Turn HU_queueChatChar into HU_sendChatMessage

This commit is contained in:
LJ Sonic 2022-01-02 17:55:14 +01:00
parent b8975b6a71
commit 2bbbd57c6e

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@ -895,103 +895,99 @@ static boolean HU_chatboxContainsOnlySpaces(void)
return true;
static void HU_queueChatChar(char c)
static void HU_sendChatMessage(void)
if (c == KEY_ENTER)
char buf[2+256];
char *msg = &buf[2];
size_t ci;
INT32 target = 0;
// if our message was nothing but spaces, don't send it.
if (HU_chatboxContainsOnlySpaces())
// copy printable characters and terminating '\0' only.
for (ci = 2; w_chat[ci-2]; ci++)
char buf[2+256];
char *msg = &buf[2];
size_t ci;
INT32 target = 0;
char c = w_chat[ci-2];
if (c >= ' ' && !(c & 0x80))
buf[ci] = c;
buf[ci] = '\0';
// if our message was nothing but spaces, don't send it.
if (HU_chatboxContainsOnlySpaces())
memset(w_chat, '\0', HU_MAXMSGLEN);
c_input = 0;
// copy printable characters and terminating '\0' only.
for (ci = 2; w_chat[ci-2]; ci++)
// last minute mute check
HU_AddChatText(va("%s>ERROR: The chat is muted. You can't say anything.", "\x85"), false);
if (strlen(msg) > 4 && strnicmp(msg, "/pm", 3) == 0) // used /pm
INT32 spc = 1; // used if playernum[1] is a space.
char playernum[3];
const char *newmsg;
// what we're gonna do now is check if the player exists
// with that logic, characters 4 and 5 are our numbers:
// teamtalk can't send PMs, just don't send it, else everyone would be able to see it, and no one wants to see your sex RP sicko.
if (teamtalk)
c = w_chat[ci-2];
if (c >= ' ' && !(c & 0x80))
buf[ci] = c;
buf[ci] = '\0';
memset(w_chat, '\0', HU_MAXMSGLEN);
c_input = 0;
// last minute mute check
HU_AddChatText(va("%s>ERROR: The chat is muted. You can't say anything.", "\x85"), false);
HU_AddChatText(va("%sCannot send sayto in Say-Team.", "\x85"), false);
if (strlen(msg) > 4 && strnicmp(msg, "/pm", 3) == 0) // used /pm
strncpy(playernum, msg+3, 3);
// check for undesirable characters in our "number"
if (!(isdigit(playernum[0]) && isdigit(playernum[1])))
INT32 spc = 1; // used if playernum[1] is a space.
char playernum[3];
const char *newmsg;
// what we're gonna do now is check if the player exists
// with that logic, characters 4 and 5 are our numbers:
// teamtalk can't send PMs, just don't send it, else everyone would be able to see it, and no one wants to see your sex RP sicko.
if (teamtalk)
HU_AddChatText(va("%sCannot send sayto in Say-Team.", "\x85"), false);
strncpy(playernum, msg+3, 3);
// check for undesirable characters in our "number"
if (!(isdigit(playernum[0]) && isdigit(playernum[1])))
// check if playernum[1] is a space
if (playernum[1] == ' ')
spc = 0;
// let it slide
HU_AddChatText("\x82NOTICE: \x80Invalid command format. Correct format is \'/pm<player num> \'.", false);
// I'm very bad at C, I swear I am, additional checks eww!
if (spc != 0 && msg[5] != ' ')
// check if playernum[1] is a space
if (playernum[1] == ' ')
spc = 0;
// let it slide
HU_AddChatText("\x82NOTICE: \x80Invalid command format. Correct format is \'/pm<player num> \'.", false);
target = atoi(playernum); // turn that into a number
// check for target player, if it doesn't exist then we can't send the message!
if (target < MAXPLAYERS && playeringame[target]) // player exists
target++; // even though playernums are from 0 to 31, target is 1 to 32, so up that by 1 to have it work!
HU_AddChatText(va("\x82NOTICE: \x80Player %d does not exist.", target), false); // same
// we need to get rid of the /pm<player num>
newmsg = msg+5+spc;
strlcpy(msg, newmsg, 255);
if (ci > 3) // don't send target+flags+empty message.
// I'm very bad at C, I swear I am, additional checks eww!
if (spc != 0 && msg[5] != ' ')
buf[0] = teamtalk ? -1 : target; // target
buf[1] = 0; // flags
SendNetXCmd(XD_SAY, buf, 2 + strlen(&buf[2]) + 1);
HU_AddChatText("\x82NOTICE: \x80Invalid command format. Correct format is \'/pm<player num> \'.", false);
target = atoi(playernum); // turn that into a number
// check for target player, if it doesn't exist then we can't send the message!
if (target < MAXPLAYERS && playeringame[target]) // player exists
target++; // even though playernums are from 0 to 31, target is 1 to 32, so up that by 1 to have it work!
HU_AddChatText(va("\x82NOTICE: \x80Player %d does not exist.", target), false); // same
// we need to get rid of the /pm<player num>
newmsg = msg+5+spc;
strlcpy(msg, newmsg, 255);
if (ci > 3) // don't send target+flags+empty message.
buf[0] = teamtalk ? -1 : target; // target
buf[1] = 0; // flags
SendNetXCmd(XD_SAY, buf, 2 + strlen(&buf[2]) + 1);
// Handles key input and string input
static inline boolean HU_keyInChatString(char *s, char ch)
static inline void HU_keyInChatString(char *s, char ch)
size_t l;
@ -1022,25 +1018,25 @@ static inline boolean HU_keyInChatString(char *s, char ch)
s[c_input] = ch; // and replace this.
return true;
return false;
else if (ch == KEY_BACKSPACE)
size_t i = c_input;
if (c_input <= 0)
return false;
if (!s[i-1])
return false;
if (i >= strlen(s)-1)
s[strlen(s)-1] = 0;
return false;
for (; (i < HU_MAXMSGLEN); i++)
@ -1049,10 +1045,6 @@ static inline boolean HU_keyInChatString(char *s, char ch)
else if (ch != KEY_ENTER)
return false; // did not eat key
return true; // ate the key
@ -1174,14 +1166,9 @@ boolean HU_Responder(event_t *ev)
memcpy(&w_chat[chatlen], paste, pastelen); // copy all of that.
c_input += pastelen;
/*size_t i = 0;
for (;i<pastelen;i++)
HU_queueChatChar(paste[i]); // queue it so that it's actually sent. (this chat write thing is REALLY messy.)
return true;
else // otherwise, we need to shift everything and make space, etc etc
else // otherwise, we need to shift everything and make space, etc etc
size_t i = HU_MAXMSGLEN-1;
while (i >= c_input)
@ -1198,12 +1185,11 @@ boolean HU_Responder(event_t *ev)
if (!CHAT_MUTE && HU_keyInChatString(w_chat,c))
if (c == KEY_ENTER)
chat_on = false;
c_input = 0; // reset input cursor
chat_scrollmedown = true; // you hit enter, so you might wanna autoscroll to see what you just sent. :)
@ -1244,6 +1230,9 @@ boolean HU_Responder(event_t *ev)
else if (!CHAT_MUTE)
HU_keyInChatString(w_chat, c);
return true;