mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:31:57 +00:00
Move the sky dome code out of r_opengl.c, fix issues with shaders
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 261 additions and 205 deletions
@ -132,6 +132,40 @@ typedef struct
FLOAT t; // t texture ordinate (t over w)
} FOutVector;
typedef struct vbo_vertex_s
float x, y, z;
float u, v;
unsigned char r, g, b, a;
} gl_skyvertex_t;
typedef enum gl_skyloopmode_e
} gl_skyloopmode_t;
typedef struct
gl_skyloopmode_t mode;
int vertexcount;
int vertexindex;
boolean use_texture;
} gl_skyloopdef_t;
typedef struct
unsigned int vbo;
int rows, columns;
int loopcount;
int detail, vertex_count;
int texture, width, height;
boolean rebuild; // VBO needs to be rebuilt
gl_skyloopdef_t *loops;
gl_skyvertex_t *data;
} gl_sky_t;
// ==========================================================================
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ EXPORT void HWRAPI(FinishUpdate) (INT32 waitvbl);
EXPORT void HWRAPI(Draw2DLine) (F2DCoord *v1, F2DCoord *v2, RGBA_t Color);
EXPORT void HWRAPI(DrawPolygon) (FSurfaceInfo *pSurf, FOutVector *pOutVerts, FUINT iNumPts, FBITFIELD PolyFlags);
EXPORT void HWRAPI(DrawIndexedTriangles) (FSurfaceInfo *pSurf, FOutVector *pOutVerts, FUINT iNumPts, FBITFIELD PolyFlags, UINT32 *IndexArray);
EXPORT void HWRAPI(RenderSkyDome) (INT32 tex, INT32 texture_width, INT32 texture_height, FTransform transform);
EXPORT void HWRAPI(RenderSkyDome) (gl_sky_t *sky);
EXPORT void HWRAPI(SetBlend) (FBITFIELD PolyFlags);
EXPORT void HWRAPI(ClearBuffer) (FBOOLEAN ColorMask, FBOOLEAN DepthMask, FRGBAFloat *ClearColor);
EXPORT void HWRAPI(SetTexture) (FTextureInfo *TexInfo);
@ -5199,10 +5199,155 @@ static void HWR_ProjectPrecipitationSprite(precipmobj_t *thing)
// ==========================================================================
// Sky dome rendering, ported from PrBoom+
// ==========================================================================
static gl_sky_t gl_sky;
static void HWR_SkyDomeVertex(gl_sky_t *sky, gl_skyvertex_t *vbo, int r, int c, signed char yflip, float delta, boolean foglayer)
const float radians = (float)(M_PIl / 180.0f);
const float scale = 10000.0f;
const float maxSideAngle = 60.0f;
float topAngle = (c / (float)sky->columns * 360.0f);
float sideAngle = (maxSideAngle * (sky->rows - r) / sky->rows);
float height = (float)(sin(sideAngle * radians));
float realRadius = (float)(scale * cos(sideAngle * radians));
float x = (float)(realRadius * cos(topAngle * radians));
float y = (!yflip) ? scale * height : -scale * height;
float z = (float)(realRadius * sin(topAngle * radians));
float timesRepeat = (4 * (256.0f / sky->width));
if (fpclassify(timesRepeat) == FP_ZERO)
timesRepeat = 1.0f;
if (!foglayer)
vbo->r = 255;
vbo->g = 255;
vbo->b = 255;
vbo->a = (r == 0 ? 0 : 255);
// And the texture coordinates.
vbo->u = (-timesRepeat * c / (float)sky->columns);
if (!yflip) // Flipped Y is for the lower hemisphere.
vbo->v = (r / (float)sky->rows) + 0.5f;
vbo->v = 1.0f + ((sky->rows - r) / (float)sky->rows) + 0.5f;
if (r != 4)
y += 300.0f;
// And finally the vertex.
vbo->x = x;
vbo->y = y + delta;
vbo->z = z;
// Clears the sky dome.
void HWR_ClearSkyDome(void)
gl_sky_t *sky = &gl_sky;
if (sky->loops)
if (sky->data)
sky->loops = NULL;
sky->data = NULL;
sky->vbo = 0;
sky->rows = sky->columns = 0;
sky->loopcount = 0;
sky->detail = 0;
sky->texture = -1;
sky->width = sky->height = 0;
sky->rebuild = true;
void HWR_BuildSkyDome(void)
int c, r;
signed char yflip;
int row_count = 4;
int col_count = 4;
float delta;
gl_sky_t *sky = &gl_sky;
gl_skyvertex_t *vertex_p;
texture_t *texture = textures[texturetranslation[skytexture]];
sky->detail = 16;
col_count *= sky->detail;
if ((sky->columns != col_count) || (sky->rows != row_count))
sky->columns = col_count;
sky->rows = row_count;
sky->vertex_count = 2 * sky->rows * (sky->columns * 2 + 2) + sky->columns * 2;
if (!sky->loops)
sky->loops = malloc((sky->rows * 2 + 2) * sizeof(sky->loops[0]));
// create vertex array
if (!sky->data)
sky->data = malloc(sky->vertex_count * sizeof(sky->data[0]));
sky->texture = texturetranslation[skytexture];
sky->width = texture->width;
sky->height = texture->height;
vertex_p = &sky->data[0];
sky->loopcount = 0;
for (yflip = 0; yflip < 2; yflip++)
sky->loops[sky->loopcount].mode = HWD_SKYLOOP_FAN;
sky->loops[sky->loopcount].vertexindex = vertex_p - &sky->data[0];
sky->loops[sky->loopcount].vertexcount = col_count;
sky->loops[sky->loopcount].use_texture = false;
delta = 0.0f;
for (c = 0; c < col_count; c++)
HWR_SkyDomeVertex(sky, vertex_p, 1, c, yflip, 0.0f, true);
vertex_p->r = 255;
vertex_p->g = 255;
vertex_p->b = 255;
vertex_p->a = 255;
delta = (yflip ? 5.0f : -5.0f) / 128.0f;
for (r = 0; r < row_count; r++)
sky->loops[sky->loopcount].mode = HWD_SKYLOOP_STRIP;
sky->loops[sky->loopcount].vertexindex = vertex_p - &sky->data[0];
sky->loops[sky->loopcount].vertexcount = 2 * col_count + 2;
sky->loops[sky->loopcount].use_texture = true;
for (c = 0; c <= col_count; c++)
HWR_SkyDomeVertex(sky, vertex_p++, r + (yflip ? 1 : 0), (c ? c : 0), yflip, delta, false);
HWR_SkyDomeVertex(sky, vertex_p++, r + (yflip ? 0 : 1), (c ? c : 0), yflip, delta, false);
static void HWR_DrawSkyBackground(player_t *player)
if (cv_glskydome.value)
FTransform dometransform;
@ -5240,7 +5385,16 @@ static void HWR_DrawSkyBackground(player_t *player)
dometransform.splitscreen = splitscreen;
HWD.pfnRenderSkyDome(skytexture, textures[skytexture]->width, textures[skytexture]->height, dometransform);
if (gl_sky.texture != texturetranslation[skytexture])
HWD.pfnSetShader(7); // sky shader
@ -5321,10 +5475,11 @@ static void HWR_DrawSkyBackground(player_t *player)
v[0].t = v[1].t -= ((float) angle / angleturn);
HWD.pfnSetShader(7); // sky shader
HWD.pfnDrawPolygon(NULL, v, 4, 0);
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ void HWR_DrawConsoleBack(UINT32 color, INT32 height);
void HWR_DrawTutorialBack(UINT32 color, INT32 boxheight);
void HWR_RenderSkyboxView(INT32 viewnumber, player_t *player);
void HWR_RenderPlayerView(INT32 viewnumber, player_t *player);
void HWR_ClearSkyDome(void);
void HWR_BuildSkyDome(void);
void HWR_DrawViewBorder(INT32 clearlines);
void HWR_DrawFlatFill(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 w, INT32 h, lumpnum_t flatlumpnum);
void HWR_InitTextureMapping(void);
@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ static GLuint finalScreenTexture = 0;
static void *Shader_Load(FSurfaceInfo *Surface, GLRGBAFloat *poly, GLRGBAFloat *tint, GLRGBAFloat *fade);
static void Shader_SetUniforms(FSurfaceInfo *Surface, GLRGBAFloat *poly, GLRGBAFloat *tint, GLRGBAFloat *fade);
static GLRGBAFloat shader_defaultcolor = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
// shortcut for ((float)1/i)
static const GLfloat byte2float[256] = {
0.000000f, 0.003922f, 0.007843f, 0.011765f, 0.015686f, 0.019608f, 0.023529f, 0.027451f,
@ -747,6 +749,18 @@ static INT32 shader_leveltime = 0;
"gl_FragColor = texture2D(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st) * poly_color;\n" \
// Sky fragment shader
// Modulates poly_color with gl_Color
"uniform sampler2D tex;\n" \
"uniform vec4 poly_color;\n" \
"void main(void) {\n" \
"gl_FragColor = texture2D(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st) * gl_Color * poly_color;\n" \
static const char *fragment_shaders[] = {
// Default fragment shader
@ -770,10 +784,7 @@ static const char *fragment_shaders[] = {
// Sky fragment shader
"uniform sampler2D tex;\n"
"void main(void) {\n"
"gl_FragColor = texture2D(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st);\n"
@ -1907,6 +1918,14 @@ static void Shader_SetUniforms(FSurfaceInfo *Surface, GLRGBAFloat *poly, GLRGBAF
if (!shader->program)
// Color uniforms can be left NULL and will be set to white (1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)
if (poly == NULL)
poly = &shader_defaultcolor;
if (tint == NULL)
tint = &shader_defaultcolor;
if (fade == NULL)
fade = &shader_defaultcolor;
#define UNIFORM_1(uniform, a, function) \
if (uniform != -1) \
function (uniform, a);
@ -1927,12 +1946,14 @@ static void Shader_SetUniforms(FSurfaceInfo *Surface, GLRGBAFloat *poly, GLRGBAF
UNIFORM_4(shader->uniforms[gluniform_poly_color], poly->red, poly->green, poly->blue, poly->alpha, pglUniform4f);
UNIFORM_4(shader->uniforms[gluniform_tint_color], tint->red, tint->green, tint->blue, tint->alpha, pglUniform4f);
UNIFORM_4(shader->uniforms[gluniform_fade_color], fade->red, fade->green, fade->blue, fade->alpha, pglUniform4f);
if (Surface != NULL)
UNIFORM_1(shader->uniforms[gluniform_lighting], Surface->LightInfo.light_level, pglUniform1f);
UNIFORM_1(shader->uniforms[gluniform_fade_start], Surface->LightInfo.fade_start, pglUniform1f);
UNIFORM_1(shader->uniforms[gluniform_fade_end], Surface->LightInfo.fade_end, pglUniform1f);
UNIFORM_1(shader->uniforms[gluniform_leveltime], ((float)shader_leveltime) / TICRATE, pglUniform1f);
#undef UNIFORM_1
@ -2087,233 +2108,83 @@ EXPORT void HWRAPI(DrawIndexedTriangles) (FSurfaceInfo *pSurf, FOutVector *pOutV
// the DrawPolygon variant of this has some code about polyflags and wrapping here but havent noticed any problems from omitting it?
typedef struct vbo_vertex_s
float x, y, z;
float u, v;
unsigned char r, g, b, a;
} vbo_vertex_t;
typedef struct
int mode;
int vertexcount;
int vertexindex;
int use_texture;
} GLSkyLoopDef;
typedef struct
unsigned int id;
int rows, columns;
int loopcount;
GLSkyLoopDef *loops;
vbo_vertex_t *data;
static const boolean gl_ext_arb_vertex_buffer_object = true;
#define NULL_VBO_VERTEX ((vbo_vertex_t*)NULL)
#define sky_vbo_x (gl_ext_arb_vertex_buffer_object ? &NULL_VBO_VERTEX->x : &vbo->data[0].x)
#define sky_vbo_u (gl_ext_arb_vertex_buffer_object ? &NULL_VBO_VERTEX->u : &vbo->data[0].u)
#define sky_vbo_r (gl_ext_arb_vertex_buffer_object ? &NULL_VBO_VERTEX->r : &vbo->data[0].r)
#define NULL_VBO_VERTEX ((gl_skyvertex_t*)NULL)
#define sky_vbo_x (gl_ext_arb_vertex_buffer_object ? &NULL_VBO_VERTEX->x : &sky->data[0].x)
#define sky_vbo_u (gl_ext_arb_vertex_buffer_object ? &NULL_VBO_VERTEX->u : &sky->data[0].u)
#define sky_vbo_r (gl_ext_arb_vertex_buffer_object ? &NULL_VBO_VERTEX->r : &sky->data[0].r)
// The texture offset to be applied to the texture coordinates in SkyVertex().
static int rows, columns;
static signed char yflip;
static int texw, texh;
static boolean foglayer;
static float delta = 0.0f;
static int gl_sky_detail = 16;
static INT32 lasttex = -1;
#define MAP_COEFF 128.0f
static void SkyVertex(vbo_vertex_t *vbo, int r, int c)
const float radians = (float)(M_PIl / 180.0f);
const float scale = 10000.0f;
const float maxSideAngle = 60.0f;
float topAngle = (c / (float)columns * 360.0f);
float sideAngle = (maxSideAngle * (rows - r) / rows);
float height = (float)(sin(sideAngle * radians));
float realRadius = (float)(scale * cos(sideAngle * radians));
float x = (float)(realRadius * cos(topAngle * radians));
float y = (!yflip) ? scale * height : -scale * height;
float z = (float)(realRadius * sin(topAngle * radians));
float timesRepeat = (4 * (256.0f / texw));
if (fpclassify(timesRepeat) == FP_ZERO)
timesRepeat = 1.0f;
if (!foglayer)
vbo->r = 255;
vbo->g = 255;
vbo->b = 255;
vbo->a = (r == 0 ? 0 : 255);
// And the texture coordinates.
vbo->u = (-timesRepeat * c / (float)columns);
if (!yflip) // Flipped Y is for the lower hemisphere.
vbo->v = (r / (float)rows) + 0.5f;
vbo->v = 1.0f + ((rows - r) / (float)rows) + 0.5f;
if (r != 4)
y += 300.0f;
// And finally the vertex.
vbo->x = x;
vbo->y = y + delta;
vbo->z = z;
static GLSkyVBO sky_vbo;
static void gld_BuildSky(int row_count, int col_count)
int c, r;
vbo_vertex_t *vertex_p;
int vertex_count = 2 * row_count * (col_count * 2 + 2) + col_count * 2;
GLSkyVBO *vbo = &sky_vbo;
if ((vbo->columns != col_count) || (vbo->rows != row_count))
memset(vbo, 0, sizeof(&vbo));
if (!vbo->data)
memset(vbo, 0, sizeof(&vbo));
vbo->loops = malloc((row_count * 2 + 2) * sizeof(vbo->loops[0]));
// create vertex array
vbo->data = malloc(vertex_count * sizeof(vbo->data[0]));
vbo->columns = col_count;
vbo->rows = row_count;
vertex_p = &vbo->data[0];
vbo->loopcount = 0;
for (yflip = 0; yflip < 2; yflip++)
vbo->loops[vbo->loopcount].mode = GL_TRIANGLE_FAN;
vbo->loops[vbo->loopcount].vertexindex = vertex_p - &vbo->data[0];
vbo->loops[vbo->loopcount].vertexcount = col_count;
vbo->loops[vbo->loopcount].use_texture = false;
delta = 0.0f;
foglayer = true;
for (c = 0; c < col_count; c++)
SkyVertex(vertex_p, 1, c);
vertex_p->r = 255;
vertex_p->g = 255;
vertex_p->b = 255;
vertex_p->a = 255;
foglayer = false;
delta = (yflip ? 5.0f : -5.0f) / MAP_COEFF;
for (r = 0; r < row_count; r++)
vbo->loops[vbo->loopcount].mode = GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP;
vbo->loops[vbo->loopcount].vertexindex = vertex_p - &vbo->data[0];
vbo->loops[vbo->loopcount].vertexcount = 2 * col_count + 2;
vbo->loops[vbo->loopcount].use_texture = true;
for (c = 0; c <= col_count; c++)
SkyVertex(vertex_p++, r + (yflip ? 1 : 0), (c ? c : 0));
SkyVertex(vertex_p++, r + (yflip ? 0 : 1), (c ? c : 0));
static void RenderDome(INT32 skytexture)
EXPORT void HWRAPI(RenderSkyDome) (gl_sky_t *sky)
int i, j;
int vbosize;
GLSkyVBO *vbo = &sky_vbo;
rows = 4;
columns = 4 * gl_sky_detail;
vbosize = 2 * rows * (columns * 2 + 2) + columns * 2;
Shader_Load(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// Build the sky dome! Yes!
if (lasttex != skytexture)
if (sky->rebuild)
// delete VBO when already exists
if (gl_ext_arb_vertex_buffer_object)
if (vbo->id)
pglDeleteBuffers(1, &vbo->id);
if (sky->vbo)
pglDeleteBuffers(1, &sky->vbo);
lasttex = skytexture;
gld_BuildSky(rows, columns);
if (gl_ext_arb_vertex_buffer_object)
// generate a new VBO and get the associated ID
pglGenBuffers(1, &vbo->id);
pglGenBuffers(1, &sky->vbo);
// bind VBO in order to use
pglBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo->id);
pglBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sky->vbo);
// upload data to VBO
pglBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbosize * sizeof(vbo->data[0]), vbo->data, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
pglBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sky->vertex_count * sizeof(sky->data[0]), sky->data, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
sky->rebuild = false;
// bind VBO in order to use
if (gl_ext_arb_vertex_buffer_object)
pglBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo->id);
pglBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sky->vbo);
// activate and specify pointers to arrays
pglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(vbo->data[0]), sky_vbo_x);
pglTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(vbo->data[0]), sky_vbo_u);
pglColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(vbo->data[0]), sky_vbo_r);
pglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(sky->data[0]), sky_vbo_x);
pglTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(sky->data[0]), sky_vbo_u);
pglColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(sky->data[0]), sky_vbo_r);
// activate color arrays
// set transforms
pglScalef(1.0f, (float)texh / 230.0f, 1.0f);
pglScalef(1.0f, (float)sky->height / 200.0f, 1.0f);
pglRotatef(270.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for (i = 0; i < vbo->loopcount; i++)
for (i = 0; i < sky->loopcount; i++)
GLSkyLoopDef *loop = &vbo->loops[i];
gl_skyloopdef_t *loop = &sky->loops[i];
unsigned int mode = 0;
if (j == 0 ? loop->use_texture : !loop->use_texture)
pglDrawArrays(loop->mode, loop->vertexindex, loop->vertexcount);
switch (loop->mode)
pglDrawArrays(mode, loop->vertexindex, loop->vertexcount);
@ -2328,16 +2199,6 @@ static void RenderDome(INT32 skytexture)
EXPORT void HWRAPI(RenderSkyDome) (INT32 tex, INT32 texture_width, INT32 texture_height, FTransform transform)
texw = texture_width;
texh = texture_height;
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
@ -3815,6 +3815,10 @@ void HWR_SetupLevel(void)
HWR_CreatePlanePolygons((INT32)numnodes - 1);
// Build the sky dome
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ static loadfunc_t hwdFuncTable[] = {
{"FinishUpdate@4", &hwdriver.pfnFinishUpdate},
{"Draw2DLine@12", &hwdriver.pfnDraw2DLine},
{"DrawPolygon@16", &hwdriver.pfnDrawPolygon},
{"RenderSkyDome@16", &hwdriver.pfnRenderSkyDome},
{"RenderSkyDome@4", &hwdriver.pfnRenderSkyDome},
{"SetBlend@4", &hwdriver.pfnSetBlend},
{"ClearBuffer@12", &hwdriver.pfnClearBuffer},
{"SetTexture@4", &hwdriver.pfnSetTexture},
Reference in a new issue