Merge branch SRB2:next into exitfix

This commit is contained in:
Alam Ed Arias 2023-10-23 18:26:53 +00:00
commit 41dc39630e
26 changed files with 738 additions and 249 deletions

.gitattributes vendored
View file

@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
#Source code #Source code
/Makefile text=auto
/src/*.c text=auto /src/*.c text=auto
/src/*.h text=auto /src/*.h text=auto
/src/*.s text=auto /src/*.s text=auto
/src/*.m text=auto /src/*.m text=auto
/src/*.xpm text=auto /src/*.xpm text=auto
/src/Makefile text=auto /src/Makefile text=auto
/tools/Makefile text=auto
/src/Make*.cfg text=auto /src/Make*.cfg text=auto
/src/CMakeLists.txt text=auto /src/CMakeLists.txt text=auto
*.mk -whitespace text=auto
# Windows EOL # Windows EOL
*.cs -crlf -whitespace *.cs -crlf -whitespace
*.mk -crlf -whitespace
*.bat -crlf -whitespace *.bat -crlf -whitespace
*.dev -crlf -whitespace *.dev -crlf -whitespace
*.dsp -crlf -whitespace *.dsp -crlf -whitespace

.gitlab-ci.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
image: debian:stable-slim
- cache-$CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG-default
- ccache
- ccache_statslog
- key: apt-$CI_JOB_IMAGE
- apt-cache
unprotect: true
- - |
# debconf
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:debconf[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KSetup debconf's environment"
- export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive"
- export DEBIAN_PRIORITY="low"
- |
# debconf
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:debconf\r\e[0K"
- - |
# dpkg_aa
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:dpkg_aa[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KAdding architectures to dpkg"
- dpkg --add-architecture i386
- dpkg --add-architecture amd64
- dpkg --add-architecture arm64
- |
# dpkg_aa
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:dpkg_aa\r\e[0K"
- - |
# apt_conf
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_conf[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KSetting up APT conf"
- export APT_CACHE_DIR=`pwd`/apt-cache
- mkdir --parents --verbose $APT_CACHE_DIR/partial/
- touch /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99build
- |
# apt.conf
echo Adding options to apt.conf':'
- |
# APT::Install-Recommends
echo APT::Install-Recommends "false"\; | tee --append /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99build
- |
# quit
echo quiet "1"\; | tee --append /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99build
- |
# APT::Get::Assume-Yes
echo APT::Get::Assume-Yes "true"\; | tee --append /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99build
- |
# Dir::Cache::Archives
echo Dir::Cache::Archives "$APT_CACHE_DIR"\; | tee --append /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99build
- |
# apt_conf
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_conf\r\e[0K"
- - |
# apt_update
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_update[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KUpdating APT listing"
- apt-get update
- |
# apt_update
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_update\r\e[0K"
- - |
# apt_pre
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_pre[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KInstalling pre packages"
- apt-get install apt-utils
- |
# apt_pre
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_pre\r\e[0K"
- - |
# apt_upgrade
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_upgrade[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KUpdating existing packages"
- apt-get upgrade
- |
# apt_update
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_upgrade\r\e[0K"
- - |
# apt_common
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_common[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KInstalling common packages"
- apt-get install make git ccache nasm
- |
# apt_common
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_common\r\e[0K"
- - |
# ccache_config
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:ccache_config[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KSetting up ccache config"
- mkdir --parents --verbose ~/.ccache/
- touch ~/.ccache/ccache.conf
- |
# cache.conf
echo Adding ccache configution option
- |
# base_dir
echo base_dir = $PWD | tee --append ~/.ccache/ccache.conf
- |
# cache_dir
echo cache_dir = $PWD/ccache | tee --append ~/.ccache/ccache.conf
- |
# compiler_check
echo compiler_check = content | tee --append ~/.ccache/ccache.conf
- |
# stats_log
echo stats_log = $PWD/ccache_statslog | tee --append ~/.ccache/ccache.conf
- |
# max_size
echo max_size = 50M | tee --append ~/.ccache/ccache.conf
- |
# ccache_config
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:ccache_config\r\e[0K"
- - |
# cache_reset
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:ccache_reset[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KResetting ccache statistics"
- ccache --zero-stats
- ccache --show-stats
- |
# ccache_reset
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:ccache_reset\r\e[0K"
- "bin/"
- "src/comptime.h"
- - |
# apt_clean
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_clean[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KCleaning of unneeded APT packages"
- apt-get autoclean
- |
# apt_clean
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_clean\r\e[0K"
- - |
# ccache_stats
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:ccache_stats[collapsed=true]\r\e[0Kccache statistics:"
- ccache --show-stats --verbose
- ccache --show-log-stats --verbose
- |
# ccahe_stats
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:ccache_stats\r\e[0K"
- build
Debian testing GCC:
stage: build
image: debian:testing-slim
allow_failure: true
CC: gcc
LDFLAGS: -Wl,-fuse-ld=gold
- - |
# apt_toolchain
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_toolchain[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KInstalling toolchain packages"
- apt-get install gcc
- |
# apt_toolchain
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_toolchain\r\e[0K"
- - |
# apt_development
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_development[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KInstalling development packages"
- apt-get install libsdl2-mixer-dev libpng-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libgme-dev libopenmpt-dev
- |
# apt_development
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_development\r\e[0K"
- - |
# make
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:make[collapsed=false]\r\e[0KCompiling SRB2"
- make --directory=src --keep-going CCACHE=1 ERRORMODE=1 NONX86=1 || make --directory=src --keep-going CCACHE=1 ERRORMODE=1 NONX86=1
- |
# make
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:make\r\e[0K"
Windows x86:
stage: build
- "bin/"
- "src/comptime.h"
expose_as: "Win32"
PREFIX: i686-w64-mingw32
- - |
# apt_toolchain
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_toolchain[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KInstalling toolchain packages"
- apt-get install gcc-mingw-w64-i686-win32
- |
# apt_toolchain
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_toolchain\r\e[0K"
- - |
# make
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:make[collapsed=false]\r\e[0KCompiling SRB2"
- make --directory=src --keep-going CCACHE=1 ERRORMODE=1 MINGW=1 SDL=1 || make --directory=src --keep-going CCACHE=1 ERRORMODE=1 MINGW=1 SDL=1
- |
# make
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:make\r\e[0K"
Debian stable:amd64:
stage: build
- "bin/"
- "src/comptime.h"
expose_as: "Debian amd64"
CC: x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc
LDFLAGS: -Wl,-fuse-ld=gold
OBJCOPY: x86_64-linux-gnu-objcopy
OBJDUMP: x86_64-linux-gnu-objdump
PKG_CONFIG_PATH: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig
- - |
# apt_toolchain
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_toolchain[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KInstalling toolchain packages"
- apt-get install gcc-x86-64-linux-gnu || apt-get install gcc
- |
# apt_toolchain
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_toolchain\r\e[0K"
- - |
# apt_development
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_development[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KInstalling development packages"
- apt-get install libsdl2-mixer-dev:amd64 libpng-dev:amd64 libcurl4-openssl-dev:amd64 libgme-dev:amd64 libopenmpt-dev:amd64
- |
# apt_development
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_development\r\e[0K"
- - |
# make
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:make[collapsed=false]\r\e[0KCompiling SRB2"
- make --directory=src --keep-going CCACHE=1 ERRORMODE=1 LINUX64=1 || make --directory=src --keep-going CCACHE=1 ERRORMODE=1 LINUX64=1
- |
# make
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:make\r\e[0K"
Debian stable:i386:
stage: build
- "bin/"
- "src/comptime.h"
expose_as: "Debian i386"
CC: i686-linux-gnu-gcc
OBJCOPY: i686-linux-gnu-objcopy
OBJDUMP: i686-linux-gnu-objdump
PKG_CONFIG_PATH: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkgconfig
- - |
# apt_toolchain
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_toolchain[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KInstalling toolchain packages"
- apt-get install gcc-i686-linux-gnu || apt-get install gcc
- |
# apt_toolchain
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_toolchain\r\e[0K"
- - |
# apt_development
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_development[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KInstalling development packages"
- apt-get install libsdl2-mixer-dev:i386 libpng-dev:i386 libcurl4-openssl-dev:i386 libgme-dev:i386 libopenmpt-dev:i386
- |
# apt_development
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_development\r\e[0K"
- - |
# make
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:make[collapsed=false]\r\e[0KCompiling SRB2"
- make --directory=src --keep-going CCACHE=1 ERRORMODE=1 LINUX=1 || make --directory=src --keep-going CCACHE=1 ERRORMODE=1 LINUX=1
- |
# make
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:make\r\e[0K"
Debian stable:arm64:
stage: build
- "bin/"
- "src/comptime.h"
expose_as: "Debian arm64"
CC: aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc
LDFLAGS: -Wl,-fuse-ld=gold
OBJCOPY: aarch64-linux-gnu-objcopy
OBJDUMP: aarch64-linux-gnu-objdump
PKG_CONFIG_PATH: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig
- - |
# apt_toolchain
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_toolchain[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KInstalling toolchain packages"
- apt-get install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu || apt-get install gcc
- |
# apt_toolchain
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_toolchain\r\e[0K"
- - |
# apt_development
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_development[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KInstalling development packages"
- apt-get install libsdl2-mixer-dev:arm64 libpng-dev:arm64 libcurl4-openssl-dev:arm64 libgme-dev:arm64 libopenmpt-dev:arm64
- |
# apt_development
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_development\r\e[0K"
- - |
# make
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:make[collapsed=false]\r\e[0KCompiling SRB2"
- make --directory=src --keep-going CCACHE=1 ERRORMODE=1 LINUX64=1 ERRORMODE=1 NONX86=1 || make --directory=src --keep-going CCACHE=1 ERRORMODE=1 LINUX64=1 NONX86=1
- |
# make
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:make\r\e[0K"
Windows x64:
stage: build
- "bin/"
- "src/comptime.h"
expose_as: "Win64"
PREFIX: x86_64-w64-mingw32
- - |
# apt_toolchain
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_toolchain[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KInstalling toolchain packages"
- apt-get install gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64-win32
- |
# apt_toolchain
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_toolchain\r\e[0K"
- - |
# make
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:make[collapsed=false]\r\e[0KCompiling SRB2"
- make --directory=src --keep-going CCACHE=1 ERRORMODE=1 MINGW64=1 SDL=1 || make --directory=src --keep-going CCACHE=1 ERRORMODE=1 MINGW64=1 SDL=1
- |
# make
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:make\r\e[0K"
Debian stable Clang:
stage: build
allow_failure: true
CC: clang
WFLAGS: -Wno-cast-align
CFLAGS: -Wno-cast-align
LDFLAGS: -Wl,-fuse-ld=gold
- - |
# apt_toolchain
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_toolchain[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KInstalling toolchain packages"
- apt-get install clang
- |
# apt_toolchain
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_toolchain\r\e[0K"
- - |
# apt_development
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:apt_development[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KInstalling development packages"
- apt-get install libsdl2-mixer-dev libpng-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libgme-dev libopenmpt-dev
- |
# apt_development
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:apt_development\r\e[0K"
- - |
# make
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:`date +%s`:make[collapsed=false]\r\e[0KCompiling SRB2"
- make --directory=src --keep-going CCACHE=1 ERRORMODE=1 NONX86=1 || make --directory=src --keep-going CCACHE=1 ERRORMODE=1 NONX86=1
- |
# make
echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:`date +%s`:make\r\e[0K"
Debian testing Clang:
extends: Debian stable Clang
image: debian:testing-slim
CC: clang
WFLAGS: -Wno-cast-align -Wno-deprecated-non-prototype
CFLAGS: -Wno-cast-align -Wno-deprecated-non-prototype
LDFLAGS: -Wl,-fuse-ld=gold

View file

@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ ifdef ComSpec
COMSPEC=$(ComSpec) COMSPEC=$(ComSpec)
endif endif
OBJCOPY=objcopy.exe OBJCOPY?=objcopy.exe
OBJDUMP=objdump.exe OBJDUMP?=objdump.exe
GZIP?=gzip.exe GZIP?=gzip.exe
else else
OBJCOPY=objcopy OBJCOPY?=objcopy
OBJDUMP=objdump OBJDUMP?=objdump
GZIP?=gzip GZIP?=gzip
endif endif
DBGNAME=$(BIN).debug DBGNAME=$(BIN).debug

View file

@ -8,11 +8,7 @@ LOCAL_SRC_FILES := am_map.c \
command.c \ command.c \
comptime.c \ comptime.c \
console.c \ console.c \
d_clisrv.c \
d_main.c \ d_main.c \
d_net.c \
d_netcmd.c \
d_netfil.c \
dehacked.c \ dehacked.c \
f_finale.c \ f_finale.c \
f_wipe.c \ f_wipe.c \
@ -20,7 +16,6 @@ LOCAL_SRC_FILES := am_map.c \
g_game.c \ g_game.c \
g_input.c \ g_input.c \
hu_stuff.c \ hu_stuff.c \
i_tcp.c \
info.c \ info.c \
lzf.c \ lzf.c \
m_argv.c \ m_argv.c \
@ -32,7 +27,6 @@ LOCAL_SRC_FILES := am_map.c \
m_queue.c \ m_queue.c \
m_random.c \ m_random.c \
md5.c \ md5.c \
mserv.c \
p_ceilng.c \ p_ceilng.c \
p_enemy.c \ p_enemy.c \
p_fab.c \ p_fab.c \
@ -61,6 +55,7 @@ LOCAL_SRC_FILES := am_map.c \
r_things.c \ r_things.c \
s_sound.c \ s_sound.c \
screen.c \ screen.c \
snake.c \
sounds.c \ sounds.c \
st_stuff.c \ st_stuff.c \
string.c \ string.c \

View file

@ -6,10 +6,6 @@ add_executable(SRB2SDL2 MACOSX_BUNDLE WIN32
string.c string.c
d_main.c d_main.c
dehacked.c dehacked.c
deh_soc.c deh_soc.c
deh_lua.c deh_lua.c
@ -83,12 +79,10 @@ add_executable(SRB2SDL2 MACOSX_BUNDLE WIN32
sounds.c sounds.c
w_wad.c w_wad.c
filesrch.c filesrch.c
lzf.c lzf.c
b_bot.c b_bot.c
u_list.c u_list.c
lua_script.c lua_script.c
lua_baselib.c lua_baselib.c
lua_mathlib.c lua_mathlib.c
@ -149,6 +143,7 @@ set(SRB2_CONFIG_DEV_BUILD OFF CACHE BOOL
"Compile a development build of SRB2.") "Compile a development build of SRB2.")
add_subdirectory(blua) add_subdirectory(blua)
# OS macros # OS macros
if (UNIX) if (UNIX)

View file

@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ endif
OBJDUMP_OPTS?=--wide --source --line-numbers OBJDUMP_OPTS?=--wide --source --line-numbers
OBJCOPY:=$(call Prefix,objcopy) OBJCOPY?=$(call Prefix,objcopy)
OBJDUMP:=$(call Prefix,objdump) OBJDUMP?=$(call Prefix,objdump)
WINDRES:=$(call Prefix,windres) WINDRES?=$(call Prefix,windres)
GZIP?=gzip GZIP?=gzip
GZIP_OPTS?=-9 -f -n GZIP_OPTS?=-9 -f -n

View file

@ -56,15 +56,18 @@ endif
# This must have high to low order. # This must have high to low order.
gcc_versions:=\ gcc_versions:=\
102 101\ 132 131 130\
93 92 91\ 123 122 121 120\
84 83 82 81\ 114 113 112 111 110\
75 74 73 72 71\ 105 104 103 102 101 100\
64 63 62 61\ 95 94 93 92 91 90\
55 54 53 52 51\ 85 84 83 82 81 80\
75 74 73 72 71 70\
64 63 62 61 60\
55 54 53 52 51 50\
49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40
latest_gcc_version:=10.2 latest_gcc_version:=13.2
# Automatically set version flag, but not if one was # Automatically set version flag, but not if one was
# manually set. And don't bother if this is a clean only # manually set. And don't bother if this is a clean only
@ -74,13 +77,18 @@ ifeq (,$(call Wildvar,GCC% destructive))
# can't use $(CC) --version here since that uses argv[0] to display the name # can't use $(CC) --version here since that uses argv[0] to display the name
# also gcc outputs the information to stderr, so I had to do 2>&1 # also gcc outputs the information to stderr, so I had to do 2>&1
# this program really doesn't like identifying itself # this program really doesn't like identifying itself
version:=$(shell $(CC) -v 2>&1) shellversion:=$(shell $(CC) -v 2>&1)
# Try to remove "-win32"
version:=$(subst -win32,.0,$(shellversion))
# check if this is in fact GCC # check if this is in fact GCC
ifneq (,$(findstring gcc version,$(version))) ifneq (,$(findstring gcc version,$(version)))
# in stark contrast to the name, gcc will give me a nicely formatted version number for free # in stark contrast to the name, gcc will give me a nicely formatted version number for free
version:=$(shell $(CC) -dumpfullversion) shellversion:=$(shell $(CC) -dumpfullversion)
# Try to remove "-win32"
version:=$(subst -win32,.0,$(shellversion))
# Turn version into words of major, minor # Turn version into words of major, minor
v:=$(subst ., ,$(version)) v:=$(subst ., ,$(version))

View file

@ -14,13 +14,18 @@ size_t I_GetFreeMem(size_t *total)
return 0; return 0;
} }
void I_Sleep(UINT32 ms){} void I_Sleep(UINT32 ms)
precise_t I_GetPreciseTime(void) { precise_t I_GetPreciseTime(void)
return 0; return 0;
} }
UINT64 I_GetPrecisePrecision(void) { UINT64 I_GetPrecisePrecision(void)
return 1000000; return 1000000;
} }
@ -182,6 +187,8 @@ const char *I_ClipboardPaste(void)
size_t I_GetRandomBytes(char *destination, size_t amount) size_t I_GetRandomBytes(char *destination, size_t amount)
{ {
return 0; return 0;
} }

View file

@ -1891,16 +1891,9 @@ UINT8 G_CmpDemoTime(char *oldname, char *newname)
p++; // VERSION p++; // VERSION
oldversion = READUINT16(p); oldversion = READUINT16(p);
switch(oldversion) // demoversion if (oldversion < 0x000c || oldversion > DEMOVERSION)
{ {
case DEMOVERSION: // latest always supported // too old (or new), cannot support
case 0x000f: // The previous demoversions also supported
case 0x000e:
case 0x000d: // all that changed between then and now was longer color name
case 0x000c:
// too old, cannot support.
CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("File '%s' invalid format. It will be overwritten.\n"), oldname); CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("File '%s' invalid format. It will be overwritten.\n"), oldname);
Z_Free(buffer); Z_Free(buffer);
return UINT8_MAX; return UINT8_MAX;
@ -1973,14 +1966,11 @@ void G_DoPlayDemo(char *defdemoname)
UINT8 i; UINT8 i;
lumpnum_t l; lumpnum_t l;
char skin[17],color[MAXCOLORNAME+1],*n,*pdemoname; char skin[17],color[MAXCOLORNAME+1],*n,*pdemoname;
UINT8 version,subversion,charability,charability2,thrustfactor,accelstart,acceleration,cnamelen; UINT8 version,subversion,charability,charability2,thrustfactor,accelstart,acceleration;
pflags_t pflags; pflags_t pflags;
UINT32 randseed, followitem; UINT32 randseed, followitem;
fixed_t camerascale,shieldscale,actionspd,mindash,maxdash,normalspeed,runspeed,jumpfactor,height,spinheight; fixed_t camerascale,shieldscale,actionspd,mindash,maxdash,normalspeed,runspeed,jumpfactor,height,spinheight;
char msg[1024]; char msg[1024];
boolean use_old_demo_vars = false;
skin[16] = '\0'; skin[16] = '\0';
color[MAXCOLORNAME] = '\0'; color[MAXCOLORNAME] = '\0';
@ -2039,23 +2029,13 @@ void G_DoPlayDemo(char *defdemoname)
subversion = READUINT8(demo_p); subversion = READUINT8(demo_p);
demoversion = READUINT16(demo_p); demoversion = READUINT16(demo_p);
demo_forwardmove_rng = (demoversion < 0x0010); demo_forwardmove_rng = (demoversion < 0x0010);
case 0x000f:
case 0x000d:
case 0x000e:
case DEMOVERSION: // latest always supported
cnamelen = MAXCOLORNAME;
// all that changed between then and now was longer color name if (demoversion < 0x000c || demoversion > DEMOVERSION)
case 0x000c: #else
cnamelen = 16; if (demoversion < 0x000d || demoversion > DEMOVERSION)
use_old_demo_vars = true;
#endif #endif
// too old, cannot support. {
default: // too old (or new), cannot support
snprintf(msg, 1024, M_GetText("%s is an incompatible replay format and cannot be played.\n"), pdemoname); snprintf(msg, 1024, M_GetText("%s is an incompatible replay format and cannot be played.\n"), pdemoname);
CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "%s", msg); CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "%s", msg);
M_StartMessage(msg, NULL, MM_NOTHING); M_StartMessage(msg, NULL, MM_NOTHING);
@ -2182,8 +2162,8 @@ void G_DoPlayDemo(char *defdemoname)
demo_p += 16; demo_p += 16;
// Color // Color
M_Memcpy(color,demo_p,cnamelen); M_Memcpy(color, demo_p, (demoversion < 0x000d) ? 16 : MAXCOLORNAME);
demo_p += cnamelen; demo_p += (demoversion < 0x000d) ? 16 : MAXCOLORNAME;
charability = READUINT8(demo_p); charability = READUINT8(demo_p);
charability2 = READUINT8(demo_p); charability2 = READUINT8(demo_p);
@ -2219,7 +2199,7 @@ void G_DoPlayDemo(char *defdemoname)
// net var data // net var data
if (use_old_demo_vars) if (demoversion < 0x000d)
CV_LoadOldDemoVars(&demo_p); CV_LoadOldDemoVars(&demo_p);
else else
#endif #endif
@ -2352,19 +2332,13 @@ UINT8 G_CheckDemoForError(char *defdemoname)
demo_p++; // version demo_p++; // version
demo_p++; // subversion demo_p++; // subversion
our_demo_version = READUINT16(demo_p); our_demo_version = READUINT16(demo_p);
case 0x000d:
case 0x000e:
case 0x000f:
case DEMOVERSION: // latest always supported
case 0x000c: if (our_demo_version < 0x000c || our_demo_version > DEMOVERSION)
break; #else
if (our_demo_version < 0x000d || our_demo_version > DEMOVERSION)
#endif #endif
// too old, cannot support. {
default: // too old (or new), cannot support
} }
demo_p += 16; // demo checksum demo_p += 16; // demo checksum
@ -2386,7 +2360,6 @@ void G_AddGhost(char *defdemoname)
INT32 i; INT32 i;
lumpnum_t l; lumpnum_t l;
char name[17],skin[17],color[MAXCOLORNAME+1],*n,*pdemoname,md5[16]; char name[17],skin[17],color[MAXCOLORNAME+1],*n,*pdemoname,md5[16];
UINT8 cnamelen;
demoghost *gh; demoghost *gh;
UINT8 flags, subversion; UINT8 flags, subversion;
UINT8 *buffer,*p; UINT8 *buffer,*p;
@ -2438,20 +2411,9 @@ void G_AddGhost(char *defdemoname)
p++; // VERSION p++; // VERSION
subversion = READUINT8(p); // SUBVERSION subversion = READUINT8(p); // SUBVERSION
ghostversion = READUINT16(p); ghostversion = READUINT16(p);
switch(ghostversion) if (ghostversion < 0x000c || ghostversion > DEMOVERSION)
{ {
case 0x000f: // too old (or new), cannot support
case 0x000d:
case 0x000e:
case DEMOVERSION: // latest always supported
cnamelen = MAXCOLORNAME;
// all that changed between then and now was longer color name
case 0x000c:
cnamelen = 16;
// too old, cannot support.
CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("Ghost %s: Demo version incompatible.\n"), pdemoname); CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("Ghost %s: Demo version incompatible.\n"), pdemoname);
Z_Free(pdemoname); Z_Free(pdemoname);
Z_Free(buffer); Z_Free(buffer);
@ -2514,8 +2476,8 @@ void G_AddGhost(char *defdemoname)
p += 16; p += 16;
// Color // Color
M_Memcpy(color, p,cnamelen); M_Memcpy(color, p, (ghostversion < 0x000d) ? 16 : MAXCOLORNAME);
p += cnamelen; p += (ghostversion < 0x000d) ? 16 : MAXCOLORNAME;
// Ghosts do not have a player structure to put this in. // Ghosts do not have a player structure to put this in.
p++; // charability p++; // charability
@ -2698,16 +2660,9 @@ void G_DoPlayMetal(void)
metal_p++; // VERSION metal_p++; // VERSION
metal_p++; // SUBVERSION metal_p++; // SUBVERSION
metalversion = READUINT16(metal_p); metalversion = READUINT16(metal_p);
switch(metalversion) if (metalversion < 0x000c || metalversion > DEMOVERSION)
{ {
case DEMOVERSION: // latest always supported // too old (or new), cannot support
case 0x000f:
case 0x000e: // There are checks wheter the momentum is from older demo versions or not
case 0x000d: // all that changed between then and now was longer color name
case 0x000c:
// too old, cannot support.
CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Failed to load bot recording for this map, format version incompatible.\n")); CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Failed to load bot recording for this map, format version incompatible.\n"));
Z_Free(metalbuffer); Z_Free(metalbuffer);
return; return;

View file

@ -4141,14 +4141,11 @@ static void HWR_DrawSprite(gl_vissprite_t *spr)
float xscale, yscale; float xscale, yscale;
float xoffset, yoffset; float xoffset, yoffset;
float leftoffset, topoffset; float leftoffset, topoffset;
float scale = spr->scale;
float zoffset = (P_MobjFlip(spr->mobj) * 0.05f); float zoffset = (P_MobjFlip(spr->mobj) * 0.05f);
pslope_t *splatslope = NULL; pslope_t *splatslope = NULL;
INT32 i; INT32 i;
renderflags_t renderflags = spr->renderflags; renderflags_t renderflags = spr->renderflags;
if (renderflags & RF_SHADOWEFFECTS)
scale *= spr->shadowscale;
if (spr->rotateflags & SRF_3D || renderflags & RF_NOSPLATBILLBOARD) if (spr->rotateflags & SRF_3D || renderflags & RF_NOSPLATBILLBOARD)
angle = spr->mobj->angle; angle = spr->mobj->angle;

View file

@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ void HWR_InitModels(void)
size_t i; size_t i;
INT32 s; INT32 s;
FILE *f; FILE *f;
char name[24], filename[32]; char name[26], filename[32];
float scale, offset; float scale, offset;
size_t prefixlen; size_t prefixlen;
@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ modelfound:
void HWR_AddPlayerModel(int skin) // For skins that were added after startup void HWR_AddPlayerModel(int skin) // For skins that were added after startup
{ {
FILE *f; FILE *f;
char name[24], filename[32]; char name[26], filename[32];
float scale, offset; float scale, offset;
size_t prefixlen; size_t prefixlen;
@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ void HWR_AddSpriteModel(size_t spritenum) // For sprites that were added after s
// name[24] is used to check for names in the models.dat file that match with sprites or player skins // name[24] is used to check for names in the models.dat file that match with sprites or player skins
// sprite names are always 4 characters long, and names is for player skins can be up to 19 characters long // sprite names are always 4 characters long, and names is for player skins can be up to 19 characters long
// PLAYERMODELPREFIX is 6 characters long // PLAYERMODELPREFIX is 6 characters long
char name[24], filename[32]; char name[26], filename[32];
float scale, offset; float scale, offset;
if (nomd2s) if (nomd2s)

View file

@ -672,6 +672,9 @@ void GeneratePolygonNormals(model_t *model, int ztag)
for (k = 0; k < mesh->numTriangles; k++) for (k = 0; k < mesh->numTriangles; k++)
{ {
/// TODO: normalize vectors
// Vector::Normal(vertices, polyNormals); // Vector::Normal(vertices, polyNormals);
vertices += 3 * 3; vertices += 3 * 3;
polyNormals++; polyNormals++;

View file

@ -3544,7 +3544,7 @@ static int lib_gAddGametype(lua_State *L)
// Partly lifted from Got_AddPlayer // Partly lifted from Got_AddPlayer
static int lib_gAddPlayer(lua_State *L) static int lib_gAddPlayer(lua_State *L)
{ {
INT16 i, newplayernum, botcount = 1; INT16 i, newplayernum;
player_t *newplayer; player_t *newplayer;
SINT8 skinnum = 0, bot; SINT8 skinnum = 0, bot;
@ -3552,10 +3552,8 @@ static int lib_gAddPlayer(lua_State *L)
{ {
if (!playeringame[i]) if (!playeringame[i])
break; break;
if (players[i].bot)
botcount++; // How many of us are there already?
} }
if (i >= MAXPLAYERS) if (i >= MAXPLAYERS)
{ {
lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushnil(L);

View file

@ -2752,6 +2752,7 @@ void M_SetMenuCurBackground(const char *defaultname)
{ {
char name[9]; char name[9];
strncpy(name, defaultname, 8); strncpy(name, defaultname, 8);
name[8] = '\0';
M_IterateMenuTree(MIT_SetCurBackground, &name); M_IterateMenuTree(MIT_SetCurBackground, &name);
} }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
target_sources(SRB2SDL2 PRIVATE

View file

@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ static boolean CL_FinishedFileList(void)
CL_Reset(); CL_Reset();
D_StartTitle(); D_StartTitle();
M_StartMessage(M_GetText( M_StartMessage(M_GetText(
"An error occured when trying to\n" "An error occurred when trying to\n"
"download missing addons.\n" "download missing addons.\n"
"(This is almost always a problem\n" "(This is almost always a problem\n"
"with the server, not your game.)\n\n" "with the server, not your game.)\n\n"

View file

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ void Ban_Load_File(boolean warning)
Ban_Clear(); Ban_Clear();
for (size_t i=0; fgets(buffer, (int)sizeof(buffer), f); i++) for (; fgets(buffer, (int)sizeof(buffer), f);)
{ {
address = strtok(buffer, " \t\r\n"); address = strtok(buffer, " \t\r\n");
mask = strtok(NULL, " \t\r\n"); mask = strtok(NULL, " \t\r\n");

View file

@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ void Command_ResendGamestate(void)
netbuffer->packettype = PT_WILLRESENDGAMESTATE; netbuffer->packettype = PT_WILLRESENDGAMESTATE;
if (!HSendPacket(playernode[playernum], true, 0, 0)) if (!HSendPacket(playernode[playernum], true, 0, 0))
{ {
CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("A problem occured, please try again.\n")); CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("A problem occurred, please try again.\n"));
return; return;
} }
} }

View file

@ -3730,7 +3730,9 @@ void P_SlideMove(mobj_t *mo)
boolean papercol = false; boolean papercol = false;
vertex_t v1, v2; // fake vertexes vertex_t v1, v2; // fake vertexes
line_t junk; // fake linedef static line_t junk; // fake linedef
memset(&junk, 0x00, sizeof(junk));
if (tmhitthing && mo->z + mo->height > tmhitthing->z && mo->z < tmhitthing->z + tmhitthing->height) if (tmhitthing && mo->z + mo->height > tmhitthing->z && mo->z < tmhitthing->z + tmhitthing->height)
{ {

View file

@ -11160,7 +11160,7 @@ static void P_MinecartThink(player_t *player)
detright->drawonlyforplayer = player; detright->drawonlyforplayer = player;
} }
else else
P_RemoveMobj(detleft); P_RemoveMobj(detright);
} }
} }
else else

View file

@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ static void FlipCam2_OnChange(void)
// //
// killough 5/2/98: reformatted // killough 5/2/98: reformatted
// //
INT32 R_PointOnSide(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, node_t *node) INT32 R_PointOnSide(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, node_t *restrict node)
{ {
if (!node->dx) if (!node->dx)
return x <= node->x ? node->dy > 0 : node->dy < 0; return x <= node->x ? node->dy > 0 : node->dy < 0;
@ -261,9 +261,10 @@ INT32 R_PointOnSide(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, node_t *node)
fixed_t dy = (y >> 1) - (node->y >> 1); fixed_t dy = (y >> 1) - (node->y >> 1);
// Try to quickly decide by looking at sign bits. // Try to quickly decide by looking at sign bits.
if ((node->dy ^ node->dx ^ dx ^ dy) < 0) // also use a mask to avoid branch prediction
return (node->dy ^ dx) < 0; // (left is negative) INT32 mask = (node->dy ^ node->dx ^ dx ^ dy) >> 31;
return FixedMul(dy, node->dx>>FRACBITS) >= FixedMul(node->dy>>FRACBITS, dx); return (mask & ((node->dy ^ dx) < 0)) | // (left is negative)
(~mask & (FixedMul(dy, node->dx>>FRACBITS) >= FixedMul(node->dy>>FRACBITS, dx)));
} }
// killough 5/2/98: reformatted // killough 5/2/98: reformatted

View file

@ -262,7 +262,6 @@
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@ -297,6 +296,21 @@
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@ -329,6 +343,7 @@
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<ClInclude Include="..\s_sound.h" /> <ClInclude Include="..\s_sound.h" />
@ -400,11 +415,7 @@
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<ClCompile Include="..\f_finale.c" /> <ClCompile Include="..\f_finale.c" />
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@ -427,10 +438,6 @@
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@ -451,8 +458,6 @@
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<ClCompile Include="..\m_anigif.c" /> <ClCompile Include="..\m_anigif.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\m_argv.c" /> <ClCompile Include="..\m_argv.c" />
@ -466,6 +471,22 @@
<ClCompile Include="..\m_perfstats.c" /> <ClCompile Include="..\m_perfstats.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\m_queue.c" /> <ClCompile Include="..\m_queue.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\m_random.c" /> <ClCompile Include="..\m_random.c" />
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<ClCompile Include="..\netcode\server_connection.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\netcode\tic_command.c" />
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<ClCompile Include="..\p_enemy.c" /> <ClCompile Include="..\p_enemy.c" />
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@ -510,6 +531,7 @@
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View file

@ -156,24 +156,12 @@
<ClInclude Include="..\doomtype.h"> <ClInclude Include="..\doomtype.h">
<Filter>D_Doom</Filter> <Filter>D_Doom</Filter>
</ClInclude> </ClInclude>
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</ClInclude> </ClInclude>
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<Filter>D_Doom</Filter> <Filter>D_Doom</Filter>
</ClInclude> </ClInclude>
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</ClInclude> </ClInclude>
@ -279,9 +267,6 @@
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@ -306,12 +291,6 @@
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@ -372,6 +351,54 @@
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@ -465,6 +492,9 @@
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</ClInclude> </ClInclude>
@ -639,21 +669,9 @@
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</ClCompile> </ClCompile>
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</ClCompile> </ClCompile>
<ClCompile Include="..\d_net.c">
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<ClCompile Include="..\d_netfil.c">
<ClCompile Include="..\z_zone.c"> <ClCompile Include="..\z_zone.c">
<Filter>D_Doom</Filter> <Filter>D_Doom</Filter>
</ClCompile> </ClCompile>
@ -732,18 +750,9 @@
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</ClCompile> </ClCompile>
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<Filter>LUA</Filter> <Filter>LUA</Filter>
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@ -831,6 +840,48 @@
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<Filter>M_Misc</Filter> <Filter>M_Misc</Filter>
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<ClCompile Include="..\netcode\commands.c">
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<ClCompile Include="..\netcode\i_tcp.c">
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<ClCompile Include="..\netcode\net_command.c">
<ClCompile Include="..\netcode\server_connection.c">
<ClCompile Include="..\netcode\tic_command.c">
<ClCompile Include="..\string.c"> <ClCompile Include="..\string.c">
<Filter>M_Misc</Filter> <Filter>M_Misc</Filter>
</ClCompile> </ClCompile>
@ -954,6 +1005,9 @@
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<Filter>R_Rend</Filter> <Filter>R_Rend</Filter>
</ClCompile> </ClCompile>
<ClCompile Include="..\snake.c">
<ClCompile Include="..\sounds.c"> <ClCompile Include="..\sounds.c">
<Filter>S_Sounds</Filter> <Filter>S_Sounds</Filter>
</ClCompile> </ClCompile>

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@ -2266,7 +2266,7 @@ void I_Sleep(UINT32 ms)
} }
static void newsignalhandler_Warn(const char *pr) ATTRNORETURN static FUNCNORETURN void newsignalhandler_Warn(const char *pr)
{ {
char text[128]; char text[128];
@ -3035,11 +3035,11 @@ size_t I_GetFreeMem(size_t *total)
#ifdef FREEBSD #ifdef FREEBSD
u_int v_free_count, v_page_size, v_page_count; u_int v_free_count, v_page_size, v_page_count;
size_t size = sizeof(v_free_count); size_t size = sizeof(v_free_count);
sysctlbyname("vm.stat.vm.v_free_count", &v_free_count, &size, NULL, 0); sysctlbyname("vm.stats.vm.v_free_count", &v_free_count, &size, NULL, 0);
size_t size = sizeof(v_page_size); size = sizeof(v_page_size);
sysctlbyname("vm.stat.vm.v_page_size", &v_page_size, &size, NULL, 0); sysctlbyname("vm.stats.vm.v_page_size", &v_page_size, &size, NULL, 0);
size_t size = sizeof(v_page_count); size = sizeof(v_page_count);
sysctlbyname("vm.stat.vm.v_page_count", &v_page_count, &size, NULL, 0); sysctlbyname("vm.stats.vm.v_page_count", &v_page_count, &size, NULL, 0);
if (total) if (total)
*total = v_page_count * v_page_size; *total = v_page_count * v_page_size;