mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 06:51:47 +00:00
Merge branch 'ring-penalty-graphic' into 'master'
Weapon ammo penalty indicator See merge request STJr/SRB2Internal!297
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 96 additions and 30 deletions
@ -513,6 +513,10 @@ static inline void resynch_write_player(resynch_pak *rsp, const size_t i)
rsp->currentweapon = LONG(players[i].currentweapon);
rsp->ringweapons = LONG(players[i].ringweapons);
rsp->ammoremoval = (UINT16)SHORT(players[i].ammoremoval);
rsp->ammoremovaltimer = (tic_t)LONG(players[i].ammoremovaltimer);
rsp->ammoremovalweapon = LONG(players[i].ammoremovalweapon);
for (j = 0; j < NUMPOWERS; ++j)
rsp->powers[j] = (UINT16)SHORT(players[i].powers[j]);
@ -644,6 +648,10 @@ static void resynch_read_player(resynch_pak *rsp)
players[i].currentweapon = LONG(rsp->currentweapon);
players[i].ringweapons = LONG(rsp->ringweapons);
players[i].ammoremoval = (UINT16)SHORT(rsp->ammoremoval);
players[i].ammoremovaltimer = (tic_t)LONG(rsp->ammoremovaltimer);
players[i].ammoremovalweapon = LONG(rsp->ammoremovalweapon);
for (j = 0; j < NUMPOWERS; ++j)
players[i].powers[j] = (UINT16)SHORT(rsp->powers[j]);
@ -164,6 +164,9 @@ typedef struct
angle_t aiming;
INT32 currentweapon;
INT32 ringweapons;
UINT16 ammoremoval;
tic_t ammoremovaltimer;
INT32 ammoremovalweapon;
// Score is resynched in the confirm resync packet
@ -333,6 +333,10 @@ typedef struct player_s
INT32 currentweapon; // current weapon selected.
INT32 ringweapons; // weapons currently obtained.
UINT16 ammoremoval; // amount of ammo removed for the current weapon.
tic_t ammoremovaltimer; // flashing counter for ammo used.
INT32 ammoremovalweapon; // weapon from which the ammo was removed.
// Power ups. invinc and invis are tic counters.
@ -3347,6 +3347,10 @@ static void readmaincfg(MYFILE *f)
gameovertics = get_number(word2);
else if (fastcmp(word, "AMMOREMOVALTICS"))
ammoremovaltics = get_number(word2);
else if (fastcmp(word, "INTROTOPLAY"))
introtoplay = (UINT8)get_number(word2);
@ -217,6 +217,8 @@ UINT16 nightslinktics = 2*TICRATE;
INT32 gameovertics = 15*TICRATE;
UINT8 ammoremovaltics = 2*TICRATE;
UINT8 use1upSound = 0;
UINT8 maxXtraLife = 2; // Max extra lives from rings
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ extern tic_t levelstarttic;
// for modding?
extern INT16 prevmap, nextmap;
extern INT32 gameovertics;
extern UINT8 ammoremovaltics;
extern tic_t timeinmap; // Ticker for time spent in level (used for levelcard display)
extern INT16 rw_maximums[NUM_WEAPONS];
extern INT32 pausedelay;
@ -136,6 +136,12 @@ static int player_get(lua_State *L)
lua_pushinteger(L, plr->currentweapon);
else if (fastcmp(field,"ringweapons"))
lua_pushinteger(L, plr->ringweapons);
else if (fastcmp(field,"ammoremoval"))
lua_pushinteger(L, plr->ammoremoval);
else if (fastcmp(field,"ammoremovaltimer"))
lua_pushinteger(L, plr->ammoremovaltimer);
else if (fastcmp(field,"ammoremovalweapon"))
lua_pushinteger(L, plr->ammoremovalweapon);
else if (fastcmp(field,"powers"))
LUA_PushUserdata(L, plr->powers, META_POWERS);
else if (fastcmp(field,"pflags"))
@ -428,6 +434,12 @@ static int player_set(lua_State *L)
plr->currentweapon = (INT32)luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
else if (fastcmp(field,"ringweapons"))
plr->ringweapons = (INT32)luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
else if (fastcmp(field,"ammoremoval"))
plr->ammoremoval = (UINT16)luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
else if (fastcmp(field,"ammoremovaltimer"))
plr->ammoremovaltimer = (tic_t)luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
else if (fastcmp(field,"ammoremovalweapon"))
plr->ammoremovalweapon = (INT32)luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
else if (fastcmp(field,"powers"))
return NOSET;
else if (fastcmp(field,"pflags"))
@ -125,6 +125,10 @@ static void P_NetArchivePlayers(void)
WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].currentweapon);
WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].ringweapons);
WRITEUINT16(save_p, players[i].ammoremoval);
WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].ammoremovaltimer);
WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].ammoremovaltimer);
for (j = 0; j < NUMPOWERS; j++)
WRITEUINT16(save_p, players[i].powers[j]);
@ -329,6 +333,10 @@ static void P_NetUnArchivePlayers(void)
players[i].currentweapon = READINT32(save_p);
players[i].ringweapons = READINT32(save_p);
players[i].ammoremoval = READUINT16(save_p);
players[i].ammoremovaltimer = READUINT32(save_p);
players[i].ammoremovalweapon = READINT32(save_p);
for (j = 0; j < NUMPOWERS; j++)
players[i].powers[j] = READUINT16(save_p);
@ -3900,6 +3900,33 @@ static void P_SetWeaponDelay(player_t *player, INT32 delay)
// P_DrainWeaponAmmo
// Reduces rings and weapon ammo. Also penalizes the player
// for using weapon rings with no normal rings! >:V
static void P_DrainWeaponAmmo (player_t *player, INT32 power)
if (player->rings < 1)
player->ammoremovalweapon = player->currentweapon;
player->ammoremovaltimer = ammoremovaltics;
if (player->powers[power] > 0) // can't take a ring that doesn't exist
player->ammoremoval = 2;
player->ammoremoval = 1;
// P_DoFiring()
@ -3938,22 +3965,12 @@ static void P_DoFiring(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
player->pflags |= PF_ATTACKDOWN;
#define TAKE_AMMO(player, power) \
player->powers[power]--; \
if (player->rings < 1) \
{ \
if (player->powers[power] > 0) \
player->powers[power]--; \
} \
else \
if (cmd->buttons & BT_FIRENORMAL) // No powers, just a regular ring.
goto firenormal; //code repetition sucks.
// Bounce ring
else if (player->currentweapon == WEP_BOUNCE && player->powers[pw_bouncering])
TAKE_AMMO(player, pw_bouncering);
P_DrainWeaponAmmo(player, pw_bouncering);
P_SetWeaponDelay(player, TICRATE/4);
mo = P_SpawnPlayerMissile(player->mo, MT_THROWNBOUNCE, MF2_BOUNCERING);
@ -3964,7 +3981,7 @@ static void P_DoFiring(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
// Rail ring
else if (player->currentweapon == WEP_RAIL && player->powers[pw_railring])
TAKE_AMMO(player, pw_railring);
P_DrainWeaponAmmo(player, pw_railring);
P_SetWeaponDelay(player, (3*TICRATE)/2);
mo = P_SpawnPlayerMissile(player->mo, MT_REDRING, MF2_RAILRING|MF2_DONTDRAW);
@ -3975,7 +3992,7 @@ static void P_DoFiring(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
// Automatic
else if (player->currentweapon == WEP_AUTO && player->powers[pw_automaticring])
TAKE_AMMO(player, pw_automaticring);
P_DrainWeaponAmmo(player, pw_automaticring);
player->pflags &= ~PF_ATTACKDOWN;
P_SetWeaponDelay(player, 2);
@ -3984,7 +4001,7 @@ static void P_DoFiring(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
// Explosion
else if (player->currentweapon == WEP_EXPLODE && player->powers[pw_explosionring])
TAKE_AMMO(player, pw_explosionring);
P_DrainWeaponAmmo(player, pw_explosionring);
P_SetWeaponDelay(player, (3*TICRATE)/2);
mo = P_SpawnPlayerMissile(player->mo, MT_THROWNEXPLOSION, MF2_EXPLOSION);
@ -3992,7 +4009,7 @@ static void P_DoFiring(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
// Grenade
else if (player->currentweapon == WEP_GRENADE && player->powers[pw_grenadering])
TAKE_AMMO(player, pw_grenadering);
P_DrainWeaponAmmo(player, pw_grenadering);
P_SetWeaponDelay(player, TICRATE/3);
mo = P_SpawnPlayerMissile(player->mo, MT_THROWNGRENADE, MF2_EXPLOSION);
@ -4011,7 +4028,7 @@ static void P_DoFiring(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
angle_t shotangle = player->mo->angle;
angle_t oldaiming = player->aiming;
TAKE_AMMO(player, pw_scatterring);
P_DrainWeaponAmmo(player, pw_scatterring);
P_SetWeaponDelay(player, (2*TICRATE)/3);
// Center
@ -4073,8 +4090,6 @@ firenormal:
#undef TAKE_AMMO
if (mo)
if (mo->flags & MF_MISSILE && mo->flags2 & MF2_RAILRING)
@ -11342,6 +11357,12 @@ void P_PlayerThink(player_t *player)
// Counters, time dependent power ups.
// Time Bonus & Ring Bonus count settings
if (player->ammoremovaltimer)
if (--player->ammoremovaltimer == 0)
player->ammoremoval = 0;
// Strength counts up to diminish fade.
if (player->powers[pw_sneakers] && player->powers[pw_sneakers] < UINT16_MAX)
@ -1960,6 +1960,7 @@ static void ST_drawWeaponRing(powertype_t weapon, INT32 rwflag, INT32 wepflag, I
static void ST_drawMatchHUD(void)
char penaltystr[5];
const INT32 y = 176; // HUD_LIVES
INT32 offset = (BASEVIDWIDTH / 2) - (NUM_WEAPONS * 10) - 6;
@ -1986,18 +1987,20 @@ static void ST_drawMatchHUD(void)
ST_drawWeaponSelect(offset, y);
offset += 20;
ST_drawWeaponRing(pw_automaticring, RW_AUTO, WEP_AUTO, offset, y, autoring);
offset += 20;
ST_drawWeaponRing(pw_bouncering, RW_BOUNCE, WEP_BOUNCE, offset, y, bouncering);
offset += 20;
ST_drawWeaponRing(pw_scatterring, RW_SCATTER, WEP_SCATTER, offset, y, scatterring);
offset += 20;
ST_drawWeaponRing(pw_grenadering, RW_GRENADE, WEP_GRENADE, offset, y, grenadering);
offset += 20;
ST_drawWeaponRing(pw_explosionring, RW_EXPLODE, WEP_EXPLODE, offset, y, explosionring);
offset += 20;
ST_drawWeaponRing(pw_railring, RW_RAIL, WEP_RAIL, offset, y, railring);
ST_drawWeaponRing(pw_automaticring, RW_AUTO, WEP_AUTO, offset + 20, y, autoring);
ST_drawWeaponRing(pw_bouncering, RW_BOUNCE, WEP_BOUNCE, offset + 40, y, bouncering);
ST_drawWeaponRing(pw_scatterring, RW_SCATTER, WEP_SCATTER, offset + 60, y, scatterring);
ST_drawWeaponRing(pw_grenadering, RW_GRENADE, WEP_GRENADE, offset + 80, y, grenadering);
ST_drawWeaponRing(pw_explosionring, RW_EXPLODE, WEP_EXPLODE, offset + 100, y, explosionring);
ST_drawWeaponRing(pw_railring, RW_RAIL, WEP_RAIL, offset + 120, y, railring);
if (stplyr->ammoremovaltimer && leveltime % 8 < 4)
sprintf(penaltystr, "-%d", stplyr->ammoremoval);
V_DrawString(offset + 8 + stplyr->ammoremovalweapon * 20, y,
V_REDMAP, penaltystr);
Reference in a new issue