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synced 2025-03-20 01:43:50 +00:00
Merge branch 'ogl-splitwall-midtexture-fixes' into 'next'
Fix HWR_SplitWall and sloped midtextures (resolves #188 and #195) Closes #195 and #188 See merge request STJr/SRB2!1781
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 275 additions and 297 deletions
@ -840,15 +840,10 @@ static float HWR_ClipViewSegment(INT32 x, polyvertex_t *v1, polyvertex_t *v2)
// HWR_SplitWall
// SoM: split up and light walls according to the lightlist.
// This may also include leaving out parts of the wall that can't be seen
static void HWR_SplitWall(sector_t *sector, FOutVector *wallVerts, INT32 texnum, FSurfaceInfo* Surf, INT32 cutflag, ffloor_t *pfloor, FBITFIELD polyflags)
/* SoM: split up and light walls according to the
lightlist. This may also include leaving out parts
of the wall that can't be seen */
float realtop, realbot, top, bot;
float pegt, pegb, pegmul;
float height = 0.0f, bheight = 0.0f;
@ -857,38 +852,51 @@ static void HWR_SplitWall(sector_t *sector, FOutVector *wallVerts, INT32 texnum,
float endpegt, endpegb, endpegmul;
float endheight = 0.0f, endbheight = 0.0f;
// compiler complains when P_GetSlopeZAt is used in FLOAT_TO_FIXED directly
// use this as a temp var to store P_GetSlopeZAt's return value each time
fixed_t temp;
float diff;
fixed_t v1x = FLOAT_TO_FIXED(wallVerts[0].x);
fixed_t v1y = FLOAT_TO_FIXED(wallVerts[0].z); // not a typo
fixed_t v2x = FLOAT_TO_FIXED(wallVerts[1].x);
fixed_t v2y = FLOAT_TO_FIXED(wallVerts[1].z); // not a typo
fixed_t v1x = FloatToFixed(wallVerts[0].x);
fixed_t v1y = FloatToFixed(wallVerts[0].z);
fixed_t v2x = FloatToFixed(wallVerts[1].x);
fixed_t v2y = FloatToFixed(wallVerts[1].z);
INT32 solid, i;
lightlist_t * list = sector->lightlist;
const UINT8 alpha = Surf->PolyColor.s.alpha;
FUINT lightnum = HWR_CalcWallLight(sector->lightlevel, v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y);
extracolormap_t *colormap = NULL;
realtop = top = wallVerts[3].y;
realbot = bot = wallVerts[0].y;
diff = top - bot;
pegt = wallVerts[3].t;
pegb = wallVerts[0].t;
pegmul = (pegb - pegt) / (top - bot);
// Lactozilla: If both heights of a side lay on the same position, then this wall is a triangle.
// To avoid division by zero, which would result in a NaN, we check if the vertical difference
// between the two vertices is not zero.
if (fpclassify(diff) == FP_ZERO)
pegmul = 0.0;
pegmul = (pegb - pegt) / diff;
endrealtop = endtop = wallVerts[2].y;
endrealbot = endbot = wallVerts[1].y;
diff = endtop - endbot;
endpegt = wallVerts[2].t;
endpegb = wallVerts[1].t;
endpegmul = (endpegb - endpegt) / (endtop - endbot);
for (i = 0; i < sector->numlights; i++)
if (fpclassify(diff) == FP_ZERO)
endpegmul = 0.0;
endpegmul = (endpegb - endpegt) / diff;
for (INT32 i = 0; i < sector->numlights; i++)
if (endtop < endrealbot && top < realbot)
lightlist_t *list = sector->lightlist;
if (!(list[i].flags & FOF_NOSHADE))
if (pfloor && (pfloor->fofflags & FOF_FOG))
@ -903,7 +911,7 @@ static void HWR_SplitWall(sector_t *sector, FOutVector *wallVerts, INT32 texnum,
solid = false;
boolean solid = false;
if ((sector->lightlist[i].flags & FOF_CUTSOLIDS) && !(cutflag & FOF_EXTRA))
solid = true;
@ -920,16 +928,12 @@ static void HWR_SplitWall(sector_t *sector, FOutVector *wallVerts, INT32 texnum,
solid = false;
temp = P_GetLightZAt(&list[i], v1x, v1y);
height = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(temp);
temp = P_GetLightZAt(&list[i], v2x, v2y);
endheight = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(temp);
height = FixedToFloat(P_GetLightZAt(&list[i], v1x, v1y));
endheight = FixedToFloat(P_GetLightZAt(&list[i], v2x, v2y));
if (solid)
temp = P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(list[i].caster, v1x, v1y);
bheight = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(temp);
temp = P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(list[i].caster, v2x, v2y);
endbheight = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(temp);
bheight = FixedToFloat(P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(list[i].caster, v1x, v1y));
endbheight = FixedToFloat(P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(list[i].caster, v2x, v2y));
if (endheight >= endtop && height >= top)
@ -942,10 +946,8 @@ static void HWR_SplitWall(sector_t *sector, FOutVector *wallVerts, INT32 texnum,
if (i + 1 < sector->numlights)
temp = P_GetLightZAt(&list[i+1], v1x, v1y);
bheight = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(temp);
temp = P_GetLightZAt(&list[i+1], v2x, v2y);
endbheight = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(temp);
bheight = FixedToFloat(P_GetLightZAt(&list[i+1], v1x, v1y));
endbheight = FixedToFloat(P_GetLightZAt(&list[i+1], v2x, v2y));
@ -953,19 +955,10 @@ static void HWR_SplitWall(sector_t *sector, FOutVector *wallVerts, INT32 texnum,
endbheight = endrealbot;
if (endbheight >= endtop && bheight >= top)
//Found a break;
bot = bheight;
if (bot < realbot)
bot = realbot;
endbot = endbheight;
if (endbot < endrealbot)
endbot = endrealbot;
// Found a break
// The heights are clamped to ensure the polygon doesn't cross itself.
bot = min(max(bheight, realbot), top);
endbot = min(max(endbheight, endrealbot), endtop);
Surf->PolyColor.s.alpha = alpha;
@ -1034,6 +1027,42 @@ static void HWR_DrawSkyWall(FOutVector *wallVerts, FSurfaceInfo *Surf)
// PF_Occlude is set in HWR_ProjectWall to draw into the depth buffer
// Returns true if the midtexture is visible, and false if... it isn't...
static boolean HWR_BlendMidtextureSurface(FSurfaceInfo *pSurf)
FUINT blendmode = PF_Masked;
pSurf->PolyColor.s.alpha = 0xFF;
if (!gl_curline->polyseg)
if (gl_linedef->blendmode && gl_linedef->blendmode != AST_FOG)
if (gl_linedef->alpha >= 0 && gl_linedef->alpha < FRACUNIT)
blendmode = HWR_SurfaceBlend(gl_linedef->blendmode, R_GetLinedefTransTable(gl_linedef->alpha), pSurf);
blendmode = HWR_GetBlendModeFlag(gl_linedef->blendmode);
else if (gl_linedef->alpha >= 0 && gl_linedef->alpha < FRACUNIT)
blendmode = HWR_TranstableToAlpha(R_GetLinedefTransTable(gl_linedef->alpha), pSurf);
else if (gl_curline->polyseg->translucency > 0)
// Polyobject translucency is done differently
if (gl_curline->polyseg->translucency >= NUMTRANSMAPS) // wall not drawn
return false;
blendmode = HWR_TranstableToAlpha(gl_curline->polyseg->translucency, pSurf);
if (blendmode != PF_Masked && pSurf->PolyColor.s.alpha == 0x00)
return false;
pSurf->PolyFlags = blendmode;
return true;
// HWR_ProcessSeg
// A portion or all of a wall segment will be drawn, from startfrac to endfrac,
@ -1052,16 +1081,9 @@ static void HWR_ProcessSeg(void) // Sort of like GLWall::Process in GZDoom
fixed_t worldhighslope = 0, worldlowslope = 0;
fixed_t v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y;
GLMapTexture_t *grTex = NULL;
float cliplow = 0.0f, cliphigh = 0.0f;
INT32 gl_midtexture;
fixed_t h, l; // 3D sides and 2s middle textures
fixed_t hS, lS;
FUINT lightnum = 0; // shut up compiler
extracolormap_t *colormap;
FSurfaceInfo Surf;
gl_sidedef = gl_curline->sidedef;
gl_linedef = gl_curline->linedef;
@ -1095,22 +1117,25 @@ static void HWR_ProcessSeg(void) // Sort of like GLWall::Process in GZDoom
wallVerts[2].z = wallVerts[1].z = ve.y;
// x offset the texture
fixed_t texturehpeg = gl_sidedef->textureoffset + gl_curline->offset;
cliplow = (float)texturehpeg;
cliphigh = (float)(texturehpeg + (gl_curline->flength*FRACUNIT));
fixed_t texturehpeg = gl_sidedef->textureoffset + gl_curline->offset;
float cliplow = (float)texturehpeg;
float cliphigh = (float)(texturehpeg + (gl_curline->flength*FRACUNIT));
lightnum = HWR_CalcWallLight(gl_frontsector->lightlevel, vs.x, vs.y, ve.x, ve.y);
colormap = gl_frontsector->extra_colormap;
FUINT lightnum = HWR_CalcWallLight(gl_frontsector->lightlevel, vs.x, vs.y, ve.x, ve.y);
extracolormap_t *colormap = gl_frontsector->extra_colormap;
if (gl_frontsector)
Surf.PolyColor.s.alpha = 255;
FSurfaceInfo Surf;
Surf.PolyColor.s.alpha = 255;
INT32 gl_midtexture = R_GetTextureNum(gl_sidedef->midtexture);
GLMapTexture_t *grTex = NULL;
// two sided line
if (gl_backsector)
INT32 gl_toptexture = 0, gl_bottomtexture = 0;
// two sided line
fixed_t texturevpeg;
boolean bothceilingssky = false; // turned on if both back and front ceilings are sky
boolean bothfloorssky = false; // likewise, but for floors
@ -1140,51 +1165,47 @@ static void HWR_ProcessSeg(void) // Sort of like GLWall::Process in GZDoom
// check TOP TEXTURE
if ((worldhighslope < worldtopslope || worldhigh < worldtop) && gl_toptexture)
if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGTOP)
texturevpeg = 0;
else if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_SKEWTD)
texturevpeg = worldhigh + textureheight[gl_toptexture] - worldtop;
texturevpeg = gl_backsector->ceilingheight + textureheight[gl_toptexture] - gl_frontsector->ceilingheight;
texturevpeg += gl_sidedef->rowoffset;
// This is so that it doesn't overflow and screw up the wall, it doesn't need to go higher than the texture's height anyway
texturevpeg %= textureheight[gl_toptexture];
grTex = HWR_GetTexture(gl_toptexture);
wallVerts[3].t = wallVerts[2].t = texturevpeg * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].t = wallVerts[1].t = (texturevpeg + gl_frontsector->ceilingheight - gl_backsector->ceilingheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].s = wallVerts[3].s = cliplow * grTex->scaleX;
wallVerts[2].s = wallVerts[1].s = cliphigh * grTex->scaleX;
// Adjust t value for sloped walls
if (!(gl_linedef->flags & ML_SKEWTD))
fixed_t texturevpegtop; // top
grTex = HWR_GetTexture(gl_toptexture);
if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGTOP)
texturevpegtop = 0;
else if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_SKEWTD)
texturevpegtop = worldhigh + textureheight[gl_sidedef->toptexture] - worldtop;
texturevpegtop = gl_backsector->ceilingheight + textureheight[gl_sidedef->toptexture] - gl_frontsector->ceilingheight;
texturevpegtop += gl_sidedef->rowoffset;
// This is so that it doesn't overflow and screw up the wall, it doesn't need to go higher than the texture's height anyway
texturevpegtop %= (textures[gl_toptexture]->height)<<FRACBITS;
wallVerts[3].t = wallVerts[2].t = texturevpegtop * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].t = wallVerts[1].t = (texturevpegtop + gl_frontsector->ceilingheight - gl_backsector->ceilingheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].s = wallVerts[3].s = cliplow * grTex->scaleX;
wallVerts[2].s = wallVerts[1].s = cliphigh * grTex->scaleX;
// Adjust t value for sloped walls
if (!(gl_linedef->flags & ML_SKEWTD))
// Unskewed
wallVerts[3].t -= (worldtop - gl_frontsector->ceilingheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[2].t -= (worldtopslope - gl_frontsector->ceilingheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].t -= (worldhigh - gl_backsector->ceilingheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[1].t -= (worldhighslope - gl_backsector->ceilingheight) * grTex->scaleY;
else if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGTOP)
// Skewed by top
wallVerts[0].t = (texturevpegtop + worldtop - worldhigh) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[1].t = (texturevpegtop + worldtopslope - worldhighslope) * grTex->scaleY;
// Skewed by bottom
wallVerts[0].t = wallVerts[1].t = (texturevpegtop + worldtop - worldhigh) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[3].t = wallVerts[0].t - (worldtop - worldhigh) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[2].t = wallVerts[1].t - (worldtopslope - worldhighslope) * grTex->scaleY;
// Unskewed
wallVerts[3].t -= (worldtop - gl_frontsector->ceilingheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[2].t -= (worldtopslope - gl_frontsector->ceilingheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].t -= (worldhigh - gl_backsector->ceilingheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[1].t -= (worldhighslope - gl_backsector->ceilingheight) * grTex->scaleY;
else if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGTOP)
// Skewed by top
wallVerts[0].t = (texturevpeg + worldtop - worldhigh) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[1].t = (texturevpeg + worldtopslope - worldhighslope) * grTex->scaleY;
// Skewed by bottom
wallVerts[0].t = wallVerts[1].t = (texturevpeg + worldtop - worldhigh) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[3].t = wallVerts[0].t - (worldtop - worldhigh) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[2].t = wallVerts[1].t - (worldtopslope - worldhighslope) * grTex->scaleY;
// set top/bottom coords
@ -1202,55 +1223,48 @@ static void HWR_ProcessSeg(void) // Sort of like GLWall::Process in GZDoom
if ((
worldlowslope > worldbottomslope ||
worldlow > worldbottom) && gl_bottomtexture) //only if VISIBLE!!!
if ((worldlowslope > worldbottomslope || worldlow > worldbottom) && gl_bottomtexture)
if (!(gl_linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM))
texturevpeg = 0;
else if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_SKEWTD)
texturevpeg = worldbottom - worldlow;
texturevpeg = gl_frontsector->floorheight - gl_backsector->floorheight;
texturevpeg += gl_sidedef->rowoffset;
// This is so that it doesn't overflow and screw up the wall, it doesn't need to go higher than the texture's height anyway
texturevpeg %= textureheight[gl_bottomtexture];
grTex = HWR_GetTexture(gl_bottomtexture);
wallVerts[3].t = wallVerts[2].t = texturevpeg * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].t = wallVerts[1].t = (texturevpeg + gl_backsector->floorheight - gl_frontsector->floorheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].s = wallVerts[3].s = cliplow * grTex->scaleX;
wallVerts[2].s = wallVerts[1].s = cliphigh * grTex->scaleX;
// Adjust t value for sloped walls
if (!(gl_linedef->flags & ML_SKEWTD))
fixed_t texturevpegbottom = 0; // bottom
grTex = HWR_GetTexture(gl_bottomtexture);
if (!(gl_linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM))
texturevpegbottom = 0;
else if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_SKEWTD)
texturevpegbottom = worldbottom - worldlow;
texturevpegbottom = gl_frontsector->floorheight - gl_backsector->floorheight;
texturevpegbottom += gl_sidedef->rowoffset;
// This is so that it doesn't overflow and screw up the wall, it doesn't need to go higher than the texture's height anyway
texturevpegbottom %= (textures[gl_bottomtexture]->height)<<FRACBITS;
wallVerts[3].t = wallVerts[2].t = texturevpegbottom * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].t = wallVerts[1].t = (texturevpegbottom + gl_backsector->floorheight - gl_frontsector->floorheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].s = wallVerts[3].s = cliplow * grTex->scaleX;
wallVerts[2].s = wallVerts[1].s = cliphigh * grTex->scaleX;
// Adjust t value for sloped walls
if (!(gl_linedef->flags & ML_SKEWTD))
// Unskewed
wallVerts[0].t -= (worldbottom - gl_frontsector->floorheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[1].t -= (worldbottomslope - gl_frontsector->floorheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[3].t -= (worldlow - gl_backsector->floorheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[2].t -= (worldlowslope - gl_backsector->floorheight) * grTex->scaleY;
else if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM)
// Skewed by bottom
wallVerts[0].t = wallVerts[1].t = (texturevpegbottom + worldlow - worldbottom) * grTex->scaleY;
//wallVerts[3].t = wallVerts[0].t - (worldlow - worldbottom) * grTex->scaleY; // no need, [3] is already this
wallVerts[2].t = wallVerts[1].t - (worldlowslope - worldbottomslope) * grTex->scaleY;
// Skewed by top
wallVerts[0].t = (texturevpegbottom + worldlow - worldbottom) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[1].t = (texturevpegbottom + worldlowslope - worldbottomslope) * grTex->scaleY;
// Unskewed
wallVerts[0].t -= (worldbottom - gl_frontsector->floorheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[1].t -= (worldbottomslope - gl_frontsector->floorheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[3].t -= (worldlow - gl_backsector->floorheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[2].t -= (worldlowslope - gl_backsector->floorheight) * grTex->scaleY;
else if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM)
// Skewed by bottom
wallVerts[0].t = wallVerts[1].t = (texturevpeg + worldlow - worldbottom) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[2].t = wallVerts[1].t - (worldlowslope - worldbottomslope) * grTex->scaleY;
// Skewed by top
wallVerts[0].t = (texturevpeg + worldlow - worldbottom) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[1].t = (texturevpeg + worldlowslope - worldbottomslope) * grTex->scaleY;
// set top/bottom coords
@ -1267,13 +1281,10 @@ static void HWR_ProcessSeg(void) // Sort of like GLWall::Process in GZDoom
HWR_ProjectWall(wallVerts, &Surf, PF_Masked, lightnum, colormap);
gl_midtexture = R_GetTextureNum(gl_sidedef->midtexture);
if (gl_midtexture)
// Render midtexture if there's one. Determine if it's visible first, though
if (gl_midtexture && HWR_BlendMidtextureSurface(&Surf))
FBITFIELD blendmode;
sector_t *front, *back;
fixed_t popentop, popenbottom, polytop, polybottom, lowcut, highcut;
fixed_t texturevpeg = 0;
INT32 repeats;
if (gl_linedef->frontsector->heightsec != -1)
@ -1302,57 +1313,77 @@ static void HWR_ProcessSeg(void) // Sort of like GLWall::Process in GZDoom
low = back->floorheight;
repeats = (high - low)/textureheight[gl_sidedef->midtexture];
if ((high-low)%textureheight[gl_sidedef->midtexture])
repeats = (high - low) / textureheight[gl_midtexture];
if ((high - low) % textureheight[gl_midtexture])
repeats++; // tile an extra time to fill the gap -- Monster Iestyn
repeats = 1;
// SoM: a little note: This code re-arranging will
// fix the bug in Nimrod map02. popentop and popenbottom
// SoM: a little note: popentop and popenbottom
// record the limits the texture can be displayed in.
// polytop and polybottom, are the ideal (i.e. unclipped)
// heights of the polygon, and h & l, are the final (clipped)
// poly coords.
fixed_t popentop, popenbottom, polytop, polybottom, lowcut, highcut;
fixed_t popentopslope, popenbottomslope, polytopslope, polybottomslope, lowcutslope, highcutslope;
// NOTE: With polyobjects, whenever you need to check the properties of the polyobject sector it belongs to,
// you must use the linedef's backsector to be correct
// From CB
if (gl_curline->polyseg)
popentop = back->ceilingheight;
popenbottom = back->floorheight;
popentop = popentopslope = back->ceilingheight;
popenbottom = popenbottomslope = back->floorheight;
popentop = min(worldtop, worldhigh);
popenbottom = max(worldbottom, worldlow);
popentopslope = min(worldtopslope, worldhighslope);
popenbottomslope = max(worldbottomslope, worldlowslope);
// Find the wall's coordinates
fixed_t midtexheight = textureheight[gl_midtexture] * repeats;
// Texture is not skewed
if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_NOSKEW)
// Peg it to the floor
if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_MIDPEG)
polybottom = max(front->floorheight, back->floorheight) + gl_sidedef->rowoffset;
polytop = polybottom + textureheight[gl_midtexture]*repeats;
polytop = polybottom + midtexheight;
// Peg it to the ceiling
polytop = min(front->ceilingheight, back->ceilingheight) + gl_sidedef->rowoffset;
polybottom = polytop - textureheight[gl_midtexture]*repeats;
polybottom = polytop - midtexheight;
// The right side's coordinates are the the same as the left side
polytopslope = polytop;
polybottomslope = polybottom;
// Skew the texture, but peg it to the floor
else if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_MIDPEG)
polybottom = popenbottom + gl_sidedef->rowoffset;
polytop = polybottom + textureheight[gl_midtexture]*repeats;
polytop = polybottom + midtexheight;
polybottomslope = popenbottomslope + gl_sidedef->rowoffset;
polytopslope = polybottomslope + midtexheight;
// Skew it according to the ceiling's slope
polytop = popentop + gl_sidedef->rowoffset;
polybottom = polytop - textureheight[gl_midtexture]*repeats;
polybottom = polytop - midtexheight;
polytopslope = popentopslope + gl_sidedef->rowoffset;
polybottomslope = polytopslope - midtexheight;
// CB
// NOTE: With polyobjects, whenever you need to check the properties of the polyobject sector it belongs to,
// you must use the linedef's backsector to be correct
@ -1360,105 +1391,59 @@ static void HWR_ProcessSeg(void) // Sort of like GLWall::Process in GZDoom
lowcut = polybottom;
highcut = polytop;
lowcutslope = polybottomslope;
highcutslope = polytopslope;
// The cut-off values of a linedef can always be constant, since every line has an absoulute front and or back sector
lowcut = popenbottom;
highcut = popentop;
lowcutslope = popenbottomslope;
highcutslope = popentopslope;
h = min(highcut, polytop);
l = max(polybottom, lowcut);
hS = min(highcutslope, polytopslope);
lS = max(polybottomslope, lowcutslope);
fixed_t texturevpegslope;
if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_MIDPEG)
if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_MIDPEG)
texturevpeg = textureheight[gl_sidedef->midtexture]*repeats - h + polybottom;
texturevpeg = polytop - h;
grTex = HWR_GetTexture(gl_midtexture);
wallVerts[3].t = wallVerts[2].t = texturevpeg * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].t = wallVerts[1].t = (h - l + texturevpeg) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].s = wallVerts[3].s = cliplow * grTex->scaleX;
wallVerts[2].s = wallVerts[1].s = cliphigh * grTex->scaleX;
texturevpeg = midtexheight - h + polybottom;
texturevpegslope = midtexheight - hS + polybottomslope;
texturevpeg = polytop - h;
texturevpegslope = polytopslope - hS;
grTex = HWR_GetTexture(gl_midtexture);
// Left side
wallVerts[3].t = texturevpeg * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].t = (h - l + texturevpeg) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].s = wallVerts[3].s = cliplow * grTex->scaleX;
// Right side
wallVerts[2].t = texturevpegslope * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[1].t = (hS - lS + texturevpegslope) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[2].s = wallVerts[1].s = cliphigh * grTex->scaleX;
// set top/bottom coords
// Take the texture peg into account, rather than changing the offsets past
// where the polygon might not be.
wallVerts[2].y = wallVerts[3].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(h);
wallVerts[0].y = wallVerts[1].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(l);
wallVerts[3].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(h);
wallVerts[0].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(l);
wallVerts[2].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(hS);
wallVerts[1].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(lS);
// Correct to account for slopes
fixed_t midtextureslant;
if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_NOSKEW)
midtextureslant = 0;
else if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_MIDPEG)
midtextureslant = worldlow < worldbottom
? worldbottomslope-worldbottom
: worldlowslope-worldlow;
midtextureslant = worldtop < worldhigh
? worldtopslope-worldtop
: worldhighslope-worldhigh;
polytop += midtextureslant;
polybottom += midtextureslant;
highcut += worldtop < worldhigh
? worldtopslope-worldtop
: worldhighslope-worldhigh;
lowcut += worldlow < worldbottom
? worldbottomslope-worldbottom
: worldlowslope-worldlow;
// Texture stuff
h = min(highcut, polytop);
l = max(polybottom, lowcut);
if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_MIDPEG)
texturevpeg = textureheight[gl_sidedef->midtexture]*repeats - h + polybottom;
texturevpeg = polytop - h;
wallVerts[2].t = texturevpeg * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[1].t = (h - l + texturevpeg) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[2].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(h);
wallVerts[1].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(l);
// set alpha for transparent walls
// ooops ! this do not work at all because render order we should render it in backtofront order
if (gl_linedef->blendmode && gl_linedef->blendmode != AST_FOG)
if (gl_linedef->alpha >= 0 && gl_linedef->alpha < FRACUNIT)
blendmode = HWR_SurfaceBlend(gl_linedef->blendmode, R_GetLinedefTransTable(gl_linedef->alpha), &Surf);
blendmode = HWR_GetBlendModeFlag(gl_linedef->blendmode);
else if (gl_linedef->alpha >= 0 && gl_linedef->alpha < FRACUNIT)
blendmode = HWR_TranstableToAlpha(R_GetLinedefTransTable(gl_linedef->alpha), &Surf);
blendmode = PF_Masked;
if (gl_curline->polyseg && gl_curline->polyseg->translucency > 0)
if (gl_curline->polyseg->translucency >= NUMTRANSMAPS) // wall not drawn
Surf.PolyColor.s.alpha = 0x00; // This shouldn't draw anything regardless of blendmode
blendmode = PF_Masked;
blendmode = HWR_TranstableToAlpha(gl_curline->polyseg->translucency, &Surf);
// TODO: Actually use the surface's flags so that I don't have to do this
FUINT blendmode = Surf.PolyFlags;
// Render midtextures on two-sided lines with a z-buffer offset.
// This will cause the midtexture appear on top, if a FOF overlaps with it.
@ -1481,66 +1466,60 @@ static void HWR_ProcessSeg(void) // Sort of like GLWall::Process in GZDoom
// No longer so much a mess as before!
if (!gl_curline->polyseg) // Don't do it for polyobjects
if (gl_frontsector->ceilingpic == skyflatnum)
if (gl_frontsector->ceilingpic == skyflatnum
&& gl_backsector->ceilingpic != skyflatnum) // don't cull if back sector is also sky
if (gl_backsector->ceilingpic != skyflatnum) // don't cull if back sector is also sky
wallVerts[2].y = wallVerts[3].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(INT32_MAX); // draw to top of map space
wallVerts[0].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(worldtop);
wallVerts[1].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(worldtopslope);
HWR_DrawSkyWall(wallVerts, &Surf);
wallVerts[2].y = wallVerts[3].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(INT32_MAX); // draw to top of map space
wallVerts[0].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(worldtop);
wallVerts[1].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(worldtopslope);
HWR_DrawSkyWall(wallVerts, &Surf);
if (gl_frontsector->floorpic == skyflatnum)
if (gl_frontsector->floorpic == skyflatnum
&& gl_backsector->floorpic != skyflatnum) // same thing here
if (gl_backsector->floorpic != skyflatnum) // don't cull if back sector is also sky
wallVerts[3].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(worldbottom);
wallVerts[2].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(worldbottomslope);
wallVerts[0].y = wallVerts[1].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(INT32_MIN); // draw to bottom of map space
HWR_DrawSkyWall(wallVerts, &Surf);
wallVerts[3].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(worldbottom);
wallVerts[2].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(worldbottomslope);
wallVerts[0].y = wallVerts[1].y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(INT32_MIN); // draw to bottom of map space
HWR_DrawSkyWall(wallVerts, &Surf);
// Single sided line... Deal only with the middletexture (if one exists)
gl_midtexture = R_GetTextureNum(gl_sidedef->midtexture);
if (gl_midtexture && gl_linedef->special != 41) // (Ignore horizon line for OGL)
if (gl_midtexture && gl_linedef->special != HORIZONSPECIAL) // (Ignore horizon line for OGL)
fixed_t texturevpeg;
texturevpeg = gl_frontsector->floorheight + textureheight[gl_sidedef->midtexture] - gl_frontsector->ceilingheight + gl_sidedef->rowoffset;
else if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM)
texturevpeg = worldbottom + textureheight[gl_sidedef->midtexture] - worldtop + gl_sidedef->rowoffset;
// top of texture at top
texturevpeg = gl_sidedef->rowoffset;
fixed_t texturevpeg;
grTex = HWR_GetTexture(gl_midtexture);
texturevpeg = gl_frontsector->floorheight + textureheight[gl_sidedef->midtexture] - gl_frontsector->ceilingheight + gl_sidedef->rowoffset;
else if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM)
texturevpeg = worldbottom + textureheight[gl_sidedef->midtexture] - worldtop + gl_sidedef->rowoffset;
// top of texture at top
texturevpeg = gl_sidedef->rowoffset;
wallVerts[3].t = wallVerts[2].t = texturevpeg * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].t = wallVerts[1].t = (texturevpeg + gl_frontsector->ceilingheight - gl_frontsector->floorheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].s = wallVerts[3].s = cliplow * grTex->scaleX;
wallVerts[2].s = wallVerts[1].s = cliphigh * grTex->scaleX;
grTex = HWR_GetTexture(gl_midtexture);
// Texture correction for slopes
if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_NOSKEW) {
wallVerts[3].t += (gl_frontsector->ceilingheight - worldtop) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[2].t += (gl_frontsector->ceilingheight - worldtopslope) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].t += (gl_frontsector->floorheight - worldbottom) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[1].t += (gl_frontsector->floorheight - worldbottomslope) * grTex->scaleY;
} else if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) {
wallVerts[3].t = wallVerts[0].t + (worldbottom-worldtop) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[2].t = wallVerts[1].t + (worldbottomslope-worldtopslope) * grTex->scaleY;
} else {
wallVerts[0].t = wallVerts[3].t - (worldbottom-worldtop) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[1].t = wallVerts[2].t - (worldbottomslope-worldtopslope) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[3].t = wallVerts[2].t = texturevpeg * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].t = wallVerts[1].t = (texturevpeg + gl_frontsector->ceilingheight - gl_frontsector->floorheight) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].s = wallVerts[3].s = cliplow * grTex->scaleX;
wallVerts[2].s = wallVerts[1].s = cliphigh * grTex->scaleX;
// Texture correction for slopes
if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_NOSKEW) {
wallVerts[3].t += (gl_frontsector->ceilingheight - worldtop) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[2].t += (gl_frontsector->ceilingheight - worldtopslope) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[0].t += (gl_frontsector->floorheight - worldbottom) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[1].t += (gl_frontsector->floorheight - worldbottomslope) * grTex->scaleY;
} else if (gl_linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) {
wallVerts[3].t = wallVerts[0].t + (worldbottom-worldtop) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[2].t = wallVerts[1].t + (worldbottomslope-worldtopslope) * grTex->scaleY;
} else {
wallVerts[0].t = wallVerts[3].t - (worldbottom-worldtop) * grTex->scaleY;
wallVerts[1].t = wallVerts[2].t - (worldbottomslope-worldtopslope) * grTex->scaleY;
//Set textures properly on single sided walls that are sloped
@ -1580,9 +1559,8 @@ static void HWR_ProcessSeg(void) // Sort of like GLWall::Process in GZDoom
//Hurdler: 3d-floors test
if (gl_frontsector && gl_backsector && !Tag_Compare(&gl_frontsector->tags, &gl_backsector->tags) && (gl_backsector->ffloors || gl_frontsector->ffloors))
if (gl_backsector && !Tag_Compare(&gl_frontsector->tags, &gl_backsector->tags) && (gl_backsector->ffloors || gl_frontsector->ffloors))
ffloor_t * rover;
fixed_t highcut = 0, lowcut = 0;
Reference in a new issue