Make the laser thinker find the FOF itself instead of storing it in the thinker struct

This commit is contained in:
MascaraSnake 2020-05-02 10:03:16 +02:00
parent c1304e019d
commit 2a39265156
3 changed files with 57 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -1890,8 +1890,7 @@ static void SaveLaserThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type)
const laserthink_t *ht = (const void *)th;
WRITEUINT8(save_p, type);
WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector));
WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sec));
WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->tag);
WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveLine(ht->sourceline));
WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->nobosses);
@ -3001,16 +3000,10 @@ static thinker_t* LoadPusherThinker(actionf_p1 thinker)
static inline thinker_t* LoadLaserThinker(actionf_p1 thinker)
laserthink_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL);
ffloor_t *rover = NULL;
ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker;
ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p));
ht->sec = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p));
ht->tag = READINT16(save_p);
ht->sourceline = LoadLine(READUINT32(save_p));
ht->nobosses = READUINT8(save_p);
for (rover = ht->sector->ffloors; rover; rover = rover->next)
if (rover->secnum == (size_t)(ht->sec - sectors)
&& rover->master == ht->sourceline)
ht->ffloor = rover;
return &ht->thinker;

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@ -6136,92 +6136,83 @@ static inline void P_AddCameraScanner(sector_t *sourcesec, sector_t *actionsecto
elevator->distance = FixedInt(AngleFixed(angle));
/** Flashes a laser block.
* \param flash Thinker structure for this laser.
* \sa EV_AddLaserThinker
* \sa P_AddLaserThinker
* \author SSNTails <>
void T_LaserFlash(laserthink_t *flash)
msecnode_t *node;
mobj_t *thing;
sector_t *sourcesec;
ffloor_t *fflr = flash->ffloor;
sector_t *sector = flash->sector;
INT32 s;
ffloor_t *fflr;
sector_t *sector;
sector_t *sourcesec = flash->sourceline->frontsector;
fixed_t top, bottom;
if (!fflr || !(fflr->flags & FF_EXISTS))
if (leveltime & 2)
//fflr->flags |= FF_RENDERALL;
fflr->alpha = 0xB0;
//fflr->flags &= ~FF_RENDERALL;
fflr->alpha = 0x90;
sourcesec = fflr->master->frontsector; // Less to type!
top = (*fflr->t_slope) ? P_GetZAt(*fflr->t_slope, sector->soundorg.x, sector->soundorg.y)
: *fflr->topheight;
bottom = (*fflr->b_slope) ? P_GetZAt(*fflr->b_slope, sector->soundorg.x, sector->soundorg.y)
: *fflr->bottomheight;
sector->soundorg.z = (top + bottom)/2;
S_StartSound(&sector->soundorg, sfx_laser);
// Seek out objects to DESTROY! MUAHAHHAHAHAA!!!*cough*
for (node = sector->touching_thinglist; node && node->m_thing; node = node->m_thinglist_next)
for (s = -1; (s = P_FindSectorFromTag(flash->tag, s)) >= 0 ;)
thing = node->m_thing;
sector = &sectors[s];
for (fflr = sector->ffloors; fflr; fflr = fflr->next)
if (fflr->master != flash->sourceline)
if (flash->nobosses && thing->flags & MF_BOSS)
continue; // Don't hurt bosses
if (!(fflr->flags & FF_EXISTS))
// Don't endlessly kill egg guard shields (or anything else for that matter)
if (thing->health <= 0)
if (leveltime & 2)
//fflr->flags |= FF_RENDERALL;
fflr->alpha = 0xB0;
//fflr->flags &= ~FF_RENDERALL;
fflr->alpha = 0x90;
top = P_GetSpecialTopZ(thing, sourcesec, sector);
bottom = P_GetSpecialBottomZ(thing, sourcesec, sector);
top = (*fflr->t_slope) ? P_GetZAt(*fflr->t_slope, sector->soundorg.x, sector->soundorg.y) : *fflr->topheight;
bottom = (*fflr->b_slope) ? P_GetZAt(*fflr->b_slope, sector->soundorg.x, sector->soundorg.y) : *fflr->bottomheight;
sector->soundorg.z = (top + bottom)/2;
S_StartSound(&sector->soundorg, sfx_laser);
if (thing->z >= top
|| thing->z + thing->height <= bottom)
// Seek out objects to DESTROY! MUAHAHHAHAHAA!!!*cough*
for (node = sector->touching_thinglist; node && node->m_thing; node = node->m_thinglist_next)
thing = node->m_thing;
if (thing->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE)
P_DamageMobj(thing, NULL, NULL, 1, 0);
else if (thing->type == MT_EGGSHIELD)
P_KillMobj(thing, NULL, NULL, 0);
if (flash->nobosses && thing->flags & MF_BOSS)
continue; // Don't hurt bosses
// Don't endlessly kill egg guard shields (or anything else for that matter)
if (thing->health <= 0)
top = P_GetSpecialTopZ(thing, sourcesec, sector);
bottom = P_GetSpecialBottomZ(thing, sourcesec, sector);
if (thing->z >= top
|| thing->z + thing->height <= bottom)
if (thing->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE)
P_DamageMobj(thing, NULL, NULL, 1, 0);
else if (thing->type == MT_EGGSHIELD)
P_KillMobj(thing, NULL, NULL, 0);
/** Adds a laser thinker to a 3Dfloor.
* \param fflr 3Dfloor to turn into a laser block.
* \param sector Target sector.
* \param secthkiners Lists of thinkers sorted by sector. May be NULL.
* \sa T_LaserFlash
* \author SSNTails <>
static inline void EV_AddLaserThinker(sector_t *sec, sector_t *sec2, line_t *line, thinkerlist_t *secthinkers, boolean nobosses)
static inline void P_AddLaserThinker(INT16 tag, line_t *line, boolean nobosses)
laserthink_t *flash;
ffloor_t *fflr = P_AddFakeFloor(sec, sec2, line, laserflags, secthinkers);
if (!fflr)
flash = Z_Calloc(sizeof (*flash), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL);
laserthink_t *flash = Z_Calloc(sizeof (*flash), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL);
P_AddThinker(THINK_MAIN, &flash->thinker);
flash->thinker.function.acp1 = (actionf_p1)T_LaserFlash;
flash->ffloor = fflr;
flash->sector = sec; // For finding mobjs
flash->sec = sec2;
flash->tag = tag;
flash->sourceline = line;
flash->nobosses = nobosses;
@ -7030,11 +7021,8 @@ void P_SpawnSpecials(boolean fromnetsave)
case 258: // Laser block
sec = sides[*lines[i].sidenum].sector - sectors;
// No longer totally disrupts netgames
for (s = -1; (s = P_FindSectorFromTag(lines[i].tag, s)) >= 0 ;)
EV_AddLaserThinker(&sectors[s], &sectors[sec], lines + i, secthinkers, !!(lines[i].flags & ML_EFFECT1));
P_AddLaserThinker(lines[i].tag, lines + i, !!(lines[i].flags & ML_EFFECT1));
case 259: // Custom FOF

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@ -104,9 +104,7 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct
thinker_t thinker; ///< Thinker structure for laser.
ffloor_t *ffloor; ///< 3Dfloor that is a laser.
sector_t *sector; ///< Sector in which the effect takes place.
sector_t *sec;
INT16 tag;
line_t *sourceline;
UINT8 nobosses;
} laserthink_t;