 1-Dark_Blue 2-Dark_Green 3-Turqoise 4-Dark_Red 5-Purple 6-Brown 7-Gray
-// 8-Dark_Gray 9-Blue 10-Green 11-Cyan 12-Red 13-Magenta
-// 14-Yellow 15-White 16-Pink 17-Orange 18-Gold 19-Cream
-	color = 15; // White
-	arrow = 1;
-	title = "<Editor Things>";
-	error = -1;
-	width = 8;
-	height = 16;
-	sort = 1;
-	3328 = "3D Mode Start";
-	color = 1; // Blue
-	arrow = 1;
-	title = "Player Starts";
-	width = 16;
-	height = 48;
-	flags8text = "[8] Spawn on ceiling";
-	sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	1
-	{
-		title = "Player 01 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	2
-	{
-		title = "Player 02 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	3
-	{
-		title = "Player 03 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	4
-	{
-		title = "Player 04 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	5
-	{
-		title = "Player 05 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	6
-	{
-		title = "Player 06 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	7
-	{
-		title = "Player 07 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	8
-	{
-		title = "Player 08 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	9
-	{
-		title = "Player 09 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	10
-	{
-		title = "Player 10 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	11
-	{
-		title = "Player 11 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	12
-	{
-		title = "Player 12 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	13
-	{
-		title = "Player 13 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	14
-	{
-		title = "Player 14 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	15
-	{
-		title = "Player 15 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	16
-	{
-		title = "Player 16 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	17
-	{
-		title = "Player 17 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	18
-	{
-		title = "Player 18 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	19
-	{
-		title = "Player 19 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	20
-	{
-		title = "Player 20 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	21
-	{
-		title = "Player 21 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	22
-	{
-		title = "Player 22 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	23
-	{
-		title = "Player 23 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	24
-	{
-		title = "Player 24 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	25
-	{
-		title = "Player 25 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	26
-	{
-		title = "Player 26 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	27
-	{
-		title = "Player 27 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	28
-	{
-		title = "Player 28 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	29
-	{
-		title = "Player 29 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	30
-	{
-		title = "Player 30 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	31
-	{
-		title = "Player 31 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	32
-	{
-		title = "Player 32 Start";
-		sprite = "PLAYA0";
-	}
-	33
-	{
-		title = "Match Start";
-		sprite = "NDRNA2A8";
-	}
-	34
-	{
-		title = "CTF Red Team Start";
-		sprite = "SIGNG0";
-	}
-	35
-	{
-		title = "CTF Blue Team Start";
-		sprite = "SIGNE0";
-	}
-	color = 9; // Light_Blue
-	arrow = 1;
-	title = "Enemies";
-	100
-	{
-		title = "Crawla (Blue)";
-		sprite = "POSSA1";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	101
-	{
-		title = "Crawla (Red)";
-		sprite = "SPOSA1";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	102
-	{
-		title = "Stupid Dumb Unnamed RoboFish";
-		sprite = "FISHA0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 28;
-		angletext = "Jump strength";
-	}
-	103
-	{
-		title = "Buzz (Gold)";
-		sprite = "BUZZA1";
-		width = 28;
-		height = 40;
-		flags8text = "[8] Cannot move";
-	}
-	104
-	{
-		title = "Buzz (Red)";
-		sprite = "RBUZA1";
-		width = 28;
-		height = 40;
-		flags8text = "[8] Cannot move";
-	}
-	108
-	{
-		title = "Deton";
-		sprite = "DETNA1";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	110
-	{
-		title = "Turret";
-		sprite = "TRETA1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	111
-	{
-		title = "Pop-up Turret";
-		sprite = "TURRI1";
-		width = 12;
-		height = 64;
-		angletext = "Firing delay";
-	}
-	122
-	{
-		title = "Spring Shell (Green)";
-		sprite = "SSHLA1";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	125
-	{
-		title = "Spring Shell (Yellow)";
-		sprite = "SSHLI1";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	109
-	{
-		title = "Skim";
-		sprite = "SKIMA1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 24;
-	}
-	113
-	{
-		title = "Jet Jaw";
-		sprite = "JJAWA3A7";
-		width = 12;
-		height = 20;
-	}
-	126
-	{
-		title = "Crushstacean";
-		sprite = "CRABA0";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 32;
-		flags8text = "[8] Move left from spawn";
-	}
-	138
-	{
-		title = "Banpyura";
-		sprite = "CR2BA0";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 32;
-		flags8text = "[8] Move left from spawn";
-	}
-	117
-	{
-		title = "Robo-Hood";
-		sprite = "ARCHA1";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	118
-	{
-		title = "Lance-a-Bot";
-		sprite = "CBFSA1";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 72;
-	}
-	1113
-	{
-		title = "Suspicious Lance-a-Bot Statue";
-		sprite = "CBBSA1";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 72;
-	}
-	119
-	{
-		title = "Egg Guard";
-		sprite = "ESHIA1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 48;
-		flags1text = "[1] 90 degrees counter-clockwise";
-		flags4text = "[4] 90 degrees clockwise";
-		flags8text = "[8] Double speed";
-	}
-	115
-	{
-		title = "Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard";
-		sprite = "VLTRF1";
-		width = 12;
-		height = 24;
-	}
-	120
-	{
-		title = "Green Snapper";
-		sprite = "GSNPA1";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 24;
-	}
-	121
-	{
-		title = "Minus";
-		sprite = "MNUSA0";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	134
-	{
-		title = "Canarivore";
-		sprite = "CANAA0";
-		width = 12;
-		height = 80;
-		hangs = 1;
-	}
-	123
-	{
-		title = "Unidus";
-		sprite = "UNIDA1";
-		width = 18;
-		height = 36;
-	}
-	135
-	{
-		title = "Pterabyte Spawner";
-		sprite = "PTERA2A8";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 16;
-		parametertext = "No. Pterabytes";
-	}
-	136
-	{
-		title = "Pyre Fly";
-		sprite = "PYREA0";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 34;
-		flags8text = "[8] Start on fire";
-	}
-	137
-	{
-		title = "Dragonbomber";
-		sprite = "DRABA1";
-		width = 28;
-		height = 48;
-	}
-	105
-	{
-		title = "Jetty-Syn Bomber";
-		sprite = "JETBB1";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 50;
-		flags8text = "[8] Cannot move";
-	}
-	106
-	{
-		title = "Jetty-Syn Gunner";
-		sprite = "JETGB1";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 48;
-		flags8text = "[8] Cannot move";
-	}
-	112
-	{
-		title = "Spincushion";
-		sprite = "SHRPA1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 24;
-	}
-	114
-	{
-		title = "Snailer";
-		sprite = "SNLRA3A7";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 48;
-	}
-	129
-	{
-		title = "Penguinator";
-		sprite = "PENGA1";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	130
-	{
-		title = "Pophat";
-		sprite = "POPHA1";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	107
-	{
-		title = "Crawla Commander";
-		sprite = "CCOMA1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	131
-	{
-		title = "Spinbobert";
-		sprite = "SBOBB0";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	132
-	{
-		title = "Cacolantern";
-		sprite = "CACOA0";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 32;
-		flags8text = "[8] Cannot move";
-	}
-	133
-	{
-		title = "Hangster";
-		sprite = "HBATC1";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 24;
-		hangs = 1;
-	}
-	127
-	{
-		title = "Hive Elemental";
-		sprite = "HIVEA0";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 80;
-		parametertext = "No. bees";
-	}
-	128
-	{
-		title = "Bumblebore";
-		sprite = "BUMBA1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	124
-	{
-		title = "Buggle";
-		sprite = "BBUZA1";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 24;
-	}
-	116
-	{
-		title = "Pointy";
-		sprite = "PNTYA1";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 16;
-	}
-	color = 8; // Dark_Gray
-	arrow = 1;
-	title = "Bosses";
-	200
-	{
-		title = "Egg Mobile";
-		sprite = "EGGMA1";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 76;
-		flags4text = "[4] End level on death";
-		flags8text = "[8] Alternate laser attack";
-	}
-	201
-	{
-		title = "Egg Slimer";
-		sprite = "EGGNA1";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 76;
-		flags4text = "[4] End level on death";
-		flags8text = "[8] Speed up when hit";
-	}
-	202
-	{
-		title = "Sea Egg";
-		sprite = "EGGOA1";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 116;
-		flags4text = "[4] End level on death";
-	}
-	203
-	{
-		title = "Egg Colosseum";
-		sprite = "EGGPA1";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 76;
-		flags4text = "[4] End level on death";
-	}
-	204
-	{
-		title = "Fang";
-		sprite = "FANGA1";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 60;
-		flags1text = "[1] Grayscale mode";
-		flags4text = "[4] End level on death";
-	}
-	206
-	{
-		title = "Brak Eggman (Old)";
-		sprite = "BRAKB1";
-		width = 48;
-		height = 160;
-		flags4text = "[4] End level on death";
-	}
-	207
-	{
-		title = "Metal Sonic (Race)";
-		sprite = "METLI1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 48;
-		flags1text = "[1] Grayscale mode";
-	}
-	208
-	{
-		title = "Metal Sonic (Battle)";
-		sprite = "METLC1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 48;
-		flags1text = "[1] Grayscale mode";
-		flags4text = "[4] End level on death";
-	}
-	209
-	{
-		title = "Brak Eggman";
-		sprite = "BRAK01";
-		width = 48;
-		height = 160;
-		flags1text = "[1] No origin-fling death";
-		flags4text = "[4] End level on death";
-		flags8text = "[8] Electric barrier";
-	}
-	290
-	{
-		arrow = 0;
-		title = "Boss Escape Point";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 16;
-		sprite = "internal:eggmanend";
-	}
-	291
-	{
-		arrow = 0;
-		title = "Egg Capsule Center";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 16;
-		sprite = "internal:capsule";
-	}
-	292
-	{
-		arrow = 0;
-		title = "Boss Waypoint";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 16;
-		flags8text = "[8] Sea Egg shooting point";
-		sprite = "internal:eggmanway";
-		angletext = "No. (Sea Egg)";
-		flagsvaluetext = "No. (Brak)";
-		parametertext = "Next";
-	}
-	293
-	{
-		title = "Metal Sonic Gather Point";
-		sprite = "internal:metal";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 16;
-	}
-	294
-	{
-		title = "Fang Waypoint";
-		flags8text = "[8] Center waypoint";
-		sprite = "internal:eggmanway";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 16;
-	}
-	color = 14; // Yellow
-	title = "Rings and Weapon Panels";
-	width = 24;
-	height = 24;
-	flags8height = 24;
-	flags8text = "[8] Float";
-	sprite = "RINGA0";
-	300
-	{
-		title = "Ring";
-		sprite = "RINGA0";
-		width = 16;
-	}
-	301
-	{
-		title = "Bounce Ring";
-		sprite = "internal:RNGBA0";
-	}
-	302
-	{
-		title = "Rail Ring";
-		sprite = "internal:RNGRA0";
-	}
-	303
-	{
-		title = "Infinity Ring";
-		sprite = "internal:RNGIA0";
-	}
-	304
-	{
-		title = "Automatic Ring";
-		sprite = "internal:RNGAA0";
-	}
-	305
-	{
-		title = "Explosion Ring";
-		sprite = "internal:RNGEA0";
-	}
-	306
-	{
-		title = "Scatter Ring";
-		sprite = "internal:RNGSA0";
-	}
-	307
-	{
-		title = "Grenade Ring";
-		sprite = "internal:RNGGA0";
-	}
-	308
-	{
-		title = "CTF Team Ring (Red)";
-		sprite = "internal:RRNGA0";
-		width = 16;
-	}
-	309
-	{
-		title = "CTF Team Ring (Blue)";
-		sprite = "internal:BRNGA0";
-		width = 16;
-	}
-	330
-	{
-		title = "Bounce Ring Panel";
-		sprite = "internal:PIKBA0";
-	}
-	331
-	{
-		title = "Rail Ring Panel";
-		sprite = "internal:PIKRA0";
-	}
-	332
-	{
-		title = "Automatic Ring Panel";
-		sprite = "internal:PIKAA0";
-	}
-	333
-	{
-		title = "Explosion Ring Panel";
-		sprite = "internal:PIKEA0";
-	}
-	334
-	{
-		title = "Scatter Ring Panel";
-		sprite = "internal:PIKSA0";
-	}
-	335
-	{
-		title = "Grenade Ring Panel";
-		sprite = "internal:PIKGA0";
-	}
-	color = 10; // Light_Green
-	title = "Other Collectibles";
-	width = 16;
-	height = 32;
-	sort = 1;
-	sprite = "CEMGA0";
-	310
-	{
-		title = "CTF Red Flag";
-		sprite = "RFLGA0";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 64;
-	}
-	311
-	{
-		title = "CTF Blue Flag";
-		sprite = "BFLGA0";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 64;
-	}
-	312
-	{
-		title = "Emerald Token";
-		sprite = "TOKEA0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-		flags8height = 24;
-		flags8text = "[8] Float";
-	}
-	313
-	{
-		title = "Chaos Emerald 1 (Green)";
-		sprite = "CEMGA0";
-	}
-	314
-	{
-		title = "Chaos Emerald 2 (Purple)";
-		sprite = "CEMGB0";
-	}
-	315
-	{
-		title = "Chaos Emerald 3 (Blue)";
-		sprite = "CEMGC0";
-	}
-	316
-	{
-		title = "Chaos Emerald 4 (Cyan)";
-		sprite = "CEMGD0";
-	}
-	317
-	{
-		title = "Chaos Emerald 5 (Orange)";
-		sprite = "CEMGE0";
-	}
-	318
-	{
-		title = "Chaos Emerald 6 (Red)";
-		sprite = "CEMGF0";
-	}
-	319
-	{
-		title = "Chaos Emerald 7 (Gray)";
-		sprite = "CEMGG0";
-	}
-	320
-	{
-		title = "Emerald Hunt Location";
-		sprite = "SHRDA0";
-	}
-	321
-	{
-		title = "Match Chaos Emerald Spawn";
-		sprite = "CEMGA0";
-		flags8height = 24;
-		flags8text = "[8] Float";
-	}
-	322
-	{
-		title = "Emblem";
-		sprite = "EMBMA0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 30;
-		flags8height = 24;
-		flags8text = "[8] Float";
-		angletext = "Tag";
-	}
-	color = 7; // Gray
-	blocking = 2;
-	title = "Monitors";
-	width = 18;
-	height = 40;
-	flags1text = "[1] Run Linedef Executor on pop";
-	flags4text = "[4] Random (Strong)";
-	flags8text = "[8] Random (Weak)";
-	400
-	{
-		title = "Super Ring (10 Rings)";
-		sprite = "TVRIA0";
-	}
-	401
-	{
-		title = "Pity Shield";
-		sprite = "TVPIA0";
-	}
-	402
-	{
-		title = "Attraction Shield";
-		sprite = "TVATA0";
-	}
-	403
-	{
-		title = "Force Shield";
-		sprite = "TVFOA0";
-	}
-	404
-	{
-		title = "Armageddon Shield";
-		sprite = "TVARA0";
-	}
-	405
-	{
-		title = "Whirlwind Shield";
-		sprite = "TVWWA0";
-	}
-	406
-	{
-		title = "Elemental Shield";
-		sprite = "TVELA0";
-	}
-	407
-	{
-		title = "Super Sneakers";
-		sprite = "TVSSA0";
-	}
-	408
-	{
-		title = "Invincibility";
-		sprite = "TVIVA0";
-	}
-	409
-	{
-		title = "Extra Life";
-		sprite = "TV1UA0";
-		flags4text = "[4] Random (Strong) / 10k points";
-		flags8text = "[8] Random (Weak) / 10k points";
-	}
-	410
-	{
-		title = "Eggman";
-		sprite = "TVEGA0";
-		flags4text = "[4] Special";
-		flags8text = "[8] Ambush";
-	}
-	411
-	{
-		title = "Teleporter";
-		sprite = "TVMXA0";
-	}
-	413
-	{
-		title = "Gravity Boots";
-		sprite = "TVGVA0";
-		flags4text = "[4] Special";
-		flags8text = "[8] Ambush";
-	}
-	414
-	{
-		title = "CTF Team Ring Monitor (Red)";
-		sprite = "TRRIA0";
-		flags4text = "[4] Special";
-		flags8text = "[8] Ambush";
-	}
-	415
-	{
-		title = "CTF Team Ring Monitor (Blue)";
-		sprite = "TBRIA0";
-		flags4text = "[4] Special";
-		flags8text = "[8] Ambush";
-	}
-	416
-	{
-		title = "Recycler";
-		sprite = "TVRCA0";
-	}
-	418
-	{
-		title = "Score (1,000 Points)";
-		sprite = "TV1KA0";
-		flags4text = "[4] Special";
-		flags8text = "[8] Ambush";
-	}
-	419
-	{
-		title = "Score (10,000 Points)";
-		sprite = "TVTKA0";
-		flags4text = "[4] Special";
-		flags8text = "[8] Ambush";
-	}
-	420
-	{
-		title = "Flame Shield";
-		sprite = "TVFLA0";
-	}
-	421
-	{
-		title = "Water Shield";
-		sprite = "TVBBA0";
-	}
-	422
-	{
-		title = "Lightning Shield";
-		sprite = "TVZPA0";
-	}
-	color = 18; // Gold
-	blocking = 2;
-	title = "Monitors (Respawning)";
-	width = 20;
-	height = 44;
-	flags1text = "[1] Run Linedef Executor on pop";
-	431
-	{
-		title = "Pity Shield (Respawn)";
-		sprite = "TVPIB0";
-	}
-	432
-	{
-		title = "Attraction Shield (Respawn)";
-		sprite = "TVATB0";
-	}
-	433
-	{
-		title = "Force Shield (Respawn)";
-		sprite = "TVFOB0";
-	}
-	434
-	{
-		title = "Armageddon Shield (Respawn)";
-		sprite = "TVARB0";
-	}
-	435
-	{
-		title = "Whirlwind Shield (Respawn)";
-		sprite = "TVWWB0";
-	}
-	436
-	{
-		title = "Elemental Shield (Respawn)";
-		sprite = "TVELB0";
-	}
-	437
-	{
-		title = "Super Sneakers (Respawn)";
-		sprite = "TVSSB0";
-	}
-	438
-	{
-		title = "Invincibility (Respawn)";
-		sprite = "TVIVB0";
-	}
-	440
-	{
-		title = "Eggman (Respawn)";
-		sprite = "TVEGB0";
-	}
-	443
-	{
-		title = "Gravity Boots (Respawn)";
-		sprite = "TVGVB0";
-	}
-	450
-	{
-		title = "Flame Shield (Respawn)";
-		sprite = "TVFLB0";
-	}
-	451
-	{
-		title = "Water Shield (Respawn)";
-		sprite = "TVBBB0";
-	}
-	452
-	{
-		title = "Lightning Shield (Respawn)";
-		sprite = "TVZPB0";
-	}
-	color = 11; // Light_Cyan
-	title = "Generic Items & Hazards";
-	500
-	{
-		title = "Air Bubble Patch";
-		sprite = "BUBLE0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 16;
-		flags8text = "[8] No distance check";
-	}
-	501
-	{
-		title = "Signpost";
-		sprite = "SIGND0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	502
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Star Post";
-		sprite = "STPTA0M0";
-		width = 64;
-		height = 128;
-		angletext = "Angle/Order";
-	}
-	520
-	{
-		title = "Bomb Sphere";
-		sprite = "SPHRD0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 24;
-		flags8height = 24;
-		flags8text = "[8] Float";
-		unflippable = true;
-	}
-	521
-	{
-		title = "Spikeball";
-		sprite = "SPIKA0";
-		width = 12;
-		height = 8;
-		flags8height = 24;
-		flags8text = "[8] Float";
-	}
-	522
-	{
-		title = "Wall Spike";
-		sprite = "WSPKALAR";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 14;
-		flags1text = "[1] Start retracted";
-		flags4text = "[4] Retractable";
-		flags8text = "[8] Intangible";
-		parametertext = "Initial delay";
-	}
-	523
-	{
-		title = "Spike";
-		sprite = "USPKA0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 32;
-		flags1text = "[1] Start retracted";
-		flags4text = "[4] Retractable";
-		flags8text = "[8] Intangible";
-		angletext = "Retraction interval";
-		parametertext = "Initial delay";
-	}
-	1130
-	{
-		title = "Small Mace";
-		sprite = "SMCEA0";
-		width = 17;
-		height = 34;
-	}
-	1131
-	{
-		title = "Big Mace";
-		sprite = "BMCEA0";
-		width = 34;
-		height = 68;
-	}
-	1136
-	{
-		title = "Small Fireball";
-		sprite = "SFBRA0";
-		width = 17;
-		height = 34;
-	}
-	1137
-	{
-		title = "Large Fireball";
-		sprite = "BFBRA0";
-		width = 34;
-		height = 68;
-	}
-	color = 12; // Light_Red
-	title = "Springs and Fans";
-	width = 20;
-	height = 16;
-	sprite = "RSPRD2";
-	540
-	{
-		title = "Fan";
-		sprite = "FANSA0D0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 8;
-		flags4text = "[4] Invisible";
-		flags8text = "[8] No distance check";
-		angletext = "Lift height";
-	}
-	541
-	{
-		title = "Gas Jet";
-		sprite = "STEMD0";
-		flags8text = "[8] No sounds";
-		width = 32;
-	}
-	542
-	{
-		title = "Bumper";
-		sprite = "BUMPA0";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 64;
-		angletext = "Strength";
-	}
-	543
-	{
-		title = "Balloon";
-		sprite = "BLONA0";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 64;
-		flags8text = "[8] Respawn";
-		angletext = "Color";
-	}
-	550
-	{
-		title = "Yellow Spring";
-		sprite = "SPRYA0";
-	}
-	551
-	{
-		title = "Red Spring";
-		sprite = "SPRRA0";
-	}
-	552
-	{
-		title = "Blue Spring";
-		sprite = "SPRBA0";
-	}
-	555
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Diagonal Yellow Spring";
-		sprite = "YSPRD2";
-		width = 16;
-		flags4text = "[4] Ignore gravity";
-		flags8text = "[8] Rotate 22.5° CCW";
-	}
-	556
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Diagonal Red Spring";
-		sprite = "RSPRD2";
-		width = 16;
-		flags4text = "[4] Ignore gravity";
-		flags8text = "[8] Rotate 22.5° CCW";
-	}
-	557
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Diagonal Blue Spring";
-		sprite = "BSPRD2";
-		width = 16;
-		flags4text = "[4] Ignore gravity";
-		flags8text = "[8] Rotate 22.5° CCW";
-	}
-	558
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Horizontal Yellow Spring";
-		sprite = "SSWYD2D8";
-		flags8height = 16;
-		flags8text = "[8] Float";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	559
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Horizontal Red Spring";
-		sprite = "SSWRD2D8";
-		flags8height = 16;
-		flags8text = "[8] Float";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	560
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Horizontal Blue Spring";
-		sprite = "SSWBD2D8";
-		flags8height = 16;
-		flags8text = "[8] Float";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1134
-	{
-		title = "Yellow Spring Ball";
-		sprite = "YSPBA0";
-		width = 17;
-		height = 34;
-	}
-	1135
-	{
-		title = "Red Spring Ball";
-		sprite = "RSPBA0";
-		width = 17;
-		height = 34;
-	}
-	544
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Yellow Boost Panel";
-		sprite = "BSTYA0";
-		flags8text = "[8] Force spin";
-		width = 28;
-		height = 2;
-	}
-	545
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Red Boost Panel";
-		sprite = "BSTRA0";
-		flags8text = "[8] Force spin";
-		width = 28;
-		height = 2;
-	}
-	color = 5; // Magenta
-	arrow = 1;
-	title = "Special Placement Patterns";
-	width = 16;
-	height = 384;
-	sprite = "RINGA0";
-	600
-	{
-		arrow = 0;
-		title = "5 Vertical Rings (Yellow Spring)";
-		sprite = "RINGA0";
-	}
-	601
-	{
-		arrow = 0;
-		title = "5 Vertical Rings (Red Spring)";
-		sprite = "RINGA0";
-		height = 1024;
-	}
-	602
-	{
-		title = "5 Diagonal Rings (Yellow Spring)";
-		sprite = "RINGA0";
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	603
-	{
-		title = "10 Diagonal Rings (Red Spring)";
-		sprite = "RINGA0";
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	604
-	{
-		title = "Circle of Rings";
-		sprite = "RINGA0";
-		width = 96;
-		height = 192;
-		unflippable = true;
-		centerHitbox = true;
-	}
-	605
-	{
-		title = "Circle of Rings (Big)";
-		sprite = "RINGA0";
-		width = 192;
-		unflippable = true;
-		centerHitbox = true;
-	}
-	606
-	{
-		title = "Circle of Blue Spheres";
-		sprite = "SPHRA0";
-		width = 96;
-		height = 192;
-		unflippable = true;
-		centerHitbox = true;
-	}
-	607
-	{
-		title = "Circle of Blue Spheres (Big)";
-		sprite = "SPHRA0";
-		width = 192;
-		unflippable = true;
-		centerHitbox = true;
-	}
-	608
-	{
-		title = "Circle of Rings and Spheres";
-		sprite = "SPHRA0";
-		width = 96;
-		height = 192;
-		unflippable = true;
-		centerHitbox = true;
-	}
-	609
-	{
-		title = "Circle of Rings and Spheres (Big)";
-		sprite = "SPHRA0";
-		width = 192;
-		unflippable = true;
-		centerHitbox = true;
-	}
-	color = 15; // White
-	title = "Misc. Invisible";
-	width = 0;
-	height = 0;
-	sprite = "UNKNA0";
-	sort = 1;
-	fixedsize = true;
-	blocking = 0;
-	700
-	{
-		title = "Water Ambience A (Large)";
-		sprite = "internal:ambiance";
-	}
-	701
-	{
-		title = "Water Ambience B (Large)";
-		sprite = "internal:ambiance";
-	}
-	702
-	{
-		title = "Water Ambience C (Medium)";
-		sprite = "internal:ambiance";
-	}
-	703
-	{
-		title = "Water Ambience D (Medium)";
-		sprite = "internal:ambiance";
-	}
-	704
-	{
-		title = "Water Ambience E (Small)";
-		sprite = "internal:ambiance";
-	}
-	705
-	{
-		title = "Water Ambience F (Small)";
-		sprite = "internal:ambiance";
-	}
-	706
-	{
-		title = "Water Ambience G (Extra Large)";
-		sprite = "internal:ambiance";
-	}
-	707
-	{
-		title = "Water Ambience H (Extra Large)";
-		sprite = "internal:ambiance";
-	}
-	708
-	{
-		title = "Disco Ambience";
-		sprite = "internal:ambiance";
-	}
-	709
-	{
-		title = "Volcano Ambience";
-		sprite = "internal:ambiance";
-	}
-	710
-	{
-		title = "Machine Ambience";
-		sprite = "internal:ambiance";
-	}
-	750
-	{
-		title = "Slope Vertex";
-		sprite = "internal:vertexslope";
-		angletext = "Tag";
-	}
-	751
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Teleport Destination";
-		sprite = "internal:tele";
-	}
-	752
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Alternate View Point";
-		sprite = "internal:view";
-	}
-	753
-	{
-		title = "Zoom Tube Waypoint";
-		sprite = "internal:zoom";
-		angletext = "Order";
-	}
-	754
-	{
-		title = "Push Point";
-		flags4text = "[4] Fades using XY";
-		flags8text = "[8] Push using XYZ";
-		sprite = "GWLGA0";
-		angletext = "Radius";
-	}
-	755
-	{
-		title = "Pull Point";
-		flags4text = "[4] Fades using XY";
-		flags8text = "[8] Pull using XYZ";
-		sprite = "GWLRA0";
-		angletext = "Radius";
-	}
-	756
-	{
-		title = "Blast Linedef Executor";
-		sprite = "TOADA0";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 16;
-	}
-	757
-	{
-		title = "Fan Particle Generator";
-		sprite = "PRTLA0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 16;
-		angletext = "Tag";
-	}
-	758
-	{
-		title = "Object Angle Anchor";
-		sprite = "internal:view";
-	}
-	760
-	{
-		title = "PolyObject Anchor";
-		sprite = "internal:polyanchor";
-		angletext = "ID";
-	}
-	761
-	{
-		title = "PolyObject Spawn Point";
-		sprite = "internal:polycenter";
-		angletext = "ID";
-	}
-	762
-	{
-		title = "PolyObject Spawn Point (Crush)";
-		sprite = "internal:polycentercrush";
-		angletext = "ID";
-	}
-	780
-	{
-		title = "Skybox View Point";
-		sprite = "internal:skyb";
-		flags4text = "[4] In-map centerpoint";
-		parametertext = "ID";
-	}
-	color = 10; // Green
-	title = "Greenflower";
-	800
-	{
-		title = "GFZ Flower";
-		sprite = "FWR1A0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	801
-	{
-		title = "Sunflower";
-		sprite = "FWR2A0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 96;
-	}
-	802
-	{
-		title = "Budding Flower";
-		sprite = "FWR3A0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	803
-	{
-		title = "Blueberry Bush";
-		sprite = "BUS3A0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	804
-	{
-		title = "Berry Bush";
-		sprite = "BUS1A0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	805
-	{
-		title = "Bush";
-		sprite = "BUS2A0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	806
-	{
-		title = "GFZ Tree";
-		sprite = "TRE1A0";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 128;
-	}
-	807
-	{
-		title = "GFZ Berry Tree";
-		sprite = "TRE1B0";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 128;
-	}
-	808
-	{
-		title = "GFZ Cherry Tree";
-		sprite = "TRE1C0";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 128;
-	}
-	809
-	{
-		title = "Checkered Tree";
-		sprite = "TRE2A0";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 200;
-	}
-	810
-	{
-		title = "Checkered Tree (Sunset)";
-		sprite = "TRE2B0";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 200;
-	}
-	811
-	{
-		title = "Polygon Tree";
-		sprite = "TRE4A0";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 200;
-	}
-	812
-	{
-		title = "Bush Tree";
-		sprite = "TRE5A0";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 200;
-	}
-	813
-	{
-		title = "Red Bush Tree";
-		sprite = "TRE5B0";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 200;
-	}
-	color = 10; // Green
-	title = "Techno Hill";
-	900
-	{
-		title = "THZ Steam Flower";
-		sprite = "THZPA0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	901
-	{
-		title = "Alarm";
-		sprite = "ALRMA0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 16;
-		hangs = 1;
-	}
-	902
-	{
-		title = "THZ Spin Flower (Red)";
-		sprite = "FWR5A0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 64;
-	}
-	903
-	{
-		title = "THZ Spin Flower (Yellow)";
-		sprite = "FWR6A0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 64;
-	}
-	904
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Whistlebush";
-		sprite = "THZTA0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 64;
-	}
-	color = 10; // Green
-	title = "Deep Sea";
-	1000
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		blocking = 2;
-		title = "Gargoyle";
-		sprite = "GARGA1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-		flags4text = "[4] Slides when pushed";
-		flags8text = "[8] Not pushable";
-	}
-	1009
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		blocking = 2;
-		title = "Gargoyle (Big)";
-		sprite = "GARGB1";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 80;
-		flags4text = "[4] Slides when pushed";
-		flags8text = "[8] Not pushable";
-	}
-	1001
-	{
-		title = "Seaweed";
-		sprite = "SEWEA0";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 56;
-	}
-	1002
-	{
-		title = "Dripping Water";
-		sprite = "DRIPD0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 16;
-		hangs = 1;
-		angletext = "Dripping interval";
-	}
-	1003
-	{
-		title = "Coral (Green)";
-		sprite = "CORLA0";
-		width = 29;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	1004
-	{
-		title = "Coral (Red)";
-		sprite = "CORLB0";
-		width = 30;
-		height = 53;
-	}
-	1005
-	{
-		title = "Coral (Orange)";
-		sprite = "CORLC0";
-		width = 28;
-		height = 41;
-	}
-	1006
-	{
-		title = "Blue Crystal";
-		sprite = "BCRYA1";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 16;
-	}
-	1007
-	{
-		title = "Kelp";
-		sprite = "KELPA0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 292;
-		flags4text = "[4] Double size";
-	}
-	1008
-	{
-		title = "Stalagmite (DSZ1)";
-		sprite = "DSTGA0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 116;
-		flags4text = "[4] Double size";
-	}
-	1010
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Light Beam";
-		sprite = "LIBEARAL";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 16;
-	}
-	1011
-	{
-		title = "Stalagmite (DSZ2)";
-		sprite = "DSTGA0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 116;
-		flags4text = "[4] Double size";
-	}
-	1012
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Big Floating Mine";
-		width = 28;
-		height = 56;
-		sprite = "BMNEA1";
-	}
-	1013
-	{
-		title = "Animated Kelp";
-		sprite = "ALGAA0";
-		width = 48;
-		height = 120;
-	}
-	1014
-	{
-		title = "Large Coral (Brown)";
-		sprite = "CORLD0";
-		width = 56;
-		height = 112;
-	}
-	1015
-	{
-		title = "Large Coral (Beige)";
-		sprite = "CORLE0";
-		width = 56;
-		height = 112;
-	}
-	color = 10; // Green
-	title = "Castle Eggman";
-	1100
-	{
-		title = "Chain (Decorative)";
-		sprite = "CHANA0";
-		width = 4;
-		height = 128;
-		hangs = 1;
-	}
-	1101
-	{
-		title = "Torch";
-		sprite = "FLAMA0E0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 32;
-		flags1text = "[1] Add corona";
-	}
-	1102
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		blocking = 2;
-		title = "Eggman Statue";
-		sprite = "ESTAA1";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 240;
-		flags1text = "[1] Solid gold";
-		flags4text = "[4] Slides when pushed";
-		flags8text = "[8] Not pushable";
-	}
-	1103
-	{
-		title = "CEZ Flower";
-		sprite = "FWR4A0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	1104
-	{
-		title = "Mace Spawnpoint";
-		sprite = "SMCEA0";
-		width = 17;
-		height = 34;
-		flags4text = "[4] No sounds";
-		flags8text = "[8] Double size";
-		angletext = "Tag";
-	}
-	1105
-	{
-		title = "Chain with Maces Spawnpoint";
-		sprite = "SMCEA0";
-		width = 17;
-		height = 34;
-		flags4text = "[4] No sounds";
-		flags8text = "[8] Double size";
-		angletext = "Tag";
-	}
-	1106
-	{
-		title = "Chained Spring Spawnpoint";
-		sprite = "YSPBA0";
-		width = 17;
-		height = 34;
-		flags4text = "[4] No sounds";
-		flags8text = "[8] Red spring";
-		angletext = "Tag";
-	}
-	1107
-	{
-		title = "Chain Spawnpoint";
-		sprite = "BMCHA0";
-		width = 17;
-		height = 34;
-		flags8text = "[8] Double size";
-		angletext = "Tag";
-	}
-	1108
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Hidden Chain Spawnpoint";
-		sprite = "internal:chain3";
-		width = 17;
-		height = 34;
-		flags8text = "[8] Double size";
-	}
-	1109
-	{
-		title = "Firebar Spawnpoint";
-		sprite = "BFBRA0";
-		width = 17;
-		height = 34;
-		flags4text = "[4] No sounds";
-		flags8text = "[8] Double size";
-		angletext = "Tag";
-	}
-	1110
-	{
-		title = "Custom Mace Spawnpoint";
-		sprite = "SMCEA0";
-		width = 17;
-		height = 34;
-		flags4text = "[4] No sounds";
-		angletext = "Tag";
-	}
-	1111
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		blocking = 2;
-		title = "Crawla Statue";
-		sprite = "CSTAA1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-		flags4text = "[4] Slides when pushed";
-		flags8text = "[8] Not pushable";
-	}
-	1112
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		blocking = 2;
-		title = "Lance-a-Bot Statue";
-		sprite = "CBBSA1";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 72;
-		flags4text = "[4] Slides when pushed";
-		flags8text = "[8] Not pushable";
-	}
-	1114
-	{
-		title = "Pine Tree";
-		sprite = "PINEA0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 628;
-	}
-	1115
-	{
-		title = "CEZ Shrub (Small)";
-		sprite = "CEZBA0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 24;
-	}
-	1116
-	{
-		title = "CEZ Shrub (Large)";
-		sprite = "CEZBB0";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 48;
-	}
-	1117
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Pole Banner (Red)";
-		sprite = "BANRA0";
-		width = 40;
-		height = 224;
-	}
-	1118
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Pole Banner (Blue)";
-		sprite = "BANRA0";
-		width = 40;
-		height = 224;
-	}
-	1119
-	{
-		title = "Candle";
-		sprite = "CNDLA0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 48;
-		flags1text = "[1] Add corona";
-	}
-	1120
-	{
-		title = "Candle Pricket";
-		sprite = "CNDLB0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 176;
-		flags1text = "[1] Add corona";
-	}
-	1121
-	{
-		title = "Flame Holder";
-		sprite = "FLMHA0";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 80;
-		flags1text = "[1] Add corona";
-		flags4text = "[4] No flame";
-	}
-	1122
-	{
-		title = "Fire Torch";
-		sprite = "CTRCA0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 80;
-	}
-	1123
-	{
-		title = "Cannonball Launcher";
-		sprite = "internal:cannonball";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 16;
-	}
-	1124
-	{
-		blocking = 2;
-		title = "Cannonball";
-		sprite = "CBLLA0";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 40;
-		flags4text = "[4] Slides when pushed";
-		flags8text = "[8] Not pushable";
-	}
-	1125
-	{
-		title = "Brambles";
-		sprite = "CABRALAR";
-		width = 48;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1126
-	{
-		title = "Invisible Lockon Object";
-		sprite = "LCKNC0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1127
-	{
-		title = "Spectator Eggrobo";
-		sprite = "EGR1A1";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 72;
-	}
-	1128
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Waving Flag (Red)";
-		sprite = "CFLGA0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 208;
-	}
-	1129
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Waving Flag (Blue)";
-		sprite = "CFLGA0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 208;
-	}
-	color = 10; // Green
-	title = "Arid Canyon";
-	1200
-	{
-		title = "Tumbleweed (Big)";
-		sprite = "BTBLA0";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 48;
-		flags8text = "[8] Moves perpetually";
-	}
-	1201
-	{
-		title = "Tumbleweed (Small)";
-		sprite = "STBLA0";
-		width = 12;
-		height = 24;
-		flags8text = "[8] Moves perpetually";
-	}
-	1202
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Rock Spawner";
-		sprite = "ROIAA0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 16;
-		angletext = "Tag";
-	}
-	1203
-	{
-		title = "Tiny Red Flower Cactus";
-		sprite = "CACTA0";
-		width = 13;
-		height = 24;
-	}
-	1204
-	{
-		title = "Small Red Flower Cactus";
-		sprite = "CACTB0";
-		width = 15;
-		height = 52;
-	}
-	1205
-	{
-		title = "Tiny Blue Flower Cactus";
-		sprite = "CACTC0";
-		width = 13;
-		height = 24;
-	}
-	1206
-	{
-		title = "Small Blue Flower Cactus";
-		sprite = "CACTD0";
-		width = 15;
-		height = 52;
-	}
-	1207
-	{
-		title = "Prickly Pear";
-		sprite = "CACTE0";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 96;
-	}
-	1208
-	{
-		title = "Barrel Cactus";
-		sprite = "CACTF0";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 128;
-	}
-	1209
-	{
-		title = "Tall Barrel Cactus";
-		sprite = "CACTG0";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 224;
-	}
-	1210
-	{
-		title = "Armed Cactus";
-		sprite = "CACTH0";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 256;
-	}
-	1211
-	{
-		title = "Ball Cactus";
-		sprite = "CACTI0";
-		width = 48;
-		height = 96;
-	}
-	1212
-	{
-		title = "Caution Sign";
-		sprite = "WWSGAR";
-		width = 22;
-		height = 64;
-	}
-	1213
-	{
-		title = "Cacti Sign";
-		sprite = "WWS2AR";
-		width = 22;
-		height = 64;
-	}
-	1214
-	{
-		title = "Sharp Turn Sign";
-		sprite = "WWS3ALAR";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 192;
-	}
-	1215
-	{
-		title = "Mine Oil Lamp";
-		sprite = "OILLA0";
-		width = 22;
-		height = 64;
-		hangs = 1;
-	}
-	1216
-	{
-		title = "TNT Barrel";
-		sprite = "BARRA1";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 63;
-	}
-	1217
-	{
-		title = "TNT Proximity Shell";
-		sprite = "REMTA0";
-		width = 64;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	1218
-	{
-		title = "Dust Devil";
-		sprite = "TAZDCR";
-		width = 80;
-		height = 416;
-	}
-	1219
-	{
-		title = "Minecart Spawner";
-		sprite = "MCRTCLFR";
-		width = 22;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1220
-	{
-		title = "Minecart Stopper";
-		sprite = "MCRTIR";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1221
-	{
-		title = "Minecart Saloon Door";
-		sprite = "SALDARAL";
-		width = 96;
-		height = 160;
-		flags8text = "[8] Allow non-minecart players";
-	}
-	1222
-	{
-		title = "Train Cameo Spawner";
-		sprite = "TRAEBRBL";
-		width = 28;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1223
-	{
-		title = "Train Dust Spawner";
-		sprite = "ADSTA0";
-		width = 4;
-		height = 4;
-	}
-	1224
-	{
-		title = "Train Steam Spawner";
-		sprite = "STEAA0";
-		width = 4;
-		height = 4;
-	}
-	1229
-	{
-		title = "Minecart Switch Point";
-		sprite = "internal:zoom";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 16;
-		flags8text = "[8] Enable switching";
-	}
-	1230
-	{
-		title = "Tiny Cactus";
-		sprite = "CACTJ0";
-		width = 13;
-		height = 28;
-	}
-	1231
-	{
-		title = "Small Cactus";
-		sprite = "CACTK0";
-		width = 15;
-		height = 60;
-	}
-	color = 10; // Green
-	title = "Red Volcano";
-	1300
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Flame Jet (Horizontal)";
-		sprite = "internal:flameh";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-		flags8text = "[8] Waves vertically";
-		angletext = "On/Off time";
-		parametertext = "Strength";
-	}
-	1301
-	{
-		title = "Flame Jet (Vertical)";
-		sprite = "internal:flamev";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-		flags8text = "[8] Shoot downwards";
-		angletext = "On/Off time";
-		parametertext = "Strength";
-	}
-	1302
-	{
-		title = "Spinning Flame Jet (Counter-Clockwise)";
-		sprite = "internal:flame2";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 24;
-	}
-	1303
-	{
-		title = "Spinning Flame Jet (Clockwise)";
-		sprite = "internal:flame1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 24;
-	}
-	1304
-	{
-		title = "Lavafall";
-		sprite = "LFALF0";
-		width = 30;
-		height = 32;
-		angletext = "Initial delay";
-		flags8text = "[8] Double size";
-	}
-	1305
-	{
-		title = "Rollout Rock";
-		sprite = "PUMIA1A5";
-		width = 30;
-		height = 60;
-		flags8text = "[8] Non-buoyant";
-	}
-	1306
-	{
-		title = "Big Fern";
-		sprite = "JPLAB0";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 48;
-	}
-	1307
-	{
-		title = "Jungle Palm";
-		sprite = "JPLAC0";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 48;
-	}
-	1308
-	{
-		title = "Torch Flower";
-		sprite = "TFLOA0";
-		width = 14;
-		height = 110;
-	}
-	1309
-	{
-		title = "RVZ1 Wall Vine (Long)";
-		sprite = "WVINALAR";
-		width = 1;
-		height = 288;
-	}
-	1310
-	{
-		title = "RVZ1 Wall Vine (Short)";
-		sprite = "WVINBLBR";
-		width = 1;
-		height = 288;
-	}
-	color = 10; // Green
-	title = "Botanic Serenity";
-	width = 16;
-	height = 32;
-	sprite = "BSZ1A0";
-	1400
-	{
-		title = "Tall Flower (Red)";
-		sprite = "BSZ1A0";
-	}
-	1401
-	{
-		title = "Tall Flower (Purple)";
-		sprite = "BSZ1B0";
-	}
-	1402
-	{
-		title = "Tall Flower (Blue)";
-		sprite = "BSZ1C0";
-	}
-	1403
-	{
-		title = "Tall Flower (Cyan)";
-		sprite = "BSZ1D0";
-	}
-	1404
-	{
-		title = "Tall Flower (Yellow)";
-		sprite = "BSZ1E0";
-	}
-	1405
-	{
-		title = "Tall Flower (Orange)";
-		sprite = "BSZ1F0";
-	}
-	1410
-	{
-		title = "Medium Flower (Red)";
-		sprite = "BSZ2A0";
-	}
-	1411
-	{
-		title = "Medium Flower (Purple)";
-		sprite = "BSZ2B0";
-	}
-	1412
-	{
-		title = "Medium Flower (Blue)";
-		sprite = "BSZ2C0";
-	}
-	1413
-	{
-		title = "Medium Flower (Cyan)";
-		sprite = "BSZ2D0";
-	}
-	1414
-	{
-		title = "Medium Flower (Yellow)";
-		sprite = "BSZ2E0";
-	}
-	1415
-	{
-		title = "Medium Flower (Orange)";
-		sprite = "BSZ2F0";
-	}
-	1420
-	{
-		title = "Short Flower (Red)";
-		sprite = "BSZ3A0";
-	}
-	1421
-	{
-		title = "Short Flower (Purple)";
-		sprite = "BSZ3B0";
-	}
-	1422
-	{
-		title = "Short Flower (Blue)";
-		sprite = "BSZ3C0";
-	}
-	1423
-	{
-		title = "Short Flower (Cyan)";
-		sprite = "BSZ3D0";
-	}
-	1424
-	{
-		title = "Short Flower (Yellow)";
-		sprite = "BSZ3E0";
-	}
-	1425
-	{
-		title = "Short Flower (Orange)";
-		sprite = "BSZ3F0";
-	}
-	1430
-	{
-		title = "Tulip (Red)";
-		sprite = "BST1A0";
-	}
-	1431
-	{
-		title = "Tulip (Purple)";
-		sprite = "BST2A0";
-	}
-	1432
-	{
-		title = "Tulip (Blue)";
-		sprite = "BST3A0";
-	}
-	1433
-	{
-		title = "Tulip (Cyan)";
-		sprite = "BST4A0";
-	}
-	1434
-	{
-		title = "Tulip (Yellow)";
-		sprite = "BST5A0";
-	}
-	1435
-	{
-		title = "Tulip (Orange)";
-		sprite = "BST6A0";
-	}
-	1440
-	{
-		title = "Cluster (Red)";
-		sprite = "BSZ5A0";
-	}
-	1441
-	{
-		title = "Cluster (Purple)";
-		sprite = "BSZ5B0";
-	}
-	1442
-	{
-		title = "Cluster (Blue)";
-		sprite = "BSZ5C0";
-	}
-	1443
-	{
-		title = "Cluster (Cyan)";
-		sprite = "BSZ5D0";
-	}
-	1444
-	{
-		title = "Cluster (Yellow)";
-		sprite = "BSZ5E0";
-	}
-	1445
-	{
-		title = "Cluster (Orange)";
-		sprite = "BSZ5F0";
-	}
-	1450
-	{
-		title = "Bush (Red)";
-		sprite = "BSZ6A0";
-	}
-	1451
-	{
-		title = "Bush (Purple)";
-		sprite = "BSZ6B0";
-	}
-	1452
-	{
-		title = "Bush (Blue)";
-		sprite = "BSZ6C0";
-	}
-	1453
-	{
-		title = "Bush (Cyan)";
-		sprite = "BSZ6D0";
-	}
-	1454
-	{
-		title = "Bush (Yellow)";
-		sprite = "BSZ6E0";
-	}
-	1455
-	{
-		title = "Bush (Orange)";
-		sprite = "BSZ6F0";
-	}
-	1460
-	{
-		title = "Vine (Red)";
-		sprite = "BSZ7A0";
-	}
-	1461
-	{
-		title = "Vine (Purple)";
-		sprite = "BSZ7B0";
-	}
-	1462
-	{
-		title = "Vine (Blue)";
-		sprite = "BSZ7C0";
-	}
-	1463
-	{
-		title = "Vine (Cyan)";
-		sprite = "BSZ7D0";
-	}
-	1464
-	{
-		title = "Vine (Yellow)";
-		sprite = "BSZ7E0";
-	}
-	1465
-	{
-		title = "Vine (Orange)";
-		sprite = "BSZ7F0";
-	}
-	1470
-	{
-		title = "BSZ Shrub";
-		sprite = "BSZ8A0";
-	}
-	1471
-	{
-		title = "BSZ Clover";
-		sprite = "BSZ8B0";
-	}
-	1473
-	{
-		title = "Palm Tree (Big)";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 160;
-		sprite = "BSZ8D0";
-	}
-	1475
-	{
-		title = "Palm Tree (Small)";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 80;
-		sprite = "BSZ8F0";
-	}
-	color = 10; // Green
-	title = "Azure Temple";
-	1500
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		blocking = 2;
-		title = "Glaregoyle";
-		sprite = "BGARA1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-		flags4text = "[4] Slides when pushed";
-		flags8text = "[8] Not pushable";
-	}
-	1501
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		blocking = 2;
-		title = "Glaregoyle (Up)";
-		sprite = "BGARA1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-		flags4text = "[4] Slides when pushed";
-		flags8text = "[8] Not pushable";
-	}
-	1502
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		blocking = 2;
-		title = "Glaregoyle (Down)";
-		sprite = "BGARA1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-		flags4text = "[4] Slides when pushed";
-		flags8text = "[8] Not pushable";
-	}
-	1503
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		blocking = 2;
-		title = "Glaregoyle (Long)";
-		sprite = "BGARA1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-		flags4text = "[4] Slides when pushed";
-		flags8text = "[8] Not pushable";
-	}
-	1504
-	{
-		title = "ATZ Target";
-		sprite = "RCRYB0";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1505
-	{
-		title = "Green Flame";
-		sprite = "CFLMA0E0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1506
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		blocking = 2;
-		title = "Blue Gargoyle";
-		sprite = "BGARD1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-		flags4text = "[4] Slides when pushed";
-		flags8text = "[8] Not pushable";
-	}
-	color = 10; // Green
-	title = "Dream Hill";
-	1600
-	{
-		title = "Spring Tree";
-		sprite = "TRE6A0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1601
-	{
-		title = "Shleep";
-		sprite = "SHLPA0";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1602
-	{
-		title = "Pian";
-		sprite = "NTPNALAR";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	color = 13; // Pink
-	title = "NiGHTS Track";
-	width = 8;
-	height = 4096;
-	sprite = "UNKNA0";
-	1700
-	{
-		title = "Axis";
-		sprite = "internal:axis1";
-		circle = 1;
-		unflippable = true;
-		ignoreZ = true;
-		flagsvaluetext = "Order";
-		angletext = "Radius/Direction";
-		parametertext = "Mare";
-	}
-	1701
-	{
-		title = "Axis Transfer";
-		sprite = "internal:axis2";
-		unflippable = true;
-		ignoreZ = true;
-		flagsvaluetext = "Order";
-		parametertext = "Mare";
-	}
-	1702
-	{
-		title = "Axis Transfer Line";
-		sprite = "internal:axis3";
-		unflippable = true;
-		ignoreZ = true;
-		flagsvaluetext = "Order";
-		parametertext = "Mare";
-	}
-	1710
-	{
-		title = "Ideya Capture";
-		sprite = "CAPSA0";
-		width = 72;
-		height = 144;
-		angletext = "Rings";
-		parametertext = "Mare";
-	}
-	color = 13; // Pink
-	title = "NiGHTS Items";
-	width = 16;
-	height = 32;
-	1703
-	{
-		title = "Ideya Drone";
-		sprite = "NDRNA1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 56;
-		flags1text = "[1] Align player to middle";
-		flags4text = "[4] Align player to top";
-		flags8text = "[8] Die upon time up";
-		angletext = "Time limit";
-		parametertext = "Height";
-	}
-	1704
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "NiGHTS Bumper";
-		sprite = "NBMPG3G7";
-		width = 32;
-		height = 64;
-		unflippable = true;
-		flagsvaluetext = "Pitch";
-		angletext = "Yaw";
-	}
-	1705
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Hoop (Generic)";
-		sprite = "HOOPA0";
-		width = 80;
-		height = 160;
-		unflippable = true;
-		centerHitbox = true;
-		flagsvaluetext = "Height";
-		angletext = "Pitch/Yaw";
-	}
-	1706
-	{
-		title = "Blue Sphere";
-		sprite = "SPHRA0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 24;
-		flags8height = 24;
-		flags8text = "[8] Float";
-		unflippable = true;
-	}
-	1707
-	{
-		title = "Super Paraloop";
-		sprite = "NPRUA0";
-		flags4text = "[4] Bonus time only";
-		flags8text = "[8] Spawn immediately";
-	}
-	1708
-	{
-		title = "Drill Refill";
-		sprite = "NPRUB0";
-		flags4text = "[4] Bonus time only";
-		flags8text = "[8] Spawn immediately";
-	}
-	1709
-	{
-		title = "Nightopian Helper";
-		sprite = "NPRUC0";
-		flags4text = "[4] Bonus time only";
-		flags8text = "[8] Spawn immediately";
-	}
-	1711
-	{
-		title = "Extra Time";
-		sprite = "NPRUD0";
-		flags4text = "[4] Bonus time only";
-		flags8text = "[8] Spawn immediately";
-	}
-	1712
-	{
-		title = "Link Freeze";
-		sprite = "NPRUE0";
-		flags4text = "[4] Bonus time only";
-		flags8text = "[8] Spawn immediately";
-	}
-	1713
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Hoop (Customizable)";
-		flags1text = "[1] Radius +16";
-		flags2text = "[2] Radius +32";
-		flags4text = "[4] Radius +64";
-		flags8text = "[8] Radius +128";
-		sprite = "HOOPA0";
-		width = 80;
-		height = 160;
-		unflippable = true;
-		centerHitbox = true;
-	}
-	1714
-	{
-		title = "Ideya Anchor Point";
-		sprite = "internal:axis1";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 16;
-		parametertext = "Ideya";
-	}
-	color = 6; // Brown
-	title = "Mario";
-	1800
-	{
-		title = "Coin";
-		sprite = "COINA0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 24;
-		flags8height = 24;
-		flags8text = "[8] Float";
-	}
-	1801
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Goomba";
-		sprite = "GOOMA0";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1802
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		title = "Goomba (Blue)";
-		sprite = "BGOMA0";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1803
-	{
-		title = "Fire Flower";
-		sprite = "FFWRB0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1804
-	{
-		title = "Koopa Shell";
-		sprite = "SHLLA1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 20;
-	}
-	1805
-	{
-		title = "Puma (Jumping Fireball)";
-		sprite = "PUMAA0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 16;
-		angletext = "Jump strength";
-	}
-	1806
-	{
-		title = "King Bowser";
-		sprite = "KOOPA0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 48;
-	}
-	1807
-	{
-		title = "Axe";
-		sprite = "MAXEA0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 16;
-	}
-	1808
-	{
-		title = "Bush (Short)";
-		sprite = "MUS1A0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1809
-	{
-		title = "Bush (Tall)";
-		sprite = "MUS2A0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1810
-	{
-		title = "Toad";
-		sprite = "TOADA0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	color = 10; // Green
-	title = "Christmas & Disco";
-	1850
-	{
-		title = "Christmas Pole";
-		sprite = "XMS1A0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	1851
-	{
-		title = "Candy Cane";
-		sprite = "XMS2A0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1852
-	{
-		blocking = 2;
-		title = "Snowman";
-		sprite = "XMS3A0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 64;
-		flags4text = "[4] Slides when pushed";
-		flags8text = "[8] Not pushable";
-	}
-	1853
-	{
-		blocking = 2;
-		title = "Snowman (With Hat)";
-		sprite = "XMS3B0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 80;
-		flags4text = "[4] Slides when pushed";
-		flags8text = "[8] Not pushable";
-	}
-	1854
-	{
-		title = "Lamp Post";
-		sprite = "XMS4A0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 120;
-	}
-	1855
-	{
-		title = "Lamp Post (Snow)";
-		sprite = "XMS4B0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 120;
-	}
-	1856
-	{
-		title = "Hanging Star";
-		sprite = "XMS5A0";
-		width = 4;
-		height = 80;
-		hangs = 1;
-	}
-	1857
-	{
-		title = "Berry Bush (Snow)";
-		sprite = "BUS1B0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1858
-	{
-		title = "Bush (Snow)";
-		sprite = "BUS2B0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1859
-	{
-		title = "Blueberry Bush (Snow)";
-		sprite = "BUS3B0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	1875
-	{
-		title = "Disco Ball";
-		sprite = "DBALA0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 54;
-		hangs = 1;
-	}
-	1876
-	{
-		arrow = 1;
-		blocking = 2;
-		title = "Eggman Disco Statue";
-		sprite = "ESTAB1";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 96;
-		flags4text = "[4] Slides when pushed";
-		flags8text = "[8] Not pushable";
-	}
-	color = 10; // Green
-	title = "Stalagmites";
-	width = 16;
-	height = 40;
-	1900
-	{
-		title = "Brown Stalagmite (Tall)";
-		sprite = "STLGA0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	1901
-	{
-		title = "Brown Stalagmite";
-		sprite = "STLGB0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	1902
-	{
-		title = "Orange Stalagmite (Tall)";
-		sprite = "STLGC0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	1903
-	{
-		title = "Orange Stalagmite";
-		sprite = "STLGD0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	1904
-	{
-		title = "Red Stalagmite (Tall)";
-		sprite = "STLGE0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	1905
-	{
-		title = "Red Stalagmite";
-		sprite = "STLGF0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	1906
-	{
-		title = "Gray Stalagmite (Tall)";
-		sprite = "STLGG0";
-		width = 24;
-		height = 96;
-	}
-	1907
-	{
-		title = "Gray Stalagmite";
-		sprite = "STLGH0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	1908
-	{
-		title = "Blue Stalagmite (Tall)";
-		sprite = "STLGI0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	1909
-	{
-		title = "Blue Stalagmite";
-		sprite = "STLGJ0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	color = 10; // Green
-	title = "Haunted Heights";
-	2000
-	{
-		title = "Smashing Spikeball";
-		sprite = "FMCEA0";
-		width = 18;
-		height = 28;
-		angletext = "Initial delay";
-	}
-	2001
-	{
-		title = "HHZ Grass";
-		sprite = "HHZMA0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	2002
-	{
-		title = "HHZ Tentacle 1";
-		sprite = "HHZMB0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	2003
-	{
-		title = "HHZ Tentacle 2";
-		sprite = "HHZMC0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	2004
-	{
-		title = "HHZ Stalagmite (Tall)";
-		sprite = "HHZME0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	2005
-	{
-		title = "HHZ Stalagmite (Short)";
-		sprite = "HHZMF0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	2006
-	{
-		title = "Jack-o'-lantern 1";
-		sprite = "PUMKA0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-		flags1text = "Don't flicker";
-	}
-	2007
-	{
-		title = "Jack-o'-lantern 2";
-		sprite = "PUMKB0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-		flags1text = "Don't flicker";
-	}
-	2008
-	{
-		title = "Jack-o'-lantern 3";
-		sprite = "PUMKC0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 40;
-		flags1text = "Don't flicker";
-	}
-	2009
-	{
-		title = "Purple Mushroom";
-		sprite = "SHRMD0";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 48;
-	}
-	2010
-	{
-		title = "HHZ Tree";
-		sprite = "HHPLC0";
-		width = 12;
-		height = 40;
-	}
-	color = 10; // Green
-	title = "Frozen Hillside";
-	2100
-	{
-		title = "Ice Shard (Small)";
-		sprite = "FHZIA0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	2101
-	{
-		title = "Ice Shard (Large)";
-		sprite = "FHZIB0";
-		width = 8;
-		height = 32;
-	}
-	2102
-	{
-		title = "Crystal Tree (Aqua)";
-		sprite = "TRE3A0";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 200;
-	}
-	2103
-	{
-		title = "Crystal Tree (Pink)";
-		sprite = "TRE3B0";
-		width = 20;
-		height = 200;
-	}
-	2104
-	{
-		title = "Amy Cameo";
-		sprite = "ROSYA1";
-		width = 16;
-		height = 48;
-		flags1text = "[1] Grayscale mode";
-	}
-	2105
-	{
-		title = "Mistletoe";
-		sprite = "XMS6A0";
-		width = 52;
-		height = 106;
-	}
-	color = 10; // Green
-	title = "Flickies";
-	width = 8;
-	height = 20;
-	flags1text = "[1] Move aimlessly";
-	flags4text = "[4] No movement";
-	flags8text = "[8] Hop";
-	angletext = "Radius";
-	2200
-	{
-		title = "Bluebird";
-		sprite = "FL01A1";
-	}
-	2201
-	{
-		title = "Rabbit";
-		sprite = "FL02A1";
-	}
-	2202
-	{
-		title = "Chicken";
-		sprite = "FL03A1";
-	}
-	2203
-	{
-		title = "Seal";
-		sprite = "FL04A1";
-	}
-	2204
-	{
-		title = "Pig";
-		sprite = "FL05A1";
-	}
-	2205
-	{
-		title = "Chipmunk";
-		sprite = "FL06A1";
-	}
-	2206
-	{
-		title = "Penguin";
-		sprite = "FL07A1";
-	}
-	2207
-	{
-		title = "Fish";
-		sprite = "FL08A1";
-		parametertext = "Color";
-	}
-	2208
-	{
-		title = "Ram";
-		sprite = "FL09A1";
-	}
-	2209
-	{
-		title = "Puffin";
-		sprite = "FL10A1";
-	}
-	2210
-	{
-		title = "Cow";
-		sprite = "FL11A1";
-	}
-	2211
-	{
-		title = "Rat";
-		sprite = "FL12A1";
-	}
-	2212
-	{
-		title = "Bear";
-		sprite = "FL13A1";
-	}
-	2213
-	{
-		title = "Dove";
-		sprite = "FL14A1";
-	}
-	2214
-	{
-		title = "Cat";
-		sprite = "FL15A1";
-	}
-	2215
-	{
-		title = "Canary";
-		sprite = "FL16A1";
-	}
-	2216
-	{
-		title = "Spider";
-		sprite = "FS01A1";
-	}
-	2217
-	{
-		title = "Bat";
-		sprite = "FS02A0";
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extras/conf/SRB2-22.cfg b/extras/conf/SRB2-22.cfg
index ec318321d..ec030b32f 100644
--- a/extras/conf/SRB2-22.cfg
+++ b/extras/conf/SRB2-22.cfg
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ sectortypes
 	112 = "Trigger Line Ex. (NiGHTS Mare)";
 	128 = "Check for Linedef Executor on FOFs";
 	144 = "Egg Capsule";
-	160 = "Special Stage Time/Rings Parameters";
+	160 = "Special Stage Time/Spheres Parameters";
 	176 = "Custom Global Gravity";
 	512 = "Wind/Current";
 	1024 = "Conveyor Belt";
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ gen_sectortypes
 		112 = "Trigger Line Ex. (NiGHTS Mare)";
 		128 = "Check for Linedef Executor on FOFs";
 		144 = "Egg Capsule";
-		160 = "Special Stage Time/Rings Parameters";
+		160 = "Special Stage Time/Spheres Parameters";
 		176 = "Custom Global Gravity";
@@ -766,6 +766,7 @@ linedeftypes
 			title = "Parameters";
 			prefix = "(22)";
+			flags32text = "[5] Render outer sides only";
 			flags64text = "[6] Trigger linedef executor";
 			flags128text = "[7] Intangible";
 			flags256text = "[8] Stopped by pushables";
@@ -788,7 +789,6 @@ linedeftypes
 			title = "Angular Displacement by Front Sector";
 			prefix = "(32)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
 			flags64text = "[6] Don't turn players";
 			flags512text = "[9] Turn all objects";
@@ -1136,7 +1136,6 @@ linedeftypes
 			title = "Goo Water, Translucent, No Sides";
 			prefix = "(125)";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
 			flags64text = "[6] Use two light levels";
 			flags512text = "[9] Use target light level";
 			flags1024text = "[10] Ripple effect";
@@ -1227,6 +1226,18 @@ linedeftypes
 			3dfloorflags = "19F";
+		153
+		{
+			title = "Dynamically Sinking Platform";
+			prefix = "(153)";
+			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
+			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
+			flags64text = "[6] Spindash to move";
+			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
+			3dfloor = true;
+			3dfloorflags = "19F";
+		}
 			title = "Floating, Bobbing";
@@ -1282,7 +1293,6 @@ linedeftypes
 			title = "Rising Platform, Solid, Invisible";
 			prefix = "(193)";
 			flags2text = "[1] Sink when stepped on";
-			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
 			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
 			flags64text = "[6] Spindash to move";
 			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
@@ -1488,16 +1498,22 @@ linedeftypes
 			title = "Mario Block";
 			prefix = "(250)";
+			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
 			flags32text = "[5] Invisible block";
 			flags64text = "[6] Brick block";
 			3dfloor = true;
 			3dfloorflags = "40019F";
+			flags323dfloorflagsremove = "19E";
+			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "200000";
 			title = "Thwomp Block";
 			prefix = "(251)";
+			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
+			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
+			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
 			flags512text = "[9] Custom crushing sound";
 			flags1024text = "[10] Custom speed";
 			3dfloor = true;
@@ -1513,8 +1529,8 @@ linedeftypes
 			flags512text = "[9] Shattered by pushables";
 			flags1024text = "[10] Trigger linedef executor";
 			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "8800019";
-			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "200006";
+			3dfloorflags = "880001D";
+			flags643dfloorflagsadd = "200002";
@@ -1525,7 +1541,7 @@ linedeftypes
 			flags512text = "[9] Shattered by pushables";
 			flags1024text = "[10] Trigger linedef executor";
 			3dfloor = true;
-			3dfloorflags = "8801019";
+			3dfloorflags = "880101D";
@@ -1533,6 +1549,7 @@ linedeftypes
 			title = "Bustable Block";
 			prefix = "(254)";
 			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
+			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
 			flags64text = "[6] Strong characters only";
 			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
 			flags512text = "[9] Shattered by pushables";
@@ -1593,6 +1610,7 @@ linedeftypes
 			title = "Custom FOF";
 			prefix = "(259)";
+			flags8text = "[3] Slope skew sides";
 			flags32text = "[5] Only block player";
 			flags128text = "[7] Only block non-players";
 			flags512text = "[9] Shattered by pushables";
@@ -2161,6 +2179,14 @@ linedeftypes
 			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
+		449
+		{
+			title = "Enable Bosses with Parameter";
+			prefix = "(449)";
+			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
+			flags64text = "[6] Disable bosses";
+		}
 			title = "Track Object's Angle";
@@ -2180,12 +2206,14 @@ linedeftypes
 			title = "Award Rings";
 			prefix = "(460)";
+			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
 			title = "Spawn Object";
 			prefix = "(461)";
+			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
 			flags64text = "[6] Spawn inside a range";
@@ -2193,6 +2221,7 @@ linedeftypes
 			title = "Stop Timer/Exit Stage in Record Attack";
 			prefix = "(462)";
+			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
@@ -2206,7 +2235,7 @@ linedeftypes
 			prefix = "(413)";
 			flags2text = "[1] Keep after death";
 			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
-			flags32text = "[5] Seek to current song position";
+			flags32text = "[5] Seek from current position";
 			flags64text = "[6] For everyone";
 			flags128text = "[7] Fade to custom volume";
 			flags512text = "[9] Don't loop";
@@ -2220,7 +2249,7 @@ linedeftypes
 			flags2text = "[1] From calling sector";
 			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
 			flags64text = "[6] From nowhere for triggerer";
-			flags512text = "[9] For everyone";
+			flags512text = "[9] From nowhere for everyone";
 			flags1024text = "[10] From tagged sectors";
@@ -2298,7 +2327,6 @@ linedeftypes
 			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
 			title = "Make FOF Disappear/Reappear";
@@ -2325,8 +2353,8 @@ linedeftypes
 			flags32text = "[5] Subtract Red value";
 			flags64text = "[6] Subtract Green value";
 			flags128text = "[7] Subtract Blue value";
-			flags256text = "[8] Calc relative values";
-			flags32768text = "[15] Use back side colormap";
+			flags256text = "[8] Set relative to current";
+			flags32768text = "[15] Use backside colormap";
@@ -2359,7 +2387,7 @@ linedeftypes
 			prefix = "(452)";
 			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
 			flags64text = "[6] Do not handle FF_TRANS";
-			flags256text = "[8] Set relative to current val";
+			flags256text = "[8] Set relative to current";
@@ -2371,7 +2399,7 @@ linedeftypes
 			flags32text = "[5] No collision during fade";
 			flags64text = "[6] Do not handle FF_TRANS";
 			flags128text = "[7] Do not handle lighting";
-			flags256text = "[8] Set relative to current val";
+			flags256text = "[8] Set relative to current";
 			flags512text = "[9] Speed = Tic Duration";
 			flags1024text = "[10] Override existing fade";
 			flags16384text = "[14] Do not handle collision";
@@ -2395,11 +2423,11 @@ linedeftypes
 			flags32text = "[5] Subtract Red value";
 			flags64text = "[6] Subtract Green value";
 			flags128text = "[7] Subtract Blue value";
-			flags256text = "[8] Calc relative values";
+			flags256text = "[8] Set relative to current";
 			flags512text = "[9] Speed = Tic Duration";
 			flags1024text = "[10] Override existing fade";
 			flags16384text = "[14] Fade from invisible black";
-			flags32768text = "[15] Use back side colormap";
+			flags32768text = "[15] Use backside colormap";
@@ -2416,9 +2444,7 @@ linedeftypes
 			flags2text = "[1] Close text prompt";
 			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
 			flags32text = "[5] Run executor tag on close";
-			flags64text = "[6] For everyone";
-			flags128text = "[7] Do not block controls";
-			flags256text = "[8] Do not freeze time";
+			flags128text = "[7] Don't disable controls";
 			flags32768text = "[15] Find prompt by name";
@@ -2524,7 +2550,7 @@ linedeftypes
 			prefix = "(491)";
 			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
 			flags16text = "[4] Set raw alpha by Front X";
-			flags256text = "[8] Calc relative values";
+			flags256text = "[8] Set relative to current";
@@ -2534,7 +2560,7 @@ linedeftypes
 			flags8text = "[3] Set delay by backside sector";
 			flags16text = "[4] Set raw alpha by Front X";
 			flags32text = "[5] No collision during fade";
-			flags256text = "[8] Calc relative values";
+			flags256text = "[8] Set relative to current";
 			flags512text = "[9] Speed = Tic Duration";
 			flags1024text = "[10] Override existing fade";
 			flags16384text = "[14] Do not handle collision";
@@ -2632,76 +2658,84 @@ linedeftypes
 			title = "Carry Objects on Floor";
 			prefix = "(520)";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
 			title = "Carry Objects on Floor (Accelerative)";
 			prefix = "(521)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
 			title = "Carry Objects on Floor (Displacement)";
 			prefix = "(522)";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
 			title = "Carry Objects on Ceiling";
 			prefix = "(523)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
 			title = "Carry Objects on Ceiling (Accelerative)";
 			prefix = "(524)";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
 			title = "Carry Objects on Ceiling (Displacement)";
 			prefix = "(525)";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
 			title = "Scroll Floor Texture and Carry Objects";
 			prefix = "(530)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
 			title = "Scroll Floor Texture and Carry Objects (Accelerative)";
 			prefix = "(531)";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
 			title = "Scroll Floor Texture and Carry Objects (Displacement)";
 			prefix = "(532)";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
 			title = "Scroll Ceiling Texture and Carry Objects";
 			prefix = "(533)";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
 			title = "Scroll Ceiling Texture and Carry Objects (Accelerative)";
 			prefix = "(534)";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
 			title = "Scroll Ceiling Texture and Carry Objects (Displacement)";
 			prefix = "(535)";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
@@ -2714,7 +2748,7 @@ linedeftypes
 			title = "Wind";
 			prefix = "(541)";
 			flags512text = "[9] Player slides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
@@ -2722,7 +2756,7 @@ linedeftypes
 			title = "Upwards Wind";
 			prefix = "(542)";
 			flags512text = "[9] Player slides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
@@ -2730,7 +2764,7 @@ linedeftypes
 			title = "Downwards Wind";
 			prefix = "(543)";
 			flags512text = "[9] Player slides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
@@ -2738,7 +2772,7 @@ linedeftypes
 			title = "Current";
 			prefix = "(544)";
 			flags512text = "[9] Player slides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
@@ -2746,7 +2780,7 @@ linedeftypes
 			title = "Upwards Current";
 			prefix = "(545)";
 			flags512text = "[9] Player slides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
@@ -2754,13 +2788,14 @@ linedeftypes
 			title = "Downwards Current";
 			prefix = "(546)";
 			flags512text = "[9] Player slides";
-			flags64text = "[6] Even across edges";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
 			title = "Push/Pull";
 			prefix = "(547)";
+			flags64text = "[6] Exclusive";
@@ -3407,8 +3442,8 @@ thingtypes
 			sprite = "ESHIA1";
 			width = 16;
 			height = 48;
-			flags1text = "[1] 90 degrees counter-clockwise";
-			flags4text = "[4] 90 degrees clockwise";
+			flags1text = "[1] 90 degrees clockwise";
+			flags4text = "[4] 90 degrees counter-clockwise";
 			flags8text = "[8] Double speed";
@@ -3897,9 +3932,10 @@ thingtypes
 		title = "Monitors";
 		width = 18;
 		height = 40;
-		flags1text = "[1] Run Linedef Executor on pop";
+		flags1text = "[1] Run linedef executor on pop";
 		flags4text = "[4] Random (Strong)";
 		flags8text = "[8] Random (Weak)";
+		angletext = "Tag";
@@ -4029,7 +4065,8 @@ thingtypes
 		title = "Monitors (Respawning)";
 		width = 20;
 		height = 44;
-		flags1text = "[1] Run Linedef Executor on pop";
+		flags1text = "[1] Run linedef executor on pop";
+		angletext = "Tag";
@@ -4125,7 +4162,9 @@ thingtypes
 			sprite = "STPTA0M0";
 			width = 64;
 			height = 128;
+			flags4text = "[4] Respawn at center";
 			angletext = "Angle/Order";
+			parametertext = "Order";
@@ -4152,6 +4191,7 @@ thingtypes
 			sprite = "WSPKALAR";
 			width = 16;
 			height = 14;
+			arrow = 1;
 			flags1text = "[1] Start retracted";
 			flags4text = "[4] Retractable";
 			flags8text = "[8] Intangible";
@@ -4558,6 +4598,7 @@ thingtypes
 			sprite = "TOADA0";
 			width = 32;
 			height = 16;
+			angletext = "Tag";
@@ -5832,7 +5873,7 @@ thingtypes
 			sprite = "CAPSA0";
 			width = 72;
 			height = 144;
-			angletext = "Rings";
+			angletext = "Spheres";
 			parametertext = "Mare";
@@ -6273,7 +6314,7 @@ thingtypes
 			sprite = "PUMKA0";
 			width = 16;
 			height = 40;
-			flags1text = "Don't flicker";
+			flags1text = "[1] Don't flicker";
@@ -6281,7 +6322,7 @@ thingtypes
 			sprite = "PUMKB0";
 			width = 16;
 			height = 40;
-			flags1text = "Don't flicker";
+			flags1text = "[1] Don't flicker";
@@ -6289,7 +6330,7 @@ thingtypes
 			sprite = "PUMKC0";
 			width = 16;
 			height = 40;
-			flags1text = "Don't flicker";
+			flags1text = "[1] Don't flicker";
diff --git a/extras/conf/SRB2_22Doom.cfg b/extras/conf/SRB2_22Doom.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 65e49d387..000000000
--- a/extras/conf/SRB2_22Doom.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-	Zone Builder Game Configuration for Sonic Robo Blast 2 Version 2.2
-// This is required to prevent accidental use of a different configuration
-type = "Doom Builder 2 Game Configuration";
-// This is the title to show for this game
-game = "Sonic Robo Blast 2 - 2.2 (Doom format)";
-// This is the simplified game engine/sourceport name
-engine = "zdoom";
-// Settings common to all games and all map formats
-include("Includes\\SRB222_common.cfg", "common");
-// Settings common to Doom map format
-include("Includes\\SRB222_common.cfg", "mapformat_doom");
-// Script lumps detection
-	include("Includes\\SRB222_misc.cfg", "scriptlumpnames");
-	include("Includes\\SRB222_things.cfg");
-//Default things filters
-	include("Includes\\SRB222_misc.cfg", "thingsfilters");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extras/conf/SRB2_22UDMF.cfg b/extras/conf/SRB2_22UDMF.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 52104ed09..000000000
--- a/extras/conf/SRB2_22UDMF.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-	Zone Builder Game Configuration for Sonic Robo Blast 2 Version 2.2
-// This is required to prevent accidental use of a different configuration
-type = "Doom Builder 2 Game Configuration";
-// This is the title to show for this game
-game = "Sonic Robo Blast 2 - 2.2 (UDMF)";
-// This is the simplified game engine/sourceport name
-engine = "zdoom";
-// Settings common to all games and all map formats
-include("Includes\\SRB222_common.cfg", "common");
-// Settings common to Doom map format
-include("Includes\\SRB222_common.cfg", "mapformat_udmf");
-// Script lumps detection
-	include("Includes\\SRB222_misc.cfg", "scriptlumpnames");
-	include("Includes\\SRB222_things.cfg");
-//Default things filters
-	include("Includes\\SRB222_misc.cfg", "thingsfilters");
-// Each engine has its own additional thing types
-// These are enumerated lists for linedef types and UDMF fields.
-	// Basic game enums
-	include("Includes\\SRB222_misc.cfg", "enums");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/android/i_video.c b/src/android/i_video.c
index b8bb4fefb..1909cd71a 100644
--- a/src/android/i_video.c
+++ b/src/android/i_video.c
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ boolean allow_fullscreen = false;
 consvar_t cv_vidwait = {"vid_wait", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
 void I_StartupGraphics(void){}
-void I_StartupHardwareGraphics(void){}
 void I_ShutdownGraphics(void){}
+void VID_StartupOpenGL(void){}
 void I_SetPalette(RGBA_t *palette)
@@ -52,10 +52,8 @@ INT32 VID_SetMode(INT32 modenum)
   return 0;
-void VID_CheckRenderer(void)
-	// ..............
+void VID_CheckRenderer(void) {}
+void VID_CheckGLLoaded(rendermode_t oldrender) {}
 const char *VID_GetModeName(INT32 modenum)
diff --git a/src/command.c b/src/command.c
index d1eea6052..abe6bcedf 100644
--- a/src/command.c
+++ b/src/command.c
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ static boolean joyaxis2_default = false;
 static INT32 joyaxis_count = 0;
 static INT32 joyaxis2_count = 0;
-#define COM_BUF_SIZE 8192 // command buffer size
+#define COM_BUF_SIZE (32<<10) // command buffer size
 #define MAX_ALIAS_RECURSION 100 // max recursion allowed for aliases
 static INT32 com_wait; // one command per frame (for cmd sequences)
diff --git a/src/console.c b/src/console.c
index f8fa1314a..0f1ccbd33 100644
--- a/src/console.c
+++ b/src/console.c
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ static void CON_InputInit(void);
 static void CON_RecalcSize(void);
 static void CON_ChangeHeight(void);
+static void CON_DrawBackpic(void);
 static void CONS_hudlines_Change(void);
 static void CONS_backcolor_Change(void);
@@ -1530,6 +1531,51 @@ static void CON_DrawHudlines(void)
 	con_clearlines = y; // this is handled by HU_Erase();
+// Lactozilla: Draws the console's background picture.
+static void CON_DrawBackpic(void)
+	patch_t *con_backpic;
+	lumpnum_t piclump;
+	int x, w, h;
+	// Get the lumpnum for CONSBACK, or fallback into MISSING.
+	piclump = W_CheckNumForName("CONSBACK");
+	if (piclump == LUMPERROR)
+		piclump = W_GetNumForName("MISSING");
+	// Cache the Software patch.
+	con_backpic = W_CacheSoftwarePatchNum(piclump, PU_PATCH);
+	// Center the backpic, and draw a vertically cropped patch.
+	w = (con_backpic->width * vid.dupx);
+	x = (vid.width / 2) - (w / 2);
+	h = con_curlines/vid.dupy;
+	// If the patch doesn't fill the entire screen,
+	// then fill the sides with a solid color.
+	if (x > 0)
+	{
+		column_t *column = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)(con_backpic) + LONG(con_backpic->columnofs[0]));
+		if (!column->topdelta)
+		{
+			UINT8 *source = (UINT8 *)(column) + 3;
+			INT32 color = (source[0] | V_NOSCALESTART);
+			// left side
+			V_DrawFill(0, 0, x, con_curlines, color);
+			// right side
+			V_DrawFill((x + w), 0, (vid.width - w), con_curlines, color);
+		}
+	}
+	// Cache the patch normally.
+	con_backpic = W_CachePatchNum(piclump, PU_PATCH);
+	V_DrawCroppedPatch(x << FRACBITS, 0, FRACUNIT, V_NOSCALESTART, con_backpic,
+	// Unlock the cached patch.
+	W_UnlockCachedPatch(con_backpic);
 // draw the console background, text, and prompt if enough place
 static void CON_DrawConsole(void)
@@ -1551,19 +1597,7 @@ static void CON_DrawConsole(void)
 	// draw console background
 	if (cons_backpic.value || con_forcepic)
-	{
-		patch_t *con_backpic = W_CachePatchName("CONSBACK", PU_PATCH);
-		int h;
-		h = con_curlines/vid.dupy;
-		// Jimita: CON_DrawBackpic just called V_DrawScaledPatch
-		//V_DrawScaledPatch(0, 0, 0, con_backpic);
-		V_DrawCroppedPatch(0, 0, FRACUNIT, 0, con_backpic,
-		W_UnlockCachedPatch(con_backpic);
-	}
+		CON_DrawBackpic();
 		// inu: no more width (was always 0 and vid.width)
diff --git a/src/d_clisrv.c b/src/d_clisrv.c
index 71e32977a..92602d68a 100644
--- a/src/d_clisrv.c
+++ b/src/d_clisrv.c
@@ -4855,7 +4855,8 @@ static inline void PingUpdate(void)
 		for (i = 1; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
-			if (playeringame[i] && (realpingtable[i] / pingmeasurecount > (unsigned)cv_maxping.value))
+			if (playeringame[i] && !players[i].quittime
+			&& (realpingtable[i] / pingmeasurecount > (unsigned)cv_maxping.value))
 				if (players[i].jointime > 30 * TICRATE)
 					laggers[i] = true;
@@ -4874,8 +4875,8 @@ static inline void PingUpdate(void)
 				if (playeringame[i] && laggers[i])
+					// ok your net has been bad for too long, you deserve to die.
 					if (pingtimeout[i] > cv_pingtimeout.value)
-// ok your net has been bad for too long, you deserve to die.
 						pingtimeout[i] = 0;
diff --git a/src/d_main.c b/src/d_main.c
index ec63242b8..8519e6281 100644
--- a/src/d_main.c
+++ b/src/d_main.c
@@ -1173,6 +1173,12 @@ void D_SRB2Main(void)
 	if (M_CheckParm("-password") && M_IsNextParm())
+	CONS_Printf("Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon. \n");
+	Z_Init();
+	// Do this up here so that WADs loaded through the command line can use ExecCfg
+	COM_Init();
 	// add any files specified on the command line with -file wadfile
 	// to the wad list
 	if (!((M_GetUrlProtocolArg() || M_CheckParm("-connect")) && !M_CheckParm("-server")))
@@ -1200,9 +1206,6 @@ void D_SRB2Main(void)
 	if (M_CheckParm("-server") || dedicated)
 		netgame = server = true;
-	CONS_Printf("Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon. \n");
-	Z_Init();
 	// adapt tables to SRB2's needs, including extra slots for dehacked file support
@@ -1274,7 +1277,6 @@ void D_SRB2Main(void)
 	CONS_Printf("HU_Init(): Setting up heads up display.\n");
-	COM_Init();
@@ -1308,11 +1310,10 @@ void D_SRB2Main(void)
 		// Set cv_renderer to the new render mode
-		SCR_ChangeRendererCVars(setrenderneeded);
+		SCR_ChangeRendererCVars(rendermode);
-		// check the renderer's state, and then clear setrenderneeded
+		// check the renderer's state
-		setrenderneeded = 0;
 	wipegamestate = gamestate;
diff --git a/src/dehacked.c b/src/dehacked.c
index e6466f792..b4ba9234b 100644
--- a/src/dehacked.c
+++ b/src/dehacked.c
@@ -3890,7 +3890,26 @@ static void readmaincfg(MYFILE *f)
 			value = atoi(word2); // used for numerical settings
 			if (fastcmp(word, "EXECCFG"))
-				COM_BufAddText(va("exec %s\n", word2));
+			{
+				if (strchr(word2, '.'))
+					COM_BufAddText(va("exec %s\n", word2));
+				else
+				{
+					lumpnum_t lumpnum;
+					char newname[9];
+					strncpy(newname, word2, 8);
+					newname[8] = '\0';
+					lumpnum = W_CheckNumForName(newname);
+					if (lumpnum == LUMPERROR || W_LumpLength(lumpnum) == 0)
+						CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "SOC Error: script lump %s not found/not valid.\n", newname);
+					else
+						COM_BufInsertText(W_CacheLumpNum(lumpnum, PU_CACHE));
+				}
+			}
 			else if (fastcmp(word, "SPSTAGE_START"))
@@ -7478,7 +7497,7 @@ static const char *const STATE_LIST[] = { // array length left dynamic for sanit
 	// Got Flag Sign
 	// Finish flag
diff --git a/src/djgppdos/i_video.c b/src/djgppdos/i_video.c
index 02c7a842b..f525b96ca 100644
--- a/src/djgppdos/i_video.c
+++ b/src/djgppdos/i_video.c
@@ -339,7 +339,4 @@ void I_StartupGraphics(void)
-void I_StartupHardwareGraphics(void)
-	// oh yeah woo yeah oh yeah woo yeah oh yeah woo yeah oh yeah woo yeah oh yeah woo yeah oh yeah woo yeah oh yeah woo y
+void VID_StartupOpenGL(void) {}
diff --git a/src/djgppdos/vid_vesa.c b/src/djgppdos/vid_vesa.c
index c8ce7dae5..61ed18e4b 100644
--- a/src/djgppdos/vid_vesa.c
+++ b/src/djgppdos/vid_vesa.c
@@ -378,10 +378,8 @@ INT32 VID_SetMode (INT32 modenum)  //, UINT8 *palette)
 	return 1;
-void VID_CheckRenderer(void)
-	// ..............
+void VID_CheckRenderer(void) {}
+void VID_CheckGLLoaded(rendermode_t oldrender) {}
diff --git a/src/dummy/i_video.c b/src/dummy/i_video.c
index fafeee000..56ead3672 100644
--- a/src/dummy/i_video.c
+++ b/src/dummy/i_video.c
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ boolean allow_fullscreen = false;
 consvar_t cv_vidwait = {"vid_wait", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
 void I_StartupGraphics(void){}
-void I_StartupHardwareGraphics(void){}
 void I_ShutdownGraphics(void){}
+void VID_StartupOpenGL(void){}
 void I_SetPalette(RGBA_t *palette)
@@ -40,10 +40,8 @@ INT32 VID_SetMode(INT32 modenum)
 	return 0;
-void VID_CheckRenderer(void)
-	// ..............
+void VID_CheckRenderer(void) {}
+void VID_CheckGLLoaded(rendermode_t oldrender) {}
 const char *VID_GetModeName(INT32 modenum)
diff --git a/src/hardware/hw_draw.c b/src/hardware/hw_draw.c
index 598a635aa..d01331765 100644
--- a/src/hardware/hw_draw.c
+++ b/src/hardware/hw_draw.c
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ void HWR_DrawStretchyFixedPatch(GLPatch_t *gpatch, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t
 			if (cx >= -0.1f && cx <= 0.1f && SHORT(gpatch->width) == BASEVIDWIDTH && cy >= -0.1f && cy <= 0.1f && SHORT(gpatch->height) == BASEVIDHEIGHT)
 				// Need to temporarily cache the real patch to get the colour of the top left pixel
-				patch_t *realpatch = W_CacheLumpNumPwad(gpatch->wadnum, gpatch->lumpnum, PU_STATIC);
+				patch_t *realpatch = W_CacheSoftwarePatchNumPwad(gpatch->wadnum, gpatch->lumpnum, PU_STATIC);
 				const column_t *column = (const column_t *)((const UINT8 *)(realpatch) + LONG((realpatch)->columnofs[0]));
 				if (!column->topdelta)
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ void HWR_DrawCroppedPatch(GLPatch_t *gpatch, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t pscal
 			if (cx >= -0.1f && cx <= 0.1f && SHORT(gpatch->width) == BASEVIDWIDTH && cy >= -0.1f && cy <= 0.1f && SHORT(gpatch->height) == BASEVIDHEIGHT)
 				// Need to temporarily cache the real patch to get the colour of the top left pixel
-				patch_t *realpatch = W_CacheLumpNumPwad(gpatch->wadnum, gpatch->lumpnum, PU_STATIC);
+				patch_t *realpatch = W_CacheSoftwarePatchNumPwad(gpatch->wadnum, gpatch->lumpnum, PU_STATIC);
 				const column_t *column = (const column_t *)((const UINT8 *)(realpatch) + LONG((realpatch)->columnofs[0]));
 				if (!column->topdelta)
diff --git a/src/hardware/hw_main.c b/src/hardware/hw_main.c
index efed9b602..be03ba083 100644
--- a/src/hardware/hw_main.c
+++ b/src/hardware/hw_main.c
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ static UINT8 HWR_FogBlockAlpha(INT32 light, UINT32 color) // Let's see if this c
 // -----------------+
 // HWR_RenderPlane  : Render a floor or ceiling convex polygon
 // -----------------+
-static void HWR_RenderPlane(sector_t *sector, extrasubsector_t *xsub, boolean isceiling, fixed_t fixedheight,
+static void HWR_RenderPlane(subsector_t *subsector, extrasubsector_t *xsub, boolean isceiling, fixed_t fixedheight,
                            FBITFIELD PolyFlags, INT32 lightlevel, levelflat_t *levelflat, sector_t *FOFsector, UINT8 alpha, boolean fogplane, extracolormap_t *planecolormap)
 	polyvertex_t *  pv;
@@ -493,8 +493,6 @@ static void HWR_RenderPlane(sector_t *sector, extrasubsector_t *xsub, boolean is
 	static FOutVector *planeVerts = NULL;
 	static UINT16 numAllocedPlaneVerts = 0;
-	(void)sector; ///@TODO remove shitty unused variable
 	// no convex poly were generated for this subsector
 	if (!xsub->planepoly)
@@ -593,8 +591,6 @@ static void HWR_RenderPlane(sector_t *sector, extrasubsector_t *xsub, boolean is
 	flatyref = (float)(((fixed_t)pv->y & (~flatflag)) / fflatheight);
 	// transform
-	v3d = planeVerts;
 	if (FOFsector != NULL)
 		if (!isceiling) // it's a floor
@@ -637,46 +633,43 @@ static void HWR_RenderPlane(sector_t *sector, extrasubsector_t *xsub, boolean is
 		flatyref = (FIXED_TO_FLOAT(FixedMul(tempxsow, FINESINE(angle)) + FixedMul(tempytow, FINECOSINE(angle))));
-	for (i = 0; i < nrPlaneVerts; i++,v3d++,pv++)
-	{
-		// Hurdler: add scrolling texture on floor/ceiling
-		if (texflat)
-		{
-			v3d->sow = (float)(pv->x / fflatwidth) + scrollx;
-			v3d->tow = -(float)(pv->y / fflatheight) + scrolly;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			v3d->sow = (float)((pv->x / fflatwidth) - flatxref + scrollx);
-			v3d->tow = (float)(flatyref - (pv->y / fflatheight) + scrolly);
-		}
+#define SETUP3DVERT(vert, vx, vy) {\
+		/* Hurdler: add scrolling texture on floor/ceiling */\
+		if (texflat)\
+		{\
+			vert->sow = (float)((vx) / fflatwidth) + scrollx;\
+			vert->tow = -(float)((vy) / fflatheight) + scrolly;\
+		}\
+		else\
+		{\
+			vert->sow = (float)(((vx) / fflatwidth) - flatxref + scrollx);\
+			vert->tow = (float)(flatyref - ((vy) / fflatheight) + scrolly);\
+		}\
+		/* Need to rotate before translate */\
+		if (angle) /* Only needs to be done if there's an altered angle */\
+		{\
+			tempxsow = FLOAT_TO_FIXED(vert->sow);\
+			tempytow = FLOAT_TO_FIXED(vert->tow);\
+			if (texflat)\
+				tempytow = -tempytow;\
+			vert->sow = (FIXED_TO_FLOAT(FixedMul(tempxsow, FINECOSINE(angle)) - FixedMul(tempytow, FINESINE(angle))));\
+			vert->tow = (FIXED_TO_FLOAT(FixedMul(tempxsow, FINESINE(angle)) + FixedMul(tempytow, FINECOSINE(angle))));\
+		}\
+		vert->x = (vx);\
+		vert->y = height;\
+		vert->z = (vy);\
+		if (slope)\
+		{\
+			fixedheight = P_GetZAt(slope, FLOAT_TO_FIXED((vx)), FLOAT_TO_FIXED((vy)));\
+			vert->y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(fixedheight);\
+		}\
-		// Need to rotate before translate
-		if (angle) // Only needs to be done if there's an altered angle
-		{
-			tempxsow = FLOAT_TO_FIXED(v3d->sow);
-			tempytow = FLOAT_TO_FIXED(v3d->tow);
-			if (texflat)
-				tempytow = -tempytow;
-			v3d->sow = (FIXED_TO_FLOAT(FixedMul(tempxsow, FINECOSINE(angle)) - FixedMul(tempytow, FINESINE(angle))));
-			v3d->tow = (FIXED_TO_FLOAT(FixedMul(tempxsow, FINESINE(angle)) + FixedMul(tempytow, FINECOSINE(angle))));
-		}
-		//v3d->sow = (float)(v3d->sow - flatxref + scrollx);
-		//v3d->tow = (float)(flatyref - v3d->tow + scrolly);
-		v3d->x = pv->x;
-		v3d->y = height;
-		v3d->z = pv->y;
-#ifdef ESLOPE
-		if (slope)
-		{
-			fixedheight = P_GetZAt(slope, FLOAT_TO_FIXED(pv->x), FLOAT_TO_FIXED(pv->y));
-			v3d->y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(fixedheight);
-		}
-	}
+	for (i = 0, v3d = planeVerts; i < nrPlaneVerts; i++,v3d++,pv++)
+		SETUP3DVERT(v3d, pv->x, pv->y);
 	// only useful for flat coloured triangles
 	//Surf.FlatColor = 0xff804020;
@@ -687,38 +680,6 @@ static void HWR_RenderPlane(sector_t *sector, extrasubsector_t *xsub, boolean is
 	Surf.FlatColor.s.red = Surf.FlatColor.s.green =
 	Surf.FlatColor.s.blue = LightLevelToLum(lightlevel); //  Don't take from the frontsector, or the game will crash
-#if 0 // no colormap test
-	// colormap test
-	if (gr_frontsector)
-	{
-		sector_t *psector = gr_frontsector;
-#ifdef ESLOPE
-		if (slope)
-			fixedheight = P_GetZAt(slope, psector->soundorg.x, psector->soundorg.y);
-		if (psector->ffloors)
-		{
-			ffloor_t *caster = psector->lightlist[R_GetPlaneLight(psector, fixedheight, false)].caster;
-			psector = caster ? &sectors[caster->secnum] : psector;
-			if (caster)
-			{
-				lightlevel = psector->lightlevel;
-				Surf.FlatColor.s.red = Surf.FlatColor.s.green = Surf.FlatColor.s.blue = LightLevelToLum(lightlevel);
-			}
-		}
-		if (psector->extra_colormap)
-			Surf.FlatColor.rgba = HWR_Lighting(lightlevel,psector->extra_colormap->rgba,psector->extra_colormap->fadergba, false, true);
-		else
-			Surf.FlatColor.rgba = HWR_Lighting(lightlevel,NORMALFOG,FADEFOG, false, true);
-	}
-	else
-		Surf.FlatColor.rgba = HWR_Lighting(lightlevel,NORMALFOG,FADEFOG, false, true);
-#endif // NOPE
 	if (planecolormap)
 		if (fogplane)
@@ -744,6 +705,79 @@ static void HWR_RenderPlane(sector_t *sector, extrasubsector_t *xsub, boolean is
 	HWD.pfnDrawPolygon(&Surf, planeVerts, nrPlaneVerts, PolyFlags);
+	if (subsector)
+	{
+		// Horizon lines
+		FOutVector horizonpts[6];
+		float dist, vx, vy;
+		float x1, y1, xd, yd;
+		UINT8 numplanes, j;
+		vertex_t v; // For determining the closest distance from the line to the camera, to split render planes for minimum distortion;
+		const float renderdist = 27000.0f; // How far out to properly render the plane
+		const float farrenderdist = 32768.0f; // From here, raise plane to horizon level to fill in the line with some texture distortion
+		seg_t *line = &segs[subsector->firstline];
+		for (i = 0; i < subsector->numlines; i++, line++)
+		{
+			if (!line->glseg && line->linedef->special == HORIZONSPECIAL && R_PointOnSegSide(dup_viewx, dup_viewy, line) == 0)
+			{
+				P_ClosestPointOnLine(viewx, viewy, line->linedef, &v);
+				dist = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(R_PointToDist(v.x, v.y));
+				x1 = ((polyvertex_t *)line->pv1)->x;
+				y1 = ((polyvertex_t *)line->pv1)->y;
+				xd = ((polyvertex_t *)line->pv2)->x - x1;
+				yd = ((polyvertex_t *)line->pv2)->y - y1;
+				// Based on the seg length and the distance from the line, split horizon into multiple poly sets to reduce distortion
+				dist = sqrtf((xd*xd) + (yd*yd)) / dist / 16.0f;
+				if (dist > 100.0f)
+					numplanes = 100;
+				else
+					numplanes = (UINT8)dist + 1;
+				for (j = 0; j < numplanes; j++)
+				{
+					// Left side
+					vx = x1 + xd * j / numplanes;
+					vy = y1 + yd * j / numplanes;
+					SETUP3DVERT((&horizonpts[1]), vx, vy);
+					dist = sqrtf(powf(vx - gr_viewx, 2) + powf(vy - gr_viewy, 2));
+					vx = (vx - gr_viewx) * renderdist / dist + gr_viewx;
+					vy = (vy - gr_viewy) * renderdist / dist + gr_viewy;
+					SETUP3DVERT((&horizonpts[0]), vx, vy);
+					// Right side
+					vx = x1 + xd * (j+1) / numplanes;
+					vy = y1 + yd * (j+1) / numplanes;
+					SETUP3DVERT((&horizonpts[2]), vx, vy);
+					dist = sqrtf(powf(vx - gr_viewx, 2) + powf(vy - gr_viewy, 2));
+					vx = (vx - gr_viewx) * renderdist / dist + gr_viewx;
+					vy = (vy - gr_viewy) * renderdist / dist + gr_viewy;
+					SETUP3DVERT((&horizonpts[3]), vx, vy);
+					// Horizon fills
+					vx = (horizonpts[0].x - gr_viewx) * farrenderdist / renderdist + gr_viewx;
+					vy = (horizonpts[0].z - gr_viewy) * farrenderdist / renderdist + gr_viewy;
+					SETUP3DVERT((&horizonpts[5]), vx, vy);
+					horizonpts[5].y = gr_viewz;
+					vx = (horizonpts[3].x - gr_viewx) * farrenderdist / renderdist + gr_viewx;
+					vy = (horizonpts[3].z - gr_viewy) * farrenderdist / renderdist + gr_viewy;
+					SETUP3DVERT((&horizonpts[4]), vx, vy);
+					horizonpts[4].y = gr_viewz;
+					// Draw
+					HWD.pfnDrawPolygon(&Surf, horizonpts, 6, PolyFlags);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
 	// add here code for dynamic lighting on planes
 	HWR_PlaneLighting(planeVerts, nrPlaneVerts);
@@ -3561,7 +3595,7 @@ static void HWR_Subsector(size_t num)
 			if (sub->validcount != validcount)
-				HWR_RenderPlane(gr_frontsector, &extrasubsectors[num], false,
+				HWR_RenderPlane(sub, &extrasubsectors[num], false,
 					// Hack to make things continue to work around slopes.
 					locFloorHeight == cullFloorHeight ? locFloorHeight : gr_frontsector->floorheight,
 					// We now return you to your regularly scheduled rendering.
@@ -3583,7 +3617,7 @@ static void HWR_Subsector(size_t num)
 			if (sub->validcount != validcount)
-				HWR_RenderPlane(NULL, &extrasubsectors[num], true,
+				HWR_RenderPlane(sub, &extrasubsectors[num], true,
 					// Hack to make things continue to work around slopes.
 					locCeilingHeight == cullCeilingHeight ? locCeilingHeight : gr_frontsector->ceilingheight,
 					// We now return you to your regularly scheduled rendering.
@@ -3677,7 +3711,7 @@ static void HWR_Subsector(size_t num)
 					light = R_GetPlaneLight(gr_frontsector, centerHeight, dup_viewz < cullHeight ? true : false);
-					HWR_RenderPlane(NULL, &extrasubsectors[num], false, *rover->bottomheight, PF_Occlude, *gr_frontsector->lightlist[light].lightlevel, &levelflats[*rover->bottompic],
+					HWR_RenderPlane(sub, &extrasubsectors[num], false, *rover->bottomheight, PF_Occlude, *gr_frontsector->lightlist[light].lightlevel, &levelflats[*rover->bottompic],
 					                rover->master->frontsector, 255, false, *gr_frontsector->lightlist[light].extra_colormap);
@@ -3741,7 +3775,7 @@ static void HWR_Subsector(size_t num)
 					light = R_GetPlaneLight(gr_frontsector, centerHeight, dup_viewz < cullHeight ? true : false);
-					HWR_RenderPlane(NULL, &extrasubsectors[num], true, *rover->topheight, PF_Occlude, *gr_frontsector->lightlist[light].lightlevel, &levelflats[*rover->toppic],
+					HWR_RenderPlane(sub, &extrasubsectors[num], true, *rover->topheight, PF_Occlude, *gr_frontsector->lightlist[light].lightlevel, &levelflats[*rover->toppic],
 					                  rover->master->frontsector, 255, false, *gr_frontsector->lightlist[light].extra_colormap);
@@ -4186,7 +4220,10 @@ static void HWR_DrawDropShadow(mobj_t *thing, gr_vissprite_t *spr, fixed_t scale
 		light = R_GetPlaneLight(thing->subsector->sector, floorz, false); // Always use the light at the top instead of whatever I was doing before
-		lightlevel = *thing->subsector->sector->lightlist[light].lightlevel;
+		if (*thing->subsector->sector->lightlist[light].lightlevel > 255)
+			lightlevel = 255;
+		else
+			lightlevel = *thing->subsector->sector->lightlist[light].lightlevel;
 		if (*thing->subsector->sector->lightlist[light].extra_colormap)
 			colormap = *thing->subsector->sector->lightlist[light].extra_colormap;
@@ -4392,7 +4429,7 @@ static void HWR_SplitSprite(gr_vissprite_t *spr)
 		if (h <= temp)
 			if (!(spr->mobj->frame & FF_FULLBRIGHT))
-				lightlevel = *list[i-1].lightlevel;
+				lightlevel = *list[i-1].lightlevel > 255 ? 255 : *list[i-1].lightlevel;
 			colormap = *list[i-1].extra_colormap;
@@ -4400,7 +4437,7 @@ static void HWR_SplitSprite(gr_vissprite_t *spr)
 	i = R_GetPlaneLight(sector, temp, false);
 	if (!(spr->mobj->frame & FF_FULLBRIGHT))
-		lightlevel = *list[i].lightlevel;
+		lightlevel = *list[i].lightlevel > 255 ? 255 : *list[i].lightlevel;
 	colormap = *list[i].extra_colormap;
@@ -4416,7 +4453,7 @@ static void HWR_SplitSprite(gr_vissprite_t *spr)
 		if (!(list[i].flags & FF_NOSHADE) && (list[i].flags & FF_CUTSPRITES))
 			if (!(spr->mobj->frame & FF_FULLBRIGHT))
-				lightlevel = *list[i].lightlevel;
+				lightlevel = *list[i].lightlevel > 255 ? 255 : *list[i].lightlevel;
 			colormap = *list[i].extra_colormap;
@@ -4693,7 +4730,7 @@ static void HWR_DrawSprite(gr_vissprite_t *spr)
 		extracolormap_t *colormap = sector->extra_colormap;
 		if (!(spr->mobj->frame & FF_FULLBRIGHT))
-			lightlevel = sector->lightlevel;
+			lightlevel = sector->lightlevel > 255 ? 255 : sector->lightlevel;
 		if (colormap)
 			Surf.FlatColor.rgba = HWR_Lighting(lightlevel, colormap->rgba, colormap->fadergba, false, false);
@@ -4790,7 +4827,7 @@ static inline void HWR_DrawPrecipitationSprite(gr_vissprite_t *spr)
 			light = R_GetPlaneLight(sector, spr->mobj->z + spr->mobj->height, false); // Always use the light at the top instead of whatever I was doing before
 			if (!(spr->mobj->frame & FF_FULLBRIGHT))
-				lightlevel = *sector->lightlist[light].lightlevel;
+				lightlevel = *sector->lightlist[light].lightlevel > 255 ? 255 : *sector->lightlist[light].lightlevel;
 			if (*sector->lightlist[light].extra_colormap)
 				colormap = *sector->lightlist[light].extra_colormap;
@@ -4798,7 +4835,7 @@ static inline void HWR_DrawPrecipitationSprite(gr_vissprite_t *spr)
 			if (!(spr->mobj->frame & FF_FULLBRIGHT))
-				lightlevel = sector->lightlevel;
+				lightlevel = sector->lightlevel > 255 ? 255 : sector->lightlevel;
 			if (sector->extra_colormap)
 				colormap = sector->extra_colormap;
@@ -6619,7 +6656,6 @@ void HWR_Shutdown(void)
-	HWR_FreeMipmapCache();
diff --git a/src/hardware/hw_md2.c b/src/hardware/hw_md2.c
index 5c3cd40a6..b47ac09bf 100644
--- a/src/hardware/hw_md2.c
+++ b/src/hardware/hw_md2.c
@@ -1221,7 +1221,7 @@ boolean HWR_DrawModel(gr_vissprite_t *spr)
 			light = R_GetPlaneLight(sector, spr->mobj->z + spr->mobj->height, false); // Always use the light at the top instead of whatever I was doing before
 			if (!(spr->mobj->frame & FF_FULLBRIGHT))
-				lightlevel = *sector->lightlist[light].lightlevel;
+				lightlevel = *sector->lightlist[light].lightlevel > 255 ? 255 : *sector->lightlist[light].lightlevel;
 			if (*sector->lightlist[light].extra_colormap)
 				colormap = *sector->lightlist[light].extra_colormap;
@@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@ boolean HWR_DrawModel(gr_vissprite_t *spr)
 			if (!(spr->mobj->frame & FF_FULLBRIGHT))
-				lightlevel = sector->lightlevel;
+				lightlevel = sector->lightlevel > 255 ? 255 : sector->lightlevel;
 			if (sector->extra_colormap)
 				colormap = sector->extra_colormap;
@@ -1478,7 +1478,7 @@ boolean HWR_DrawModel(gr_vissprite_t *spr)
 			// rotation pivot
 			p.centerx = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(spr->mobj->radius/2);
-			p.centery = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(spr->mobj->height/2);
+			p.centery = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(spr->mobj->height/(flip ? -2 : 2));
 			// rotation axis
 			if (sprinfo->available)
@@ -1490,6 +1490,9 @@ boolean HWR_DrawModel(gr_vissprite_t *spr)
 				p.rollflip = 1;
 			else if ((sprframe->rotate & SRF_LEFT) && (ang >= ANGLE_180)) // See from left
 				p.rollflip = -1;
+			if (flip)
+				p.rollflip *= -1;
 		p.anglex = 0.0f;
diff --git a/src/i_video.h b/src/i_video.h
index bdc10c9c5..98ed7f38a 100644
--- a/src/i_video.h
+++ b/src/i_video.h
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ typedef enum
 extern rendermode_t rendermode;
-/**	\brief hardware renderer loaded
+/**	\brief OpenGL state
 	0 = never loaded, 1 = loaded successfully, -1 = failed loading
-extern INT32 hwrenderloaded;
+extern INT32 vid_opengl_state;
 /**	\brief use highcolor modes if true
@@ -49,11 +49,7 @@ extern boolean highcolor;
 void I_StartupGraphics(void);
-/**	\brief setup hardware mode
-void I_StartupHardwareGraphics(void);
-/**	\brief restore old video mode
+/**	\brief shutdown video mode
 void I_ShutdownGraphics(void);
@@ -97,6 +93,14 @@ INT32 VID_SetMode(INT32 modenum);
 void VID_CheckRenderer(void);
+/**	\brief Load OpenGL mode
+void VID_StartupOpenGL(void);
+/**	\brief Checks if OpenGL loaded
+void VID_CheckGLLoaded(rendermode_t oldrender);
 /**	\brief	The VID_GetModeName function
 	\param	modenum	video mode number
diff --git a/src/m_fixed.h b/src/m_fixed.h
index 7fdb9ad0a..cc54c1aea 100644
--- a/src/m_fixed.h
+++ b/src/m_fixed.h
@@ -38,8 +38,20 @@ typedef INT32 fixed_t;
   \brief convert fixed_t into floating number
-#define FIXED_TO_FLOAT(x) (((float)(x)) / ((float)FRACUNIT))
-#define FLOAT_TO_FIXED(f) (fixed_t)((f) * ((float)FRACUNIT))
+FUNCMATH FUNCINLINE static ATTRINLINE float FixedToFloat(fixed_t x)
+	return x / (float)FRACUNIT;
+FUNCMATH FUNCINLINE static ATTRINLINE fixed_t FloatToFixed(float f)
+	return (fixed_t)(f * FRACUNIT);
+// for backwards compat
+#define FIXED_TO_FLOAT(x) FixedToFloat(x) // (((float)(x)) / ((float)FRACUNIT))
+#define FLOAT_TO_FIXED(f) FloatToFixed(f) // (fixed_t)((f) * ((float)FRACUNIT))
 #if defined (__WATCOMC__) && FRACBITS == 16
diff --git a/src/m_menu.c b/src/m_menu.c
index cb5ae2b40..19f1c72ee 100644
--- a/src/m_menu.c
+++ b/src/m_menu.c
@@ -522,6 +522,8 @@ static menuitem_t MISC_AddonsMenu[] =
 // ---------------------------------
 static menuitem_t MAPauseMenu[] =
+	{IT_CALL | IT_STRING,    NULL, "Emblem Hints...",      M_EmblemHints,         32},
 	{IT_CALL | IT_STRING,    NULL, "Continue",             M_SelectableClearMenus,48},
 	{IT_CALL | IT_STRING,    NULL, "Retry",                M_ModeAttackRetry,     56},
 	{IT_CALL | IT_STRING,    NULL, "Abort",                M_ModeAttackEndGame,   64},
@@ -529,6 +531,7 @@ static menuitem_t MAPauseMenu[] =
 typedef enum
+	mapause_hints,
@@ -730,9 +733,9 @@ static menuitem_t SR_SoundTestMenu[] =
 static menuitem_t SR_EmblemHintMenu[] =
-	{IT_STRING | IT_ARROWS,       NULL, "Page", M_HandleEmblemHints, 10},
-	{IT_STRING|IT_CVAR,         NULL, "Emblem Radar", &cv_itemfinder, 20},
-	{IT_WHITESTRING|IT_SUBMENU, NULL, "Back",         &SPauseDef,     30}
+	{IT_STRING | IT_ARROWS,  NULL, "Page",    M_HandleEmblemHints, 10},
+	{IT_STRING|IT_CVAR,      NULL, "Emblem Radar", &cv_itemfinder, 20},
+	{IT_WHITESTRING|IT_CALL, NULL, "Back",         M_GoBack,       30}
 // --------------------------------
@@ -2098,7 +2101,7 @@ static void M_VideoOptions(INT32 choice)
 #ifdef HWRENDER
-	if (hwrenderloaded == -1)
+	if (vid_opengl_state == -1)
 		OP_VideoOptionsMenu[op_video_renderer].status = (IT_TRANSTEXT | IT_PAIR);
 		OP_VideoOptionsMenu[op_video_renderer].patch = "Renderer";
@@ -3634,6 +3637,7 @@ void M_StartControlPanel(void)
 	else if (modeattacking)
 		currentMenu = &MAPauseDef;
+		MAPauseMenu[mapause_hints].status = (M_SecretUnlocked(SECRET_EMBLEMHINTS)) ? (IT_STRING | IT_CALL) : (IT_DISABLED);
 		itemOn = mapause_continue;
 	else if (!(netgame || multiplayer)) // Single Player
@@ -5074,6 +5078,17 @@ static boolean M_SetNextMapOnPlatter(void)
+static boolean M_GametypeHasLevels(INT32 gt)
+	INT32 mapnum;
+	for (mapnum = 0; mapnum < NUMMAPS; mapnum++)
+		if (M_CanShowLevelOnPlatter(mapnum, gt))
+			return true;
+	return false;
 static INT32 M_CountRowsToShowOnPlatter(INT32 gt)
 	INT32 mapnum = 0, prevmapnum = 0, col = 0, rows = 0;
@@ -5391,7 +5406,10 @@ static void M_HandleLevelPlatter(INT32 choice)
 			if (levellistmode == LLM_CREATESERVER && !lsrow)
-				CV_AddValue(&cv_newgametype, 1);
+				INT32 startinggametype = cv_newgametype.value;
+				do
+					CV_AddValue(&cv_newgametype, 1);
+				while (cv_newgametype.value != startinggametype && !M_GametypeHasLevels(cv_newgametype.value));
 				lscol = 0;
@@ -5420,7 +5438,10 @@ static void M_HandleLevelPlatter(INT32 choice)
 			if (levellistmode == LLM_CREATESERVER && !lsrow)
-				CV_AddValue(&cv_newgametype, -1);
+				INT32 startinggametype = cv_newgametype.value;
+				do
+					CV_AddValue(&cv_newgametype, -1);
+				while (cv_newgametype.value != startinggametype && !M_GametypeHasLevels(cv_newgametype.value));
 				lscol = 0;
@@ -7293,6 +7314,7 @@ static void M_EmblemHints(INT32 choice)
 	SR_EmblemHintMenu[0].status = (local > NUMHINTS*2) ? (IT_STRING | IT_ARROWS) : (IT_DISABLED);
 	SR_EmblemHintMenu[1].status = (M_SecretUnlocked(SECRET_ITEMFINDER)) ? (IT_CVAR|IT_STRING) : (IT_SECRET);
 	hintpage = 1;
+	SR_EmblemHintDef.prevMenu = currentMenu;
 	itemOn = 2; // always start on back.
@@ -7973,12 +7995,20 @@ static void M_CustomLevelSelect(INT32 choice)
 static void M_SinglePlayerMenu(INT32 choice)
-	SP_MainMenu[sptutorial].status =
-	SP_MainMenu[sprecordattack].status =
-	SP_MainMenu[spnightsmode].status =
+	levellistmode = LLM_RECORDATTACK;
+	if (M_GametypeHasLevels(-1))
+		SP_MainMenu[sprecordattack].status = (M_SecretUnlocked(SECRET_RECORDATTACK)) ? IT_CALL|IT_STRING : IT_SECRET;
+	else
+		SP_MainMenu[sprecordattack].status = IT_NOTHING|IT_DISABLED;
+	levellistmode = LLM_NIGHTSATTACK;
+	if (M_GametypeHasLevels(-1))
+		SP_MainMenu[spnightsmode].status = (M_SecretUnlocked(SECRET_NIGHTSMODE)) ? IT_CALL|IT_STRING : IT_SECRET;
+	else
+		SP_MainMenu[spnightsmode].status = IT_NOTHING|IT_DISABLED;
+	SP_MainMenu[sptutorial].status = tutorialmap ? IT_CALL|IT_STRING : IT_NOTHING|IT_DISABLED;
diff --git a/src/screen.c b/src/screen.c
index 7ebe34635..011477338 100644
--- a/src/screen.c
+++ b/src/screen.c
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ void SCR_ActuallyChangeRenderer(void)
 #ifdef HWRENDER
 	// Well, it didn't even load anyway.
-	if ((hwrenderloaded == -1) && (setrenderneeded == render_opengl))
+	if ((vid_opengl_state == -1) && (setrenderneeded == render_opengl))
 		if (M_CheckParm("-nogl"))
 			CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "OpenGL rendering was disabled!\n");
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ void SCR_ChangeRenderer(void)
 		target_renderer = cv_renderer.value;
 #ifdef HWRENDER
-		if (M_CheckParm("-opengl") && (hwrenderloaded == 1))
+		if (M_CheckParm("-opengl") && (vid_opengl_state == 1))
 			target_renderer = rendermode = render_opengl;
diff --git a/src/sdl/i_video.c b/src/sdl/i_video.c
index c2f492000..c042d141c 100644
--- a/src/sdl/i_video.c
+++ b/src/sdl/i_video.c
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ static consvar_t cv_stretch = {"stretch", "Off", CV_SAVE|CV_NOSHOWHELP, CV_OnOff
 static consvar_t cv_alwaysgrabmouse = {"alwaysgrabmouse", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
 UINT8 graphics_started = 0; // Is used in console.c and screen.c
-INT32 hwrenderloaded = 0;
+INT32 vid_opengl_state = 0;
 // To disable fullscreen at startup; is set in VID_PrepareModeList
 boolean allow_fullscreen = false;
@@ -1440,7 +1440,7 @@ static SDL_bool Impl_CreateContext(void)
 	// Renderer-specific stuff
 #ifdef HWRENDER
-	if ((rendermode == render_opengl) && (hwrenderloaded != -1))
+	if ((rendermode == render_opengl) && (vid_opengl_state != -1))
 		if (!sdlglcontext)
 			sdlglcontext = SDL_GL_CreateContext(window);
@@ -1473,10 +1473,10 @@ static SDL_bool Impl_CreateContext(void)
 	return SDL_TRUE;
-#ifdef HWRENDER
-static void VID_CheckGLLoaded(rendermode_t oldrender)
+void VID_CheckGLLoaded(rendermode_t oldrender)
-	if (hwrenderloaded == -1) // Well, it didn't work the first time anyway.
+#ifdef HWRENDER
+	if (vid_opengl_state == -1) // Well, it didn't work the first time anyway.
 		rendermode = oldrender;
 		if (chosenrendermode == render_opengl) // fallback to software
@@ -1488,40 +1488,66 @@ static void VID_CheckGLLoaded(rendermode_t oldrender)
 			setrenderneeded = 0;
 void VID_CheckRenderer(void)
-	SDL_bool rendererchanged = SDL_FALSE;
+	boolean rendererchanged = false;
+	boolean contextcreated = false;
 	rendermode_t oldrenderer = rendermode;
 	if (dedicated)
-#ifdef HWRENDER
-	if (!graphics_started)
-		VID_CheckGLLoaded(oldrenderer);
 	if (setrenderneeded)
 		rendermode = setrenderneeded;
-		rendererchanged = SDL_TRUE;
+		rendererchanged = true;
 #ifdef HWRENDER
 		if (rendermode == render_opengl)
 			// Initialise OpenGL before calling SDLSetMode!!!
-			if (hwrenderloaded != 1)
-				I_StartupHardwareGraphics();
-			else if (hwrenderloaded == -1)
-				rendererchanged = SDL_FALSE;
+			// This is because SDLSetMode calls OglSdlSurface.
+			if (vid_opengl_state == 0)
+			{
+				VID_StartupOpenGL();
+				// Loaded successfully!
+				if (vid_opengl_state == 1)
+				{
+					// Destroy the current window, if it exists.
+					if (window)
+					{
+						SDL_DestroyWindow(window);
+						window = NULL;
+					}
+					// Destroy the current window rendering context, if that also exists.
+					if (renderer)
+					{
+						SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer);
+						renderer = NULL;
+					}
+					// Create a new window.
+					Impl_CreateWindow(USE_FULLSCREEN);
+					// From there, the OpenGL context was already created.
+					contextcreated = true;
+				}
+			}
+			else if (vid_opengl_state == -1)
+				rendererchanged = false;
-		Impl_CreateContext();
+		if (!contextcreated)
+			Impl_CreateContext();
+		setrenderneeded = 0;
 	SDLSetMode(vid.width, vid.height, USE_FULLSCREEN, (rendererchanged ? SDL_FALSE : SDL_TRUE));
@@ -1534,15 +1560,25 @@ void VID_CheckRenderer(void)
 			bufSurface = NULL;
+		if (rendererchanged)
+		{
 #ifdef HWRENDER
-		if (hwrenderloaded == 1) // Only if OpenGL ever loaded!
-			HWR_FreeTextureCache();
+			if (vid_opengl_state == 1) // Only if OpenGL ever loaded!
+				HWR_FreeTextureCache();
-		SCR_SetDrawFuncs();
+			SCR_SetDrawFuncs();
+		}
 #ifdef HWRENDER
 	else if (rendermode == render_opengl)
-		R_InitHardwareMode();
+	{
+		if (rendererchanged)
+		{
+			R_InitHardwareMode();
+			V_SetPalette(0);
+		}
+	}
@@ -1586,7 +1622,7 @@ static SDL_bool Impl_CreateWindow(SDL_bool fullscreen)
 #ifdef HWRENDER
-	if (hwrenderloaded != -1)
+	if (vid_opengl_state == 1)
 		flags |= SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL;
@@ -1720,11 +1756,12 @@ void I_StartupGraphics(void)
 #ifdef HWRENDER
 	if (M_CheckParm("-nogl"))
-		hwrenderloaded = -1; // Don't call SDL_GL_LoadLibrary
-	else
-		I_StartupHardwareGraphics();
+		vid_opengl_state = -1; // Don't startup OpenGL
+	else if (chosenrendermode == render_opengl)
+		VID_StartupOpenGL();
 	// Fury: we do window initialization after GL setup to allow
@@ -1779,12 +1816,13 @@ void I_StartupGraphics(void)
 	graphics_started = true;
-void I_StartupHardwareGraphics(void)
+void VID_StartupOpenGL(void)
 #ifdef HWRENDER
 	static boolean glstartup = false;
 	if (!glstartup)
+		CONS_Printf("VID_StartupOpenGL()...\n");
 		HWD.pfnInit             = hwSym("Init",NULL);
 		HWD.pfnFinishUpdate     = NULL;
 		HWD.pfnDraw2DLine       = hwSym("Draw2DLine",NULL);
@@ -1816,13 +1854,13 @@ void I_StartupHardwareGraphics(void)
 		// check gl renderer lib
 		if (HWD.pfnGetRenderVersion() != VERSION)
-			CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("The version of the renderer doesn't match the version of the executable\nBe sure you have installed SRB2 properly.\n"));
-			hwrenderloaded = -1;
+			CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("The version of the renderer doesn't match the version of the executable!\nBe sure you have installed SRB2 properly.\n"));
+			vid_opengl_state = -1;
-			hwrenderloaded = HWD.pfnInit(I_Error) ? 1 : -1; // let load the OpenGL library
+			vid_opengl_state = HWD.pfnInit(I_Error) ? 1 : -1; // let load the OpenGL library
-		if (hwrenderloaded == -1)
+		if (vid_opengl_state == -1)
 			rendermode = render_soft;
 			setrenderneeded = 0;
diff --git a/src/w_wad.c b/src/w_wad.c
index e96afd050..797f286d5 100644
--- a/src/w_wad.c
+++ b/src/w_wad.c
@@ -1511,6 +1511,57 @@ void *W_CacheLumpName(const char *name, INT32 tag)
 // Cache a patch into heap memory, convert the patch format as necessary
+void *W_CacheSoftwarePatchNumPwad(UINT16 wad, UINT16 lump, INT32 tag)
+	lumpcache_t *lumpcache = NULL;
+	if (needpatchflush)
+		W_FlushCachedPatches();
+	if (!TestValidLump(wad, lump))
+		return NULL;
+	lumpcache = wadfiles[wad]->patchcache;
+	if (!lumpcache[lump])
+	{
+		size_t len = W_LumpLengthPwad(wad, lump);
+		void *ptr, *lumpdata;
+#ifndef NO_PNG_LUMPS
+		void *srcdata = NULL;
+		ptr = Z_Malloc(len, tag, &lumpcache[lump]);
+		lumpdata = Z_Malloc(len, tag, NULL);
+		// read the lump in full
+		W_ReadLumpHeaderPwad(wad, lump, lumpdata, 0, 0);
+#ifndef NO_PNG_LUMPS
+		// lump is a png so convert it
+		if (R_IsLumpPNG((UINT8 *)lumpdata, len))
+		{
+			size_t newlen;
+			srcdata = R_PNGToPatch((UINT8 *)lumpdata, len, &newlen);
+			ptr = Z_Realloc(ptr, newlen, tag, &lumpcache[lump]);
+			M_Memcpy(ptr, srcdata, newlen);
+			Z_Free(srcdata);
+		}
+		else // just copy it into the patch cache
+			M_Memcpy(ptr, lumpdata, len);
+	}
+	else
+		Z_ChangeTag(lumpcache[lump], tag);
+	return lumpcache[lump];
+void *W_CacheSoftwarePatchNum(lumpnum_t lumpnum, INT32 tag)
+	return W_CacheSoftwarePatchNumPwad(WADFILENUM(lumpnum),LUMPNUM(lumpnum),tag);
 void *W_CachePatchNumPwad(UINT16 wad, UINT16 lump, INT32 tag)
 #ifdef HWRENDER
@@ -1528,39 +1579,7 @@ void *W_CachePatchNumPwad(UINT16 wad, UINT16 lump, INT32 tag)
 	if (rendermode == render_soft || rendermode == render_none)
-		lumpcache_t *lumpcache = wadfiles[wad]->patchcache;
-		if (!lumpcache[lump])
-		{
-			size_t len = W_LumpLengthPwad(wad, lump);
-			void *ptr, *lumpdata;
-#ifndef NO_PNG_LUMPS
-			void *srcdata = NULL;
-			ptr = Z_Malloc(len, tag, &lumpcache[lump]);
-			lumpdata = Z_Malloc(len, tag, NULL);
-			// read the lump in full
-			W_ReadLumpHeaderPwad(wad, lump, lumpdata, 0, 0);
-#ifndef NO_PNG_LUMPS
-			// lump is a png so convert it
-			if (R_IsLumpPNG((UINT8 *)lumpdata, len))
-			{
-				size_t newlen;
-				srcdata = R_PNGToPatch((UINT8 *)lumpdata, len, &newlen);
-				ptr = Z_Realloc(ptr, newlen, tag, &lumpcache[lump]);
-				M_Memcpy(ptr, srcdata, newlen);
-				Z_Free(srcdata);
-			}
-			else // just copy it into the patch cache
-				M_Memcpy(ptr, lumpdata, len);
-		}
-		else
-			Z_ChangeTag(lumpcache[lump], tag);
-		return lumpcache[lump];
+		return W_CacheSoftwarePatchNumPwad(wad, lump, tag);
 #ifdef HWRENDER
diff --git a/src/w_wad.h b/src/w_wad.h
index d598d9b39..3fb0cb77e 100644
--- a/src/w_wad.h
+++ b/src/w_wad.h
@@ -191,8 +191,15 @@ boolean W_IsPatchCached(lumpnum_t lump, void *ptr);
 void *W_CacheLumpName(const char *name, INT32 tag);
 void *W_CachePatchName(const char *name, INT32 tag);
-void *W_CachePatchNumPwad(UINT16 wad, UINT16 lump, INT32 tag); // return a patch_t
-void *W_CachePatchNum(lumpnum_t lumpnum, INT32 tag); // return a patch_t
+// Returns either a Software patch, or an OpenGL patch.
+// Performs any necessary conversions from PNG images.
+void *W_CachePatchNumPwad(UINT16 wad, UINT16 lump, INT32 tag);
+void *W_CachePatchNum(lumpnum_t lumpnum, INT32 tag);
+// Returns a Software patch.
+// Performs any necessary conversions from PNG images.
+void *W_CacheSoftwarePatchNumPwad(UINT16 wad, UINT16 lump, INT32 tag);
+void *W_CacheSoftwarePatchNum(lumpnum_t lumpnum, INT32 tag);
 void W_UnlockCachedPatch(void *patch);
 void W_FlushCachedPatches(void);
diff --git a/src/win32/win_vid.c b/src/win32/win_vid.c
index d0aab92b3..4e7bab569 100644
--- a/src/win32/win_vid.c
+++ b/src/win32/win_vid.c
@@ -239,10 +239,7 @@ void I_StartupGraphics(void)
 	if (!dedicated) graphics_started = true;
-void I_StartupHardwareGraphics(void)
-	// oh yeah woo yeah oh yeah woo yeah oh yeah woo yeah oh yeah woo yeah oh yeah woo yeah oh yeah woo yeah oh yeah woo y
+void VID_StartupOpenGL(void){}
 // ------------------
 // I_ShutdownGraphics
@@ -951,10 +948,8 @@ INT32 VID_SetMode(INT32 modenum)
 	return 1;
-void VID_CheckRenderer(void)
-	// ..............
+void VID_CheckRenderer(void) {}
+void VID_CheckGLLoaded(rendermode_t oldrender) {}
 // ========================================================================
 // Free the video buffer of the last video mode,