mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 02:42:20 +00:00
* Fix multispoke mace/chainbars having problems.
* Completely rework how mace/chainbars are spawned to reduce the number of matrix multiplications required EVEN FURTHER! * Reimplement the maceretry solidity stuff (effect 4). * Flip the mminlength stuff so that existing dev maps don't break badly. * Fix hacky chainbar grabbing. * Tweak height of tinychain a smidge.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 112 additions and 91 deletions
@ -9195,7 +9195,7 @@ mobjinfo_t mobjinfo[NUMMOBJTYPES] =
sfx_None, // deathsound
24*FRACUNIT, // speed
24*FRACUNIT, // radius
48*FRACUNIT, // height
32*FRACUNIT, // height
0, // display offset
100, // mass
1, // damage
@ -1503,10 +1503,10 @@ void P_TouchSpecialThing(mobj_t *special, mobj_t *toucher, boolean heightcheck)
if (player->powers[pw_flashing])
if (special->movefactor && special->tracer && (angle_t)special->tracer->health != ANGLE_90 && (angle_t)special->tracer->health != ANGLE_270)
if (special->movefactor && special->tracer && (angle_t)special->tracer->angle != ANGLE_90 && (angle_t)special->tracer->angle != ANGLE_270)
{ // I don't expect you to understand this, Mr Bond...
angle_t ang = R_PointToAngle2(special->x, special->y, toucher->x, toucher->y) - special->tracer->threshold;
if ((special->movefactor > 0) == ((angle_t)special->tracer->health > ANGLE_90 && (angle_t)special->tracer->health < ANGLE_270))
if ((special->movefactor > 0) == ((angle_t)special->tracer->angle > ANGLE_90 && (angle_t)special->tracer->angle < ANGLE_270))
ang += ANGLE_180;
if (ang < ANGLE_180)
return; // I expect you to die.
@ -6182,33 +6182,28 @@ void P_MaceRotate(mobj_t *center, INT32 baserot, INT32 baseprevrot)
TVector unit, baseuo, unitoffset;
TVector *res;
fixed_t radius, dist, wah;
fixed_t radius, dist, mag, zstore;
angle_t fa;
//boolean donetwice = false;
boolean donetwice = false;
boolean dosound = false;
mobj_t *mobj = center->hnext, *hnext = NULL;
// Tracer was removed.
/*if (!mobj->health)
else if (!mobj->tracer)
P_KillMobj(mobj, NULL, NULL, 0);
INT32 rot = (baserot &= FINEMASK);
INT32 prevrot = (baseprevrot &= FINEMASK);
INT32 lastthreshold = FINEMASK; // needs to never be equal at start of loop
fixed_t lastfriction = INT32_MIN; // ditto; almost certainly never, but...
fixed_t movefac = unitoffset[0] = unitoffset[1] = unitoffset[2] = 0;
baseuo[3] = 0;
fixed_t movefac = unitoffset[0] = unitoffset[1] = unitoffset[2] = baseuo[3] = 0;
while (mobj)
if (!mobj->health)
mobj = mobj->hnext;
mobj->momx = mobj->momy = mobj->momz = 0;
if (mobj->threshold != lastthreshold
@ -6255,6 +6250,9 @@ void P_MaceRotate(mobj_t *center, INT32 baserot, INT32 baseprevrot)
M_Memcpy(&unit, res, sizeof(unit));
res = VectorMatrixMultiply(unit, *RotateZMatrix(center->angle));
M_Memcpy(&unit, res, sizeof(unit));
lastthreshold = mobj->threshold;
lastfriction = mobj->friction;
if (dosound && (mobj->flags2 & MF2_BOSSNOTRAP))
@ -6277,9 +6275,6 @@ void P_MaceRotate(mobj_t *center, INT32 baserot, INT32 baseprevrot)
M_Memcpy(&baseuo, res, sizeof(unit));
res = VectorMatrixMultiply(baseuo, *RotateZMatrix(center->angle));
M_Memcpy(&baseuo, res, sizeof(unit));
lastthreshold = mobj->threshold;
lastfriction = mobj->friction;
if (mobj->movefactor)
@ -6293,58 +6288,78 @@ void P_MaceRotate(mobj_t *center, INT32 baserot, INT32 baseprevrot)
movefac = unitoffset[0] = unitoffset[1] = unitoffset[2] = 0;
hnext = mobj->hnext; // just in case the mobj is removed
// Radius of the link's rotation.
mag = (dist * mobj->movecount) + mobj->extravalue1;
// Radius of the link's rotation.
wah = (dist * mobj->movecount) + center->extravalue1;
mobj->x = center->x;
mobj->y = center->y;
mobj->z = center->z;
// Add on the appropriate distances to the center's co-ordinates.
mobj->x = center->x + FixedMul(unit[0], wah) + unitoffset[0];
mobj->y = center->y + FixedMul(unit[1], wah) + unitoffset[1];
mobj->z = center->z + FixedMul(unit[2], wah) + unitoffset[2];
if (mag)
zstore = FixedMul(unit[2], mag);
mobj->x += FixedMul(unit[0], mag);
mobj->y += FixedMul(unit[1], mag);
zstore = 0;
zstore += unitoffset[2];
mobj->x += unitoffset[0];
mobj->y += unitoffset[1];
// Cut the height to align the link with the axis.
if (mobj->type == MT_SMALLMACECHAIN || mobj->type == MT_BIGMACECHAIN)
mobj->z -= P_MobjFlip(mobj)*mobj->height/4;
zstore -= P_MobjFlip(mobj)*mobj->height/4;
mobj->z -= P_MobjFlip(mobj)*mobj->height/2;
zstore -= P_MobjFlip(mobj)*mobj->height/2;
mobj->z += zstore;
#if 0 // toaster's testing flashie!
if (!mobj->threshold && !mobj->friction && !(leveltime & TICRATE)) // I had a brainfart and the flashing isn't exactly what I expected it to be, but it's actually much more useful.
mobj->flags2 ^= MF2_DONTDRAW;
if (!mag || donetwice || P_MobjWasRemoved(mobj))
goto cont;
if (mobj->flags & (MF_NOCLIP|MF_NOCLIPHEIGHT))
goto cont;
if ((fa = ((mobj->tracer->threshold & (FINEMASK/2)) << ANGLETOFINESHIFT)) > ANGLE_45 && fa < ANGLE_135) // only move towards center when the motion is towards/away from the ground, rather than alongside it
goto cont;
if (mobj->subsector->sector->ffloors)
P_AdjustMobjFloorZ_FFloors(mobj, mobj->subsector->sector, 2);
// Variable reuse
if (mobj->floorz > mobj->z)
dist = (mobj->floorz - mobj->tracer->z);
else if (mobj->ceilingz < mobj->z)
dist = (mobj->ceilingz - mobj->tracer->z);
goto cont;
if ((dist = FixedDiv(dist, zstore)) > FRACUNIT)
goto cont;
mag = FixedMul(mag, dist);
donetwice = true;
dist = ((mobj->info->speed) ? mobj->info->speed : mobjinfo[MT_SMALLMACECHAIN].speed);
goto maceretry;
mobj = hnext;
/*if (donetwice || P_MobjWasRemoved(mobj))
if (mobj->flags & (MF_NOCLIP|MF_NOCLIPHEIGHT))
if ((fa = ((mobj->tracer->threshold & (FINEMASK/2)) << ANGLETOFINESHIFT)) > ANGLE_45 && fa < ANGLE_135) // only move towards center when the motion is towards/away from the ground, rather than alongside it
if (mobj->subsector->sector->ffloors)
P_AdjustMobjFloorZ_FFloors(mobj, mobj->subsector->sector, 2);
// Variable reuse
if (mobj->floorz > mobj->z)
dist = (mobj->floorz - mobj->tracer->z);
else if (mobj->ceilingz < mobj->z)
dist = (mobj->ceilingz - mobj->tracer->z);
if ((dist = FixedDiv(dist, v[2])) > FRACUNIT)
radius = FixedMul(radius, dist);
donetwice = true;
dist = ((mobj->info->speed) ? mobj->info->speed : mobjinfo[MT_SMALLMACECHAIN].speed);
goto maceretry;*/
static boolean P_ShieldLook(mobj_t *thing, shieldtype_t shield)
@ -9757,10 +9772,10 @@ void P_SpawnMapThing(mapthing_t *mthing)
fixed_t mlength, mlengthset, mspeed, mphase, myaw, mpitch, mminlength, mnumspokes, mnumspokesset, mpinch, mroll, mnumnospokes, mwidth, mmin, msound, radiusfactor;
fixed_t mlength, mlengthmax, mlengthset, mspeed, mphase, myaw, mpitch, mminlength, mnumspokes, mpinch, mroll, mnumnospokes, mwidth, mwidthset, mmin, msound, radiusfactor;
angle_t mspokeangle;
mobjtype_t chainlink, macetype, firsttype, linktype;
boolean mdoall = true;
boolean mdoall = true, mdocenter;
mobj_t *spawnee, *hprev;
mobjflag_t mflagsapply;
mobjflag2_t mflags2apply;
@ -9798,7 +9813,7 @@ ML_EFFECT4 : Don't clip inside the ground
mlength = abs(lines[line].dx >> FRACBITS);
mspeed = abs(lines[line].dy >> (FRACBITS - 4));
mphase = (sides[lines[line].sidenum[0]].textureoffset >> FRACBITS) % 360;
if ((mminlength = sides[lines[line].sidenum[0]].rowoffset>>FRACBITS) < 0)
if ((mminlength = -sides[lines[line].sidenum[0]].rowoffset>>FRACBITS) < 0)
mminlength = 0;
mpitch = (lines[line].frontsector->floorheight >> FRACBITS) % 360;
myaw = (lines[line].frontsector->ceilingheight >> FRACBITS) % 360;
@ -9931,7 +9946,7 @@ ML_EFFECT4 : Don't clip inside the ground
P_SetTarget(&spawnee->tracer, mobj);\
spawnee->threshold = mphase;\
spawnee->friction = mroll;\
spawnee->movefactor = mwidth;\
spawnee->movefactor = mwidthset;\
spawnee->movecount = dist;\
spawnee->angle = myaw;\
spawnee->flags |= (MF_NOGRAVITY|mflagsapply);\
@ -9941,14 +9956,10 @@ ML_EFFECT4 : Don't clip inside the ground
P_SetTarget(&spawnee->hprev, hprev);\
hprev = spawnee
mnumspokesset = mnumspokes;
if (mdoall && lines[line].flags & ML_EFFECT3) // Innermost mace/link
{ spawnee = makemace(macetype, 0, MF2_AMBUSH); }
mdocenter = (lines[line].flags & ML_EFFECT3);
// The actual spawning of spokes
while (mnumspokesset-- > 0)
while (mnumspokes-- > 0)
// Offsets
if (lines[line].flags & ML_EFFECT1) // Swinging
@ -9956,13 +9967,13 @@ domaceagain:
else // Spinning
mphase = (mphase - mspokeangle) & FINEMASK;
if (mnumnospokes && !(mnumspokesset % mnumnospokes)) // Skipping a "missing" spoke
if (mnumnospokes && !(mnumspokes % mnumnospokes)) // Skipping a "missing" spoke
if (mobj->type != MT_CHAINMACEPOINT)
firsttype = linktype = chainlink;
mlengthset = 1 + (mlength - 1)*radiusfactor;
mlengthmax = 1 + (mlength - 1)*radiusfactor;
radiusfactor = 1;
@ -9984,34 +9995,44 @@ domaceagain:
firsttype = macetype;
mlengthset = mlength;
mlengthmax = mlength;
// Outermost mace/link
spawnee = makemace(firsttype, radiusfactor*(mlengthset--), MF2_AMBUSH);
mwidthset = mwidth;
mdoall = true;
while (1)
mlengthset = mlengthmax;
if (mspeed && (mwidth == msound) && !(mthing->options & MTF_OBJECTSPECIAL) && mnumspokesset <= mmin) // Can it make a sound?
spawnee->flags2 |= MF2_BOSSNOTRAP;
if (mdocenter) // Innermost mace/link
spawnee = makemace(macetype, 0, 0);
if (!mdoall || !linktype)
// Outermost mace/link
spawnee = makemace(firsttype, radiusfactor*(mlengthset--), MF2_AMBUSH);
// The rest of the links
while (mlengthset > mminlength)
{ spawnee = makemace(linktype, radiusfactor*(mlengthset--), 0); }
if (mspeed && (mwidthset == msound) && !(mthing->options & MTF_OBJECTSPECIAL) && mnumspokes <= mmin) // Can it make a sound?
spawnee->flags2 |= MF2_BOSSNOTRAP;
if (mwidth > 0)
mwidth *= -1;
goto domaceagain;
else if (mwidth != 0)
if ((mwidth = -(mwidth + ((firsttype == chainlink) ? 1 : 2))) < 0)
mdoall = false;
goto domaceagain;
if (mdoall && linktype)
// The rest of the links
while (mlengthset > mminlength)
spawnee = makemace(linktype, radiusfactor*(mlengthset--), 0);
if (mwidthset > 0)
mwidthset *= -1;
else if (!mwidthset
|| ((mwidthset = -(mwidthset + ((firsttype == chainlink) ? 1 : 2))) < 0))
mdocenter = mdoall = false;
#undef makemace
Reference in a new issue